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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1953, p. 3

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a tivc nmehaben neisegn dedcaed e oo sp tmash ip, Aud i- theug hore-racn i an xtremely pracica buines, w ca't ind a moFre truly fair and sportig eveot iu 1952 thani ttruning . 6rfic 5Iq0ýitrntoa wo tre rce i esîdctrei nt. Iesportg sirtnWhc the acewasconîtincdi J ire in tatingues, an core.And soû, to, givee foreign hýoirses ïa fp.ir chance thre Mayan ace ,vas h-elid on tire turcf instead fI a drttrack. An bte stairt vWas of a walk--up type, as used prinipa ovsa, instead of01from thilele Cctýnia triggt omn ly used in Amrerica., IIwdifieretfo h thrrcsetasmlrtype, luohryears, i hchgetherseswr ruh e EnglanX;d and France, te, race against the crame Amerïcauý theougbresbut wvere defeated nder conditions strictly meiawlch gave theiniivaders littie chance, paricu.. larIy as lui those days, thIe foreigD herses were shippedI by ba.For theMrlu race, they wvere fouacross. W.iren in 1923, Papyrus, Wrier of the Epsomi Derby that year wa betenby Zev, tire Kentucky Derbtýy victor, in ýa mthrace at Belmýont, therews somre Amrenican chee-ring vewhtwsratcF.d thre superiority of Uni -ted States horse- fleshj to that bred on the other side Df the ocean. But experts gruidgingIy adm-itted that inir the miud Whcir happened to pealtiraf daatrack c Londitîinenitirely stranige te, the BrýItsir irorse, Papyrus ws' shod properly to combat tire traCkcon-dition., Even if he îhad been, it's doubtful if he ceuld h ave Wjof. Papyrus had nye before set his dainty iroofs intomud and that he was improperly shod in tlire barai gve him niocac in wýhat was y n en rea tet o 9at o star pinad brght across ini 1924, and pitted against meiasbest horses at a variety oif distan0ces unider Amreni- ca aigcond(ition, iRe ranree tim-es againjSt two or moeAmîerican hoicrses - tntreprescntded Aercastops at the varïious distances, and altire races were u rimericanp aCin onditions. Wihthe Itrnto a e 952,mrefair and perin vnoes prevailed, designed te place ne henrse atadsavpzae Fuer te, givt an edge te auy, The hçersý,es uiet fou exactly fqual tenitus, and that, e belleve rtsthte(-Vent as teue conducted lM the spirit (et true setma2bpnet Lx40Ce im nay tevelet eie yearý,aywe. Yosçr lwert Pldsuggs 1, fo tI cL L s wI LbM 1 E uD' Husband's Long Wait For Revenge etK nyn toniaucs. But accord- Âý,te) Alastair Scobie, wha s grpin ilt aimis they alsoc bhave at nmore peaceaille -obsession -la iïitïgtîoa usunliy coacer- Àarg Ian.la1949 ttre uanter -4millin ivinýg on tire Kiambu Rie- sresporat ,000on legal .ac- tomesf o't if Pnid ofbfin op. Cases go on for yeans aad la r piantyïmoveti a few feet. For a; iew weeks tire ,wian-erseno theýrir trph. But iraviag rnoti- ing ta go4ta lna- 7bouýt begins f0o pal atthey weîcome action ,-te esretirte bo'ndarytakn b tmireoter side -I WAS PRIGHT" sobiewatcieda DistrictOffi- pêuds or ant3itaken up bya ewdam fA feediNairobi mTh water.(numide nîany people ga- thencd, 1sfening tlafiE proceeti- letmony tiir menada, - mcVIve just paiti, agaînst lîî fowby tiresor.l'Ilnoe-ýFr bearire iast üot fns day's woni" BffcrC iis ecot iatday er a-ppeals fon-lecisions of Ntv onbnl nr e jutigments Ofa prvasD.0, Firfof tiirty Cor m6ore actions was 1tint of an o flt vovdstory oft iqw iris brothecr had ieaed in uf o latilett Jmby irir fater,hLrju i.my brotherc is a pow\ýerfui eiderý ,wlir ma-ýny Has.fe iras bribed trwioetrýibunal ',and fhey hv aI pinfor 'hlm. When Itold insfA tic cIefanti sait I woud ap;& oalf0yo, otoMi efatif digest tr tcsOf tiere case la n leu seconds?" Mrn Scobie asked., gof n since 12-I've a 1coy ras o di etrelniat re losi. 'A cs i~ga nugfi to v as tfi-at Co"t;n couple whco Imd Arre twenty years befoiYe. Tht wife ieft hlm, Sic 'liveti with an- otheir mani, ad ,tireirusbaad titi notfmcomplai,fie provedti iere had beeil no ,"divýorce"-,as h'd neye-r asked back from iis bii' tn e tegoats anti cttie 1ire'd, paid as bride prie. He'ti waitcd twenty years forkm his revenjge ,riant flast if bad corne, for two girls hati býeenj bora fAtire iiit union.Tie were raow Cof rnarrying age, fwoý youag mca, Wanfedt tem, 50 irbe dlemantied as bslwu ih their fulli bride price. Iikuyu cu3sfom -rheid 1fiattr rncýan's wie d been stolen andi a'il her crltrabeioaged ta hlm; îtire bride picemrusf firerefore gc o thie iawful husbanti. A.pceuliaity, of tireLocal' Na- tive Tnibunal1s conducteti by heatimea ani eiders is fie usceot short sticks, of1,wirich oaci a iras a iaandifui. A litf le pile of them i s kept on mtire dais, and as aman goes ta maie a point ire grabs a few ani-avos fieri in demnonstration, tirawing o1fTe douwn tram time taetime. Someitmmes tirey aretaï e sc. mucir landi, sa many caf fe eor wives are indicated by thiemtc, heop an uneducafeti man. But fie isQsignify lega ons Whin a mïanmiaies aë,,strrg point or tie chiot magstrae one 0in anas favoun, ie lays clown a sick. Mn.r Scobie asked fie chief if tire points we-re count- ed, but ho doesni't fimnk fiat hiap- pens. ,They my e U r.lcof ian aid customn, Scbegives raysuciglmp ssof rnative lite a ela viih lions anti other jungl spinetinefs, tr recrpo1ice guns loaetiwifh an neie tooclisi for days1-buAt fewbones gsiigpedestnians wvebioci- ing ie nfraceste raaybusi- nes buldngsinKinsfon, or Caralina. ,ý,Tire slto Police along tire quiet or stfcires et pavOnent, where passons-Liy nigt in Zfehuik and theu place in tre un ifhuî insngRe - peaYtrohispocsserafms tables w mretend1er? A. By adiga mlianon for boiling, ARun i vrasetotfine' sandpaper aMdtE iron awilbe- corne pSavectly smoofMe Q. ew au sae uth et flic A. hee wilnotbeamCh enameledutsislan AClean white nml yrb bing Cavenre uensl itha, water. A. Asorbnt cttonis apr fect fil e z mddywater, ýtie c onshol o ouc te Springs- iedbottie brush Wil prove in- va1u&be for eaning bcd springs Dîp the buhfreuqently itoro Mie.Ifl enpt into corners very casiiy. q4.)Hew 4can 1rmeyhtrtn je tee eily? A.Betire whrite of' an egg a Mtif as posible and rub in;to th har n i t s wet ail)vr Ai- eg ii rush ouf ie ie ht ndbrigit. Q. eW ena I naes1kls giddfle cakes? vrtiegriddie insea f res QHe cn 1 eaýi1y u af l&threaS? A, Try using aPfinecrce h io, o a ut pick, for pullingý sotbasting thrJeads. GC Hew eauii make a eleanser1 fe-fr ,wicker friue turnitre ar saitandwaeo a sAoluio of wna water and a, litie urpntie, j»er solution YOU dAre 'Stronger Than You Think! wedpaleý-fa7ced ad soto wii ire foor in perfect saf,-ety you ay halen1ge itwo0f ti st"ronge-St men you knJow to breait yorgrip bÏ-y rpilinpgyoran. As Sfir eY gýrip your aprms, Jusi lower ycur lwssligirtly, n breakJ your grip. Lie confortaby on tire floor- Veor by cur wais$, You Wull be vue sac in rnakon betn on if., Ail y "odoas tire nbendS f0 grip rouÙ i sfis te put yaur iris leftw rs ih g fr ih A s heexrsiistegh lit you merly ress outward 'Uhr ou ott an nddon -ire ore t nished-sornc rua a four-m ceed in swim botir ways, n probabiy ho a Greaf Bnifain'~ year". (Yes, in tor such theres~too!) B iranor seems i a 34-year-old er, name of A hfey go ,hat tire oc go te C13u ck - sibiy kow less. But whlaf bro- ther ,Bredser recerjlly plidis a fea comparable ta tire Babe's ccut(Jig sixf-y homers ini a ,sea- soorsm basebaîl pitcher tos- siag an 18-iannng gaýiine ,witliout Lcimdîn t Sydiney Skiifon, wiren tire Biîs doPted tire Unlit cd Stafes Custom of etpopuianity isports poeolsiras onecCandidate bren so outlstaýndingly consýpic- ouis rmo c iran six. montis bc- iore tire ballot is givea carnest coisiertin.And] neyer bef ore itire lonig history of "test" play, iras an England cnicireter been se overireminiy aciamed by Ai hsias Ale Betiser, sight- ly old,ýýrthan irhis btmntwlnr !)brothe rEic, hada rputtio for bein;rg 7a gallant trier. Lion- irearted is how- sportsscie have agge mmYet despite iri uneasngefforts and Con- sstntly gooci bowling Nwh kepf hlm amnong tire top in iris couLnry L.ireneer reveaIed thi scitilatngsparkle thiatever-Y close student etfcricket really betiev, e; ta e tfier. Thaf is unfil flist of tie five -test matchsfat spriebroke tirrougi ii daz- ziing Ybnillianice. And iBedseïrcti- umYrpintly enfers cricket', ani- cient and fiJscared portais asone Ufis truly greafs. Wirat puit ini tire î wn iris rmatch analysis aC Nottingamý wirený he cim-fed 14 Australian wick'efs for 99 run1S, i represenits ofe ttie besf teatS of bowvling ever acrpihdin test )match play ayhr.England versus: Australia at crocket iras, been a noast'op senies since 1867 and ý-in aIl tirose long years only two, tire Yaksrren Wilfired irde and H 1-edley Verity, h1-ave taklen7 mrore wickets-5i a single enr- cone.And- oniy one Autstra- lia .R. Spofforfi in182ha uee euaet if Tire trumph of Bodser 0 lata firisfterst match was aIl tire more remnkalebecaliser if ccutreti oni acoftirbose "if can'f be donc"ý accnains.l ie first innings Bedser.had bowled iris ireart ouf and iris seven wýicKets for 55 rýuns îaciuded Lan astonising. peù o four. for, tworu Lns. That spel, accornplisfiediwirea tire bail was aew and sIi iny, drarnaficalîy cihanged t11ie ganim-nEgln) favN- afferif had benvey mnucirinAutala' -But Eng- lad'ùat smen tailed fa drive, b orne tir- antaýge. ToAustra- lias irf inigstotal of 249 tint includeý-d a great captaitl's fura etf 11 5 by Li ndsay Hassetf Engiad Thncarne Austria'sxsecond nnns, edser can'ýt posiiy4 ifaansaid tire Critics bearing ia mird Notting,,ham's past rýepu- ttio as a batsman' panadire anti tire faet thc playîng fieldï looketi as good als if irati ever been. but Betiser said. fieagi claimed seven îotftre10Aurai an, wlkt-tiime at Éfie aven iess cosf of 44 riuas, Sinialiwn Betiser was given a hero's place at tireicad of tire Engiand doyven as tjiey %walked off tirefield iai- îa dsriscdthe Aujstralians for a mcer-e 123-e-asiiy tire ws taly ln tire posf-war perniod. ThsEnglanld Vas lef twt only228rua tagef in ifs se-cond ianngsta egis"(r t1icfiýrst v'ic- tory avor ifs tradifionalCfoc on hoiresou Csuc 1938, Ifis nowv a mî-atter of ci!ristory tiraf heavy ralaf al causeti 10 irours af play ojn ire ast two tindays to be 10Sf ath fe machîÔded with cex- poieepisoýdes flzzle Ouf inf a~~~~na tan rw 1 ~htre À~plrcat1ens ire Hleavy breefi a ' - pu'er $1 5 e he9e c asrtefi heav breds $8.11 uerhundefi.0heY demL, d ferceceoes. lgh brefIln reefiluir breefiPu-Les $895 prhn 0x . 1j, ad 1.0.Spce Mtn add 100 er hodrfi. rtarefi ullts g ee odaO 110, ei l d Turky puitsebitlde pulet NV51, üs, ULEg IN HAVE c"'o ntlgeei ylgo e iF YU SE ocr-ý ed r,,ferme a se enouir at J 1 MuApecir,'feat> ,2 o n g c Street Gueipb. - it IHl 'P And. Beltsviil e W bltg, n eb '. rasiran non-seca. henshtors Cash l un t 6eeed ries coirs wl sure tei1ý eftn lsties.'d 1rkec Guide, TWDDE HC' HTHERIS th FERSOIfAL $i f10 TRIAL otter Twenty-tlve d~Iss~Or. personal reOuir0iirerits, Lateet catalome lncluded, Tire Medico Agerroy. Box 124. Terminal A, Toronto. Ontarlo. TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A scientiltu remady fer rearette adOctiOhi. For frea beoirlet write C. W. KIM Phermacel Corporation Ltd.. Boy 100,1 WAlkervrlle, Ont. LADIES BE LOVEI.Y IJNWANTED HAIR Item vs Wltis FIes Treateteeli Tesi viai ns repent trentssesst ~e~s85**2t Ws d~ ~pftnsaneet work pnb' W ~tten eissxantee nesînef Iterrew h F ce ee)ssrltret$on la asiveer DERMAT CLINIC 2 Vesse Seite 802 Tosen*, ~5T CONTROL COltÇ,.~8IE5. buge, ats, suive. ~$ verr~rin. Guaranteed matertal, $2 popi.. perd. Cenadipe Service Sales Comparus, 7195 LaSalle B-rd.. verdusu, P. Q. SUCS NEW ruga made trois peur 010 rues ea< innollesse. Write for catalogue 5110 prlêo flst. DomInion Bus Weavîng Compani?. 2471 Dindes Streel Wast, Ter nie. Oa~ TEACHER WANTED MANITOWANING ContInuation Sciro (Manltoulie IsIanO) re urres PrinreipaL- Mnle or Female. Protestent, te teecb- ail.- subiecis et seneral course, except La2is~, - Prancir and Artr te Grades S te 15 III. ciersive. epproximate atteadance k. tersa Il MAY BE YOUR LIVER If life's- flot worth living it may b. your iiq aOL~&~ MflVVS 1 "vu

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