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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1953, p. 2

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"Dear Awke Hra:Six mnh a f dl tscovered that my bus- býand was Seeing anlother wOmýan., , I .1told hlm liemust _give lier up. or leave our son and niç, He pro.mised lie would fo e ber agaîn, artd so did she. Now, 1 find they did flot stop mneeting -and she tells mne she loves lmf, Luscious roses ini two shadles of ricli ed witli soft greun lau transferred on sliuets, pillowcasýes, mcarves, spreacls, towels.,an-d Nanyf, inany tler itemrs! Easy to walsl- Mie co1ors sta)y vivîd and gltow- ing. Qlck, sendi nowv. Just i.ron on! Jiffy! Washaý'bl1e! Pattern 580 lias 14 motifs. Feromý 21/ x 1Y4 to 32/,x .4½ i nchies, Send TWENTY - FIVE C ENTS7 in coins (stampis cannot be ac- eepted) fîor thus pattern to Box I> [23 Eigltenth St, NwTrno Ont. Pint plainly ]PATTERN NJJMBER, orNM n D DRESS. EXCITIMIG VALiUE! lTun, yes TEN popular, newv designs t cý jz- chut, sew embroider,kntpi- ed in the niew I95ý Lauma Wiuu Neudlecmatt ooPlus mn more pattLernaý' to sund Ïfor - desfor giftt, bazaar mney- mnakers, fsioilSund L.5 centsc *Ai. ,fvn ntm and dJoesn't think she is breaking up mny homec! Incienitally, she owns lier home, holds a good po- sition, and gets an allowanice for ier dhild. We own nothing, inot even our furniture, "Last, week, aftem a long er jbd of unemploym"ent, wy7lius- band got a position. I've been) working to help out , but we,. ar behind in our bills. Hie says wlien wve're on our feet again-,lie wl leave! 1, Iknow lie is sllh 'For years he liasn't takn m anywlihere; it seemrs 'm oýnly good enougli to Cook, to work, Vwash ,and iron. In spite of thîs, 1 stil love him. if Idin',it ol be simple. I arn desperate YI've triedL everythîng buJt nothing lielped, Once î preteýnded 1 hniadadat, whic-h did seemr to uprset hm. T believe there îs good îin tm n I have f aitli. lie says li lve our boy, but 1 don'tknw e Now Iv arn thiniking of movingý out, and-!.leting hirngo It wouldn-i't be any w.orse torture thian secing hlm dress to taIke her out, and Dlot even peedn i isn't! What dao Youàadvisýe': MZORTE 0F THE SAMEJ? * Take thie pra;ýctfical iw frt * Wia"ýt future can you ex-pectL *for you and you:r son ,.wieným *your husband dcoes not sup-,prt *you now,, and assures that lie *itnsto walk outi as sooni *as lie can? fie is- completelyi *indifierent tb wlat bpest you andi your Son. le ose *aside your loDve with practically,, *a snap of lis finge-rs; o a *plan your own omrow * they are flot biïsrepniit * Since you have to wr any- *howf, wliy not work for your- * efand your boy, instead of * supporfing Pa man wlioý is not * Onlly uAnfaitlifuil but boasts about * it So long as you stay wi -,tlihlm *aren't you akigfor just wliat *you'Ve been getting? I1 r *afraid thie onl-1y kind of womian *he can be faitlifuiL to h onre wbo *will makdýe'hlmn toe tlie mark,; *and that, àt seemrs, is neotln *Your nature. You counted on, voyour love; it isn't enouli.1 * You ill miss hl,fiet01course, *and long,,to se himr, But ai- *oneu witlivoyour son, you vwill *flua a peace you have mî11ssed, a adbe spared the ortre'as *you)c sayof seuling im - Leave *you reuay fo ante *A word of cuin îc *your own îrustncsare D ot too satîsfactory, 1 urge you te totaku legal aviuconcer- *ing your riiPts. Your iuisban-di . should be md oasrepr *of your support, at -1astÈ *Iarrn So-)sorry. P-ARENTS SEPARATE CUL "Duar Anne, Hirst: -My wif e Pr(evty sueBrn hi-gh sh days wt Sue mwears mortarboard the dpon aroduated from,( RhodesShol At night, -ha, dances and Swirs i the, You Wer creation by Bill Mintz feat ores, o slim ron-iw nu-ddit shirrinq at ihe hipline whkch fow nto sweeping fullness aCih back. The scooped neckine is trimmed ini rnatching velvet i nylon tulle inset. In Bruck's yaril-dyed ctatrc tafretc ti ïstyleci in niavy or biack. and 1 have beeni separýated for two mnts.We were just apout to go back to each, othier wn'îen her Dad 1broke us Up again. Hie won>' let her out of the house (he's afraid she'll corne back to see mne) and lhe bas threatened to shoo0t me if 1 go there. a divorce, but lier Dad is going to, make lier get it anyway.7 1 asked hlm to comne down, and talk things over,. but he ýwon't evndo .that. '1 love nmy wvife enjougli tedo anyt,,-hing to straîghten this out, but 1 don't know whaut Lo do. Thiat's why I arn writing you. J. D, D."' * ,! Why don't you consuit a good *lawyer to find ot whether *your wife's father, is witihin * is riglits in preventing ber * from- seeing you? After ail, *she is miarried to you, an-d *should be abl)e to see yuif *sh-e wants to. Alsoi, perhàa-s the * awvyer will advJsec youwete *your wfecan] be forced to sue ~for divorce against her will; 1 doubt that. *S-ince yo.u cannot go tfo her, *ask a girl frîend of bers to *take your me(ssage,: That you *O lovier as 9always, you want * ler îbacu-k, and you are Ltaking *ste-ps to frelier toý corne tg toyu. * ler father mnust be a tyrant *indeed, to think lie can kecep, *lier fromn you, uinless he bas sufficient reason to prove you *unifit to be bier liusband. - ~Which, I assume from y our *lette-r, is flot true. * - do hope things will be *straig'htened out soon.ý S'Ometimes it ý'eemtS thalt the wlves whO give most, get thec least return, , ý. If yoiw lot lW growhig worse, teil Anine Hirst abojUt fl. Write ber at Box 1, .13 EgtenhSL., Neo TO'ron- tù> net, m&UE3@-II58 Q.When atnigaeue weddfing and tie sher pacsyou in nat wh v,ýere you fhaven't ai goo)d viulv, isn't it ,aul igtqt change your se-at? A. No. Thu uishucr probably bias lis --instructions as to seating, and you sliould rumînwhre you are seated ini order to aoid ny possible onfusion. seateC at the table 01aiapbc ining roo*, . andn.-othier wom- an stops ta Chat wit,îh her a mûr- ute shouitlti he Y,311g ladyrie A. Not uiess thewmanwho stOpDs is el1-1ry, /a4~'4 e~tf NEA [ANN£ !tIRS coecree B.auty-scraeerý trs MAarilyn Monlroe, left, aind Janîe Russeil have terh*dpit prestrvd for postýerfty et Gro-cuman'ïs Chinese Theatre, homecý f Ho!Iywovcod's Ho f Faine, Traf- fePo4me Ww'ie buy a ytnosfought'ta se the gais give the cernent e beautytreatmnent, icom)ipany with nany othur distrýicts, ail theu way from- Tom- onto to, Niagara, experienced a terifi electrical stormi lasting several boums. For over an liour i watcbed dlark, forbîdding clou-ds gathe2r in thu east and I £vas fervently liopinge Partnur oudbe tlimough milking be- fore the stoirrn broke. Suiddunely the cowvs began, bawliînýg. Are tliey som-ewliure theysoudt bu, lIvwondered? Or is it oýne of thu hieifurs w ,ith lier luad cauglit in the fence again? 1 an outto iinvustigatu but there -was rnoth- ing wrong tînt I could sue, So 1 wunt down tlie barn - miay- bu,_ Partner wouild knowwla ail thu awling was about, lie did., "It is Jalie said, "wîitil a new, caît, out i the back pas- ture We shaîl have to get lier home a't lbave lier ailniglit witou bi il'ked, not«inr.thu shape shu 5 isi - too ucl chance oA milk fever" 1 said nothing, altliougli1I was almost petrifled. Gl, o after a cow aný]d caîf aendi the stormi likely to break any mite! -But you ko o w it it a good fariner thiniks ofrt t is 1ivucstock - and fer ajoýb like that two puop,ýle are- bettAer than onie. Soersntyw weuout in the pasture, I1aci inîg thuc cloud1s which Partnem dintseem t o see at al, Jane soon led us to the back of île 041I where she liad hiddun lier catf. Then bugan the slow jour- neyhom ,uatner diigJane adthe caît a0iead of hlm -,- uxcept wlun thuy decidud other- wisc.- and I keeping back thu beifers anid dry cow;ýs tht we -re aiso in tle sau pasture. As sooCn a wewere in tle back lanu cows frM tc e r Réeadcame aling over to tflanufmencuto investigate. You neyer beard sucli a bawling setout.t Finially we got Jane home, and, after mucli twisting and turing, into the stable, witl the cait close bcidu lier, Then 1Ileft tPartnerý with the (-sweet jobrof imilking Janie wle i.,. headed for thec house. Beo-ce I reached ittun dem was craqckin.ig sharply ver liead and the main came do&wn in sheets. I almi-oFt sem %dasif Providence lad iheld back thSe storm ni til Our job %vasdoe The next morning . . . fleids flooded, creek running swift and strong liku a spring trushet, true limibs scattemed ,liere and there; on somie fammrs bridges and culverts liad been waslied a-way and a few bydro tas fomers bad b-'en bloiownout. 0f coýurse we had hay out -- a big feld cutý but not raked. In tact: the altaifa in this one fleld is so .ieavy it will bu un.ougli to sue us tîroughl hu wintur --I F wu cain get it in. But that is a big "f"in fact fam-ming thiese days ison big if ater another., But ilieru is stilil opu etf farmurs mnaking eut almiglit ifw? can kuu-p our ovrlead down, And tînt is the biggust "if" et ail Wi'tl labour costs and capital in- vustmuent sa higli the margin etf profit is naturally vury slimn. Wbeat going down and bread going up is anothur little prob- leyiw ýhati s lard to f atho.Ys I1 lnow the answur (can bufon hIn world trade ageeensan in- tlie U.S. embargo on daîry products, but' it ail secims very involved to aeaefarm àfolk-V and so littie we can do about Il - except to keep down that overliead., But how? Theý ur- gency to get things dlon,,ehas,î taken tlie place of eeya economy; saving timne ihasbe- corne more important thani- sav- ing mooney, if you know whtL mnean. Tliat is, we ofterl spend a o f money to save a littie tie _epng pace witli.modemn mnethods of farming is also an expensive busin-ess. For ins;tance, the Osliawa district is planning a bulik milk cleto systý>M.,Tlie initial cost to thie prodlucer for equipment so that lihe cai. take advantage of this sclien1c will riin from $,0 to $2,200. in rad- dition farmi lanes and loa-ding yards must be put in good con., dition 10 aüccomodate thie 16,000 pound tanik-truck necessary for collecting the milk. Otie fica agreed the bentefit to the mal shipper wudhzirdly make v-p for thie investmnent required-. Se .1what happens to the mal shiper? Then wAe have thc pro- posed Co-ope-,rative MIilk Sur- plus Plan at Toronto, the esti- mated cost of whîcli is $250,000. Corne oni, Bossies, if you want anything t, o do witlht ,millc plant you hIad better get busy. It w'ill take aý lot of m-ilk to finanIce an undertakîng, like that. -Fow- ever, itl a be th-at more cr -earo will soon be bouglit by MYrs. liouewie, if" an experîment niow urnderw'ay in t'he UIS. slioul'd prove successful - that is, ' Criedl cream powýderv,whici h.-tliedaim is ais goas ftesh crea,ril Xen mixed with ater; amd 3Acourse it solves the probllemn of keeping cream wet So perhap)s the* Mlilk SrlsPlaint will borrow the idea and putdie creans the idea a -o ut drecani kct before te chin stores,ý start_ imnporting itlfomtheStes Now it is puig wtirain ro baJirg hp.;ay gin o -day! Wal$hdaîy Blues - M,,rs. Alfred Wilson looks -ighfy sad and you'd bu sad, too, if you were in her position. Shown above gazing at the remains cf a $5 bill-part cf sorne $428 chewecl up in hear washer. She Iust forgot ta take Mr. Wilson's billfold out cf hisý overails before throwing thern*4n her washîng machine.

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