= away rA Big Showti unJie or monjey are flot, ons forno! having show of fowers. Tt is snt one can grow wîth, of effort and epni wVhere ground (s are' as nround a summr iîm forinsanea aose easily porssibe. plan, hn any et thee stick t4 things lîke nasturtîums, cosmos, zinnýias andsmir h are fo only ensily hch alse wl boomn c weeks. Whonl'y tlrst theemii prc- ave solid beds of one gh not cr'ssri rYPEs You SEIE Ur A WINDSVIWtn smaile gar- orts oýfiny t, port1ulaa owcrswhc c uf th)e mep plssare ac- obvioÇ) tha d hLbeef, faýurn- t the1 ýOne orI- trYirig to do 20 or 22 Cents? A Witleover two montbs ago the cHog Producers laktn Agencystarte operaions.Is jit recasonable toexp, tabunch ofl farmers to go into Big Busiý- ness With the saine knowledge alid xperînce ta aybe the presidet of a laree ntpc- ing comnpnny took years to pIckj UWill they not be permijttedj f0 flnd theirwy ihotsome- body yapping at their beels? Insfenad of idîbathng ,whet0îCr 20 or22 cents per 1hog is1to1 sboud encouage thue men who have stuck out their n-ecks anid are cdevotinýg their timne nd en ergy to the benefit of ail. The expoerne collacted lu getting ,>the flrst la'rge-sCaclepr-C ie-ieuuldertalking sabih ed should be he]pful fr future shmswhich are boeund taý corne.lCý eý, u mIIitting the mnfcue nd sale o)f edible oilîmatos f dairy products on Che books. if isamotiprtv fo dar fmesf0 flnd neýw oiefs for, hesurpluses. wîeta put the plan of Evertt Biggs, Dair-yCommnission-er ý-Of Ontario, into action, The thr(cee mnain ,Points of MVr. Biggs' la are 1) zon'inig of thec province, 2)pooling of ah ilk, 3) paIy- m-ent by gradle iustend of ds AIl ruckngof coui!se, would be produver controlled. The scheme would be buîl M veY mucu a long Lthe tunes cf the Scandinavan co-opematves e. in Dnak8 90,per Cent eof ail dairy audmentpodes r prçesse-d and td by pro- ducer owned fctories adwoe salec-os At the sar h(eec-prtxe had to evercome coiuîsdeable dificutis, ainy ausd y Itei "rugged irdividualism" of the famrThe turn-1ing point cameI- onlyafe the farm-ýersdeid te) give up a littiebit f lui- dependence for a wle Clo f security ,ajd accepted the prin- cAle nf bindingrcotrcs ThIey ar'e organized by com- modity grups under one Strng wfhhegoverumené-t, 1iudustry or the export trade. Su ~ces~ it wi h Ductothe1,s1ze of the coan- 1fry the sitluion in CanadaS somewhat diMierent.The struc- tuLre wouL c ld a Ve ,ton b c.set Aup bly proincs nde eu nt i oial Threcessarylesîtin il coý-OPeratià)DOnf tfederaiand p ro in ci 1governmefints. The net stp would bie the iestnb- ci C wtteJir own- sales rere(- SentýativeS lui vrsascoulltries. heCn-adjan f armer ls as ooor better, a producer asý any of his cusn on the ad in other countries. There is no reaso whyhe shold ltequal them also when it comes to the disribtio 0fhisproducts. What la ueeded às te initi ativ If heC-fp air M leaderst bing together itheproducer as- s'ciatfions, the c-o-operatives and jthe credit-unions to cd e s i g n a blupeprt for co-operatve ac- tion. *k * I* or destructive and ,vill try f0 aniswer nyquestion. Addrecss your letters tù Bob Ellis, Box 1 123 - lSt Streef, New Torointo, Towers Junk Buit-ReaÂching 12,5 feect into the Los Angeles sky rethese three fowvers buili~ of Ïunk, trash undrubh Con- I structed ossca hob~by by Sami Radilla, the sýpidie,--web struc- tures include bits, of rror, botfles, even cci&of bowling balis. * '7'ABLE TALKS Awd~e~ws If' your" famllyý is fonqd of pork Chops- and mosT fmilles ar'e- Jhere's ajethdcf (handlijg Éthem th-at's bound to meetwtheil- thusiaaie atppro,,va. Just try' it and sce if IM not right. PORK-COpPLAT7TER Spedthin coating of prepared mustad on.., 6lean pork eh0ps, Cut 3-inh1hil PLUt in paper bag Shjake chops il) ba1g to0 coat withl Boin i 2 tblp. elted fat lace chops in baking dîsh und pour over thelnm V aun(li§ on.) ch)ieken viceeou Striunergeao utloven Cover und bakeilu350" ovenj 40minutes.Suee6 osaind Corn: Comnbine in cass- erole annedtomitoes. hl kerle cononingreen pepper and seasonings; tp with rmbs CHICKEN CASSEROLE' V2 b. pork samsageý a e.hopped green pepper a e chpped oin Removem o et Blend lu ~ .pour, % tspasai c2e hopped, pitted blck olives t4 e.parsley srg Coo unil HiicesirieLýIng.L2 NComt bin e inr 1 a resed c. oriu Syrupi bs then sifti ïntoa bowllc. nesfe our(ol'c.uc-ftdhr-en ~aea well indr nrdetadad ai ihl.Turn init oprpae dis,1 rndenel ot ofvewn, 70aot4 Pu ncaýsse-role and to wif h . Ù2 . battereîd bread erulmbs Ganih ith my ore olives. Refrigerate unCtil oven îe.Bk in 35s oven 45 minuts. Seres FRAKFUTERCASSEROLE& Meit 2tblsp. ft«t r . clkopped onions, 6 fankurtrsslieed stur lidioal 1311e, eanned tomnatees sus 2 t lfow Y2tsp. sai1t ~tsp. pepper 1tsp. chili pmoer '4tsp ltyme Bleud well; stiir ito tmt Simmer until t3hickened.Store lu rfrigrato u ilioventme Thienheaf mitur taboiling.,-, fuu ntWo 2-qfcasseoleand tp wilth package coriibread mix. Bake lu 400" ve 35 mnts Serves 6. Beat Add. A 7nationjal survley inlre-t Brýita ini rev eal s that nealya third 0ofPahi theL-15-yeaýr.old youngsters in the country car- not read properl, The Da:l Sketch in London blamres com- les, ýichi-mas, TV, radio and asly the PARENTS.>ý -TeChlools arecnfv'oll responsie An ee rae partof if tbelougs ta the Par"- sev7eralomincs e cvery week, the cinema televîson, Mn ado put te cddlina poiu wher hreis njo need to learu to readc," heSkýetch commenci-ts. The Sketch snid tatby de- rvngch-iilren j-ýof tes tour subtiftesforlite.ratur-e fhey woul soneror Inter tuu f books and lean to read and ap- peite teml. With. one lu tbree un:able to rend, the educators and parentls are viewing the survey, Wth anm, Tlhe MliStîy Of EductC-iÏon sur- vey shweLhat no fewver .than 50 per cent of l-erod~23 per cent ofl-yaodsan 16 Per cent of adults were backwardl lu readin,g. They fudthey could hardly selOut flhe sîmp- lest %words. What brasures these young people are miissing. AUi he great literature of0":En-glanld on which her moral standards as W! as culture hvebeen rîbased, How, 1caci you expjecf young people fo) be Christianis w-ýhen they can-, Dlot ev-en, rend the Bible, to be- brave when they cannof read the chronicles of Brifish heroism, tc be kinidly anîd unselfish and phil- osophicau"whN teuwrds of the great thirkers are fo)revcr :csed, f0 them Tfhat's why sýome are ad- itbispi. brown stigar 'tsp. ground elloves i lb. groundcook-ed h ain Shape mue i 8balîs 011 ashallow bkigdis, Paein it, hollow sIdes up 8canned peach halves Nest a ham. baIl in ehpu haîf, ec ec Store îin refrigerator utii ovenj Bake ià 350' oven 25 minutes Gapri shLxwith gi"ree elr spisServes 8 LOG-Y, ITES OUT 0F LOV yE W1U'TH LIFIE? um oi et Ld tainle ".go Xt's tac! Ifyourliv~bilel t l wi ng bloat up our tomeh .. yufe'el n oflifThe'e we t you i, genti on ~hsn& Economical 48-Tablet l~ettle 75~ theý substitutes for the ,writtcII wvord Wrm the lives of their chlld- ren. and ljet the ecildrenred for a change. W e Sub mýIft hùat th stuaio ln th is (co u ný t r.y s not to d f er n if w e w ll be Iho n.est wi h o - Selves an-d 0our c hbildreu, If you- doubt îifhen just test ou-t yu ow n) child and see how mu-clih h. can read - Watervile < as ) v a u d ev il l e ilin e - u ps1W h l et h e p a r h u f fe d a n d u f d h o g t e rarduo us rou tin-e, bl s au i en-rcces w o u01C reac h fio r thlejir a a nl d c o a s a d w a k o t n t e m A t th e s t a t of t e r t e f h a o n t l l h e v K e I i - r e u c i u t their a e t sa d Îo f yo-u e v e rý e x p e ct t e n w e e thÏs p.rofes io n,, yo ui ha e t dr-eam up a e7w fiish frou net." -New finish?", cod'n o f th e a c ro b alt s n i n u l , " o bodjy's Sçen the old oe e //~1,pc And e RELIEF is LASTIG Nooyknows theuseof ïrheu.j tism but we cdo)know t one e t tngta case the an .i' And -w\hen you Tak xN' îN th eý relief is p o o g d b e a s INSTANTINE contains IxotOe, ut three .-proven mcdica lIigrdieInts. These thrce ingredjienits vork togeth- tobigyu not cniyfatrle but %nore prolongcd relief. TakLe ISANîEfor- Fast iheadalche relief tCOO ---or for thc pinsOf pain-s tliat oftený acconPanly a cold. Gelhistentline tdy e'. Iae lnci y 12-Ta bile Tin 25ý,l STILL -UNSEEN