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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1953, p. 5

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neral -in I June when thýey7 9 p.m. nwoid acquaini IIow About Yonr Insurance STAY IN THE BLACK Don't let a bad fire put you in the RED becatise the amount of ycur insurance is far below today's in- flated replacemient costs. 19915-9 1949 1952 Building Maternais (General).........100 11 .5 28. Construction Costs (General) . 100ý 197,9 '2 5 5.7 Home Furnishaings i 10 167.5 196.0 C!91thing........................------ 10() 183.3 208.6 Wood Products ----................./ 110U 237.7 292.3 Iroin Products .......-....... .... ........ 100 174.9 21.2 Meta Prd s................10 13.1 70.*2 Farm Prod ts......................----- -100 233.8 236.2 Fo>od Prodticts......................----109 '207.2 238À0 Te'Oxtile Pr r ut s ------------------ 100 . 223.0 248.9 Lube P1ucts (.Residen1tiaI) .-.....1 et 322.1 414.3 Hlow far woufld th p1resent amount Qf your Insurance go considering thlese iinflated rell-enent costs - evenl if your p)roperty shouild only be partially damiag ?- PROTEC-t.YOUR NTRILWEALTII BRING YORU PROTPECTION UP TO VALUE Nel - F. Porterj General Insurance 1i ORONO, ONTAIR10 PHONE 92 r 16 The regular meetng of the Even- ing9 Auxiiiary of the W.M.S. miet laý Elle SundaýY ShoAu-ditoriumn of theý Orýono United ehur-ch on Thuirsdayi venjing, ADi-il 9th. The wpresident, Fleen iinsva ithe, chair, After the regular bi - 55Was deait with Beth Sherwvin, Missonay Sevearytook the deI- otonlasisedby GadsGamsby 'IdDooyBiev the theýmeben heFate essage 'Christ i ie. D.Mc»Kiinpeyof Brooklýynj, wain-i "odued t 'th auience by Eil(eený BiIing. Ms. cKineytook ýfo- ertopic tpemssage that 'ie il! risen and goeth hefore you. She spoke of the crowded churc'hes on Eesten- siiday. It was hier belief thait Ipeop'e dJid not go to church on Enster 5ust 10 shw off their new fînerybut becausýe of'the helief ofthenmiIaoleý or the Resurriectioni. Sh, e emphas;ised1 !] hofact 01-t-d eneed mnoreAxiir tesan new mnembers in oui pesn oes. We, aso need ieadershb iioui' Auxîiliaies andvith ouir bden Mrs.AMcKhinney' talk wsms teresting and crtynygae Ih ladies presient much food fror togt MisCrlnJones sanmg a -,ery appoprateand enjoyable SOlo(. The meein -ts bogtto a close t the MzpahBenýeic(tion, aften hc lunch and aî social timie wscjy THE- _ _ Anie nun-e ta they aire now"' s upplYng TO SEVEN BiREEDS IIOLSTETNS Buils awlied by Quinte District CattieBein SCOTCH SI RTIIO0RNSAs'1eleientro JERSEYS< Ay RS IIREs 'ù 11s ownd bEa'ste-rn Ontario CtteBreediing IIEEFO ~ ~ ssn, emiptville, Ontario. GUERNSEY DUAL PURiPOSE Bulls owned by HnitnDsrc Cattie Breedjing S1IORTJHORNS HnoOro Lif e M\ esi 4 2,0 Service Fee $5.00. \Service to Non-Mlembers $7.00, Ovr2,20)0 formera breil 25,000 Cos to our sires Iast year with over 70% conceiing on the first Liquire now front your nearest inseminator or, Agriculture Representative for more particulars. For service contact the mlan living nearst you- Keith Wood, Orono, 84 r 1.0. LeRoy Short, Bowmanville, 2479. Jîaan Toavit, Carke, 46 r03 Take Advantage of the Savings to be hal< when SPECIAL buying ie LUX, RINS O or SURF a this week Lux Toilet S9oa, Each Giant Box déontains a $5.00 certificate. Each 4 reg. bars only .. large a $2.00 cedtificate Redeemable on nuiuerous valuable household itemns.0 ORONO CREAMIERY BUTTER............. ...... pound for....591. VELVET CAKE FLOUR........ Twa '3 pound bugs for ofiy . . .......3. ECLIPISE PASI-RiY PLOUR ........... ........ 24 pouind hag,-......1-29 COIIOE SALMON ... ..Fancy Red . ... '/2 pound tîn....251. MEAT VALUES: MAPLE LEAF WTEJNES............. e ~ rm§h M rk&te~x Phone tw I l 1' Il - il e t Irdn ili and Judy Atkinsoni of Ajaxvisted iththei grn(bmother, MVrs. Gardenier and Mrsýz. Jas, Di:cksoni laist week. M3r. and Mrs. Fi-ed Truli spent .i spent Easter -week-end at Parriytowni and Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Adama nd wifaýmUl of Bowmanmville sp)ent Sunday w vith Mr. and Mris. Hfar iy Fralser. Mris. Victor Illcock anid Brianl of1 Bowmnvile viitedl with Mr. and Mis.. Egý,erton HaLncock last week. Mrs. Ed Gi-ahami, Mariene and 'ferry visited on Friday with Mis, 0. Gilbbs andl iamiiy, Dnar ,1aSo w-i thl M r. Gibbswho ~ i)iiii ospital in Toront.1o. manill, ad - î. nd Ms.E.Nich- oioLeskard visited on Sunidayv and ::'amily- r.Mac Smiith of C.B.L.T. Toi- onto anýd littie duhtrSusan ape(nt Saudywithhbis imotherand foth ies f'rienda. Cong-ratla tionls to Mr.11 and Mris. Vir-tie Wilson on1 their Silver Wed- dinig Annlivelsaryv. A surprise Ipalty was, given to thlem Iast Satlurdey ConraultinstoMr and Mrcs. Ro~et ayBrys-on, Kirby on their ll1arriage aýt Orono United Chur-ch Parsoage, aturaatenoon, n'April 4th1.sRer.Joh Kitchien off iciated. 111 s. 'Bryson wa,ýý,s the forýmer JKathleen' Ard, Kib iian techs chool ini BcwanviTe. Mn,. and Mr . W.Seat il iaie viited witýh frîends in Oronio oni isiedreltiesin Oronio over theý Orn hinSuv.- ,I hn- fîmîi l e iii'foi1o0 later Mi.P. C Mlo aiev Coi u st cen vis:ting Mr. admrs. 1, Hi. 211'. -, ud"r.Ay.wt Mn. Ian Mfýr. A. 1,1,1,1(ldv r wes-.i Mis WJly Cope, ih ' pn MissShAireyPrtrRNOha 'M. h'wek-nd 7itb ran 1fs, Chas. T aqel- apiv'or.e, f ibMri. WalndnMMis. .DoladFami)-, Tp'on+o vsied ov(,er atthe week nd 11E Mr S W M. oan.E isoos, Audrey Bllins, Oha spehelp Ce& ewih Mr a Mr. and Mrs.p dy Frk Waldsh, d- W"trlyOusS'kore d'reout ',sitors hledck. o' Sa e HAE 1WANÎTED Mie helll4nted foralftfm aie eiCý lpefbr ev s, machie sning.fniu- , h loemale help,2. lay 4k, hand -sand- mily Orot(,fN onl o ono toi atucttÔ ApilSa5les Geivig pfamng.Autonsleo proeperyof ,i'y Mr. an A.ThMilonr C ot. 1, Cn . ak Township, - lie mieeastf f Newonvill on .0012, idefms cas. Nrezaserv. Jack reid OI1~"O-Sun y S~oo1 t 10 Service at 7.30 Orou< 'f sias on't rusiý, won't cr-ack, won't chýiip opel...always kCsP their shape. -nxau plaistic tape woni't fade, won%~ awont shi ink, wonjr't stretchi - iesdan výiti no effort at a",. 'A"Iha nh Fexalum i ids alwavys stay ~ ~'eaîîfu1...uad mk ife calsier ,for you. Lel i f.~ nj lih an wi&ow 1,65 coler comInatiois. ORN, ON ,ST ARTO0H PINEri"43 ry s-lâ Pure Map!e Syrup gai. $ioo, ý0 France American BR tin f or........ Fr-eez,-Easy, 2 pkgs Frozen Fish, Vegeti Juices and Chine New

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