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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1953, p. 2

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N~ol soelong mgoin th07days f ailies enjoyed net more tban wjîihteadveýnf of mixeus that, c~n e usd inthe ree ne ~f ,~yur refigeatrice crem lemea i envelopeiunlavrdgeai dd bot milsgar anrd sitand ehir ntilgulatn is dissolved. ýAdd Ylen r jind, ýIigbt crea~m and JeUnJce (the m-,ixtuire will hav- curdled appe2ara-nce, but mt wil disappear during freez- ing.) Pour into freezing tray an fre-eze, t3a amusli, Remiove ta, ïJhulJed i bc, randbeat unftil smooh. Qieky reurnto freez- Àrng tray and free-cze ui fi hrm Six rebvings. Si youhave a good vanilla ice cralecipe for freezing jla your retrigea «or-(or se this ch-erry ee for-,a tbase) if is practical fa vayifto makine ahnmos aniy fao yecu desir. If -you Ywant a peppeýr- mitcandy ieýe creamnr, jusf om-Yit flic original llavoriag and Cheli sug r adisubstifute ¼ poundý Yt mmred pppmint sticca- 4y an-.d freeze as you wudyu rigînai ice cream. If yout wanit peanuiLt brîffleic cream, substitufe for flic sugar la pound ground peanuf brife. Chocolsatecip ice crem te- quilrcs ïabout 1½ cup swTeef eboca- aegrated. For- nut ice creami Madd boptlà /2cup copped nufs ta vanïilla ice cream mixture. when, it is trouer ta the rmush stage. Add 3 mashed bananas ta your vanilla recipe for banana ice cr .Anid, if yôku wanît butter- scthice .era, us-e 1brown sugar ins(teadof white and acdd i ½ fesn melted buffer fa your mixure Alostany frit ice crevm may be made by adding- i ýqj cupsnashed, sweetenied fruit tO ~ ~ k a ail cüream mixture. lIeue i Pamshllrýow base- ice cre~u yauwililike. CHRR 1E CUEAMf c o aur ar red swet i/5 oandmarhmalows(about ac- cu tenspoon sait SteaspiOon almond iýexiÈract Splat heavy cream Redi eolorg Drain %crries and reserve 92 cup sýyrup. Pif cherries andl chop oasy.Combine -marshmrallows ýwl-thefl2cli cp cherry syrup ando jte chopped cheries in a sauce- pan. 'COook over low heaýtunî nrshmal'r"-lowýs are almst eltecd. frmbetandcotnesirg uni, marsý-ima1iows rare cm pitey elted, Add sait and ai- mend ýextra-ct; unix well, Chili ands yrupy. Whip !cra nti stif' i and foidi inmarsbma-llow- cherry ixture. Freeze. Aoextylpe of ie ra a for eggs as one of the ingredi- entýs. Here (ýis ar n unsualbac walnýJut ic ecream- of this type. 0feco urise, any otber nutsmae ueifyo'u prefer. BLAJÇ ALNUT ECRA ieup sugar 2 eupsiight reaift ¾eups ehopped blaek 'wannut cadmilk in top o, double bieComrbine sugar, foutrand sait anjd graduaily stir into scaid- ed milk. Cook 5 inutes over sîmmringwater, stirrî-4ng con- stantly, Beat egg yolks siighti!y. Ad.d about ½cup- of the botf milk to egg yolks, blending well; add mixtture fo rernaining miik, Ccclk 2 minutes over simxl-i.eing w vafer, strigconsfanitly, Chilîi: until very colidi.Add vaili, c-rna and nuts bind WL Beaf egg -whifes until stiff but flrot dry. Foid, into mixture. Pour init a 2 trays; freeze until almost soljd. Turnj into cbilled bowl and whip until ligit and c-reamy. Freeze. Perhps ou wuidlike to mlake your own sauces wf wb1-ich to top iuce cram. er ar several that may be keptinyu refrigerator for several dayý)s and served ether hot or cold. MWARSHIMALLOW BONEV SAUCE (about 16 i'~Cpstrained hne Vcap heavy creami Combin-e rmarsh-ma!iow s, honey, and creFm in saucepani. Cook oiver lwheatunimas a- lows are-alimost meite-d, Swtig occasionally. Remov'e from heat a n d0 coninue sfirring unftil marshailow aremelted. BLUEBERRYSAUCE 2 ups blueberries, ase a'nd drailned ½cap sugar itabIe-pfoon onsae itablespoon btter Vs easoongretundelv Cook i cup bineberries and water over 10w heat 3 minutes, Combine sugar and corcnsta'rch anid graduvally aicdd to blu,,eberriy mixture, sirrng ensfantiy.Add butter, lemon juice an-d cloves; cookuni butter meits. Re - mnove from heait anirýi stir in te- aiigcup of bubris atî,e!y threce yeors cf îiqhfirigý in Krea, csu- almýio.st four limes qgreatêr for the Reds tho seen in the aibovýe chart. Officiallyetmad fr Red Chinese farces a re 10500 ot a re çsioede l 2O0 DukSops f te&lR-Mm u vk, i th bI e r d uck ins Safely CruiSing 1,tOuf ofl.arM's woy, PCddlEs asObclose inShCrF e. she dores ta quQck insuits ai cIioness in the Srïish Sector Zooogial ardnsin in. Mýrs. Srb1h,~ he watEýr mnore than she disflkes tosing a tasty duck d in re r THEY CALLED HlM THE " DANGEROUS POET Iýistory 1plays strange îricks wihthe fmu.Most people thin1k of Byron as a giameous playboy who had týhe knack ajf wrîia godverse, btwhose maicrais wereunamentionable. Yet yrnhadi great stength b of caafet. e should have gone, dawn rta pasterity as flic Warrior Ptand nat the Dangerous Poeef as newa dubbed by, Ladyý C aroline ab He did not even bave the ad- vanfage ai a good home leitn l bis youfbt,His tat1her, MadiJackt Byi>r, was a waster and a ,pend- trftwbo deserted bis wif e whnByronc was b-oru. SIc was a habituai drunkarwd, wbo lef t lier cbld fa look alter himselt. 1É be wasglimorouas and at- tractive ta womèîn, if, was due fa bis strcngfbh of wili-iad nof f6 ntr.At nineteeýn bisni- inme ws"Mooniface." lHe vwasý below average height, ycf bis weightwas MI3.ponds. le bcd nJo wa"ian a pr.anouinced iimp. Thlere waýs no thýou-glit of wm en la b 'is rmmid \bwhïea be decided ta go into seclusion and exjpexi- ment itb diefs in the hope af reducing lus weight. For. two montbs be lived on biscui-ts aad, soda awatcr, forced bimselýt t kcep fif,o 1and r-efurned taCam b Lridge urcgiaiSfripped of bis frat, le mwas slendc(Ie, and his face !inely, chiselicd. Wifh mciless Vweigh1îtotcarry, lbis limp was almnostunoiabe If wasno unfil then liýat womi- enbegan fae admire hlmr, and flic long 1sf ca aairs wb'ieh bas m'ade l noforïiaus hgïan ýBe- fore Le is judged for fliese if must be rmebeedfit he a oaly ineteen years aCd at the time. le bad a large fortune Ia a titiJe, 50 if 15 net surprisiag that be tbrew many wviid parties wbîch seandalizd flicevilagers of ewseadAbbey anid the sr rounding country, The descrip.. fions aiotfem bch 1bav'esr vived1d ht fhy were littie mre thc an op hu "binges." Up nc occýýasion Le and biS frîeds righene thevilages dreýsSed as mo-n;eks and dikn Once be eve deeived 'h)-,is friends by dressing b-is curreat gléi riend as a mon and infra- ducing ber us lis brother c don. The pulicatin 1et ls poem, sougit effe ilaLondon's sca cice.le developed a sense uof S'inshits, br-igh'l1y eolour1ed Thc ladies AILandaus social set were no different than the irls 1t b -.is cieedays Phey> st bis hcad "e'was 1flicoignleona et~~~~~~ thtîaf'mrug"sho Skin andked socks b!end ïin tehybrid unîform of iflIemn Cha.ndrra Bahad)oýu; r Liu, seeni abov, batig aside.-drum tat Surrey, Enigland. He is cone of the C omm, ,ioi)w eaçlth's facimou(js Gurkha sodier. The irt hat as emained on tByrorfs namce wstrw hr by a very vicliouswmaLatdy Caroline L.amb. She almostfoe ed a love qaff air on hFm, dwben ifdied, as ail his affrs did, sheý refused to accept it. She wen0s 'ar as to, sta-b herseif in pbi and writeic rr1os etters abotl him. To stn]ite scandaiByron mae- rebut it w:as 11ot a succeseful marrage an afer is child was brbiwife laU him Ilis final IIlove afair, wthl gýilnmdTeýresa , was the imost latnand t hrougbhber he w"as initr-odced teOite undergro.und movement to set Ifa-ly free. lin182 hejoined the G'reeks in, thJifighit for fedm and the reai Byron came t l'f~ y his own efforts bie organized the movements, plannecd the mo-ves, avrranged for medical supplies, oganized food and xelded the mOve(-ment jInto afirst-Class figb-t- ing force. The Grmeks worshipped himý. liad he ived fA see their ef- forts successfuI be migbt bave been offered the' Crown iof Greece. lis strength failed, anid on Aýpril l9th, 181,24, crying out: cFad co ur.age-follow m7ry dd.s utnhoswwk conined, anid three years trGec a AShip! End you lunow that the head of at sperm-waies 1as SOlid as a slabof rite , and(I an iron fbron a it iilbounce off in the South At!inie one acfuaiiy ramdand sank fi ln bruKathlee, sippredby Ct.Thomras î. lenins When t he 'first muatewn o if in bis boat if kept coming onj diefyfor the bijp, ihgahr lng speedi, csea f go-îng d wblsusually d.Tbryfeet"'f', iffid to go u"nder, bLut br u~notMroom lato lar Istruck the Ktle owr of hemizenrigng, "fiv'e cor si Lee !nder wvater, ~vr1 skigher, then, triedi to cm up, rasng ber stern twvo or ïtbre e feteso fbaf wvhen she dro-pped again ber onermd a fremrendouisspah Whnit was found that t Nocsivas fioodinig from- a hole in- tbe sbip, Capt. ekn odrd thIE crew letaIfake f0 the boatý cIoth-jes. Five minutes later te ahenroeiled evcer ZhEý boaf were later pickied u"p by the semhpBreeof oldtie whalerfeus tbrilling stories of proa encou-inter's in "Slsand Wbaies" Once bis baini the maidst of a a C-col of whs, w7as rckd larimîngiy I' b tePon-derous humps. Te crew grabbed the gunwailes fo fry fa ke-ep ber rigbt side oUp, bie buried into the air Iby fuge lasbing f ailts. Then the boaf as canted righf over, and ail six os fhem w ïere in th-e water wifh th)e buge black mI-onsters s!idii-g pasf, carrTin-g ie and boat alonig w fbem. slïiding on an.ýd off, nojt even er ing the thunderous spoutîng. At fîmes, lie says, if seemned as iýf bis heart ladsfopped whenI those hugemonter rubedhlmin- passing. Their body motion ere- ated a kind of buoyancy; at ne, time did he, feel imii-self sink--ing, .Tby ere soclý-ose, that he had no0 chanice to strike Ouf and swimr. WThen hoe put bis leg downr straighit, bisfottoujch-ed oneCf tmalmfost paralyzbig bimy wvith fear. Af ter w,ýhatsemda eiern-ity they wnadb n bi s cirew, were fr eeifo swAim, sb-,p ing adtriîd et'i et wanie In another but, as the ar poonCer sfruck hmthewhls buge faili aeup and fbit te beat's mast inthe middle, snap- ping if off, tearing a- big hole in the boftomn, pping ouf the thwvarf end of thie paknand seriousiy ijrigtwo Imen.Iin no tim-re the-y vere ïailswanmped.ý whaie, nowingtha,',if lie dîh boa wold ink vundeýr fhem. The gunwles eref]ush -wiîflithe water; onluay a fow wudkeep Mue foafunfli they couldpas teir lins, f0o neocf th-e othe3r boats. if the boaf sank the tua îejtured mawouid ueydrown. T leoarjs bhad gone ecet or thec steigone, wbich 'iva used) tac ýkeep heboa i u3' wtbth the devil an-d thede sea: siýx wvet, bai-rozen nibeig fowed ail over the Sout% Atantie by a, malumofli whe that dîdnt have Ille seseelta siack up on filâli ne and id hlmselîof bseeis bot ried imany turný-es ta gef near nugb ta fake ibe une, but Cacb htimn-e flC wb nalÏe vwou.LýId miii oýff onuaotertacIk. le-madene a !omt acamc e fr fic boat> hea-o, utsiapped hewaf'er with bis buge tail a numnber cf fie.For more than two houirs he continued n bs. ild way, sbowag o sgnsof l ac-kenirg, Evenualy, hey cut awvy as anoteher tboat camne algid >t taite fhem aboard, snd their own) In thicas fammoh10 ft ulspermr, wie har- ponrbad fastened fo'ar io flic bmplhe boat wencon- pietely over, bftms-îde up, wifh) Uts crew, of six caugbf under if, tryinig desperatciy ta x rct fhemivhes tram sais, oars, lanesandspa,-re ion,viiiilethe unie went whisiing round the, laggerliead 3at terrifie ýspeed. Tbey managed ta climb on ta i-teke.The lune got caught arld became )ca twlne ihthe waie ceering o eh rwidward ai a mad rate. They culdn'teut aay, for hatees, sbeath - ivdes, oars weealelst, As the blls uge tal pn p, then ,slowly disap- peaýred unrder the ses, tbey, stared at eciother, fbinking fthe samne ting: thi is the end. But the last puill i Ntwold hI-ave ,taken tbem down neyer came. cInstead, . the wh4a]e rose adgai-dstarted off at breakneck speed. If was somne time before if be- gan ta ire anrd siacken sý-peed, the miastý -andîicsaili bavîiïbgacted as a drag. Just iine they saw; thie w-aiýing barqjuel- ccmeý Uzp into the vwind ad ac er mainards CatainIany draop- ped thie bow vboat, too1 , fhie fluer, fisbcd a bigbi f aicheune ith a boat-book, got enough siack for a few turns ouL,- n is loggýrerca,ý and i ffway the uptuned boat. ilt nad been a neari c The second mate, Mr, Silva, I ~ '~'~/ \~/ would not eut away from the I Cruse-Dongbis own loundry, as he has doile for 2 yeor.5, Frank Drocbot, 6Ç, iscomy-fcrtble cand happy. He livclone on c rvnted island in a tone -quçlrry Keeping him cormpanýy tre 1500 Chicens, svr pigtýeo nd a dog, ' Crvusoe" vwashesbis_ ctes crfu , making ev-er-y crop eeý,cut s aIw e mu be caýrried f rvrr the mnktndoýè

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