TO GIVE YOUR FAMILY Extra Vitamins and Iron! Scence lias found a way to add back into white flour vital whoe-wheat nuitrienliits lost in mie niilling process. Now, in delicioUs MGL~E~ce White Broed, you get a supplement of the B Vitamins -Thiamine,. Niaecin, and Riboflavin, plus -IAon! It's tasty as ever. . .- and better f'or you than ever! Don't lose a sigle day putting this fliner, more nuibiçwhîte bread on your table. Order M~isE'riched Wh',ite Bread todayl. McGILLUS BAKERY Formerly Dean's Bikkery .PHONE tOrZ IORONO, C itt e eded Nfo lk la responr e (xpected- to decic ýr. sCo isible for or-ganiz- talthe Quýeel iSi le whether Pin-ce OF' CLARKE nty Fiday, Of the world, her mý.ethodaç are as childish as ber original wistaàke. Let the spies be soug-ht out and punished, C urtI.à RII VISII but don't let the policy makers be P Jabeled spies just hecause in the~ will be heldi at the Township al1 couse f te yers he olices aveat Orono course o h easte.liishv February 17, 19 and 24, 1953 at the chaned.hours of 10:30 a.andi 2:00 ,p.rn. to __________hear and determine the several comn- plaints against the assessments ofT KirbyW. A_ W.M.S.EleeîonSthe Township of Clarke for the year T H. E. MILLSON, Clerk. A joint meetinig was held Wednes- daiy afternoon of the W.M.S. andW.A. at the Kirby Church for the instal- lation of officers. Rev. John Kitchen installed t#he foillowing officel-s: W'. M. .-President, Mrs. E. BrsnltVice Pres.. Mmý. W. Alun; 21nd Vice Prea., Mr.s. W. Ruthierford; Recording Secretaryv,Ms W. Wan- 1lani; Trýeasur-iier, Mrs. W.Ruhro; Stewarýdship Sceay Mrs. R., Mrs. H. Lowery; OgnsMrs. il. Prea Sc.,Mrs W.Wanaa;Audi- tor MsE. untiiSppySec., ra .A.Red eorigSc., Mrs.- S. Chapmani; Sec,,Mrs.W. Wnnan Finncia H. ~ ~ R oer;OgnsMsR.Chap- ODSOBLEFO 1 3is cmltl e imn; AssfnMrs. Il. Lowery; noand nd 1feature'S many mcaia d Floral CrsMrS. JsLowervy, JMrs. sreteClsi 9"and Super"8"of F. ~ ~ ~ ~ fis rha;VitigCr.Ms.An- solid -and totoecuo,~rcmiainF ie Pattersonn 'rs Perrin, Mesý. J. wretwa r and aLift-pdddinstru Cowan,; P;a1'So11age Cmrn., Me-fs, Wm. Directional signai-,s are stanïdard equLipiurenIto WaaanMrs S.Chpma; Scia Iase"ý power brakes, for faster, safer stops; 1 Activities, Ms.C.HMs. K. d1immer; and Hlydra-M\,atic Supe rv.5 H1endcerson, Mes. W. Cochranle. e rvý h ~The half-way n thie series of Ci lail, The interest anc7 P es icii, ' a lmr pwefr 'e tl of seven bqdyt styles îjr umilent paýne,7arie optonsut xtr on a11 modls. Bot seioferl 1-ower steering; ,:the Aut rie ye ïonihere la the OhLmobile $upexu Febrluary Fm Il IRE :rior 'These are ail new models to be delivered in crates, not floor models, not scratched or damaged Quarantee delivery, as long as stock lasts Wood yard Bowrranville Appliancus' THIAMINE promotes growth, maiotains appetite, assis normal digestion, and aids grac~th, and help keep the ski, eyes, andl other body tiaýsues healthy. MRON helpa bud the red blood celsa saI Standard Model SR - 60C Provides a genlerqMs 6 eu. f t. of food storage space lai a wonderfully compact cabinet. The Super-Freezer compartment holds almost 16 pounds of frozen foods and the snugly covered Hydrator has roomn for a large supply of fruits and vegetables. Qther features include: handy Cold-Storage Tray under the freezer, sturdy bar-type Lshelves plated to resist rust, accurate Food Safety Imdi- çator, and Quickuibe Ice Trays. Exterior finished in gleamiiîg Durable Duluyç. Nodiw $239,5 ( i à 86c ter REFRIGERATI