b.y, Ajprn oidi J.0L be held in St. Sa- mory o u rough, who 1951. niothem, e. the world For al Shie If Ial To ered by missýed and lovinglly Family. remem- a-p DEATHI POWER, Ms Edward J.-At ber reiec,8.3CenItre Street, Oshaw'a oni Ttesdayý, IMarch 17h. JmimaJanýe Jmsbel ov ed wvife of the late Ed- ward J. Powver, dear milother of, Maud HaoldMere11d iaeOsh- aw,- G or'don 'of 0O0ono,derga- mohe f Catheie :and Jams. Te fuerl ill be held( fromi Luke Mclnoshfunralhomje on Fridny, e d aivthe H. Bnrlow F1u1era . 1ome uThe undy ornngMoch lShin- thence tI fo he lteresden Ceat Lt lot, Cocesson 7, C larie Twshp. oneîvieat iorby nited hChu-ich on - Monda, M(ýach 16thon riat 2:80 p.m Inteirnet 1:rojn Cemeteu y ,, Teiuahnery, gurttasre ecive lu lotss 2, conessiof3, alIngo one m ainrth ad ahalfeat o th 28Bomanvlle Ti , raeing Schooî toei seby publi nuction on riaMach 7th 2ath1:0 pm. ablu able iestc, and a y quapnt oagod acgeinry als'yoffurniture. Ters cah noisv cs>n ev.Jack Reid, Auctioneer 1trhcone rom Mm. Adam Keatins , slot ~eby ubliacti atinocS,.turJjy1 Maie2thaaublerainine olryte lotryaeq10icoesiand alare qan-e tity o furture.12:0 arsl.p.Ternis csno reserve. Jacloyd , 7'daeAuc- tieer. T ha verceied nsto rios o e bys publMrauctonepfarastc, impe- monts h ay ndria ond poulry T pn re I rtyofhlîpi ougbesds lot en nd1,ancesind h, Clrk tta-vile aoreonWaenesd ay, cas, n reerv. Loyd Cilysdaleiuc boneý Hlo Me 0fanJ. 6rnbi theckfive-romone-stry fram tel Jose Grat,;nd is fle inret oUlcec have M« .Hours : 2.00 t. 4.00 p.m.; .;3Jt. *8.04 pa. Suadays and Wedueuayo by appoimtment .udy E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIÂN and SURGEON4 Main Stree.t South Office Hows: 2.00 to 4.00 p.n- 6.30 to 8.00 p.m, Sundays and Holidaye by Appoînttment i nq Gilts. Straight adian X English. phone 14 r 12, Qrc FOR s one Teamu of - r lQken every way il Stanley Rowe, '976, Port Hlope. FOR S lColumnbia, Pur-ple, Phone 47-r-13, Oron FOR s 1Baled Hlay and St blyn, Orono. Phone Oved frorn your sainitar-Y disposaL. Cobourg 1266 or NG LIMITED COMII' Box Social et ['rizesf al andd The regulari miens Inistitute a Card Party. nt 2 o'clock o)n Ladies pleaýse1 tarts. il sandwichies or' a-c $8An Evening For your spare time. Jtist 3 ecasy free trial sales ainazing Patented Au4tomatie Refriger- ator Defrosters Cali pay you that. 11111dreds of hot Pros- pects. Cmiso.Rush ranme, a0ddrss for guïarantceed profit ofe.I)-Fr;Dst-O-M1atic Co. De-pt. 4, Newmlarket, Ont. d-e, Phoýene 93 r 1 FARM and flOUSE Free Estimates APPLIAINCE SAILES PrOmPt and Guaranteed Ri-epaira ',0 al makes (if Electrical Equiprnew and A ppliancee 3;uch as r'lotors, Water ileatere Rm'l,, t',eu ronR. 4Pf OronoTinshp and Heating R. E. LOGAN Phons 18-le in in an did not no ade- Quotations on request. Leroy Hamnilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lu AIl its branches Pire, Burglar, Ilo"sspiaiain AutomobilLiÀeAccidet and Sickness, Pilte Glass, Liahility, Livetock Boler-, Wind. $6,00.OrMMo Re iceM ainu Sijent. Ch"ice Wfoioeight P',i. etr hll anryad cer, 411newly corae an Pos inarriinged. MORTGAGE FUNDS I have aaabefunds 'for first iortgages on impreved prOp)elty fla Clakia ship - current intemest ratýes. Bîroker Insure Agai Su Fortunate that covered with insurance, Fort you are IIrotec complete bs., iCh Ilazards your home ms~ proteqçng tire [ aate becnuse ted against a f CALL * r ~N.F. PORTER oRONo. Ont. th .L.letters sîsrt. Thon eroii &Il 'over iLe free vrnrld corne such comnientts asthese from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, tin internitional <aily new5aper. "The Monitor la must read. lag for straight-thinl4ng peo1ple. . * . "I reteirnej b toschool al ter a 1ape ef'i 18 years. 1ivwlll gel mey 4egree Jrom ihe coflege, but my educariO 7n ce jrom the TMOnitor, . .' "The Münitor gives nie ideas for my u'ork. . .." "I iuty enjoy is Com. pany.. . .' Ton, îoo, will endu the moniee informatîive, wîL omple. worl4, news. You will diScover a con, structive viewpoint in every riews Use the eouPon belowv for a spe. rial Iniroductory subscripîjon - 3 moniha for only $3, One Nrwa S.S......s... ... 2611 $..e. 1ec., 3. - - --- --- DR. R. J. TAGGÂRT VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OiPPOSITE SKATING RINK LEGAL iLawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PlTontè': SOffice 688 Horne 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctiorieer and Valàuate Specîalize- in Far-m aRd Consultere for term and dates Autone and Valuator <'n UC H0Autin sales of eafl ufuC and ut raGonahie ý'rates Cohmuncat wfh hlm at per' E. Mor-ton, at Oronc, for date, LIFE INSURANCE Pension iPlans; Edu-cationalPolis Protectiou and Savings Plans fe Children and Adu1tsý, Mortgag. e surance Plans, 1F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont.- Phone W0 r le The RLJTTER GRANITE COMP'ANY Diai 3216 --P.O. Box622 Port H&p, oftaelo 1 onunients, Gravemarkera PnLyravi-tif. Gfohlleafînp S,-;TAF.FORD BROS Monumental Works1 Plione Whitby 552 318 adas St. E., Whïtby FINE QUALITY MONUM1ENTS ANP MARJ(ERS Let us ereet a hafldsorne, lig nified monument over the JUt ing place of your loved uc It's not expenisive. And ia this lat tribute wHIl suvý Yeu endleîus Comfor. PE. -DELANTY aad SON 106 KN ST. WET PHONT COBQRG, NT.734M 1 lhs firm erected the Orono Mem orial Gates. Onue of the highest formns of Cane adiail sentiment is our Éraditiouû custom of ereting a Monumet .1 graffie r marbie to Our loved One@ who left this life. Pluiub9p and RotWater Heatilng CALL U>q FOR ESTIMÂTES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT, PHiNE 9è4 r 16 'o A for ,Vith