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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1953, p. 4

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.t Mr. and Mrs. Junior 'West and soni tlSteven of Peterborough spent the' ceweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. West. ', Mr. and Mrs. Turnbuli andduh roter of Toronto visited on Tuiesday with Mr. and MrS. Jas. Rickaby. nerss and ýexpressionas Q9 ympatil' ho nim during the es nn death of n ybeioved hus4and, Angus Watson. Specil tlianWs to Dr'sý Sturgessa a d MeNeil, - nrss t Oshawa H ýspital and lo those who gave their blood. M orscould not express y ha S to the nfeigh- bours of Ikar' and Kirby for their help, 'w out -wýhich I don't thinjç 1 couid have carried on. Jfennie Watson. CA D 0F THANKS Thanks fr en]ds and nei bours forý your kii-ýdn s in remebering me1 by the lovelý flowers a' cards sentl during mny stay in Os awa. Special thanl<s to thbse so k ýdiy dé tig blood. Thanks .a iilio fred T. Perýrin.l - ~0. k -i ientof nvitng our friends to VaainProvince. corne f0 ONTARIO - be yo)ur personail invitation now to friends in other heUniteld Sta-tes to visit ONTARIO. Ask them .to duy whiere accommodation is good and rates aire I appeal fo Oany taste. with memorable happy arnid. ONTARIO'S 52 illustrated iter-ature ta mail the coupon below, Iefter-wrifing contest. tdent of' the thousands achers throughout the ýest such cd stccess. 3rd PRIZE (tie) t Bnd 10000 overnmnen-eBonid e<ch DOLORES LONG, LISE DÉRY e 809 Doncld SI., and College- of t, Joseph Fort iiam North 1Boy 61e 8 COLLEIIE ST, IGRONTO, ONTARIG r PLEASE SEND WITH MY COIMPLiMENTS FREE MAI AND INFORMATION ABOUT ONTARIO TO: (flEASF. PRINT) NM t . . .... - ....... .... ..... - ADÛR........ .... ........... .. ........... . . 27A... .. .vNI£gs........... . .....R V RSAE been n-tified by CLASSIFIE CRMING EVENTS lTe Wom èl'sý Institute are 71~ soring a bus 1ýip to Cobourg q Fr1-] day July I.7th,ithe bus will I iave the Orono Town lail at 1.00 .m.. The, fare %vi! be i75(-. eaeh." Everyone please bring their own aiting tn se.Those wi ing il, take the trip ~eae1ourna with rs. Dr. Sher- win this wýýeek. one welcome. On Sunmb, July 12th, Thte L yai Orange Lo4 e of Clarke wili hold i their Annual Ch rch Parade a Kirb UitJ4ed C h. hRealed b , Ke I Flute fBand. Church serviceat 3.. Dr. Witzel fNewcastle w * be on duty the w%,eeW--ends of JuIy Oth and Juliy 24th. D. MclKenzie 'iii be on duty the wýee -ends of 3rd, 17th and 0lat. nieighbours ando rie for- theI ma,ýny aets of W ss e m le. during my recent dÀ. eavement. J nPaterson, Mrs. Lloyvd a ber-ry -wishes t than, il of kind fends and ne'ghbowur.s f thir any actsof kixidness, e 'pr ý.sions of sympathy ind coaçlolence Wt the loss of hier bo- ]lovedl brother, Ycently. - Bef oie You Buy Give $tew A Try iMi Summer Trouck Sale Law Down Paymnent. Up to 306 months to pay Trade-in accepteti. 30 day guarantee $495.00 '46 DODGE- fHaîf Ton. '47 STUDEBAKER Haîf Ton. $695.00 '47 CHEV filf Ton. '47 INTERNAÀTIONAL,; alf Ton. '48 D zf?-Half Ton., $795.00 ~ ~ 149 Fs-in Haft~ '419 FOtiD talf To~n anel. '49 F0V , D One Ton TxpreSs, '52 M RCTRY 1aift'Tont Pik~only 12, CIO m11iles. Also nW4ton j,1ERC UR y Healvy IýtyTra rDumrp, 1953 uER XJRY fHait Ton,,r Pc-p Iio aors, al r'educedbewcotEahhe Duirhami- CountY's Largest New and Used Car Dealer BRAMLEY MOTORSALES Mfercury - Lincoln - Meteor Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2020 OPEN EVERY EVENING Your insurance costs can be siibstantÀally re- duced by' buying Divi- dend 1Paying iPolicies Quotations on request. Leroy Hamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE Inuail its branches Pire, Burglary, Hospfitalization. Automob1ile, Litfe, Acdetand Sickness, Plate Gl-ass, Liabiity, $1,600-New eottage, 3John1s- Manville white siding, bine asph trooing-, 250 foot s4quare lot on gravel road near Tyrorte, ,7ell treed and trout stream across enitire property. Will cc&sider best cash offer or will seil on termis. MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 have avalable fuinds for first luurtgages on improveti Property ln Clarke Township current interest rate". OOLUMNS Thý annuai Twilight eet'ing spon-, soredI by the Durhar Couarty Hol- stein lub wiil be iëd on Thursday, July ý6th at 1.m at Browview Farm N ewcaste.Special speaker -Macin re Ho d of the Oshawa Timies.' Judgi l competition. Prizes, lunch. ver- ne welcomne. Corne and bring th è miiy. c2- eOR $L Coron-, qî le urnsI wood or Î .R'¶1st clatsÏeQndition. Phone 58 r r I./ Bouse fù r Sale in Orono 6-roo:med 4buse with 'ba výn jpro- pert, eri~poxssession drranged. Hprrolq Awde, e27 Yonge St. Toroi;o, Ontario c-23-c DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP piýeomptly. Phone collect Bowmam-'ilie 2679. Also we buy live horses. Marg- wiIl Fur Farm, Tyrone. DEADSTOCK rem-oved fromn your farm promptly for sanitary disposai Telephonie Coilect: Cobourg 1266 ori Toronto Errn3-3636. GORDON YOUNG L114TED Auction Sales The undersigned bias received în- structions fromi the Adniister of the Estate of the late H. GrIegory Merritt to soiT by pu blic auction onn Friday, Juiy lOth at 6:30 p.m., 1 mile north of Bowmnanviile on the Man- ver«s road1(and a haif mile east. Va!- ua ble farm ma,,-chiniery wii;l besod Terms cash; no reserve. Jaek 'Re-id. Auctionee.. Orono Tinshopý - Have Your Furnace VACUÛUMEDr a ne REPAI RED or a New One, Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN taudiSURGEON OEa. Rour'.: L.00 te 4.00 p.n.; LU t& .0pm Sunays and ti Wmsae b? appointment teb. PHONE 47r1 - ONO E. C. SYER, KD. PHYSICL4N Wu4 SURGEON Main Street South office Ue«m-. 2.00 tît 4.00 p.m- .» 8 to 8.00 wéw Sundays andti ldays by PHONE 74 r 19 OltONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON OPPOSITIE SKATING RINI PHONE 94 r 16 010180 'Lawrence C. Mueon, B.A. Barristeir and Solieitor leOWMAeiNVllýLE, ONT. Phoe*s. Office 6"8 Rom, 558 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer fanit Valuate Specialize ia farm and Furniture Sale, Consult me for teris and dates Phone .5 r 18 e TEl) JACKSON Aucetioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales etf&ail ma and at reasonable rates Communicate with hlm at Fsa Perry, Ontario, or sueo bis Clerk, L E. Morton' at Oron o, for datre,. INSTLLEDLIFE INSURAINCE Before COLD W.IiATHI1{ R. E.LOGA and Rot Water Hleating CALL U FOR ESTIATES IIARRY E. LYCEIT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO -ONT. Pension Plans; Educational Pollc1e., Protec tion- and Sa-vings Plans tee -Children and Adultàs; Mortga-geIu surance Plans, F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phonte zk)E The RUTTER GAI' COMPANY 1Mai 321ý6 -- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarkerm, ISTAi~IFFORDII ) BROS -Monumfenital IWorks Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundasi St. E., Whitby I FINAE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP Let usert a handsomie, lig- nified mýonumenrt over the re-sté ing place of your ioved jus. !t's flot expensive. And aiiel-ng this iast tribute wilI give you eclescomifori. Orozno Eeti Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUTSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt anti Guaranteti epaira &H ai mkeof Electrical Equipm.st and Appliancen Suck as Motor-s, Water Eestoe Radios, Stevea, frmu. Ut 4 r-r-l U),

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