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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1953, p. 5

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jeamn Allin, Margret Good, Bar- ejoius lunich Ëerved. Lara Oarmii and Teoyce Gray 'were JOni Monday eveninig, June 22r.d eo-bo'teaes tO a;j ceJunoii Betty was guest of honour at a hilen Ihower fcr M*s Bt Chapmnarî shewer helê at the home~ of Mrs. bride-to-be, en Friday evening, June Bob Stevens,, Bownanville. 19th. About 28 friends gathered at; On Wednesday évening, Jupe 24th, the hom~e f et Je Allen 'where after J the Oronc United Church Choir pre- Btty opened heic any lovely gifts,ý sen-ted Betty with a levely cup and asocio tinte was enjoy'ed and deli- 1 Face* Sii STRA Adlte ol Unitd Ckurek 9 BERY-CIA Te. Children 40e.. CD ALqD OEDnIfI!L!O SUN»AY, JULY ,.th at 3:00 and 7.30 Preacher, RE . ,H >RLD TURNER, B.A., 'B.D. ST. PAUL'A CHURCH, ROWMANVILLE Special Music at both Services On SilZday, June Liat, a family re- [ Local INew~ union was h(eld at the home~ of Mr,. and Mrs. C. F. Duncan, OronoI t Mrs. A. H. Davy of Tc celebrate the fiftieth wedding anni- spnding a few days with mi ,fersary of the eldest brother- and Day his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J1. G. Me- j' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wats Calluin oid Chattanooga, Ton. A 'e eruonadv Mr. MeCallurnt Ieft Canadle cVr pntte kergsnd 'nd Mr fifty years ago but when hle vîsited the week-dend Arci Tor here two years agfo ha said theyii~M.adMs ru would be back for this occasion. fMrl. ~ldMr.W.Mle Asseiubled here fori the ilay Wtre Orme MalIey attended the D the sisters, Mrs. Wmi. Braby, Toron- and : C.%hvert wedding in Rhe 4ý C)ornwall, Miss Marion MeCuHu a turday, June 20. also thei of Torarnto, Mrs. Clarence Dunýn which was held at the 1 ,ïýndhusbaix4 A--4hr 'se1,Ga1deis, 95Lgkeshore Roa-si we were rentibrng but. oldi Miss F.Cobblediek is visit be with us is Mrs. L. N. Coussoule friends in London, while of Portsmoutth, N.H. Also for the day, Wajsh is visfting in I3troit a neice, Miss HiIda Braby, Torantoý V¶isitors recently with Mr Miss Mary Loti Wariug, New venfl Carscadden and faiily were Conn., a grand-daughfter, Mrs. Vie-M'SNeon MRbrs tor Haxicpck, Bowmanville, a ece'1'ri, oronto. Mrs. Georp also hier husband and family. Mr. Don Nýewcast1; Mrs. Cherry, M Duncan, a nephew -and family, Mrs. Hijt, Mrs. John Hill, Port Fi7ed Duncan was also present. Mrs. John Maliey,Pontypool ,Mn. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Corit- IAn tCathcart, Mr,. and Mrs. wfall, remained for a short visit withi Catbcaa't, Mr. and Mrs. Cee4 Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan. - nal - Qý - Mrs. A. A. Drurnnmonda SIXTIETR ANNIVERSARY spent SÙnday at Maple Grový Alex wus guest soloist at Rov. and Mrs. William Beniamin niversaxy Serices at Mapi Tucker, 195 G.iendonwyniie. Road,W. Chureb.- FEDERATION 1PICNIC ito i8 <Coninued tcon). age 1) Mael was Blackstock with '31 membei foyllowed by Ebenezer wii 22, ime bers. Blackstock xeceiWed a Bri, Lewis Case for @,-, by itheir secretai- Ohrattendance pie were award nndGerald.ron socket tool set;~ Joy I4d Mr. Bell, comb, mirror an~d bruslh set; a énotBruce Coonbes a baseball glove. ýsA- Mr. Lloyd Jasper, Tht vice-pre ,,tg A-det-ý -h Ontario -Fdeationi eptioII Agriculture wnn the guest speal cooley for the afternoon. In bis address st.ressed, eFposibility .of theindj wthual famrzp,t.o the Fedeeration of A .H. riculture. He urged that memabe h dscu ,+ their pobiema w th the T. j. counity unit who would theli pasa 1ý nd &long through proper chanxnels f .P.action to be taken. Mr. Jasper poir ,redit; there existed an under but at present there was duction. This he said nie consideration so that il advanee to a stage wher dumping. air urono. FEEDS- So!d at Durham Farmers'y COUNTY CO-OPI Mq[hodist Church, ilefore retiring ta Toronto Sýa years ago, Rev. Mr. Tueker held pastorates at Brighton, Whitby, Madoc, Campbellford, Nor- wod, Oshawa, Wellin,1ton, Orono, Manilla, Coboconk. His father, the' late Rcv. Williami Tucker, and his brother, Rev. Samuel T. Tucker, 2837 Yonge Street, Toronto, were Meth- odist muinisters also. Mr. Tucker was born at Trowbridge, Ontario, in 1869, and attended Victoria College in Co- bourg and Toronto. He was teaching imiatlema tics at Albert College, Belle- ville, when le met 'Mrs. Tucker, thc former Florence TM. Bluff bora 1874 in Prince Edward County. They have one son, Dr. Albe$t Williamn Tucker, and tîree grandehildiren, Alant Cur- tiss, Thomnas WilliaW, and Barbara Jane Tucker, who resides in Prince- ton, New Jersey, whcre Dr. Tucker has just been namied matlemnatics chairmari at Princeton University. FORg oD oration Da Flowerý wilI be avaiIabIe, g atg g RiddeI's Sg g Oron0o, "this Week-end Bowinianville I Ogilvie LEMON - LIME CAKE M4X .......... packiagý1e for 3e FROSTEE ICE CREAM iMIïX - hwolate and Valj . 2r...2e LYON'S QUOFFY ... ith 15 FREE TEA BAÇGS.........6c Fresh"JA-.l-FILED Fozen Oranige Juice, Snlow Frsh"JM-TLEDCrop, tin for ... 1hFruzen ~Pink lemlonà-e, tin 30c, Cannlg...m-iCoi e Meats RZTO, bottie for........... 25C. ýRTO CRYSTALS, 2 for ..2.e 4'C -RINGS, dozen. ....... 39c. BBER RINGS, 2 dozen \..19C. ,OWN JARS, pts $15 .q~169j flSN 'fARs, pts $.5. t$. Con0 PEAMALDCOTTAGE IROLLS pound for ...........5e Mape Leaf Pb. 29c. Loin PORK UCII -- lean -- Ib. 65-, Mlarke- Toronto. Mr. anid Mrs. Lloyd Jasper and Mr. Robt. Wenger of Mildinay were diii- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tCari Blingson Saturday. M~r. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson, Payre and Dianne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry MeMahion at their codage at Caesarea on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Grahani, Marlere and Terry spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and faniîly, Dun- bartori. Miss. Junid Gianville, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Glanville, sndlay visitor-s.with Mr. and Mrs. CaW-BiUlings were Miss Audrey Bill- ings, OshaNwýa, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jewell, Mrs. H. Jewell, Miss _Mary Jewell, Bowmanvllle; MUr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. A. A. Drumii-ond,i Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch, Mrs. D. Bailey, Wayne tind 'Mary Lynn.* Recent visitors with Mrs. W. A. Gorry were Mr. Win. Sharp) of Tor- onito an~d his daughter Ida; TMts. Gea. Stantbn, To-ronrttiandi frs.~Rm (nee Anna Hoidgeý) of Ohio, U.S.A. Mr,. and Mrs. H., T. Sniell, Taronrta, visited Mrs. K. Gpmsby over the week-end. Rev. J. Kitchen conducted Anniver- sary services. at Kendal last Sunday «a-nd Rev. Lancaster of Newtonville -iij)plied the pulpit at Orono United Church on Sunday mnorning. He was also guest speaker at Lcskard An- nivcrsary afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Elliott spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. M. Dunbar, Port Hope. Miss Eleanor Robinson and Miss Barbara Reid left on Sunday niight for Toronto wbere they have taken1 positions; Eleanar with the Toronto Hydro and Barbara- with Bel! Tele- phone Co. Mir. W. E. C. Workman presided at thc org-an in the United Church oni Sunday morniflg due ta the îllness of Mirs. Workman. Mr. andMs. E. Gilbank and famiiy visitýed friends aIt 7Maple Grave qon Sundaýy and attendled the Anniversarri Mi'. N. Cobblediick is spedin"1g hs vactio wihlis daiugter mr's.ý Stewarw oanadianl Ottaiwa. ý Reld Crosýs S\i\ n lasswl niig Polat hePý,rk. MriW.Bag- I nedi, Bowmanvmille, wha wiil be('the intrctr s in thepat ewyer reqess others to get th-eir smali children actu(stoltel ta thle water. heforc that date if posible. 50 that lhiey .lxvill mak1e better pragreslý-s. Casswill be in tile afterno, n exact timïe willle advertcsed atr Water safety inistrlucisfrthe aider purý1ls w\ill also be giv-en,. Orono Patoral Rever'-md John Kitchen DECORATliiON DA or Sunday Selool. Decora-tion DYay and Dedlcatio the new Lang Meniorial Chap( :the Cemetery t2 30.Bad n from 2:00. . . . . . . g YAR ,.A EDESI Lq Ledrhp ousea a lne in MinYeÂrSÂHEADlEDRHr $ g ~ ~ Pha Moft"ig î Oe.T o nar i AR drwrs ul ae t neninewt our Pullovers and Cardigans in nylon or 100 p.c. -botany woolI low nieck with embiroidered and bead trim, with collan or tur- tie neck. Cardigan style witl bat wing sleeve and emibroider- cd collar-, colors yeilow, pink, white purplc grey, ffghit hue and flame. Price S$3.56 -$ . 0 SSlacks lin check or plain, double s(-amiý with bee Priced at __ ss95 - $11. 'î 'Shorts fil cheeik taffet a flocrked dentim, fin cttondii and clambray c;rf turoy. Pri ýed at ...........$9 5 Cotton BlouseýSs si ze12-1, colors maýuve, ie h s pikand green. ride . 5 Cotton Dresses aîl different styles and colors to choose fro)m Priced froni ...$6,95 to $13.50 Baby's Sun Suits in ciskay, emhbroider-ed trimi with bonnet to match. Priccd at ....$2.35 Boy's Broadeloth Suits, size 2 Io 6. Priced nt........----$2.25 Boy's Dung-arees, Kingcot dvaim, 71/4 oz., zipper fly, size 8 t) IF. Priced at.... . --$.5 D)enim by thie 3yard, colors of ilinie or rd Price per yard 95F White Summer loe. £s sanli. dal clr pump).$32 o Cotta Jersys ormen wo ami size-s. ê / . .. SIC. Red Rose . 1 0ý Guaz-e :er, ~b. 120 size MOF FAT for yourl1 FEATIJRING ON ALL MODELS coMoP CEI CEI 1

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