faark AuneHiît:Recni yn iour t liuffeiglela 1advice togirlsWino-,e tlreuglifupon lisawifoc, s Mte by rmarrem n. ey'ued etrie nibstu y ail yen swat stu.Bt hîrnsiokdb hi a' Syou thin'k flie mni mr te' btaal wfsoultigîveý t emptet by sorne evil.. lirn l-e courage lievoeesmte cd gir? I1arn speakin;fren forswear, once aud tover, fil ience. w44a eau IcerrpacheAmer. 'is gootdto'.othiug girl lis *1have kuown soma, and ise far as Atfell a once- he r e uoherimoral emie ct trusband lies about bis *Whio dlibcrqaey set oufte- iauglife-and hls chîdren sepmaafeiawealbyhmoorbl elti enupngl','tenderstand. man teNomho i~ e, anti wi% woyears she lias nmade catty, jusfsnb ticeryasthu-i1is gil, irks about his 'uu..happy mascýu- ' lasprcticd Mn re eaýk ,' evev aftacking llis wite's ' eaînf uch tactics, ys But atàin. No mnncould lie as un- *a nman i for ycas lis been )y as she lias made hlm thînk *îli-idahusband and ,-tter *He e nef the tiýrt married musî ellarrnigre'. s s lisun affer . . Nw *mre the very opposite et1alïhe No wou prure-husbawud s betore. Som-e mn riartceasy-uleiappy! Lut us hope fliatbi ns. A wite nay Wa2 on labeserature w-MlSeon prevail, the chiidren~S sake, but the anti bring him back e inhose SfiCI Mies lu hber heast [ howol sil ove lm. -ne nuseanci 1cesroisu' îy abut lie caut sem. t ri tl this lwemale îf She is his big car anti lis mny she îh ruiuing him niud bis Ïly ta gef jif.If île would only(- i hih aon, i wonid ie fo)r' eni; for his wite canuet barveý husibandti tirt binste , doesn't want any Cther man, -If fliaf girlio rtey ýng te landtihflic marrieti m-an, Id enly get eut et bis lite Qe if is tee late! A UEADER", reveals. Ennr7ýes'ledà in~ thuýs grlemeý- ), bi ýis ZVery eu tred - byidi- DON'T RUSH ARRIAGE DenAune H-irs:Weaeot gracinatet ialst year, and MliV ch ceas. 'Web are seauxius t marry Shah wc it ie he l flirogi sboolou gt rîcti * vrwould ayo w e o, d * wlen yn bo rino lgs' bu ivn avobou co uld nref * ef apoiton yu oee -)J if li udaprov !eO, o *o ynink li. e wOrilt rant -tg F-eticiy te -e au "f'"t * girîr tdayb, ms att a *oï ntlyourvfutur ýe showsha ses- "1o-n, anbescrt s pyen ui v wait, te î, îtýtii yonrtw, ftam-ý weig s t(euenI sparkling rdtulips Iccf, greenleave"-s! eus aron, urtins, ru657 lias 8î' tif ta 44 te 914incrmes. cont Si.NomTor- 'Knt plainly F PAfT ! BER. s-u A M"E r~,yes mf a t it ay an e tlcyu troles. fe nieta mai lCi il('îvi 7 taýý tien t cA, aNi, yes en i(-er'sarvg ilasc-o rsy.ý socia leter benurnercd the largest 10% of rye brend ever baked. Atleaitthot's the UaN of the bakers vcha brough, oui Ahs 1250lboai. Caker Jery G. Mià1r holds o regliio ize locirF of rye. 1The îe bkr ore, ilfita right Fonk JA uel' DA kBaker and Gordon LI os. Thne 1 2-footIncqýgvef Q. le Hoï wîmcitmeI h guiest a elâwIodinrecepvion traveling costume. moude tVe"Mrun-beture hs naie? is Wullams" uulss buhelis the titie of "Deton" wc is th prfxdto Ihîs iame. plae b is napkin un tb tal ",Not utlIrhlostess ba place bernankn on ile able Weeks Sw-.hrity! BIGINNE'.EAV!5ev asuif I yen nedfoasumresn" urdan ce. 14. le, 1a, 20; 30, 32. 34, 23. A 0 42 Size 16 lira: 7j yard 35-indl ikint 2V/ayards. Tus paffe"esy fauneSiu- pie te s(ev,,ha testeti for fit.lia Seni TIT FV ET (35c) lu coins (sfairnpscnofb accepteti) for fi pattenu. Priimt pnlaîy SIZI ,NAME1aIRSS STYLE NUMBER., Seuiorder t Ex ;12 Egi- tufiSt., Ney Tovontr'e5 o t, Remember sidlast, ee we ueeded a spi et briglt, warm suns.hîne? WellI, vie gt if ail riglit, didn't w - 90 d-e-. grecs Aet i? But[ it was ta front being dîry -- just het andihmii In tlic stable wchad teispreýad stra on utiHe icernent floi, for sate walkingboli for tuesak et ourselves and île catte.The cows were sidhenig arouni on flie sweafingcent nPat uer aniI wseweri rubberý boots - aud my bots were fleece-lined! Every placé was se -wct fi nl-rc river tliuglt tievacer tanik bail îbeen ieaking. N\atuirally ,-wî h tve in- tneea andbumidfiftî' 1 i ilk, laze anay t'he dayunde li cî.As fenr the hu tdidn':t t-i eflirnlong te realize er cooler jobs flIan shtijng lu ncust boxes te lav aigs.Butrw fiateuin ren sewe silihave a t in t b fiakf or coo ifth doran ndai!ow Sun was off tceu. W Mf i haven't s-,tarc ing u BetP at Joy wr eeun- fil ysterAynd ipoor Btyws castfCiôec-Idy ;3r(.and u- u-îcntotab(e% One fm h at me,-squito geisdenuorte casf?" Tbe thoughrt appalîe me fa, 9a3fhunredsof endcs from If nada an t eto/niq pot tersemoyed cvery m onuîec ir - 1iks yourchiceofTheî wodefut ol troel itho engniqgA(Cup aipeopielk yusl Flîgîly y ed soohly hgaboDve theb ethr Tour I Tour Il FARMVERS' FRIENDSHIP FARMERS' FRIENDSHIP TOUR 0F EUROPE HN HITA 30 Das - 1'1 0.00ANDERSEN TU Viute -rne.Iti,.Swtcnan. 25 Doys- $1012M0 Germeny, Helland, England ilere te a oopular toc senua cix counirles -'. fi-min the dykea nE Holland le th~ mountalus 0f iwitaerland miii see aud do se murh, you'iI agree île a wouderful tour for tise sonnes Leave Nsw Yerk Sept. 20*II. Rsturning Oct. 2OtIs, Fecatui4ng Dcmark ani 4 sid Want a wondel t i7 ai hiP.le oLirac e- youl vst LeaveNcw erk ept.aOth themmimecons oaBtyi hv casulty - ard liere. cual lest Mifchie-Wvhie. Fgr twenfy- tour heuirs hie had neýt been, seen. at ail. Ectal etudhm undJer the anin m IaùnsL tee weak t mve.I ickd he peor fhing iunand !he just sert- et whimipered rin my amob- viously lu pain. AtIthe bouse lie weuld neither eat nior -drink and lay -stretched eut on ac hair cushion oal -nighï it. Wchouglif le worild suirely Ibe cad by meru- ing but tortunafcly le tsnt. Rallying -ail flic reser-ve stren-gfb of lis ninelives he graduely be- gan t afand drink '.and is nw mrust have eafenui r a rat tha lid been ýpoisoned wifl w3arn. Parfuer hasnt put iPoison eu-t for ovs Iyarbut tiere is stili cecaled boi arounid fer the benefi f etstray Vrs tht mglit crefori- îsf We undrcerstand thaf wa,-'rtariu brinigs oniinternail h-imorrhag(- which naturally resuits te sud-. deafi. (Ourt "vet" said tiewas netbig wn could do fer Stcsie except t&Mdhlm aH i t mct' met and mîlk lewuddrîink -. ad hoe fo -thebest'. WhýeeC thr l recovcred o no d- pened po flc auent t pi' And now it's strawvberýry time - sfawbericste pckstraw- c 1. imag'ine theinten eoua ccrailyioere aficpue eeday. If is aise a-igoo,:il strawberrysec son if oee a tijme an'd eeg epc le -or -a tewchdenaudwo would ejy a tramp teflc e dge et tlie bslwhr h bre re at' teIIùr best'and f terwl d dip in ic ree andtaPicnic lunch.But toýse day"ýs bl' te gntTWA skylince. YouiI coll ;t tise nosti moroi )~p f your ife P ît e aIl, you ïpuy luit enspric fer tiseentre our - 'etrachcarges fotaspra Europe Afl tse tusa'eVcotd ith n bggge cary od ehee rievtin 1 çbteraoutouJ be omleelcrcýfree lod 'able to 0-eriot r eisjyingyourvacaionabrad tetisefutiit jus# sso, s e qo! FARIMERS' FRIENDSHIP JIOLY .LAND TOUR 33 DOYS $16'16.00 V;siting oruglspe, ItaI NthAfirca, jermaclent,Gec tour u ira i eI Tlîe amq ewcity no.ieuseini Unme a"d otbr cnomme Dwplae It's a=O nMmtur% Retrnig Ot,22nd. York,', Me-Cas Htels -Ail Meals exept dirneinlu Lana and Pauis-Trnes We kisOw you wOri'i w.iul 10 misa Ibis wmderiui oppOrluuity 10 talc a Farmera' irieudahin Tour lu liii So icaki your reseratinu no-a. dumnirte tise att a cli cd coucou, name the tour sou Waut and mail with ,sheOUe for ilîttO rie, cci soi, as depueit 10 secure your reseivatîni,, ami ail arrauge~ icculs ciii ha made l'or fou. We aisi Si lu obtalissug your passport sud visas wlîcia raouhe~'. DESCRIPTIVE FOLD~ftS ON REOUEST WRITE OR PHOME TO-DAY Synsisol *t Unoil Travsi Ageuts O. K Jeinse & e. tnslc~IDot.. ............ Mr Me.Mis............. . ................. ......... .. Mn. ii.MIte.............. ... ... . . anif s he inomaion.ýe;ýQ i ~69 i ey Stiee, Tooto 2,Onao TéL M. 81403 EM.8-15B88.. EM.836 a.' ul*îi ,it Gui il fn-rn tgeuia ThreFamrkouis ent en u rope is at lits bes t! 14.-Rk s 'l ý,ý ti ai In ti ýj MEMBea , ý QJý-- Ir/ýà - t~.r. SoI iagin afreater part, o1 the ildsrbrycrop will be lettf0 f) 'lie bîrds te devour or a greatervaity o cvur. ing insecfstan e have at fli' present fime? I ! T thirk tire, wretclied fhîugs: must surely flirive oninciide.Mv aster ,flants have disaýppeared h'.a,,f by leat, e-ven ,thougli Idustd fem with li bu dafiHarIdy zi-înnia haveaisebeenaffecfed ar on of fespdrplants aehvu mny main trouble is tat-a i,4 fie1ld of hay is meitýl e hidthe foe esS i h red sies pttcbugct ever fliliei eac tmr succulent edfin vrrw alflit. Bu8 aparelywc av missd ot oueuekind et aï-- sec!-. One plac hi fown lovety, healtiy liti siderplants ha been st ut, l er day'.soi kind e bgo ttckdthe kots - notc( wom -an ie pulan uswt hered ano dxed haet m-1 tinctba e ycto conA u a.Sen em ulimic ie ptec u TEA BACS i ýi 'e