2oncidc'jd, ouCan improvo your dlock'% egg production, hatchs- biltyandgmew%ýth by meanjIS ef imle crosss of the standard broeds, m * 4 Cebrdpultis and aIrai- cross pullets aveagcd 10 t 2 mcore eggs than pure strains oni the average. Hatcbability was Éimpmeved 9 by crossbmecding, lightly bystincosg.Cs- besgatined vweight 7% faster redued by cossbrmeeing and The 3ycr ests wcme adeý wvithi 2 st',rains each ef 4 dual- pur-pese "breeda - INe wHap shire, Banr cd RcBloeIsland," Red and Austrclorp Breeds -wereCFcoSssd in ail possible cons- bîination-S, and thie Étwo strains' wihi adi bmeecd womo mesd Thie testý s showcd thaltbte od favor any cross as likely to do bel1r than the original breeds Whule breod crosses are a ilt tic btferpcrming than afrain cro'sses, IewaVý State College poul- tybreodler A. W. Norý.dskog sy tho aIrain lcrosýses have at least lune advanfage, A breodor who "wanits mprveprodnctivity withouf inbrccding, and stili pro- duce al white or Pailbrown ceggs, can do if, by ýcroasing 2 aIrains. otoebrecd. 'Ho10coudd't wt crossbrea. IUS Powor oicytoenocrcrowd broilers ini tbe broodor eue One-haif sq. I t. of floor apace per bird la tlih; 31 aq. ',. usually> ltoc uci Aot q. ,.i about right, accerdîing to a Dla wateathomity. M,'ortalit;y wslewerwgh miore anid bConveýrsion botter with thd ¾ --f t. figure than whon oniy a f . wa uao. Pr-roductioni oasIs oreU22 a lb. f'or 92,C000 bird wih ¾sq.fiper -birýd; 24e for 1281000 birda on si a Tests aI a Doiawamo st-eation aewed. hfrîrsprbr- averaged h i gbher r whcn for- space aca vo'asi Aqfous buticss.- -perhostanw n In esci case the house had aa leer sp'ace etf 6000 sq. fl, Crow'ding (s q. t. por bird)' gave higliefrerotsn per houso, ýwhon ybroilor price wrc da t:iy hgh-rom 30o e34 Butwhc prcoswo'ro lower, aý marelibraispace allwan]Ce paid off, * ;:* -' Sînce neody carn forteli ex- ctywhwec te rarkct price wiiend up for a h-ouse cf bo- rsjusI being startcd,exrt adviso that the safeat bot is te lowthem abouit¾sqaefo of floor saoper birdl. And, as thSe socrs te havedc Old Runner-Throwing býis lbat mbthe aerlyrace wn New York City la Bernorr MocFoddont(, 85-year-old healîli cuturhýit, Fie mode a bdl ta c ,U.S.senotor- frm Florida in 1940 and ran for thegorarsi of Flaridcýo on the Detricatick et là 1948 but bat bth limes. Fiemws aIse o andidate for Peieti aibou -Jt a h-igb-corjration for Iaying bocse 1 ion angel m re eg n grwa bairbr ihlesa fecd l if y l ut a gefcny ciplos that s\vctefcdad u el',Iien bro)iler ra-t qdios wero wheat midin f a standard ration. This prodceadon eýggs Gon .67 lsOf feed,whl thBsadadtato ok .9i * t * ra Rl) n hodeIU10 cdandÈare Plymoudt Rocks dmcnsdn thetea, Bothm ccds gainw ncamly i lbn . prbi n hçhgi thi iento s ai cd kat 3/1 Replo aceme it gsc wa tweon the rcationis EVY REV R BARCLAV WVARREN FB.A, &BD. are amba1ssadora flor Christ a.s iithogh God dfid eechyou by u s;Nwe prazy you lu1)Chr-ist's atcad, be ye reconciedote Lid, "When Seul was core e UsJemu. saloi, ho assacdte join hlm- ssel eic ddcplesbu; tboy wcre ail, afrcaîd etofhllm, and Jbe- licve-d rnef fiat ho was adicpe But Banabas teck hlm, and, bronglit hmte fic apoatîca, and deciarpd 1un1to fhemn low he h ad seen !flic Lord n ic w(ý aand thlat le lad poente lmr, and liow7lie lad prechod boldly ai Danmsuain flic Dame eAJeas." wb-en ho wet ta arsu an brouglit Saul te lbor itihl in tho churcli at Antiocl Hoe tibey £worked tgthrfor ayoar. Thon bhey ol relSieteJudea whe iere was a lamine. Teda thr are mnyagoncies team fer thc nedý,y.Buit thec churcli mptnet fergot ,hem rcspesb- ity. hcn apoaltarc miade for clothinýg il la amai3ng theabn danceo et fine lotos hicl fItemi-r hoir cu)phoardxs. 'Womn,? Vcery sligbntly Theyý are li ycar'S Cide gving of fth Mceoiaa Sec 2 Ceinthians. :-.W have wandi3erod a long wa.ýýytem f-ic advice of4 JoýhnWsoy Me ahJ, yo-Gu cn ae caaI J 'uin, give ailyou can.- Th'- hnmh t Atioliflo o.1 ltcare.,d for flic pourjbt iseW setOutnmon te tal ficose tthese who ad nver had No wener flc popiecfti flans. Thýyweo 11eCist laj tIt heycamd 1for tc piita and maorialneoda of others Hwficklc are peo)ple ýAller fle ic eaiin1g f the npp, w Ùt , e oshpPan] and nBar- nacibas, Butwenaiao frn Anic nd conunhddn hbem wýýork hy hue an n drage hm ont c-f tho lW ev ing him ber dead. WMien g"mtl arents wsURA the fot et mdia l missien,,ary te womshp irna a god she hast- ily cmiied o,1t'"WCo are net gode, Wmsip the truc God. Suppose Ihat I wished te stew va luabli gît pnyniad Sont! by hc'andof oneoet my cois wbm wouid yenthulJîe coleor m-ysclf.' 1 "Wo would flinl ee course; flic coolie is yeur sc- vant" flc paentsropliio. 'snd se I amr(Aded'coie, y wlioso ad o Isbecn pleais- cd',x ternd flua gifi o et heiïiùg ho yudhd.Givo Hm thnka. Sound$s la ~phones ciaw ords-Lecîrning ta speak. five-year s teoch~r's voice forming words thie on fris heact, FHe turnina the knobs centralis volume 0 un.der bis bonds. Dnnie = heat-beakngstery of a golf pro w i lst ha j'o, ad g paci ng teostriecets lu i hs sl.kkcd ,golf.ahoos, fliceniy ",foofwocam hoi lad loI t. Hoehad't cten îa biteý lu tîre days, wcn uddo.nly le ilookecd down and aaw výan un- ua i 1 t on Iho sidcwalIk. 4& ,pcd dcown îte grab 'Ifbut, excifement, acci(jentaliy i7 îpc tn fwthbsspiked It(ea and puncec eut cver h-ta!ifinthe ticket. HOW mu( SCIENCE MUIST FIND a progrns pertople flc bahtc tInttals te lces e- i-,thquet cfaillion pole ery y('a jý' liasAeriaaoe han ci h secre ti at tat la flic key le bcace ln lb l w ll cotin ýue f thdb oph ds cinceisalepingtfn leau hal gocawrn i ccýii, te set off the- ulromn fIIrat lcacuMn me&aboutrutn cesi lunctions cace vill talc im-,e, And mocney. Takîng Oral thinga firat, scienist are currontly devotr- 1their broad, genoral knowlcdge eA the human ccIlIn Tathis way thoy're 111e radio repcammn, cwle( can' t atempt te fi a bally set u tillicy -Oral ý(kne-w hew a - radio, Mducli etthe ilin nnal apent0in ner rsearcb ly geing' fer this viaathoùugb Ipmclný, Amrcn.Cancer Society sa-&s; 1800cienit are involved in trynglesolve tire niale e cne.LasI yar, ire oxpen cli- tucfrresearcl by ailaencie amountc-f-'(-d te o ire titan $1ý5A00- Aneother ;basic probetcn oi ca-,n- tors and thli an in île stree alearc dmecraming etf a groalea day henthec'l]ho qck X-ay discutotera cgjnlntuer cncouraging, have net ye, been! hae scd bloec-d, uieapdý evuen, faibecd te live up te ir dcjamyàý oxpectations for eune reasen-so bai;r, ý ne oneilýs fend rIcne wrsa basic, mýeaaSUrabe cag in anýy human ïrjbedy fu'-nction. Teeare tho ,partei kin isc in~~~~~~ i tocnewa.utteMai action invoving it cfthe lime for ewom When tLc uler s f!inishcýd, tegardonox la s Cready t bo gi. Ho houi'tbedicugo aI tho oghgadnthelillor 0f plastor and bricks tha-ttc buildozer las barelycoerdar- onnd lie badnwforneOnle are UIft-gruwni cmuni mom,)niný, Lglanîes, cdrnb-inýg nastur.- hum, scetpeas, losand sncb for ccerngtellis or fontce. And(. foer aoiid bedsdging ai wbabà- net wve have at loast ? hundred alnnuaifloersfreio bibt chose Befor any lantinlg orcaw muLst d i;.!, cultivatde ttovreugly, ralçwpsleeland ds fine ais pais. sii31, fi is ai'se advisabrlet, wer avilti, edig', soremooeod anid &ailiegra ",ss- clippinigý, Waves or ctber voctable refuse, as availaie Mix in Fï loers le o Fow ege abls lok wii arn- bungfiwer, utthcr arealo cf i ' ,.1 flower S that e t enasyad Glaiols, we c tpeao an or jouat-s nbo grewn imost easl% "lJujptity aogthe vegol ~nswtli roally ný vi' 'biooms ,ýbut ,plain lo!- lg tKgo fthoroq. lAymorel ta cr aregrewn aogfi Ldg tIcvegelable plot orî 1% ,fronmt. If they are vr Joa onewt however, doca v. Hoelain i- 0on. f", -.arimorie semri c thian bcing a bit laIj8e planti-ng ibu soon.This pccaiiitethsp e getý April te lato iniJue ingp eut Ibis wrw eut the hret Mw"ý DO WE KNOW ABOUT CANCER? SEÇRETS 0F HUM'ýAN CELL BEFORE IT CAN FIND WAY TO CONQUER CANCER 50O-MilioQn Volt) nlut-s3ho pe and m-ronley l1) cancer rscisl directed te île iýactual èurig Of Since île ccause is rnet . iie ly knecwn,, scienfiats Are affack- Cure clomnical-a ýwonder dmrug tlat can dcstroy cancer lune poni cill.in deStmoiyS fln, or an nriie that can contre]cancer Ebil- by Ihe sex glands, which secnte have somie offeon cancer. In experimnts, some hormnones haebeon tound te aspecd flirjc gmoth ! cnce, ohora t.- slow, if don. Th So eoin te haIve moa hpelatreating bmosat can- cerhiwmnanprsaec- cer in mon. Th)ey arcrkîn wlbviuscs, whic hae aie sowusoe la'boratomy resuits. la o'xpe!rmen- -ti animais,viss haveata- ed cancer tisane. Se far, hw. evor tDoy aise acknoi a tsnbut, per-Liapa a irainet0 virus an b devcled whlclr wilb b seletiliAttomta u u.sintg theso v ýilusos onhumans have net yet lw a»'rsls Tf.hey arcwerîngvitb c types etraiaio, t ieras île se o ipee j etftret- many fram atoeiapilesare be- ig bested. Radf«io aetive odjinet sedmate lifetvailue in urèatùîg cancet olClfetlyroidl; raio- Wactvegeid in cancer of fliopre- tiate; rdociecobalt in er tain othor itra acr;rdo a(ctive phosphorius inskacn cers, paricnary ficdaugcrousisdi tetbogun duýring Werld Wa Ilhav inicaedthia gaýs andé cerin cl f its dorivativos r may saomnoed ay prove et valine la treat- ing bioed cances At present, cet in ntrogenmutrdcen pendrel acein u MJoa p ooplo hop)e iat,een- ayonre substance wilhofoLe wbihîi vl] cure ail cancexs .Sci- ence shamos that hope. A, thc are boing tcsted. 'IThey ba tago sytUn- tepn, TEPA and ltoîùane e- limesteyr jutnmce. Researçirers at the vasi len tAtedsee4f.00 ifien, Oin- peuda Aunder wais A il ol11 mAd e ro forl, coî tedi fIt can oison. w MA