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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1953, p. 2

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nd I )saIajnal -pimrines- jal is yet been' ace ta wVait his op"'- L5s lodged lin Ne ndluced liîîs feta) akeý intwhchshe bake a fewba- Wiîth these li e saýwed awýay the EW barsof his cge hul ls flo ESprisaners sang lusily ta drown sof beef the noise of sêrinà)îg. Then, by ty"ing together salicrd, i lowered hitself ta the groun and esced. Aa)P' even more ignastlo was FeehkTra lwlio Ilanguished la Lyon County terslre Prion, U.S.A., {iS frie2nds tried the ic d dodge af sendïng hlm li'acksaw blades la cakes andi salves 0other catables, 'but, the w-"ard'ers broke- ta piecesevr article of food sent lime. 2«But 'Trcadw,ýel was ot afled.Every p-,isoner aS e aü,"v3s allowed saap; andi of sand th"eepas plenty noodies Sa, le painstakingiy nravel- salt and Med thc soclis bis wofe had Loy juickly glyknttd fr-lmand satu- ter, reen rated the threadls in sa,5 s-wýcan titsand wofld aîc0e a hcm. sauc and Then lie cut tbrough the bars Pi l andad crcredue bsce] iv b oue. A thread was assed round . IîX flour each bar, and by pullng the -ater ad Cends alteýrnattely it either hou j ihiad, lie managed ta weai away 1alst a tiny groove each day Time boulstc20 as of no consequence, for hé iti mat, ws"insde"lor hf e. * es mu hetost persient s artueCe- capot a Uailsas a Frenclman i naed Slvaor, lioesc.aped is Urne 2 ies fronija]and114 timas from the galîcys. in 1807 he wais ut /pae.al sentenced ta )death, f or hfaamingý nent, It thoe who trîod ta prevent ils ted steam- escaping. The judge aýt Touloni Lersmust who enenedhlm declIarud thatý dgecs cr, "o rsncould hbe construct- ce ai small e ht aco 1dntescape, addce ct0 Prod ne dCi d1er flouse, I-, fanl- at 1end s, ilad 't ,iff P, d Way TealIe, inaafacntnbol about idcreuatutes, "The Lost WVoodesenws a smahl mound af hial f-blmnad mates and ablack vio1in-case pieed itl breatli- Dr. Raymoud Ditmar , tCe curatar, lieLieved that sone à- sane nwaudke rmurdaer bad seu cetýIed biniseIf Cthere thatiglit. W ork1 ,îinig bfidim mjarct chI-d-ght, lb, àad cuLt thlirougi the cabra ag waME, evidently itending ta0lÎ- sert the jointed device, steer S t by me-ians of the str-ings ta)wamdsýý a cobra, and thanI, by puingbl botha strings, grasp it, round the nec wth heciaspers, cdra-w if thougl the hole, tranyspo)rt it in fIe viîr-cs,rad eIease if la,) the room ff ithe inandd ctîm, But tie nigît watchm.a-n,mk- ing bis rounds, figlitened hl1m awvay and. fortunatcly. betore lA fled, le tlrust tihe rags lna th ie apeniing othcmwisc the guarc migît rlave- entemed theark buiýi]ldin'g unaware bCat ca-bras we,,re roainjg at large, c York detactives !,kbuo tr cas cfreraI weak7s, buit tire Frostbite Treatment.,,Th ees way ta treat frastitel eeleg or bonids is byrpihbwiý7ng Jla a1 warm bath aIt ateeaue AI 95 tY 113 degees F TWts anS- war ta an old and îseriaus proli- lem comas rom Canadian sur- geonis afteri many care-pful experi- mans itli aiai.Tliey fa3und tbat, ta ie most efcive, ta nmar kedly red c lc osof 11mb, tIîea taigmust be imdae ai and pe'an.tire wambt doe> thre job; saoasodoas dia- thiemmy. The rapid thawing lk pa-inful, btIt 1can be miade niore taleablewitbsedativas. A "Short'~ Ride-"Shoty," the world's smn-alle'st full-growvn hors.., gives; airline passengei- service representoative Pot Powell ct Ishlor-t! ride. The 59-pound, 30-incii long hor-se is f0 be oni exhibition of o children's pIcyground.4 Asked Off To Attend Grandma's Funeral Became One 0f Screen'. Greatest Actors Is thare aniy imoreacmpsh ed flmy star than ChrI Cap- inI "Ye-s!" decided the New York crities mcently.. and at theLir annual meigtbyvtdSir Raipli Richardson flic estactar fflc year. Sir R'alph wa-,-s eiected itops for. bis perfIormnce ûýin "SounidBar- mier?" Chaphin was second vitb S nmere five v-otes ta tenr. Yet, ilot se long aga, -as su-ccass sagas are mneasu'red, thi-e actor. of theIF yearwrkdl a dreCaryý, dusty offce ~tckngstamps on envek caes and fHoing înkwels, (ne day lie asked for an af- ~tervaonv off ta go ta bis gad Tnçthe's fuerl lverwate hoary excuse so true and mao- metu.The alid lady's lawys told hlm lie liad i nlerited £200, fThe bequest :me-anït llierty taý choose a carer-and freed'o)ni to miould bis wliole future. Raipli Rchardson took a last quick looki at his insurance oficel -and prompiy sacked himisalf, 4'They wvere going ta sack mne, anyway,ý tbe sam-e day," ie addsý drily Qrnyknew Lie wanted naotb- i dg but ta leeclse tae %theatre. Younrg Rîpipicked aut 0the sb-iailest seaiside- repertory cm pany la Englandi and frantlcallyý b'egged ta ie Allowed ta pay f or flCpriviege af acting linsmaIl w~ai-on",ý parts. 'Nothing do-. hg"le vwas toiLd But the h imanager naticed a fleck of paint on the yaunigster's sleeve, 1earn- ed lie had been ta art col sbiowved 1-hmthe canvas stpee 'waitingro lie painted for thýe foi- lowling wveak . ..ý and se Raipli Rtchadsonbegan hbis at carercer as asený aitr Ili f a ct lie bal ta lie scene- paitntescene - shilter, sodmd effects manand prompteer voiîed into aone. Crou-chig beniýa'tbthe stge1le fallawýýed thesrptb candîcliglit. Wlen the actais lor- got their unesý, tliey sa oe n the boards - and ý a sbowej5 0f duist CËofenputth0cecarndie ot! Suclhwrethe Jinaùspicio)us le- g onig fa the quiet and miodest peiroaity wlioit isruo- cd jmay anc day becomeBitns first actor baroniet. Thare hjave bç,een plenity of actor. kaîglits, but wby not a"at"for tîhe ,inan. wholte crities daescribe itb g~liglttC]rjI~gWOrdS as genIluts" nd "reatest la liviin mmory?" MJoviegoers vrmemLber iohle stole laurels fromn Olivia de Hla- viland lai"Tha eirass,"lo s- perbly lie imipressed distinction an Carol Reed's "Te Falflen Idl"Thay rcî i osm an L mgi a"Anna Kreia, is banli clerk sud ;l "om da The brstas li re .st Arnerlca's casting experts had to cboea pra-eminanrt actor ,ta -play ScrOoag!e in aCritmsliglit of 'A Cbm-istmras Cali' he--y de-- termin d ta secýure Si)-Rlp Richardson i; ataniy ost. He, flew thle Atilantic sýimply ta play Sraefor anale nigIt. Stop- p.ýing onl taslop on behaîif aI bis seývenr-year-old son mallie, lie flew home nex, day witb aý bale of blew Yi.rik toys aadcatis- Again, wben-r Carol Rec-d cast hlm aes the aly marchant aea captain laCorads-An Outeast cf the ¶lnd, Ùead cd montraed is painistakirg t ii ugns.Day by 'ý'da, n sv tering lihe3t, he doine bs fUI] -se-a-togs, no -maýtter ha sof werc being taken. Oaaunco fotbytorriddy ao]Re decreed týhat the camr(a woulc lie focused oinly for coeusfrorr th-e waist u1P anid, hre e, com~ R wcladson uietlyr isisted tundfilm produer, lie ap. prahdthe fl 4i tudio ih th zest of a new ides. 'I don't lke films tti dragon, become tfedb oLus,"lie said. Forthe ek liereharsd is às as hor- aughly as for a stage play. AI' iphenomnon of patience, lie ever Aousse doujte anleof0an actress's elbows. Then l;ie tooJk hiscompany, on the- floor ,so dis- cipiied and wvord-perfect that "Homne at Seven-" was shot with- Wa fourteen days -- the fastest British first feature ciad e iný miodemtimGes, Atngon, the screen1," sy Rhiclardison, "is like acin uder 1a micrsope. It's like seeing one's own passport photograpli the size of a blouse, mnovin'g and talqkinig, Sodsclie utle severe," Keeny amwareof hbu fals, sir Raiph Ricliardison seldom ttnd bis ow-n peie ,one(ay- h saw himsýelf advi\ertised la hor roi, film, "ýThe GhoiuL"tý abct remember it, he bouglit a ticket -and f'otund it was a quickie mnade nieenyears before w hh astaýking salfilm prts Tliough Sir Raiph began whib £200, he- has com-e up theý hard Way', Gauai ie pr'ogresýsed frSrm senepainting and soundî effectýs ito walk-onrs ananal' speakig raies. Wthen a famocus Shakespearian actor visitedhi home twnuichardison es' ee lmi for an audition. The kreat man conisented ta hearhm as lie chanLged roi sagicstmet street clithes, butquc]ye- ed, "Stop,Stop!" "4Won't îI do,si"ake - chardson, almnost in tas "Yo'r al righit, yo'r ired," s;aid the great maPn. "But yýOu'rýe stanýý-ding on mny trouisers;!" For years Richardson iayed, nearly every rodeilaia Shakes- pearian sbtCompany. When at lengtblie ased for a five-hillîng t-aise ha was refusced, No anaà e"ver th-ouglit lie wudcibte "No'w I'va Put an mk-pSo miany times," says SirRaph ",that inm afraid one day wh'ven I wipe it off tbere'l] be nothling ýA 0' eu EW E Love Laughs At International Boundaries Kiss acrosr, border onDerts Interrnational Bridge is given by Jevan Urosevic ta his bridEý, EvangceIinie. lH.coulâ flot enter LI. S. for she CanIada. n ai LVres lu b corn rsbire t 4 Sprii velgetables cider, Servu meeditn 1 ýcf with brmnqt AdId wai tersiirc ing ta boïi ans. Covc und gradi Add n( Ci sirrm&r r, Or un Au mv -7 4-1 ,nls r mr

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