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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1953, p. 2

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iý;no ýeie er:. Grood :omeÇ and uni- ýr the pani- mneasuring itg Itonto verir(g the is ta ndci uay e many good pan- Dni yonr grocer' s hee ver-so-good Lies, raised bck ul grîddle cakes, ýesc pancakes. nelfed soteig ittec.) i a very lig-htýy irs: pof flour -andi½i up of flour and 1- m> filu. nUýlj Cil, r ôase smri to rpaa Jr draitîcd pont j" cup of filely to onie recipe of beforeban. Mld 1. 'up of 1 cikror tur- Vie wif hot cran- bot niushroom i. Fold I cup et kernel corn into pancake batter sausage gravy kes. Fold 3 ,ýtable chopped onion, le, and chopped to one xecirpe Of befüre baking. cheese sauce, gar- Ces. Mix I tee- cestershicsauce .ked sabmon andl %cpe of pancake ing. Serve witb muhoom sauce. es. Fold I cup of bacon into one ke batter beforfe with marmeade Il Package Yeast si Teaspoon Sait B11Cap tBuckheat Fleur iTablespoori Molasses 1, Scald mllk; cool, Add yat let stand 5 minutes 21 Add saît and buckwhet flouir; beating uniltil smooth, Add molesses. Let risc et least 2 hours ovcrnight 3- Bake o n a lighit]y esd hot griddle. OATMýEAL GFJUDDLE CAKES 1 Egg WTablespoonis AMolsses 2 Culi3' Creami i Cap Qulck-Cooking iCuifedFleur i Teaspoon Sait i. onibine egLg, olsssan4i ec:rm.sir:in oteaLet stand S inutnes. 2, Add sotnr . Mybe omjtted.) 3: Mift our, balng powder, andicisaIt togCetlhcrt lend ifooat- mealmixtyre. C 4. Bake on aPg gv cisc,, hot gridddie. Vs eas pophISaltn owe 6Eggs, WelI &atel) 2cups Cmrcam Collage ebieese 1. Sicfourp bakng powdctr, sugar ancl sa.it to,-ethcr, 2, Addi beaten eggs aýnd cottage cheese.1 3, Bake on a very lightily greCasect, hof griddle. -mperor Irhts barber dsosdthat His MXai esty gets two) hiairetuts a month, and kceps, his cojat on dun'ingl the opeiation. POSS WORD PUZZLE___Peet ~~~~~7 2,Âtoto 5.B, 1 A ri jtr2. tr ge 34. Srîuggie4 37. U~Sforrn 3s Agile 41. TurkieI-, decreê 45. Ont 44. Opposite oS aweather 45. 101* 47, Cereai seede 50. 'rh* lincien Irce Si. Froseîî water Si. Relis-joue airter 53 Toi-n ris-hi t" King Cheese-Male chee-secake was crowned this year wvhen Pot mooi-e reigned as "Kin.g"ocf Palisade's Amusement ParkFHe vwas aw,,arded an eleCtric merry-go-round "'Oscar." In other years queens wee electe-d but park authorities decided to give the girls a thrill this yecar ctnd have a king inste-ad. Obviouslyj imo presed subjects: Robin Stewart, at left, and Pamela Reid, feelI his muscles. Seated are: Ruda MIhelle, at left, anid Sindly kMoore. Strage IeasFolks FHave A bout Wsigo WýashinIgton, ltîke every Pitler caiais fuli)of rmr.More thntaii is ;a funne] For rumn- o)f the oldest, mnost haiybad cd and vencerablJe rumrors tin hu- mnan experience. Sine cîtîzensý keep on sekig action on thein Goverrijm)entL agerc ieýS hveto keep on dnigthjem. The 'laest f0 turc-,up again- lust theother dey-.was' the ac- cusation that iamyong the Sih poqsessions was th-e sk;ufll of 1t11e faosSiouxcheftanSitting BuIl conquew'or of Gen. Gorige Cusýter, Dr. T Dale teat th Smitsonin'sCurator of Physi- cal Anthropolog, replîcd ha the Inistitution hnad ineyer pos- sessd Sittng Ssskup ,but that hi records showced th:at tlic ehtief wa,-,s buriect in Fort Ves, N, D, where tus ,grave. had Ibeen an cbj-ct of venerýation for01,years Iucre ae some other peren- nia!ll'y LunS(otchblU e rumiors: tile SminthSo-ýnianIsceek th-e mut cd remlains of th-e tA-bby7~ thaf alleýgedljy survivcd a drp roi thîe top of the Wa,-sh-ingtos Moniu- mlent, only to bLulkilled by ado als ift riUcd f0 make Litsgawy Thc.y hiave become m iore injsist- ent rcnsuince a synicated colunisf reviveýd the yan; and stalfcd as a facf that the _animal- hlad a preferjred place amon.g the- eýxibits n the fmcd mtie1ýu If isn't seo, vree Seeds. More- th ýi)an auar- ter of a century has passcd s4nc the Dprmn of Agricul,!ture gaeout its lest fÈree seceds. Yet. cach vearithe de-partmenît stIlI receives severaltouad such requcsts, nmany of thùeni frad cd by Congressmien. In ar, effort to save useless correspondcnce 1the departmrent several yeirs ago îssuted, a humnorous bookietabu ee titl.ed' "No! No! A Thou- sand Times No!" T>he resuilt: tcmnporary spurt î ite n-ýumbr of frce secds requests. Stradivarius Viellais. Whoever s5preed thie rumothaIfýt the Sîh soian inlstittion wouldbuy 0of Men-Itify asgnun any violin, bearinig a Str-adivan7'lus lalbe] bas CauiS ecd the insituition m-ore trouble thn anthn sin-ce the controvers5y oven th e ori gine] 0lyin-g achline. The Smijthsonian:, whi-ých has no violbi adle by An.- any rmoney f0 buy onerIi,fiaty lmperd a torn ester plead- ing: "Do niot send your v4oi f0, theSmtonn ntttn. Eves y Book Puiblishled. Thie Libra.ry of congress constantly bcdoks or pnplt~prefac3.ed: 1 haebeen told that jýyou have a copy of every book that haks iever been publishied " " While tbÉe Library cuf Corigress has tise laîgest collection of books in tise United States, i!fuhas onlIy those sent or bcqueathed to if, and -'t does not ;keep or cata- logue aill the bcloks or îother, pub- êyee 4uns Smon preaýd tise re-ýport theathte GeeraiLndi Offi'e ba6 trctv saneta wol iefree. ornfr tisepayl- CÇorrespon.,deince, whimch i- sftil] cotnsiderable, is nîoW rute to the Buîreaui of 4Land Manage- ment, Iriteriop Deýpartment. But, every IJ.S. iSland, exccpt a fcw inaccessible rockýs, is,- now in state MGOon Leases. iMosft antlastic of recent nuimiis'a the Gov- ernmrent can grant a b lase on the moon. Since the Ninteen For- tics so many requcst1s ha.ve beeni neceived for "mnoon ica-ses" that the Dcpartmnt of Intenior Wln ally prepared a standard reply, the -gist o'f \wici( s that its Bureau of Laýiîd Managemnent has no auithorif-y ta reccive applica- tions for Iland on! the im-oon rb- cauLseý we have neyer dcae sovencignty oerit.From a (n ar- têIe byL E.Jobs Long hA The Neu Yorvk SnyTime, Memoiable Documyent Under the cdate ofMaclth 19,53, eBrefwaSsLsubmitted t the Onitarîo goVeIrnent, which ended with the followinjg wr "Dairy farners deýfinitely wanît Iegislation bann-ing vegetable oils being bended wthany daîry product and a bani on the mianufacture and sale of anky such product ,-iarketed as an, imitation o)f flid milk7, cheese, icecrcam, creami and concen- trated rmilk pout. This memnorable doccumient was signed by the presidenits of thec OntaloChes Pouer s sociationi, the Ontario Creami Producers Association, the Ou- tarîo Concentrated Milk1 Produc- ers Assocjpitin the Ontariro Fedeation of Agricultue and the Ontario holeWMilk Produc- crs League. Timmcridiat ely thle question as es as to who autho)rizedths gentemen to ask f Jor wa amtiounts to an admission of dIairy subl-stitutes rm-ade trom vgt able oiîls, as ln as no milk or mnilk produc.ýts w-ere uised in thirï muanuf acture. We reruembhermetn atr metng esolution af1jter reso- luton allngfor a ban ofdar suDstitutes 1made from veget- aýble oils. Farmer«s were told by the presidents rand directors of their organizationis to protes.t against th(, fntroduction t ânii- tations ofic-ra and c-heese anid whippintg cream.j Were they e-ver. told to go and ask for the adimission of these imitations?., $64 Queeltons Could it be posile. ha t ts Sncef was w;itten to fit t- legisiaton proposted by the gov ernment? Could àt be possile that the farmn leaders cre asked not to dem-an..-d nio r e than woufld be granted? Could it be posible that the farm>i.eader-s çlcided not [ to c- barrass tne govenment an d tefoenot to sta-id( up for [te demands of the producers they represent? These and manny m-ore arý-e the questions farmiers will wa [t aisk their, leaders. Thcy vwill watef0ask& h there wverc nio replies to treis- tort,'ecd' ia rumentîa tion o f th e Rdvnl~iseents and radtio an- nounlcemenlts sponsored by the so-caïlled " InsItuIe of EdbhiO Food" which were isrepr- scnting the situation; they il want to ask- when the Bni"ef of Marchl 18h actually w=sore- sented toathe governmntn whether itwa conceîved of in Huron -Street or in Quleens Par-k: whether there had been, a' prevîus brief and Wha the gov- crtrnment's reply had been toit And finally thiey wifl want to ask their Mledrs why they had not called mneetings to in- fQrm the m(embership adflnâ out the wishes of the ebes M'batFuue Hocw muchlonger arOitarlo fresgoing leo sit îet home %,andi squaýwk about thera deai they are getting? It is time that they aocto the necessity of look- ing after the business end rf t h eirbusiness. importand 1t a produ(ction is, it is just -aS- if not miore - imporýtant to hv market for- what you produce. The question whether imfita,- tios of donr, producti, with or witihout the addition oýf ilk, ar-e to be permitited, is of far-reach- mng imrportance. It vii] deter- mine minilk rmarlkets ifor ailfuture- To replace butterf-at w7ith veg- etable Ais is easy, To replace the non-faty solis of mîlk is a mrore dificuit task, bt i is be- ing done in Bitain anid in U.S.A. The resuft it ight wellbè imi- tations of dairy prdctnaçde fromn vege2table ois- with other syntheti c ofids added. Time fer za Change- Farm leaders should have stuck by tbieir guns aniddea- -d a ban, of aili] atoso millk anýd milk prcducts, exýcept- ing îmargýarine. Whether they couk hvego it ovrnoft, they soudha-ve lindividul î'ifarmèrs wllfor- feit the- riL2ht to c;\an f th1ey do n3ot go to the trouble oifkep ing themselves informed, oW comaing out to theimtings and of puting up the fianesnces- sary to o'perate theirusinless, wh7,-ich Ïiýsstil ilthe largest busi- niess in the cou-ntry. Thiey w ll ]have to, hag their habits ofno-opeaon 4nd if necc-ssar.y the), wîll have to change their leaders. There, must be some vourgime on t faýrmys of Ont-arlo cpaleand wil]ing to take the ulead,ý. The wrse fthi oîn.1n wi -ibe pleised to hear from fres or othiers snteresteii inar psOb1emS, at ally timýe, Crîti- ciSms, eg tinsfr s jcst be deait w ikng-cks or bo - aU whtlvveleonie Jnut ad- oress Bob-,Effs, Bx1, 123 Eight- enbSt. Mwe Tie4ronto, Ont. ijsiedwn50t rv Pýeekinjg N 10 ).o v~ IN vi~ s~l~vrJ.7'v .Plain Horse Sense..

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