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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1953, p. 1

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ES V/oI. 17No 25, J' July Ist Provided Plenty 0f - .Entertainment In Orono JA"esptu trcas of rein and even- tualy a domowu, the MJe stcdc bretion in Orono can bY bookdd eý being smucsful.Thethnee-folden-1 teralament beginnig o h v Ipri.or to J le s n cnîun throughout te dayon cdnda Yroght a svaxicd prograin forniosccv wishig te tkepart, On Tedy vnngGadnue- dýon ihlits bando raiola ineIla Feter1borougli epened the es livitiesý la thîe Twshp111 t Ooo r some one hnndred fify dancers enjoyed the nId timie a111, e-n steps wththe baud !boauting eut pleny eofrythi. Thor Grattan. Tie tr-ack record feri thedaws set, et 2.09 4 5 whichl is somewýJat slow eCt the trac reord Loalinerstwas shoýwn wh vden Roy- 13a1aha icltwadby Dr., Cowi ofBowanviiecam lafirst la te sco'1ohee ofler lassý. D. Cowi d~ e stedy aceand fini- syeed.: Thiuveo i mie l tis -h.eat \was2:7 tcred, a Wi wh be'gen rlcingl Ilao ieiwo lat'neFroFrAi inncdlaboth heaits. Tliese two hrses are 'owacd ilby Mi.4r.Jack Reid The big menet of the celebration1 ýPtyfo deHnEa Rw. eame on Wednesday aftemnon when TI e Orono Band supplied mnusic dur- h.omes froin ail over the district )net, i ,y in challenge on the bes;t af-mile 1~ ~edy Ijrack la Easterni Ontario. Close to At the conclusion of the Hariwss rime hundred paid admissions ýwereIraces Ilhe scene chaunged and n ac- subscrîbed Ao tis event. Twenty- f tve program commewnced at the Or-1 eýight horses competed in this meet! ono Community Park wvhere the Or- ,and provided the sport of kings for ono-and Newcastle girls eugaged i the enthuAsiasfic followmers The re- the first bali gaine. However aifterý tiwe rotter, Norval G., owned the fKat two innings the evening iby A. P. iRyau of Toronto made its, entertiinent had to be called on zýIrsppearance un the Orsoo track acecounit of rajaii. It was ilso the in- aa'Id althuughi finîshing poorly in the tentions to have a ,hardbaill gine he-, iîrt lient of the Free-For-v , aetwýeen Oromno and Port Hope, whichý in the second heat a length ahedo blo had to be ruled out. CentennâIl iCeltebration T o BeI Observed By Orono Fairý The 3)essing of tw'o generatiOns and, ve-getabl, fr-uit, fiowcr and domues- fie aing eY Poe third in CLYerk tic science classes are possubly net townshlp s a peiod teumiceh thi as hevy as la the enrly 190iYs. lai )jrono i air has nometerd. C0Ycords the pa st f ewv yearis tic loca,'lcxi- e1d by tUe provincial GeJver[nen1 tie)n is howcxer suigig ahoad with 1Taicite Ltint tlis wdkoj xîn aorbe comnuiuf frein the tien lias been lield crtnosy rItesnewea Lttem ad Yse nt least one hundrcd yoaîs and poswSi- Paslate ehrafg sucl an;en Miy loner.Tee reords sow ai en auseure ýA 1,000,0grant wich a- gr1antmwa's pLaid teuUmelocal SMeiel ust, iow,.ever, Lho sed folr a cira etï ja 1853 wiich would be for tic year some dsc-ipto and ouyhla tus 1852. 1 saner. YOur oard eof içretîsn Possibiyneune la the disutric ihAfelthat suci an oamounlt couid ho reember the first fauit and ifcw uî i ut tlbtt -use, sucl ias enlarging reaî ny feairainme first deu..asd impro\ ing the grands ted and we/ C"111Only vsualie i isu Aýrtier Pl)i-jcs as new stoeegates. -ith ceverye1e comüngi an sihoîse cn a Uisnmatute icbard is net daim- buggy or- on lent. For ail w e kexigfic(ctnlGant tpis year týicie cuid have been ncaso s i îasuesb itaken teu show of strcngt for oxen. ce iues cPCnelah epltoms. wn mue t iave te yeur imanain Trougli ailtic gond tunes and bad «uw reaci. tc pasit pcentur, ic oal fair lAs, Hlowever Uic Clarkc TEonens *ýii arid on rcco : dur11,c prog!rSss fair was hcid on alternte yeaî P ad eCli î~gcnii in a typicai Oreoa nd Étien Nwcsc n ntagrcluLl oiuiy amlthe UicSsrwas it hiodperînan- DeTic or tiue b ave on- eniYtiy edycarily lanOîono. Ti )oe<ý- ïme4tn. nars for ,tic19,53 tiim icentrai giclurlexhîibi- fiî sCena l spc>iis. Tic firstl tin aeinto eisene iÉhtlir- i for lie ldeetlady 5.0; fliewed' zeptienof et icBownanvile Lau inM M l-e ol'l-sgentîtin$5CA0;and j925. tic coufle (n ad io)cnmn T;he present drill shed mwas built l ic *efartic0 t tic feir $10.00. Surel 190by thcu, î-stdpoople aii, he a gndide-i te invte grandine ifiieTownship. Tic puovienss miii-d adadown !,for the fair and, wns destred by tire. - soxvH-e ie - Oono Ikiclis up its: tvericycars changes have been, heels -m " i -Ay. Migit even pay noted ila ticgrounds wUli arenw o ctpdow". tieas large aise a nwtai~ xlti n î~n the Orono 'flie paf fwo years. ExhlibisL tic hoJFMlI PairSeptemier 125h. lVarried !n Orono Mi. and Mise 'eire BaiJle e n iii aOron o United (.hurých On o ") , Jna 3. Tc Yb dee tI f er -JaSeo'eJan L'oîish, daughter ef IVr n l ys. Lenry Cu î-sîî,cal ic2gwoolu île son of Mr. . uii WkÀtrcv,'Buyd, "il .in: Oror.o. OUONO, ONT., 1T WOOD WARD--OLT On Seturd'(ay, June 27thi, a vcry prcetty weddinig was soleimnized at Kendel United Cncr 1v D. T. L'ancacter performiled the e cremonIy wh;en arod rni WoWr son of 2M.and Ms.Ccciil od -ward of Bowmvianville and R ubhy Loin Lonisa CoIlcit, dauighter etf Mr. auîd Mrs. Nra Kennedcuy of Ken- dal, we unitcd la mi ria-ýge. The beaýt mani was Ahr odadc Býoa :s'i',rthre hegom Thle bride, bean4uà*ly gwndin Chatily 'aceovýer tulle net over wh:e stin carrîoed reýId nd wite, Taimnroses. Hler finger tip vi wýas gathiered on a hialo et orang-e blossoins. Thbiidemid cousins ')f the, bride, Pat-ricia ,Soutlicott ofTû~r- ontio andi Marilyn Hleslop of Long Brandi, vwie idenitîcal rose gowns of taffeta w \ithi net over-skirts and bodice nd bolero et Chantilly lace. They carriod bouquets of pik and white cainqtions. The flower girl, Janey Collett of Port Credit, nieiceofe the bride, aise -wore rose taffota with sweet peas. The ring was car-. ricd on a wh-Iitc satin pillow by Wayne Kennedy, haîf-brother et the bride. Ushiers wýere Garnet and Robert Col-1 lett, brothers of the bride. Thei bride was given iri miarringe by lier step-1 father, Norma Kennedy. RýSDAY, JUL-Y 9 19515 Mary Rosella Grahamn The death occurred on Thursdny, Junie l8th, 1953, of MNary Rosehli Grýahim, deerly beiovod wifle ef John A. Ptro et ono, Otre IVr.Paterson hled been sufferinýg frim a lieart cndition for the pasti year. which became zacute somte i weQeks prier to lier emjise, ýShc-was borail18",th JýiAnuary, 1888 lin the Towniship of Veriulani, a du ghiter of tIlatie àMr. nnd Mis. Jaes Grahaiin, aîid rmas 1xnarried 0on Mardli 2lUst, 19,06 te Johnl A. Peterson). Forl minme yearis the famlliy resitIdd la Penelon Faits 1movinig thiereafter týO1 - algary, Alta., nnd Toronto,whesh lived until 193;j9 whien re(ýsidenice was taken ,i) up-a-ro. Ia addition te lier Sorrowing huis- biand, she leaves te meouru lier loss four sons and one daugliter,Jae and Aa of Toronito, Hlairry of Osi-1 awýa, Murray - Of Newea-stle and' -Kathleen, Mrljs. B. F. Druinmond et d o Virginiiatowe. A fifth soIý Donald, predeceased lier la 1932. Hler brother, Jantes H. G ahlant, lresIdes ou the, faiily homestoad ia Verulani and lier a;ister-, Mrs. H. C. -Mann, predIeceased, lier la 1933;. The funeral was conducted frein the MorsFur, fi Chapel, Bowrnaa- Ville, w7ith iinËtrniit beàig îmade la 0t. n'PU bjs NrOEW, flnnol-ary, rot limmediately precedi-ig, t~he cere- te. Many beautiful floral tributes miony, Mvr. Jack Alan of New,,castle- were received.1 sang "I3ecaýuse" and during thesg------ ing of the register "At Dawýnin g." The orgaaist was Mr. Neil Stewart HTLRRE of Ken)dal. At he ecptin, hih ws hld A thief slipped into an-,unflocked at . th ho f the brto,\Nhýýidehe 1mter hotel suite in New York City, where received in a dressniaker suit of r. RyodStrduhtro 1h sel-pink linen with white accesor ite comiaenne Fanny flrice. Iay le ad crsgeofpik.r ss sleeping early Friday ,.and nmade off ies anda corsae of thkyose. 1lancash and jewvefry v-luedý For travelling the bride wore a at $40,000. Police said apparentiy gre Y suit wývith white nnmd nav7y àac Mris. Stark and hier husband negle--Ü cessorýies, and a corsa,ýge of red ted té Iock the door v-en they re- roes O their retur thje ihappy tnrned to the hotel fromn a -niglit- The Teaching 0f The Deaf Related Byr James Ri*ckabyý On Thuirsday, ul 2n iebr of most is dnly guess work. The speak- the Lions Club of1 Ne'a'stle met in er pointed to the sîiai'rîty In thle hp thei i~guhrgateri~ig t w ich ovemient of the ,words mammtiiean turn'ethey wer re ese&b M.baby anid this is repeated wit i- Jamefs Rickabýy, Oronoý, and also dis- mrost every wýord. The dleaf persont cusýsed the ceming cýrivýal to be in reading lp movemient mnust 1-4, for held oni July 24th . type key wýords and then try topic Mr. James Rickaby, a teacher af a sentence tog-ether. dea lcildre'n at Su1n"enyiew Pblic Siganguae one fori of con- ShoToronto, di te guest spen- veyin)g a messalge but is very vagueý ke ad issujct pr >inn to h-is and tends to S1,ang and brokenl En-i profession wa's most intecresting anud lish. It is howevcer V-ery simpifle. AI enjoyable. During his adti-ress lie second forrn of speak11ing is fingeri pointed to the probleirns of deaf stu- spelling which is accurate as eachl dents and aiso the varions techniques letter îs- spelled. ee, Mr. Rick- nSed in ecigspeech tjo thiesbe aliy, nforirme4 the ga'qherAng tha,,t pupilsý. neither forin w-as used in thie school, Theè speaker said that la sorte which is today,ý one of the miost up-to- caeoaensddnt realize their date institutions lathfli country, cild's difficulties Until they were The speaker snid that henring nidsi two yenrs of age. WAhen deafnies s were used w,,hich (can be tuned -up te broug-ht teili parents become twýenty-fivue tunes the average, vol-1 dowa ere and ften push 'the uine. These help to develop speech childj into thfe bapckground, awayfren d give-s ian îsight into rythin. the public. Chuîdren (coenn:to the()oweve1 the childrepn can oaly stand school at the age of, four or five andj these for n imiited period each day. have no vocabulary what soever. Mr. Ricknby also told of the .speechi This, he said, differs froin thavr-aster wýhich is a marchine wvhich age kindergarden chiild, who, at the showýs the different Parts of the mnoutîh age of four or five has quite a voca- and throat and how- they eperate te bulary. mrake different so'unds, 11e drew at- The process oftacng the splecr tention to the sound 'k as la sick claimied, wns very slow for the deaf which has no outward vîsualmo- pupil has_ no sense of sound or ytin ment when being snid. This njewBlovig afethe l on o te irst machine shows the forming of this sipecourse of instruction which sound. The speaker also, referred t gives thern )ant idea of a p1ushlinjg force the swimming tank anid hýow enceuri- froin the ronth. Another is to ha,)vel i"g it w'as to 'see ch'idren wri' the deaf -puipil place th leir hnnds on feared this sport gradually take ta the chest or face to feel the vibra- it. tlou created wýhen ma).kinig sound. Mr.. Pupils who graduate from the Rickaiby stated that the rogress. ofsýchool genernlly takefutr instruc- these childreni in the earîy years was tion in a trade at the Central Techi- v-ery quick and that at the aige of nical School. Since 1847, M.Rieckaby sýix years, w\ýere on the atverge, read- *was--pronid to point ont, that every in,- better than a njormajjýl chu-Ild of student wýho grauaed l ow -wýork- the samie age. Howýever, in the early ing nor hav-e any been lan court, also teens the deaf are left behind. Prior deaf adults, lie saiîd, are the best o'f to the age of ten or eleven deaf drivers. chldren play readily with thers, Mr. Rickaýby said it was ns privilege for yourtgsters have few differenýes,. to w-ork with thfe children for any Yet in the teens the gap widens -in the speeých the studenits developed, tea- every day life of a normal and a chers know t1hat it -,as onily fromr deaf child, for the latter wiIl begîn their teachings. jpossibly to feel alone la the worle. Mr. Rickaby pointed te hîp read4ang Lion Williami Bunting introduced as one fenu of commvunication for the peaker, who was also thanked the. deaf. Howe'ver this takes the. SuIl on bbaJlfof thf'C,1b by Lion MMur- ,attention of the person and- for the ray Ptrsn Sîîlbscription $1. P-rogram 0f Times Establi For Children At 55 boy-s and girvls hav rgistcr.edi for. the recreatien pregani netth park anid it ila epctd 'tjint this nube ,wiibe iccsdte 65 by the end of the vWeeJ<. Mr11s. Don 'Stales assi-sted 'by- 9:00 - 9:20-Senior Girlnam 9:20 - 9:0ItemdaeGil] 1The follocing tùimetaýble of aciv- oys. ties -wili serve as yonî guide lif yen 9):40 - wii cnut ut nd keep it for, refer-- 10:00- 020 ence. Lot us empliasiùe Ailh methers 10:20 -10:40.- tint stops have been tak[Ii teA maure 1:0-1:0 adequte, SAPEsuevio fral chUldrcn between the ages of4 ew OLEYA 8 la the piyay ra end the poul f rein Tueday9 00 - 1C teda i Friday'. 10:00 - 11:0 MondayThursdny - 9:00 WVithia the limitations imposcd by 10:00 - Ils the budget and availabie assistance, here is the ùthie ef actiitis Atet TENNIS woli be carrid eut: 1Friday - 10:00 ~nier Boys. ~nnior Girls. ~Bcginners (Bo~ -Beglanors (Gir SUPERVISED PLAY (Ghildren 4-S) WAERGAE r.nma Marie LwsTuesday - 10:00) 11:00 - Girls 9 - 1 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9):00 years. to 10:00. Thursday - 10:00 1i0lffi -Bys 9 - t Tuesday àind Thursday - 9:0,) to 11:00 years. Arbi*trati"on Board Gives Hearingr In High SchooI Appeal Wednçesday meoraing a board Of1 Arbitration met il'n the Oreno Ceun-i cil Cliber. censisti'ng o)f the foi- lowing assessers: Messrs. Elsoni, Win.l Lycett, H. Poster, C. Oak, F.M- Mullen; ,Laike and Mr. Siieldjs, Ceunltyl Assossor.1 This oad met te handIe ippeais rinm tlic townships of lHope, ,re-District lHigli School -SLields tg?,ed as chaiman ncting as an independant consultant and prýedecessor- of Mýr. Shield. The chairmian,AMr, heid caled on 'N1r. WadL,,Mkj represqiititiýve of Clarke township.Mr. Waddell sated that the Connty division oftas for the seolarea utnder thi Countiy equatl-i îzed assessament placedi an ndie buri- deni on the ,*taxpa),yers, of Clarke. He0 coumened that any levying of as- Wsmnt frnI,, phe DismtritHighi Sehjool shiould be based on the ata esssîmntof the Mun11iicipality. ulr- thier hie stated ilhat Clerlie wail favour -of uning ,-theactua ssess!inent plus the business, assessiaent. Char-les Nichols, reeve o)f Hope towniship, presentedl a direct brief, pointLing ouit thaýt it was possilble for the Distr-ict High Sehool Bordt alter asseýssInent factors foriunci pelîties for variouis Irensons and Lhis could be this yenr. He: said paymIentsý to thie area cou.ld be based on per-1 centages of scheool attendance aadi coud be ajud yeary if Muere wns n viation of more than 10 per cent encli year. Hle aise asked for- an aj- ustinent tof levy f(or the ennexation of $48>»00 of assesmiient to the tw of Port IHope. Tiswas questioned by Reeve Smlith4 of Port H.ope as ani- nexation -cas as yet net cemmeted Hope Township, it was 1,rndi aldso ia faveuir -of usiýg the actail as- sessient pluts business assessmient. Reeve Smiitb of Port Hope lai spenkinig 0ontheéubeefeit that al Miss Maery MeLetin mnotorod down froin T( visit with Mlr. and Mis. on Thursday. Mr. alid Mis. Cliel M. and. Mrs. Gordon Knvattended ±hlie ai otiier relabtives nrouaid. LrieTierti l ied iliertei mnoved in Bowmanvillc Hesp cenfly. Miss Marlon Tieruteil isp visit witàh er unicle aua (Cýoatiiiued onupage8' meunicýipalities hnd lnot bee:ngve f~~~ air oporuit t reseetth case. urtho, liebelieved tat' moltlod of assessmnnt wasloç agais the urben nnd cetted are: 195per cent- of operaýting the sl ar-ea atnd tha.t Port H3ope was wilhi to beaýr 27 per cent of th(, tot'al c Reeve Rickard of Newvcnstle sa tint the differenco of opinion r only slight and claihed that Nce c!astie was willing te pay the $815, more by using the actuai assessire- ,then. Darlington representatil clahmod ilit they had been, eneý the fArt nunicipalites Ate hore sessed and that tly feit an adju mient. should bo made, aise tînt t Board of Arbitra tien should giva dlecision end get on with the job anefcively operating ascheelare Thie Board is te sit again onTu day evenîng in Orono, aiterreiv f'urther ifomaio, s tepes andc past 1S(-sessml-ents fmncp iies l thie sehloolar. Former Orono Couple Celeh Sixtieth Annîveri Rer. anid Mis. Williamn Benijamiin Tucker, 195 GIindonwýyniie Rd, W., Toiý-ente, clbrfdthiir Oti wed- dinganirsî on June 28S. Thcy have mnny fricads and acquainfanicesj la Toronto and la Enstera Ontario 1wheîo they served lîic heBey et Quinlte Coaference )et tic formier Mcthedist. Churcl. Betore rctirîng te Toronto 30 years age, Mi, Tucker held pasterates et Brighlton, Whitby, Madoc, Camipbell- tord. Norwood, Oshawa, WeII!ïIgn et<m Mctho)disf iisters aise.ý Mir. TucMer wasber1 bridgela 1869,and ;a ferle Celiege la Cobourg ile xïW es tcaiing mt Aibeýrt Coliege, elei met Mrs. Tuck-er, tire fu M. H-uff borala ;n18'741 h wnrud County, They hav,.e o-eson,

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