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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1953, p. 3

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le Basebail,T<eanuts Are Big Business In basebaîl todlay, peanuts are bîg business. "1The bail club that doesn't hisave Concessions just doesni't make nsny"saîd Danny Goodmnan, self -styleçd 'pean-ut man' of 4tise Hollywood basebaîl park a nd longtime field m.Yanager of' en- terpr.ises mn Jacobs Bras., f ar- flung concessions cem-pire., MlanyIteins By 'concessions' are matbill- hoïýrd and scoreboard -dvertis- i-ng, seat cushion sales, souv-,enir-s, foodà and drinlk staples and so on. Last yeair, accordîng te Gonocman, thie Pittsb-urgis Pirates i:aalized e130,000 iroinsscoreoard avr tisinig alone. At theHayw d Park, t otal concessions from-r basebal totalled son-le$200, writes Frank Waidman iii The Cliristian Science Monitor "Concessions bave cirgda lot since tise aid days," Good - mnremarked sadly."W used ta mrake more montey sellhng hot dogs at 10 cents a piece tieni we do now for 25 cents. Nowadays fence advertising an-d pragramps make the dîfference between pro- fit and loss. The Basebal Hall of Fam-e bas noýct yet gatten arounid ta --lcord- kag Danniy Goodmran tise recog- nition lie deserves for bis part ii one of baseball's most naotori- ous World Series. In thse 1934 Series between the Cardinals and Tigers, Danny ran concessions in the bleacisers aitbe Detroit park.L Goodiman's field kitchen tisus sup- plied ammuii-Lnition for tise famed "vegetabie" barrage tisat Tiger fans unloosed upon tise persan of St. Louis otile Joe Med- Voick. Smll 11Pies 'I bad 5,000 smnia11 pies on isanrd>" Goodm-an recalled. "Most of tbem the fans tirew at Med- wick, That was a good Series fromr a concessions point of view," Danny related lappily. "People were in tise park and eaing by nine o'ciock in tise moring. We even liad gaod weatier." The Detroit portion ai tise ,Srelaunclied Goodman off on one oi tise most famious non-stop mnissions in concessions hsstory. Bcýcause of fbis labors during tliat one, hectic week, Danny stiands today as kind of an "Iran Mani" McGinnity of thbe con-cssionis "As I remnember," Danny saîd, "Tise Series ended on e Tbursday. That niglit, I hopped a plane to Pittsburghs f or a Fridlay niglit football gamie Duquesne had ai Forbes Field. I went ta workç tbere before cisecking ia my hotel. Afier working tise game 1 helped move ail of aur equip- ment uip to Pitt, Stadium f or tise Pit-MJinnesota ganse Saturday afternooii. Mind, ail of th-.s timne Ilad' even been ta beci. No Comrii,fson "We finisised work around 1 e'clock in thse mornissg. A couple of timres I felu asleep standing u,,p. Sundcay morningwe haulud ahl aur stuif bacis ta Forb'es -Field for an exýiblitin basebai gamne that afternoon between tise Dean brotisers and Setchel Paîgi Gruelling as was tisai experi- ence, it cannot comparewith Danny Goodnsan's private July 4tb in Baltimore duriing-tise etlierwise elebrated year Di, 1929. "I was iîn charge ai tise Read- ing, Pa., baîl park at the timer Jacobs' brotlsers usea taormig un ail of tiseir men fromu a 200-mile radius ta work the big Fourth ai July parade in Baltiinsore Tisey used ta plan it just lîke ,, mili- tary campaigný, Over 250,000 peo- pie used ta camne in for Cise par- ade. "O(-n ibis pa',rticlerl Fourth I'm is chiarge of a popsi"cletruck. It's liatbut ri'mnot worried be- cause I know V've got tise pop.- siekiles packed in dry tce. InA those days, of course, w,,e idn't have refrigeration trucks. risere's a fellow, a hot dog mnais, tba-s hs truck parked nexfta m ne iapd ail miorning lie's burning charcoal ta make tise bricqueis to ke1pis OP The GlorýY Ra-5.0 togAiv is a dr--aatc picfure of the Cotton BowI, packýed wt 75000 people whi-o came ta hear B'IiIy Grahamry, vorld-farous Eývange;i5t. R wi called th)e Iargpest single evanlgelistic Caudience Pin church histcry. The most dramotiic moment camne when thec 34-year..old preacher asked tht il stadium iighits be exinquished. Each persan struck c matýOch, and the staidium was Oýýke aaim4, alight, Grahamr- then aosked thie people ta proy thcot the fIcame cf freedom wl burn farever hahottewrd Comp-arîn-,g aihietes of bygone eras wt tsoe of tod7ay is a f av- orite-and u slss-spDorts pas- timec, Personally, we enerally puýt in witlis those wbo say th1-at there neyer was a bali-player to compare1 witis Ty Cobb, a figliter wiso1c was as good as Jack johnl- son, and al like tliat. But wlen it cames togof- welli, you younger fry carn take a double order of back-paýtiing Little Bengn is undo-ubtedly tise finest exponenit of cow-pas- ture pool that ever dug a ivojt and a lot of aqtua-not-so-pura is h4able ta run tbrougli the St. Lawrence Waterway ere b-is eulcones along. Wlien golfers discuss Be n Hiogan, tise question tbey ask Most is: "Is lie luiman?"ý M'Vany of tisem are conovinced li-3e isn't. Tliey gave up long ago, trying to win totnamenfts in wbidl tise "Little Ma";S enter- ed, They calim "Tise Little Man"7wth respect andae.Tlie Scots at Carnoustie wbo watclied himrr win ,tlie British open last week, an bis f irst try, bave their own namne for bis: "The Wee Te Muan." "Helý's tbe only golfer -lintise woidn'mscared i o," once -said "ilneyer àwi an'Pen-,uftil liereie, said Samn Sne1ad, runner-up for tise fourtli timeý tbîs year at Oakmont a-,s IHogan- won bis fourili crow,,n. Oni the golf cour2se, Holugan re- m-inids yo., f a cark ,coa atailor iweavinig ai cef eaitfor bis lE- is grim iai-d tigIt-liPppd. He neyver sees anytliing or. any- bcody, tbey say, exýcept tlic ir, wacy anid the pin,. You can almost see tise wbeels grindàing- away ini is head as lie miakes shot aiter sbot itbunbleeable precision-. "Golf," said Hogan after win- ning tise Masters tisis spring wý,iih a record score of 274, "is 290 per cent skill and 80 pDer cent man- There are several golf ers witli tb'-e skill Of IHogan, Nonie can matchi bis management. Wliereas moICst golf ers aire bit- ters, Hogan is a fitter. HIe PUtS tlie bell exactly wbere lie wants it to make bis nexi sisot easier- In that respect lie 4s like aý finu billilards player. Wba;t distinguisbes Hlogant frôm oifier golfers of tise era? A wvon't-. be-lickeýd spirit and umtie concentration, In 1949, lie was almaost killed in an auto-mobile-bus accident wliicli left bis legs badly injujred. Somne said tben lie might n-eyerj walk againt, mucis less play. But a year later l-ie came bacýk. Playing on legs wliicb lied ta be strapped-c up at n-iglst, lie won bis secon~d National Open unD 10.Then in tise spring Is 1 951j he won tise Masters, and latfer H1ogan denttaik much ,but when lie does it's not like-. tink- ling cymbals or sounding brass. Every wýor-d-like every golf slioct -is ta the point and 1lias a Pur-- There are somne wliô liave founid Hogan t-WU ldHe iSn'tat al. e is one of tlie nicest and mnost considerate of ail] tou3,rna- ment golfers. He neyer "blo-ws of"as tlie expression goes. Perhaps lie was a bit liard to approacli or und-erstand before bis automnobile accident. If sa, it miilit bave been attributable to bis rougis eariy 11f e. He and bis brotlier quiit scliool as chidren ta) support a fatherless fa1miiy HIe found life hard and lie meit it thse same way. - He mellowed a lot after the accident. --T found tiee world was ful! of nice people," he sa"id a- terwards. H-ogan's., victory in tise Bri-tisli Open followed a famili'-ar pat- terni. He opened back in thse pack and tisen finisbed witli a spLctac- ular rushi. Tbat's tlie way be's won most,1 of bis tournamý-ents- a great, pressure windup, Tbey say if lie needed a 60) ta win at Carnoustie, by some ~means lie would bave got it. Personally, we liaven't a bit o1 doubt tbat he couild, Let Më e-VhnPoul Delan,-ey, faur-an.d-a-half mionths aid, donlned glasses, he w-asn't kid- dîng-he's wearing them oni his doctor's arders. He is the youn-g- est wearerof gicsses 41 the hîs- tory oýf the Massachuselts Eye& Ear Infirmry. 'lOur VHANCES Hlave a yen to go driving in the couintry diuring August? Ride in tise isamm-ock instead. This is tle mas, perilous mnontb of the yeaýr. The safest montlis are Feb- ruary and Mlardi. We, can also recommenci 5 rn.ta 8 a.r-. Tbursdlay m.oringi. as thse saf est bours of tbe week Your chances of liaving an accident in clear,. weatbeir are 21½ ta i1 over that of bavingý trouble i1n bad weather. A.nd if yout take ail1 these facts into accouri, ard stili get, cauglit in an naccident, h would stiïll be at safe bet f1 ,or nU2 ta oeryou 4 ta 1 your car was in good msecianical condition, BABY CUOCKS N1 ?GS re high h inTce LIaS- i g hîgey.ie flot tgr, latû 1 te bnp -yhiea .Z .2s 014.45 rr undre'dç. 3yk oulito at lo" w pIces.AIse started cIuheke. TOP OTCHCHTICKSAE BRInAX Py ULLETs. Notbing better forte go nS grow-ing akes Dyc a -tatd. A~ge-eptemerbroiles- oernwBra i' Hatc'berv, 120 John N CýA DAN APPRIYOVED hevy'breed pulles Stadard Ouaty 014.95 per bude.The.se low price,,3made possibie by'teedu demand for cockerels. Monv Mker Quality lal 1.0 Extra PrftadJ $2.00, Special ir M-ing adO! 0.0 erhuIndirnd. AIso non..sexed and eocerl Aike at coýmptitive piais.L 1 r ty p i, . eierpullets, ,farted FergusOntaurle RETARNThiWcnin resort area, FURNTUIt STOEY, Texas town o 3,100 oing 032,a000 yarljy. sacrifice prîc. KAHFINER. icbEa. 1Kn sa s HAVE yo ýu ayhianeeds dyelng Cor jeanýj- ln?iWrt te usfor Xfvto. vWe aregla toanseryou.r onestions. IDe- parimet H. Prker'sDye VWorksLiit2 91VneSt., T0ronto. LU13R oa an Bflders' arae temp. Wrte VkSî,NER Wchta, NEW Steel Fei glison TIreseer. Self- algtgbail bearings. Iighttst ruýný n machineo vailable. Write for Sdeta ài 1 o F evg usonmThresber eon',Mxl Ont>. Plone 93W. CRESS WA1tT BMVE.Leaves n scrs our Drulet se% RES ItETAI7,L LUM1BER kýd Hulldlng Mater- jaIs u.,iness in Texas. on $0.0 yry.Buy or les uldn.KU- THMSHÉýfiNG 0otlit: 33 -a45 Wa-terioo WooS, Separa,ýtor; Grain thrower; Caf Blowe; Heleanr:J10 îfoot drive bent 40 i'. Engle Tracter. rubber onea wýheels. Good runin& ordler.. ÏBesi offer. WIItae aIttie origs in ex"-na pro.fit cer ird 41.9 sojd at10 ek. Tis Isthie rpr e eev fromon 'f our ini' stltidcutoneswb purcIýhase our crosstaiNe Hm- sbir cokerls.Tri' them oncb ani,,,dyou iUalways boytem TWE»LE HICI IfTCHERIES LD Butflregistereil Scotch Colles. up pis nS Grown StocIk. Stus Service, Boardng Renols.Lochihoch Corles. 1000BynSt.Wtb, nar. A TIA-EVRYSUFFERER 0F RHEUMA- TIC FPAONS opNEURiTOys SHOUýjLD Ty D!XON'S REMEDY. M*UNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 EGin, OttràeWa. $1 .25 Express Ppafid. -->- M FEmImN EX "0 One wman eilsanother. Take superlor "Ft3lNX"t blpaevae pain. dis- trea nn nevou tesio asocitedwith -nnhl eiods. 95.00Postuin 1plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 89QENST. EASY ORNT POTSECZEMA SALVE SAInI torment cIf Il-y ecma rashiea sn epn kim troubles. rPost's Eciema Salve wjIflnot disaippoint you '. rlnwor, pnipesanS foot ezema, wil ,ecn eidily t o the stainles, ols otnetregardless Cf r-nw ,tbborn or S'UC 2,50 FER .IJAP POST'S REMEDIES Set esO Fixe onmiteeipi eof ['vice- 889 <Ieen S. E., ornerof Loan Terente ASTIHASUFERES!Get Ouckreief f rom ASACL' Actýive eedicvie.te- to'al.SenS Cahor11 ne 'rer 03.9 EpottSchldtCo.. Box 123. ý,D- rot4,Michigani. idi ti' Tri' et saIltisfieA elksDrug nttd Ontf. 'onfo N ?ge Pleasa Thous~ H ARV EL 350 i 44 72 RI elIDUT F1UN AND -0 tbor e ans 'Oùlvea ysvn fee ,copy of ti i catlogyjýue toilai'., Suts or- ON fiER te evecy layon PERSaN A ecentfie emei' or cigarel Pa aclCorporationLtl W-alkerville. nt LADIES BE 'LOVE UNWANTED HAll Xktemoved With lFni Ti Poitilo ne eeai reat»wki VWe do perma»!ýt ei Wnixtt .n guanantce pga;nst ling eonulain Dr DERMAT CLINIC l20Tege Suit.e 302 P'EST OT U KEW Prusa inade toiyir05rg n woes.Write fr atalog-ue and E PrOU Cist. Domn11on Rue g alg onsy 147? Dundas Sîiree eî oot.Ot MIT THE DIRT! Moùse MecCormîcik>thse famnous aid riglit-fielder of the New York. Giants, left his present pcst at Lafayette College ta take jin a horse race. He liad sworn ta lm'- s.elf -tliat lie wouid dû no l-,tti.ng that afterinQn, but he'd always been temprted by loing shôts aird wben lie saw one hsorse qoe at 100 ta one, he couldn't re- Sist putting clown ID5.00 on tisE nrose. The nag gave h.im na vwan- derful run for bis money andâ ke, as a msattcr of fact, rgi clown to the strec.h. Inrj'tme last Jhundred yards, hôwever, tse favorite camre 1up fast and pu-Cý- ed into thle lead. As the àborsceý came down ta thse wire imost neck, and neck, McCo rmick, coiald contain himiself no longer. IH a jumrped .ta lis feet anid bellaowed at thec top of bis lungs, Sjilde, yauý bum, q1idC1cý MERRY KMENAGERIEF ISSUE 30- 1953 If life'ý AY BE LU VER -th livin-g mav be your Iii itockî NIR-Wiîî

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