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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1953, p. 7

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.. . .1,** cOü1IM N 4 7 me ?et94 c *ceoi o0dy e-hppnecaTOy mincor hat cbrary10 was the 1lbtb » anivrsay o th casimon on whicb C-oulthcis 1700 be' a m-is-p1i? w o dernd.For7HO games Cis ]t ofhocy geraesuWs iY possile that a sicklyIule felwwos iling sfoacboffnreotd M food, swhose woightdropped down, çon osintoe pn -ifting gamepayd oslybymn hoe wigbt rngodon the average fromi 160 Lu boyond20 a fpossible ha starting in the days of 24-game sccdle iecould have sýqueezod fin that mLi cmptiton l'es, ailtis wa osibl. or ue Jut\vsoe( Acn wvonders of hockeyHte mbtht Ný'.H.L.jin 1922, éa virtuel unknown. O0 Cnainsrstrwas New'syLaonefamousý from t oast to coast, a a perwtomeondous craît and sk&W, wihoso biats wero ogon bs niea hot'sohold word. 2And Jso,ý when if was announced in tho sommer of 1922, thât Canadiens had tradee reat Lalonde 1u the Saskatoon club, for ani unknown youngorwboseo ol hce enrinehad iboon in juior rankds, the sors wrl ws stunneimd, ubleig It seemred ipsil.-u hn s h turncd ciiic r rvtbîg abouit Johiatsemdimossible Frolii the sfar, thisMlite pl-aedint igr,~b - variably wore iack.poakod cap pullod dw ovor bijs eyos, wvas sensatina.A Apygmy amiiong glatsho beame tboelsive will ' the wisp fihocky. Hocould spinf on the tradiCtioniai dîmie. Bis sikhadigbaffled bis opnot.Ati wonin desperation bis foemanuglto ta eiýmnate bina. bhy body. ohecks, thoy founti him 19ho .the ltt-man 'who waýsnC't 1thee A great goaler aI theran once Wld methat JoUiatnas the mnost dangerous snarAfHbisdy, becausecf is accurac, rallier than speed ofchot. Tbe records, supportths For in 16 seasons of League play he scored 270 goalé,exactly the samo numnbor as comipild bp bis illustrieus' teasinmate. oie Mo»en Astagycotain pair, Jolit et leIt wing, Morenz et contre. The suent, tlgt-ippod Joliat n sooth, skilfül, buit iunobtrusive, MIor-enz a flari bun-die et spectacuilar spced. For eloyen consecutivo soasons thcy fomed a remarkablo partnorship. Usually, the contre ma e htplays in hockey. Bu-t so great nias Joliat's skill and crîhat et left wing, 'ýho was the playmtker, niho led Mrez he puck for t If]in01g d"rives firod by t1 tr1 or Srek A paradox af hockey was the àMagnificent Mite .loiat, physically hniaptbutont of te greaOisctinctie artists ai the gamne, ont ofi tht Great ]Litho Mn wo frn-is bcritant cha1pter's minoVer.y sport. Yeur cemmwnenan suggpen !fw tdus oàmin wPIl bewe/come b>' EumrFeurgusi c Co rHumne,43?1tan , t.>Tornue Cavr' IIIIR D MHESBURG. ONEARSf Hy Tuin - nhokaoishi boesabout as wetl as any man wvriing -- has a miost jintenesýting artitle la a rotenti ssue et th- Police Gazette" aboutbe e.- eîigretords and fgrsaei coneclon nh the figlrake Ii ny ather sport, say ythe record boolk )nill feu 'yOuwhs Who. But labxi niîbs ht mlatch -making thlat cooints fe'r marje -- la naty cases te the fighteCr's ielability If's up t)a asrw aae ta ýgel bis igh""tln tht b-est ath "Btst" obtea men avaidin'ug thte don't waana gel my kid?' breins scnambld.") O, in so)me mna -geriel pilosophies, "besb" mansn tht most luicrative bout, evaet t he est aI a ý,promlise ta leeif easy aganst ht ther fighlor,- ore ttest aI a ofceld-b'iaadedý over-atch n niigh'1t )and abi- ýty. (ýWt're la thijs raketfor 7maney ailn'tw?") In-deed, fIonail thet bloaýdsheýd end bruteiiby that gonitpnz fighbýing, ilýs jungle lies oufisid" Me nq ri ng aeprimitiveMana- gond alcircle-s whore thetugl for suvival I thtfittest bas h- cern na naterfaIdallans, flot stae;nihrebroklen promisles are 'ae or gran3ted, icke broken býones S * * A boxing lias betome a sport hr'figýures cnlie, anci liars fiue"Tht ring codbokt won-nd-iss igures are ajoko, 1a c-ruel joke. Theyj'll show for Davis has lost 45 ef 94 bouts, BuLt the cold figures don îto hint lbown any aof th-esenir spîli 1doci Sion S, raw v'Tdecî (.s ionl s. bouts stopped betause aI a su- elhe-ad, r"ý or,Sorsf ail, o ai in-es DLaviýs hbad ,ta mix wýiller o-f hîghýler negtdivisions i boss figures tnbe, Ht aore mentione Davis as lest 45 1bouts, ytstcanids recognîized a the W0r0%'sfift-ranking frether- nieight. * cî,ýbîr vcoldnoerhalve reeivdiade- sered rac etF'nbze Zîvic's velterwAeighf tiýoraw in.i1941 Cohaehadbasf 310 butin- cuigseven isright jr. n taner trechUp tothaUîýýt lme. Vet inenge bis titie shot and camle crashing fruh ii h-imselftL ,rel rinýg msehed bowed 23 limes (icung a striag cf eight straighfd).be'iont earning thet bie. Unquenicheble Lew Jaishad, benbeete-n 13 tures, nldn fiv kyces. beforo ri-si o ta tht 1 i f Frit juins: The principal Ingrecienîs le ~ Dxe':Remeidy fer Rheumetlc Point, MAUNRO'5S DRUG S10R5 $1.25 Expear Pepoid s pOGRTïS Pie Suffere-lrs Oct uickReflet Wten the [loti hum ami p in ie kee y n ,wak "u- n gi , «i e e MtreW e se.0 t apake e 0Ln-'.c e 1mw faut th ~i nwwie, atoei eleteetcens <S ilry Orin , rtee on iutqi lic waîeh (tee eeîta lossbeforernin tritcrown Wacot,15 defoafsansl Jin-, Badc,20; mdlnegîTony- Zl,12; wlowih Kid Gaviî-I Ia,12; hlîghtwvcight's JmyCar- celu1, aur6 Salas,10 and Sem ngf,10 eahrogh Boxingis ontsporti iili ai--j-ef ttthon oom0 caurcssIe ofilgtos whowero Hoaest jst fcw Sein Langiad Pthblyth greatesoft fiht"or o ilieh weighdoys160Thpounds naf i eak, ut cd vnth bs b evywtrtld press" ias a sugger wo woul Lio Gib bons Ao4f oundor poudshoaieaot lftt 'leve-r- Pete Jacson:Austaian pred- Harry WoJtle !ýgi o, JaDck JoeeCoynsits6ponr 01,,ia* Gerg ay) baey ieda tht greetest ko svingo, h lighter ighters Laýu Tond'er: ntof erthgreat- estsothew aIaitlme Joannetto, harli) Whitelisen ShC-- e oI hky o t Benj-ut "ý a- in, Gorie War-y JoitSih JFmorîs--coli, tht Originl Je- WalCott froi tht Berados, A Hudkisruc ca mioneerA where but n tcord 41tbooks! PioPiner - Nboy kow aijT G screts Be-e-Less Bent-heel e no be-es on these boinnoîs when., ShyYoungo, campmage of thtMake Braves, fin- ishes a slight allýeratiC)1On on is teom's caps. Tht "S" which stood for Boston, will e re- placed Wh "M" which stands for thet nint's newý,,, home town. Ma y&b e a run inq àterodrý-out and1heavýy-boadd eeling ona>' ýsoon follets Thet'atht une te teke Dodd's K/tino>' Pilla. Dodd'saimot 11o kiny3enra ctioni. Then ye foot betrsoop ottr-wwrkbotr Cet DdaK/neyPls rpou. IS CALLING YOU TODAY! cont-lract tao somieone in yourcomnt to represent us in oeln urnew ad rmodem opîoIzton.Accident anci Sick- nesýs Life lns.ronce plans. Wîrteac nfi en anl tiL.e ailabout your- self. Arrangemnentsmaty be moýde for o personanl C AR LES 1 E. REA 47 tai Plante AvenueTrno GAJARANTEED FUEl PUMP FOR Att FORDS $4.98 Orée, fada>' ond Thon Forge About Future Fuel Pump Trouble, 81.00 Dopas/t on Ail CCD Orden £211 SNTERPRISE5 mcx t rosi SkiE, Oic in HotnTex, ond ponders tht ilos that lie ahead cjon bis NorthSouîh Americn conen-u Wta ou. Het htbishome na Buenios Aires, Argentinal, on ion, 20, and plaps te trocvel 20,000 miles before his ractujra, into ht coled emonfilrg lit- foepouring it mb tht bak trust, It must be served cold. Thisý is a perfect icoliox pie gingfirmneýss ias iftans Tht trust willnef soîton. If desirod, Try strviag, an ice croa1mù 'ce- berg" on eath ipi-ce e our cm ýhocý elate pie,, ist-Cd ei vhiippea Pared vanila puddiqU)teicmek gedpiefiin. hnner cool, bld la tifl etna in pre-coo)kod pie shil. 1,Sprinklý coconut and thocolato 'dvec over th "Itop;place e m1omj-ent unr der your ýbrier te bron iin coco>0 nut siijghtlyvand melitcola Chili -ompfletely before servtýin1 apple on top et cooled bu;tter- stfhfilling_.rTep %wiliiîpe _-Prom tht Chrivstian )Scie'nce Mionitor

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