f rt SPORTS ý; iMN tim, b, long hnenw efn 1cf ta'dEgrýee fhilarity mOarzted the en thedu ý] Ol i -gmescJý pc iiivel[e edged onfit ontoal oits byljnt invntd itheiDr own a prvetatthyWrteWinr.t O2yrlpîics , a oigthat any one contry i- hyicl ete î1tha ioit'em i iust plain uî Iely teGme r omplieti- îtins aiong j1'7(j l1 ndvdtlnot betWen cutre. oiecounltrie2s Tk1!s being Swe're glad iteUnitied tates wonthe mthica titie. Foi, ttedfernebetweleýn aRusanad- nAxex!nOr axil poiînts -ictory la that ïthe S'o-vie rpaad mcie al have xmade this ateedu pin-or oastiýng fthe dec-adence of the "meilsin onreas cmae ihthe 'arlt fStalin's eprAmeric£a vill merely oat t n- deîbygrea1t athietes an-id attaC h no loulrpolîtical igicae ta h utoe Sniperiorityv isrunnig î or jming, or tmwn rgt proves inothiug as'ndiatiiag on naonis m, -,orevilestogr thloan aother. if it did, then CzeCho-ýSlcovakîawoldourateal uohr5for, they sen-t 10to the Ga ies e -etest îathle'teof a1l Etoiil Zatopcký the mail-lho score-d the unbelieveaýbletriple. W suSgpeCt 1that' Rusiia went mi hGme s 10 îl]ý oprove whnit lthe, PCùopagïllanoa inl1es wn IAhel national upririyad the1y ahnoýt Iilid 1, We suspect- tOoothat ithe Soviet mklster-minÏtd wt e~oav~~afoveda Ms lve tcam 10 enter n1~ hyw 1oline<oaded, iest th caue f ofecvsmbseýt lback by defesits üon atblelic fieilds TliýAt's the ca-o-there eelpdthat çh'il(dish taae a s 3-e-an1gem]-ent of thJ1C ýioring values, 1o convinice the foltes at, home sf"that :Rn1s0ia really WOB, 'but was robbed by d the ,miay- &nk-'oras of Wa11l'Street, LiEt'sfarget any n'aiani ignfcneor racial ýsuperiariýty that paoints-victor y in it gamnes might bie taken ta pýrove, Our ow.nrâCinada didn't get many points ini the Olyipics, butl we hapO t thi»k, even sG, that Canada is, a very swl»Cou-litry 'en whlýCh we prefer ta .Gl'in rfrneta ail Otlers3, evn f ve neyetïr scorle anotlier OlYmpIie triu-mph. Your cenbsad ugsin or tbis oIumn will be comc by Eimer Fergusoro, /Q Ca4ls-esee ave, 431YOne &se, TCroffta, Ca[v StDTSIL E R S LJÈM IT ED today thse naineusof Ns-dHlïan- mean 'IeY lutIleTbs- know, pos- sibly, hat b'w uî qulile a figure lin nmre sort of wabersportMiantIl-a inansPoint-J au[nbar off tbe Po, r oST()oonto, d-s-ypopulaited lasmmericby sunbnrn-ss-ei in about i(JJ. Btth- re wxas a lime vwbcn N-d Hainan ws a biggesratin 6 glrc throtgbout Canada tbon "Rocks-t" Ri-adi', odýly in ot, n;at Ib l aton w-cao n' ell rýc.Jl large lîthograpte of UTNeBoy in Bls"on ils vwalls was cniee la ho as poorfy furnished as ons- witboto spitton--n emsanj, Of cours, cupi dors- -on the floor, or Fr»orn lime 10 timie tIh not(-d ,P(cxiricaln anor Samuitel Hlopteins Adans ias bs-en doing Soin-le -in ilngrsgadig e i-Staîs- ofS Ns-wv Yack, partictlarly in andI abouitRo ehs-st-r hanteiln bbe i870%s andI there- aýbots, and ciflticA ugosit 23 ed il of TDie New Y -ocre b [as zýa ost iersigarticle aoucne -Asa T Soewhlo pe(ddaptn mledicine c clled H1-op ittera it considecrabl S!Icces-itt bad an, ai- CMooincommlene tobn Whisy alough thle foîts woswore nby il didn-'t koàta-adaso (dob- bledcin usportsprmto, nd spýorts, promnotion intoshacn Imeý1ýs usb ave been Ho0 gaime for aý nerlvous Manl, TIlere, ýis3o sport wbfInh i ýs nt containats-cd and, -in gnmbingfraemniy, sqarecon- edfiste wVay that onc ohse be artice wus de part deling wi the amou scnfing raceshewn Chlarles E C-ourtney of Union ,Spr.,ings, îýnw Yor, and Edwnvvrd H-anilan îoSf rnt, illed a2s for, "thie naposî Stew d whlich ot maclanimed. The fol- lowing quotes sol give you an ida of hýow itrsigthe article wiilI prove 0 anyons- who liessm1 bPar or rcead aboýut sportS of a bygons- s-a. "Cou-tey--as a yothfuii carpenj- ber wvihbomt rongexeicba built blis own bo-at, ntre ram- gata at Cayuga Lake, and ouldis- tainned a large, fis-ld of professionials, Ihrafe is cars-sr wns cekr Qc, net o 10aY soie At bis bs-st hec waIs haa ;ai il limtes unlrelinhle. Onlce, mt hefors- a race, s-mle miscreanjt is spoc~ohv p-oîsonlcd bIis cd Ica, surs-ly an un- usuial bs-vs-mage for an athîs-te 10 ini- dng-in al suIch r mjiomlent. Alobhier lime, a subms-rg-d vwire recks-d him in id (Icourse without l-vn any mark onbs heo Notwiîstandig heN'as the idol cf blis nubye. Halan, sxy-ars yongs-r, 'as sîmpljy antd sols-ly a first class work- man aI nis caling. VWitbhbisclm sy, buminpy and doggs-d sIrotesSo diffrefnt from oîrtcys smoofb stylehe had vnusÇdopponent afler opponent obth sides of the AtlanIi . Hiconeumeeting ivit -Curtn-y ad resulfed in in tory, but ihle beaten mnsbcsr eorntýiaî,Icali isidered te let run- satisfacbomy aujIncnlsve oo picabed as St was by a ns-ar fou. imH.Vaniderbilt auld James Gor- doni B-noslcami omad-ihan offer oS, a six tbousand( dolladr purse, wihwas agres-abIs- la Ibe lwov raarsis-n, But Ithe financiers Sel i ouI over corne detai-and wilbdmsw bei One At ATmeWhngn second baseman Floyd Baker throws ta first, atmpgci double play, after forcing out the sliding Johnny Mize cif the Newv York Yankees. The play camne in the third inning of the goime at the Yankee Stadiumn-, but the throw wavsîfao l'ale ta, get the botter, GIl McDougold "Enter Asa '1. Soule b fA1 the vacuunm-be and lis Ilop itters Comniliy votildjput np the stakes, Me Stummnoned thi ivais anideit bacteers to a a me ing: the Bract- m. Houise linRochestber, -theatsr math of wbiCh waXtS za0powfuL stench. The sessionis £were private --but c een o0ithe Dem-ocr-at anI( Chronicle dete.cted 's"ol-îe very curionis seaign'Williami Blaikýie, ka former HradsIrokcs, ivas agreed uonas mtreec. i was the 0on!Y repuitabion which surl- AS îbbC day of the race aPprcl- Chaitaquabecame Ie Sporlring cenitre of the Uniibed ItSates. Gamlb- lers and lsharpers from al Parts of the- counbtry converged on it.My vilthe prinicipaltwnns-r lîe course cor, t1e raceswmre wt nndmwol eies-. -Looss- fs-maIes flauni!td exotic finery on hous-I crandahs.Room and board rose soinfIve doliars a week to twelve dollars a day.A local Preýs- byterian cegmncried from iei pulpit, 'The scvsn plagutes of Egyplt swarm about ius, and 110%'s fui risys are focuissed upon ou!i unhappy vil- lage' varabl-. iIld mumlors kepî the oddsid . Hýanilan wa eportedby the AssociatedPessto Ibe, se out o1 condition llthatbewoldnot beý abus- to row befo)re sprinig Comîntiey --slffered frlom aý,gus- and so;e bads TUWO dayt-s befome the rýace, anw unidnîiied anwo maïy or may nlot hlave had f"ins'ide information, waý-ved a 'hundmed Ollrbill from-i the stepsofIhe iMayv'ls-posb offce and offemd to ay it against tweaîy thal Courtney would fot core ito the scratch. ThemlCe wCes- n akr WVe haven' the lime or the sp'ee to quote mlore rcgarding the fas- cinatng peiimnaris,. ook up Ithe artcle yonrelf, or en"the boo., is pubiseddo't miss il. Btas to the raceisef about Muhihthue was ail thalt baiyh0, here'S 1hoW Mr, Adamis describes it. rBoth coniestants ote thf wai e thie stnr;t, tefAlic a zsprted absa,loinlg with fbiscuomy sm-ïoothnless and ;kiIl. Thie Canadian quiiIceedbis lumpy stroke, and crept up- foot by foot. Teepn 10 'quote al postic reporter,'orte witdlike za tende'flower in Ohec hn.rsi lasLt of winter' Thimail-ïgi- rinary heaýýdache was ti1l with him.j wAnkiesylutor Yeors1h-bu erald O0l1iwss recommiealdd<seS oseballe w, ail 1 needed, cfox or ta moniba lias scerned1 perfceily weu. TPr is 1'n, 5ailes s isell so nhOvesî Cainadla as MOON' RMliRALD OIL, i.%sueb ha ce,tabshl beaing âgelit tit iEcrcma, Bsrýbcr's lil, Ssii Ru, licbipg TDcs sndiFeci-linny af li0sïaibbsohomcases af lues- standingn, bavoe yiclded ta ,ils influence. MOONE's EMER- ALl'0 IL ih oblalable %tiei reverwtqos ae sl TQBAICCO ELIMINATOR Trailing hs oars, be bronght oI a bandkcercief and laveil bis fevered brow WAub te Cool Wers of Itle Poitomiac, The nexît thinig bis br- fuiriats-d lactes-ms knsw, he had tumni- edt a',righb anýgles and aveedofff the course, Hamlan was declars- the minne( and went on 1ebs-courne the udispuîed champion of the, So Pmun fr diret quotes fmr TheNW okecrte a nd,1e as thî odC ie race ' sed la say, "jueýt one miore 'word and -well he> donc" Mr.A 2dan's laer remartes thiat professiona'i rowing bad sui1feïr- eýd a bloxv fromt ýhicb il s-erre- covered. Perso)nally, wve cainnol saky that w- re greatly suprised. Thial bit about Comrtny uzltig Cie a tedrflower was enongh 10 ki% any sport. stip ,wu wouldn'thave minded bs-ig there in and around Chùtuqat1hosei days somne 7.3 years ago. S,-onnds ik-rote or Bot-iltmst have beeî fairlyin- leresing. Esps-ily aound thass- bobel veranda-hs! THIN )RATIONS b bisearly bantorti1ing edays, y0e E. Lewis stopped once at a boamdîng bouse those prOPtress noufld mae apounid ) oS food go hifurhe lia ay other landlady ut b1istory. hepouced a platter of Cold ct n Sundny thal wers- actuallytrnpaen."Didyou ct tse"asked Lewis ;poite1vlit - icaliný,g the ses, "I dlid," said the lanidlad1y. Oa, said Lewis. "'Then lIl deal. CUZIM1G CA"RD AG, K7S CrS oxs Smle n proaoona -DAY ad cih. tre cik, w u for-three, fu n v ees 0 Srell brnller hich, ider pulets TV1DTP NOT,*-cH11CHIO SLES DA aduhi-, started ich, imeus (0hree les id. TurkDestn ire four, C a opsx1eï~s d C ,,ansel o, VerguDe Ontarlo ieifortb ,4,eao rugeo- Dralne- DAESAE woc ILS,, Wi, REASE , -'liRES ,, Pets enS vertîisiîe. Eetlyaos S5,500 Jrs, MilleC aefsS, bS GiSer, Wrte Wrc reaead imtS AT-orv7ontoroi' 391 Tans-AS, Toroa. ýal poF0119 SA5, sixtm n e nth"J'ý,oe aS a amesprcs LIVEfoi t qui9ErMAr k 4iMALSïýt Wst or.dry, W le. bOsh, ed:40elie stick. Pote.HahyHabrlsWi. LOTSINw M 22, 22-00 ae, No bala-nel f'Co hi hanîfl celýorJýne ope A ,ïe.rt fieplee, gassD la vHrile,- drileS wil. Grden ies1 rlndecaeAhm e;wl epodt own. le t o 0hgha ysv CH.o 1-21131 Max1130 Boots, $4l5., Seetiogand Builings, Sbawý- li'rane aS mfieel osrutIn. estjuent.l Complets aad Modem "f', ',îped for Pultry or Ba,.'" o Bal1 las-..W( t Contct, ¶tarh an EreineReatacs5. Now, you car, owýý a Georgpe Wlhite Forage Ha-avetter with Corn Atachmenit, powýerùgd \with a rug- ged, Wicoa legine for a: littie as$175 Taio nta maufacltur- iag coamne re~oIiagtram the Iacrasedcie, 'for these slurdy, depeaabte nm4gsrral -savir)gs Geor~e Witepassýes an ta yoos, Ai such an attractiverce, thse teerge W ýhïte Forage Harvester wNith Corn Attacliment icaves cam peiinfar b1ehind. Check ail ils. eaueespecially ils big capa- ciy, ease in haadlig tai!, short, weedy or dowa coma, big feed ihroai' and Ihe Ilve feed aproni which feeds posifively. A!so avail- able with Hlay Alt(iacmnt. For re incîrformation, write fpr I'he FREE George Whïte bookici-, Tise Cesadian-Buit Forage Hirvester. Or ask vyur denier,ý GEORGE WHITE IGeorge WIuite G& Sons Co. Unfted I àSONS CO. jLondon, Otatario LIMITED Mý fdcmof WieCahadiah-Siil Forage Maryéter wif h Corn Ate 4unsd Wisconsi. ESagine I LONDN, ~NAD ~.................................I --- -- -- - - - - ----i More users nsnmr oaesat foem anfctrv!c Nowî you can1t afford ta he wîthout aGEOIRGE WHITE FORAGE IIARVESTER vwith GORN ATTACH MENT MSZUST SEL TICOSEESTATOO $100fori ls 10acefarm, >no ba!iinEs Houýe se eld bric k, 10(jorne, cente bI, creeltilarge hjp rotf barn, garden . pi.ü aemshd 3 crsu xenus,30es. rich sand l dm iabefotccis s-mies aL vA, $ ils aKN.3Ras stream. gond fbrn.exl iie lings. J. , gl.LUnN e31 ERRfl1-29311AaA) lit Thats linehat 'the uew homeslooe lk Lovlyfixurs or" tathne &as ohit, same -.Sparl fyou enjoy l yumh0 Eoad Whe youvist the C.Ntle ), tale tie st tasesus or lx-oesdtt nies home.ni We dlvr o s n' seets V0QJls dOatls$0 11sf. Tour DmTauaselle CReSS.Mv V0sLE of ture oulIe.M5 tan, Ifie ou- and wcepwcek ol. oad Beaste4 Bronze. SenS forinspecain prtcelt, TW PL HOX GEI ES IEWTD. 9Mcergu ri -nr iismhontr BAIS EeHaseso n . Maloeyexta mney Toae Invîted aated te al grue, e rssesdaty B>~n i. Nro Ans-u Club wvf Don.Blae, Sy erétig L ,o Amulng aalmated oneafb e ma H.W 4Brt,40 onbroug Avnus ro's rug tore, 335 l g e2nl, i Wa $.2 ex ress rep aic71ri. ee. V * ,, FIMINr, eX *t One Qoman st.Elle anotier Tahe uoerteo "j'MINX" avhlealevatr inGlaa" ese n nerou tnio aaoltelwt ,"ýsnthlyperlod,k Irna19 iuudeN S. IfAt TOBONTOh,, AS AýSTIW,4MA belp ynoHadeaof thouakc. 0f OtB baebensoSonamas'bal sr 3w lt eyoureelf ýýta try sthrnael, 13s 88wur Hruggit. .. i .7 N '7 N N N .7 N .7 N N N N 'I N '0 N .7 '7 .7 .7 Nu -N -'7 's 'N N t, '.7 '7 -.7 N .5 '0 '7 '7 '7 N N N .7 'i N N N N N N N N s N N N N 'N N N