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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1953, p. 6

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Fridayl A sien. 30c. very small I mnsu peas and day, April Y iveîy largo takce the for bacteria in eon. As this mîtoge ofail members 'nitogo ofElection of( the plants ports. Con' it the aido.rf LctMs cannot do! an the leg- Tho miýss thle bacter- Ani End to inthe Chili 7.30. It is a clovers oDr tend ani ;fily grýown ill take t sria are us- mnhyfil Mclloste, Tbe Tyrveil AC.states pays . good CA] einYiP 1Pt wvçl ~tc sois, oweeror II the kind . peo ol ne crýopS,asaffadrnmyine gr.owni in old SOUth ena are apt rlot to vos ssorpe method IN ME M ;huld hoadopted te DIUN\CAN-In ip ~ori. Nuerou o< ear father andi luinged exDerience passed away Apil dhe best way to do odsw ou Ho did wH' ifrom ipan'e 4') Ho putEHi st. WANT] Fouir or five iiniar Oronoý A Baby's uils --19, omlo F Cenent for sa eo s aud staff BARLOW-Born to Mr- and Mrs. H. aroa daughter, Bonnie Annette, Wednesday, April 8th at Bowmani- ville Memorial1 Hospital a ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J.1 eorge Stephenson,i Newcastle, wishi to announco ,tsel engagement of t eir daughter, Mar-- garet Grace (Peîgy-) to Mr. 1{berti Ross Boyd, son f' Mr. and Mr.s. J.ý Whitniey Boyd, (jon-o. The marriage' will take place inaSt. gé's Angli- can Ohurch, New ,stie Saturday,î May 9,,1953 at 3 o' oc a, "-pi A Weekly Letter Orono, Ont. AIpr. 8, 1,)53 Dear Donalid:- 'Ur- gil t rie slhe got no ot al the nd pýar-ked here-. The is a car unr in the RZ1b ecause t'àe ;S f ar be,>w tod.ay's in- 19 ~5- 1949 1952 1>00Q 228.0ýil 2S84.6 Ný 191.ý5 8.4 100 l 197.9 ,255.7 100 1633 20. - - 1 011b 168 .3 9, 10 377 29. 100 149 282 100 134.1 170.2 .. . 100 233.8 236.2 -. 1 0(j 2 07. 2 2 38.1 \~ . 10 23. 0 À48.9 ) ..J. 106 322.1 41-1.3 IE anI ittiely arrivýe next weili ma-llde a rip to Toronto yeste-rdày and got a 61 ton load of pl-ywoodI,ý doors, hardwýo flooiing and arborite W spenit t1iday uloading,* stoig n dev i te load. Hehaitlor loads of brick andj( a load of ortar mxto u this weeIk. We a expIectinig aniy day 0W toý 1 ho tank riuck is ready. One of us Will 1 go don ndget i n hn ewl bei in th)ol businiess for >]ur . havel rranem tsmade foi our oil upp'y with a imo t reliable outfit dhv takien on teDelco lineouofbilfun aces..The D lco fuî'naces aqiImad iý v roci(elltion inX Is erio tee that nmeis \\ wjI in avual Maijwashme f'or tI'e ek-n an1d returnledJ to Toront1lo Sunday- ight. Shie ian sholîrm ed are spboga l a~ ftii o- to me-tAse Imiýlt¶ ca Ii o te o luk nd (drive-(-ithoei tseay On Sunday.we c0elebraedLads vs L birthdayandsa1w her Chr isd. ShIe iswakn well nIow so isý baeck n ito desses aain.She as tlsbuf it is ail Dutchl. chis' taling n tnpi 1 to Godericli so you may li er SeeMLan $ 18 An Evening For- yqo4r ,;pare-Une. Just 3 easy frpe trial sales êrnazing Paterited -Autoiatw R-,i.frger- I $159.5.00 UE UXE 1951 CHIEý CUS. TOSran Sli'p Covoer/ Customn Radi, ai coditionied, fendIqýf skirts, a solid dlean é r tradetîiniioù 4new âMe- teor.I $1350.00 DÊLUXE ',19 PONTlAC,I Big six Saran slip ýcovers, cus- tom radio, hite walls,a, reliable car traded-in oi a new Mereury. $795.00, 1 7 MERCUéY SEDAN, radio, a wý$meet muni ng car, trad- ed on a new oýIteor..ý $695.00, 19 ý MERCURY I½.TON, lots of ii'h-f e n this one, trad-, ed on a new Me ucry Truck. Low Down Paviment Up te 24 ntonths on Balance Bramley's Motor Sales Your Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Dealer NEWCASTLE 2871 1Orono PH(o Url- . ho. lou eers start. Then frets e11 over the freo e d îcorne sucb tomments as dthe fo hem roaders o!f THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONIý'TOR, an international daily ncw7spaper : '4The Monzitor fie nuzstrend~ ing for srigîhnkn "I eturyied t0 school cefier a \ lpse of 18 yas il ges my degree from fihe cellege, butl my education crnmes frorn the MA1OitOr. .,. l'Tie Monitor gives mpe idàeai 1err ny îor.. . "fI truly enjoy its eom. Yena, tee, will find the Monioei Jnformalive, iîh complote world news. lYen wili isovra con' structive viewpoint in every news stery. Uise the coupon belove for zi Spe. rial Introductory auhacriplion- 3 nthe f3 or only. $3. On,.50rw7 S .. oI.. t..... . .. Pkie O n n. il.,wy.b.rp Pin l,. reau <in-d.S.' 1t o, ,,.. i.d , . <n., n..) <tes St "1Fleury-Biýssell" tandem discs, 26 plates,, $210; ýtaco two vvheel sprea- ders, $376.is rubber $,r. Whee1- barrows, neýwïvagons, use equîimentý Cochsýhutt trâctor cultiv ator1 I. C. an~d Cockshtt manur e preaders on rubber, felîilizers andY fertilizer spreader re ýa1qilservCI. Carl Todd. Phone Clark~e 15-20. 21dp W ATED Carpenter wr.Paper hanginiig. Phono Orono 2 5r-2. Lorne Bare's. 'O REXT hrrquires r ApArtmient Or./o. F0 iSALE regîstered BeaviýelOats J. W. Boyd an1(1Son. pone 51-r-18 Oronio. a -p DEAD FARM }STOCK, P?ýC-KED UP prim ptly. phope coll~t~omnjl 79.1 Also vwe uy l'4 horses. Marg- will Fur 'arm$p6ne DEASTOCK removed from your! f-arm promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone Collect: Cobourg 124i6 or Toronto Em--636. GORDON YOUNG LIMTITED Insurance Your insurance Colts îcan be substantally re- duced by buying Divi- 1dend Paying Policies Quotationsý on request. Leroy iHamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCU In aIl its branches Fire, Barglary, Hospitalizatioit Automxobile, Lif e, Accident and Sickiness, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock,, Boiler, Wind, Polio. $,0.Orono Residence, Main treet. C oice location, eight roomis, centre hall, pantry and utlity room, furnaceb divided cellar, ajl newly dec7orated and in spoýtless condition. Ternis. Possession arranged. MOTAGE FUNDS I have avaiable funds for first nortga ges on improved proporty in Clarke Towntship current interest rates. LEROY HAIMILTON Brokcer Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and IJOUSE WTRTNG Free Estimiates APPLIANCE SALES Promspt and Gujaranteed Repaira 'o aIl niakes 4of Electrical Equipmnen and Appliances Such as nTotors, Water Heaterb Orono TinshoCp Sheot Metal>l and !Warm Ai*rý Heating, R. E. LOGAN f hon* 18-10 Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M. PHYSICI-AN and SURGEON «Ce . ours : 2.0 f. 4.001 p..- 6.M1 te 8. P-la Sundays and Wedwedâys by appoint ment' nly PHlON E 47y1 E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYICANand SURGEON Main Street South Office Saurs: 2,09 te 4.00 p.nà.. 6.30j to 8.00 p.fl. Sundays and Holiday, by Appointment PIIONE 74 r 19 O1RONO DR. RW J. TAGGART Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHONF, 94 r 16 OR9ND LEGA]L Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solititor HO WMAN VILLE. ONT. phones Office 688 Hum1e 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctione-er amutValuatoe Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction sales oft&H ldm. and at reasonable ratn Communicate with hlm aut NWf Perry,Ontario, or sme Ma ,CIerk,, A, E. Morton, at Oromo, fer date, LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edurational Polldî; Protection and Savingzi Plans*fW Children and Adulte; MNortgarofa surance Plans. F. E. tYCETT OROINO, Onit. - Phone 20 r IU The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 .- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario M1onumeilts,Gremkrs and Rot Water R eating CAiLL1U" FOR ESTIMATES I-IARRY E. L-YCETT. ORON0 - ONT] STAFFORD BROS Monumiental IWorI- Phone eYWitby 5S2 318 Dundas St. E., Wkh1±l --FINE (aUALITY moNtJmE1rS ANI MARKERS -Let us erect a handsomne, £- nified 3monument cover the me, ing pl ace of yo ur loeved m&a.. Its nùt expensive. ArÀu4 aDt this auŽt-triblite will gtvu you o iiallbcuekz grown legumç iv fthe t. *,à8 ~, I

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