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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1953, p. 4

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~tawa. $1.50 tsi. R C Forrester the eecorate -of fpel that they informed as to' are being pre- in ithis election DE.ATH WATSON nus saw Gn -eral Htospital o dyJ 9h 19,53, Angaus Watso eav sbn of Jeninie Cmpe Age 51yea'm Resting at theFnra Hoe f Northcutt and Sii , 53 viio Sj BowmianivÎille, Servi e oWdnesdaly, 1Julyï i.at2:30 .mLât rmentOro Cemetery. ar The OronoBadpoiepcuer in the Oi-rnoCo)j-mmnty Park it a pro0gram of CI'baudmic oSuda afterinoon, at pense ïinvolv-ed for thesýe mieetinrgs. Trustimr filiat wÇl ~~uv ngpublicationi nh as ours 1 amn pr- f the ïex-J ný' yovur paper. Your very mu CC.F. Candidate fo-r Durham Couintyl a ,re indlhIighier compressýion ratios of thie eforeo fourgravae-nhd engines bring you greaitcr powfer,grte stamina, greater performance, greater ability to re do the job. Youll find that means f aster a Yd ccelertion, g-eatter nibiity to climb the steepest grades. And Yoii'ii find a> Over- iwonderfid pain iiï gasoline mileag;e, tool* ýwer As any owner of a 1953 Chevrolet wer t be bIlIt teý iOrono Rave Your Furnace V ACU UME RE".-,PAIRED and or a New One INSTALLED Befoe CLD WI.AlER Coniesi R. E. LOGAN Phono 18-10 [ NOTICE 3lst. COMING E xk"by Uniied Church wiAl hold their Anve yServices, SuýnilaY, JuIy th at and 1:30 p.m. Rev. Harold Turnef of St. Paul's Churchi Bowmianville, wi llbe the guestl speaker. MapIk e ove Chir l-at 7:30.1 1The und'lrs igned bias received in- struct-ions from the Admînister Go' the Estate .of the lateI. GregoerY Mrritt to - eh by Pie acino Friday , lloth atA:30 p.in,,1 1ilmle rorth of wa l on the Mlan- Vers roand a IiIf mile east. Val-ý Luable farm m inrywill1 be sold.1 Teris cash nrsov.J<e eid. Auctioneer. CARD THANKS 1 wish to týjkç bhis opportitht thank ail my neigbboursa friands, also the Heather, Rebek ý's for the lovely cards and 1flowe during my stay in the Rsi1 rs. Wni. Mitchell The anniual Tvilight IMeetnfg SPOW- sored by the Duiripm jCco ty RoI0- Stein Club will be lie.d onhurday j'ly l6th at 7 pm. Brwve Farms, Newcastle,>p a speaker Incintyre flood of thle Oshalwa Timies. Judging cmeiin rzs lunchcl. Everynne e i',orne.Coreand bring the famnily. c -z5-C1 FOR SALE CoonaRange C ýk ýtove huma -wood or coaL lin fïir4tcl,s iconýdition. 'Phone 58-r-6, Orono1ý /a-p House for Sal la O nrý'io 6-roomned house *mÏth b44 oncý pro- perty, earjly possession rae. Harol Awd2727 Yonge St. Torono t 'o ç-28-c DE AD F AR4ý ST 0C0ICKED UP prornptly. 'Plri*ie c9dect BQwmaville 2679. Also Nvé bu- live hor sesý. Marg- will Fur FaiALyrone, DEADSTUOCK remioved fïrm ýyùur farm promiptly for sanitarydioa. Telephonie Collect: Cobeuryg1266 r Toronto Em3-3636. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED more engine power! Chevro01let Tucks offer yOu a Selectioe, of fouýr f; amoojs vave-in#-head egnsit, mnatcýh i(od. grade snd Schedule. The tw great 235.5 cu. in. Loadm1aste1rS(cve ionai and C'.O.E.), the')248 cu. in. TForque- nate and the 270 cu. T. Workmaýster a'il feature, fuit-pressure h bricaItioni and imn- P~roed 'Power-Jet carburetion f«or longer life, smnoother performiance and extra economly 'braking power! TwýIn- Actioni rear Brakes and Torque- Action front brakes, both with long wearing linigs effectîvely sealed againýt dirt and moisture, ýom)bine to pro\ide effective bra JdnOg for greater saifety and driving ease. Torque-Action front brakýes are standard o'l m l s.Tepositive Duo-Shoe parking brake on IH.D. mnodel, nioiutd at the rear of the transmissi-on, eliminates cable stretching andi greatly reduces service adiistnents. staying power! Now, heavier, stronger, more durable fiames increase tigidity, add to rugged- ness and stamina of ail 1953 Chevrolet trucks. Long famnous for their ability to take the toughest jobs day after day, Chevrolet trucks art nov brawnier, sturdier thani ever. more economy! The new and greater stamina of 1953 Chevrolet trucks plus extra gasoline economy in heavy-duty modeis with im- prov'ed valve-in-head performancerece havling costs per ton-mile, brings greaterover-al economy througefi the,,Z long life of yourtrcs A GENEICAL MIOTORS VALU) trrsck, knows, these are thle sturdiest, miost powerful trucks, Chevrolet bas ever built. In evrylad range, they h-ave proved th-emaicîves to0 be the ordsleading money-mnakers on aay hauling job. Before you buy, drop ia at our show- roomî and talk thiags ov;er. Let uLs show you why i's better business to buy Chevilet Advance-Desi-n Trucks. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAAKE! cr4539 rOçy W. aNICH'm àmOLS Ostarlo A. F. McKENZIE, M-N PHYSII ANaeà SURGEON e) riunria: 2.00 to 4.00 em. ;Me&te .041 . Sundayls andW.u4 b appointmertel & PHIONIE 47r] - to N@ E. C..sY E R, m.B. PHYSICIAN andi SURGEO7<4 Main Street S«'nth Office Renia: 2.00 to 4.00 P.M.: 6.30 te' 8."4>pjm Sundays and Holidaya by Appointment PHONE 74'r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERIN-ARY SURGEON Par'k Street OPPOSýITE SKATING RINK PHONE 94 r 16 ORON@ bu~rlnr LEGAL Lawrence C. Magon, BA Barrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVIMLE, ONT. Office 688 HOMiÉ &iS JACK REID Ono's Licensed Aucioneer anti Valuatw Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conmuit me for tenu. .and dates Phone 5 r 18 - 0nm TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducto Auction Biale* of atm eïus and at roaso»nabi. rate. Coninicat. with )du at P p.rry. Ontawi, «or ehh ls e*i . I. M*rton, at <hom., fer date. UIFE INSURANCE Pension Plana; EdAuçional P*He"ug Protection and Sainau Plna lu Children and Adults; Mortg*X. Km. surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 30 rU The- RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY DIal 3216 .- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, -Ontario ;Monuments, Gravemarkes, FnLrvinr, (GoI<lafinr STAFFORD BICOS' MonumfentalWok Phone Whitby .552 818 Du.ndas st. E. , Whltby FI-Ne QUALITY MONU'MENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a haadsome, sig. nified monument over the mo~t ing place of your loved onais It's fot expensive. And zeejng this last tribute will gîve you enale ss comfort Orono Electri'c Phonie 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOTISE- WIRING Free Estimatea APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Re.paIrm to & ai nat.of Eloctrical EqnIp.ngo and Appliane. Sud, a@ Motors, Water lzeatoe,

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