A ?et Who Was Alay iLove. i that fobert BonsScotlan's nabte;nalbrdbegan toewcepese wvere dsicyamru.Even at with a tirmhan'd child cefur She ac hefirst 0cf alonig Lune more aysurs0t Burs' poiÜl aiffai-rs ws ihîMary Campbell. daglte o aDnuenil r. e feU deeply lulove witb ber and tbey exchanged Bibles as tokens cftheir vcws ý teOmaiaitb-fui te eoue anthe FlTey becameo enaed nd Mr went awayý tthe Wesilt îblnds te preparei for Ohe undding, but while there she e ,-1i and cld ie d Burus an bis broýther Glbert Mcsgel -ý-ý, u M auchle Thre Bun oposed rhymes-, about f arnimasand wicked tani- zas mcxgat teuihoru preachers., It uas thme bto, that tce crw ingrmance of h lîife ram tehlm 1e met .and fuimn " loîve wiïtb Jean iAr-iouii-àntbe aprngcf178U. She wa the: ing n Muchiuean upr(îght, re- liglos ma, ith a very awrrcw mmea,-, s uecf ýthie -loCal- beutes Iad we b.1ave it on but Ot hisdd net prevent hlm fallingdepl u o i t J eu, At firat ean id nef, returu hi lave. Thswsperha-ps vfy Burujs th4 perso*n cf a pretty Servant gir ae lzbt Pateon, wbo live luthe illge.The bith' cf anIllegitimafe.e bild brougit abou a ublCcoidermnin c f, the cuugpeet 3b-y themnstr cf the Churcli 11ericue then, using tne Sharpezst weapcns cf !bis geýnîuS te dI o se Fier pemasuc a~'rTe Hot ir," "The...d.. ticn, oj10y Wilie' Pryer'~ ndother bit- b.* eas'y' tc,ýe gtl mosi ports et thýe wolbuti fi Seoulý, Korea boy had tea hop ie hole 511 the thlc ic cftheHan River teu get isTer i s 0. eritical watersuppl prLbem bthis war-orn ity netthe bitter w;in- BY DOROTHY MADDOX AIlLE. cttnwoi, corn chips, to auLo.dsme ami ndi C gauiaus w01nvin, that' t exs we ca'. FronFort Wrh eSaAn;onofrmeaýito ewest n l ea we ate chili an-d nibiled on geIid,ýeor1cipiS k) oureart'scontent. ïn DlaNeIl Mri, rcOrcfFrite opii' esac kithens, gave U5 lessensin bwte uýse ceýrn cistebrighten up Ord ay dishw.Yo on hvete)linluthe bospitable LoeeStarî StAte " e e eunusual dis«.es-,te ycurfamly and frJdends. AiA." ysu need h some f0t e knw-wo Nei Mrris gvts er the we mdiu el pet ce, i teaspoon sa , i » wi iack peperi ei elon<chpped),2 up 0'oe goud ep)ef, J can ...... endnse cram flihemudcen up dilteM t hW eu wnter), icupar wlhty rushd Pcirn his ereUd af 1ýnIi, er crushi) ½capnrd Americanncheese sprinkledwitlT sai sudupeppr.tNextt layertoVcu-ppad eien. %ei f v e' ad ourov r hebeevgrinkie cLect;rh chipsttdochees 'E _.». <Chüpped), l% cups gae ces,2 cupa cernhips. ýnd qulen Pcr uceeeri Maeaiwite sace1f te buror margare,01eMrand mýÀIk.Sprinki'e It e tp w ii hermats Add 1 =p cheese teIVhij te sauceand str untl y-Clted. Awd4soup rncdeâte ovn (50 dereet F peu and hardl1y tenedt enhauce, his reputtien luintbe eysof Jeýani ArmOulr'ç fthe InT fch r bade ber ee esekt uu again. B7ut thîs dcttrsip d pre- ciaey the opposite effect mi tie gil ýte wnfwasiundd Thîe tw - leers wenttrog thir ,own rinfmargewi- ingdwutateyealyoc eaýcb othterasnan and wfe u tbney cdid",net dare te procýlim if. aud shewet t br ter and cnssdte hlým. HU txrwhe maraelines they adwrte TbpeneghbbeurhLod baddthe peet as a villalu nd an outcat, auid unde'tr cursitu escto lie doitermoIn.ed te emigrate te Jaacbut bo oe lecould doj se he irs veumeof bis poemaý appeared in Edînburgb. Thywer-e an isatsuc-eas. lie camie back te Jean aNd auud tMat ber father bad relent- ed. Theyweresnariin April, 178.She wanuidea ie, but mC hefudtht implyceuld nef escae th atentins f etherý womeu who wished te llen'îs hlm,11ecentanly apsed Jinfe flirafios, bt freugb -1therî ail Jean seem,,Y ste bave bern)e wifh hlm devefe-dly andudesn- ingly. 3u1795 is onjydugtra that tufne by Jean iCceand the bhjw weakeýned hmir. 11e waa str-i(eken with rbcleum-rai o er uthe f ioigSprinig, and efr ho wa ully recôvercd lheweeut, caught a ebjil, and died atithe Ou Jufly 26tb, 17M. ve o tbous"andpepe llwd h WrOte About reck W! AiNbu aLbeonus wiAS a roar, fsnôrlhern clfaroSef oser three fhousand feet abeve,- us and fiaed ou at Mhe base fermjîing Parough npihet r WPe ild indefrontrewSeatsý fer oa beautifufl spect.acle A bocf goats ëd'rcppod cff île ounain.T frat saw thon, wbntholy were fitenhndo fetor more bveu, hs gasare difereutfreinours .PIainilorse Sense.; hyBO ELIS _____J_ The ay hina lok af tho fitne these wvrd, are writeu, we wll il ave "rznDes- sr" te top 4off cur Easter iner "-Frozen Dssrt"laa SLl ýtat loch lik ic cren, astes like ic crlanbut lu the eye eftheý laîs net ice eanbecause it .cnt zcoufaiýn cre-aint, Instead et uforftvege--tab!e oeus areý use cd. 1If la nmade luintare iglit anytino. Someprvncs ae ane tbiios f ar u Onariean Last ya tOntarie Legýilaturo- passed tihe Edibie 0R1 Producta: Actwhcvas tuever polîo Ncw tho Mi niste et Ariulur wats teamend this acf hc îan'feven luhore 'go vorunout power (a)tba edie ilp rodu;ý1c t'(b e x emtciprodlucts frei flicban. gaineet ïban and exemptionTAe Anothe, CUnilNeded? Docter, law rs, ankters, manfaturraand even labeur- shcp, 0cOumti, Wli cnces an fart prcducing lk and Nottaf we wnecag f atter aainan ila eiy roaly Lbm. T his asà sa bord (jf sV erah dredgen s.Behud hon war fhe borde resed u fiwing robeo and a diark kfieh 1e b fwe doawitiIhihm, TChe goals camreeoft Sanne osti i-n Cdouble fýile. They wr pedetseveral blak sreaersdown ,the lime- stene siopes cf Sau-nine. B-ilh Wesf furued t te me au i said, Do yo rqntmber hat Soleir-n sadaotbsay" bahm? I cenfesei T idntreal "'Thy v ai la as a fioch c oas' Thlat lafrom flIeSong cf day anebach te ,me, Ireo1 freo on bisovin land and freovwe Baut îten be.a whese leaiders can Espea.h ýfor the farmr wtbou fiat oohing around Ie see whetbeî there la semebody te back thein ,, 0 Tr-iuwe ave fuhe FedýnrAtiOn- et Agiutr.Btis 1 itýJving tefarinlera î1le leaàdership<fo xecAndi are ,the leaders ùcf the Federation gefting the back.- iug frejý i fb rauk and file,whc they uedte do ?a geed b Wha)t do ynoI think, nihor 1051 te $!8,307 11mli-llion lu1O52; wagesr salaries and supplement- ary labur -,i, nemegaîued ahncst 12,climobing frein$9,32 il- lionilu 19,151 îte gio,as milini Bueaof Statistis "Accrued nef(c oncme f farn ep rat r trin farin production delined by 1255 iloninlut95,na rapof 12% fre fite reccord oe]efblse lu 195." seo abeur laeste ieo1k affer tiraffairs>,AWlaitdoyou tbiuik? Tise writer oft tiis cohiiin n 'il be pleaaed toj hear- from farnyirs, oýr othoers interested ln farmi- probiemas, ut assy urne. Criti- clamasgges iofr subjeets te be deaif with, knoeks or booss - ail ' will be welcaeoWIst Ad- dres Bob Ellis, Bo)x 1, 123 Eigisi- eesth St. Nwec Toronte, Ont, ever fafepesin.air lh fieck et goats? If mnust be some, But o I nw ît1ooo complneute bis ady.Th ppethad doubieas seen! sihts niig, asbsephierds breug-it ther geaits oflircestolle adbs the Valle-ys, The sigb,-t tas indeedl rippliug streamrers ocf baîr ew descripion cfbeaifl a ir Frm"Strauge Landsamadie- ler lie ha iips ini a crraC) moe, but I 1~ iu t h e f'eus thlat weighs'Lie et brst' s place lu che Sinon wbl s. sivepefm jesus. 1The',-,' bose ndeod, tbreugbouf ti( uot at, rauc Supper Wi-ý al wVOrcless Thieves -b.i apartment -a uinauisredd YOU CAN'I Bai rBUït Ne iýtSUl LAMWicO ICD PMuCHL SYOU Uip N s 's N 4.' -s .,fr -s, s s, N N N ad ne four Oaa-. ~1 Corn Chips