CHERRY SPONGE ýounds cherries, stoned ablespoon plain gelatin hrce eggs ies and sugar- ,r to co'ver, and minutes. Sri fb tie elti i of hôt water Iry juide wiilc, rtwo xilnuell )wl and wlhelry rirator, Wheni l> beat wcll and 7nitcs. Comboine g.ea layer il MOUd Add a , then anotirer 'nixture.Con- i s full. Ch)ii or. Unm111)ol.d and ,ithloutwhpe RAS1PBERRY COCONUT CREAM PIE S tablesjloons cakeflu 1 4t Ul, I4jJuvi* I baked nine-ich pie Sheli Co,ýmbine sugar, flour, and s-ait W tire top of a double boiler. Add iiklk and egg yolks, mixing thoxroughiy. Place over rapidly boiîing watcr and cook 10 min- utes, stirring constantly, Remove frmboilîug vwater and add one- haî,ef cup of coconut and vnla Coojl. Place one cup of fresli raspberries in tire pie sheil and cDver with tire cooled filling, tieni Jjiray vanilla cconuýjt frosýt- BLU~BERYSLUMP 2Cups fresh lue ris waIsed Seup sugar 1. cup water e up flour, Siftte 2 teasponrs baking po'wdcr V4 te-aspeon sait e4 up milkc (appr#eximately>ý Stwblumeberries, sugar, and aeMix and sif t flour, bakiçng podrand sait; add milk, stir- ring quickly ta miake- a dumplinig doýugi tirat will drop frm tire on f (t]3e spoon. Drop into tire boýiiung sauce, Cook 10 minutes wiýtir tire caver off* and 10 minutes with caver on. Serve warmi, witih panor whipped cre-am, PEAUR SHORTOAKE 2 cupis cake fleur /tablespeen sait 6 taiespensbutter Cor Scup mailk 3pînts siieed, sweetened peaches Add aking- powder and calt ta flour and sift again. -Cut in, tire irort,)eni-ng. Add xilk alat once 1ndstir carefully unitil ai-,tire CROSS WORD PUZZLE e, Attempt CO.tIn lsang) ÔictIpi S.Tin fabries 1 Brcood of N,,g:liert pheasaiItw bbining ;.9Wng material 2.Oreiiig J 4, Tbat on 'wblchi 2 wheei turne 2 3 15 AccamnatIon 17. ewiMe 18. DeJa .ý9, reeik tt(er 21 upe ç 22, Light rata 25. 'rurf 2.Animati on 1'8.eFCor cCv e rin g MO~ascuiine 2.2 23 - - 2,Acqutre by - -- JaiEbiê$brW îtr& Oil ,glrn 23. S 1 ld ru rY A ntener foýur is dampened, ti.en stir ig Drously unitil mix.ture forýms a sof t dough and follows spoýon arou-tnd tire bowlý,. Turn, out a-t one onto a liJgirfly fiouredbar and knead for 30 seconds, Divide dough in twoT( equal por- tions and roll or pat each portioný into an eighit-inch circle ¼/-inhi thick. Fit >one circle into a -well- e reased eight-incir layýer pan and#J brush wlth nrelted butter. Fit -,ecoý-u-d circle of dough over thre first and brush witir melted buit- ter. Bake, at 4501 F. for 20-25 minutes, Sluce peaches and sweetený slightlly. Separate iralves of irot shortcake; spread lower halfl it sotbutteran cover with iraîf thre peacires. Add top, cruist sirde down, and spread with butter anci remaining peaches. Garniisir with orie sliced peaches and whipped cream, if desired. Six serving. CATAOUEDESSERT r 3 tblsponspowvdered sugar, scapit Sliced sweeteued peatches et' raspberres Plain vanila ice cream Cut melons in iralves -and spirinkle one-iralf tablespoon 0f cugar on eaeh half, ChilL. Just before serving, f11l the hollo-ws vjith sweetened frýuit and top,ý witir the ice eream. G arrish wxith a few whole ras pierries or peacir slces. Six serviings-. ipkg. i_,e-uiavored gelatin 1 cup beiliing water 1,4 cup sugar 11,/_ ups peaeh puree, sweet- eeiî,dto taste 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten. Dissolvýe the gelatin in tire boiling water. Add sugar aendz peacir puree. Cool, then placeiM refrigerator. When mixture starts to thickeni, beat well and addi stiffly beaten egg wirites. Bent again and place in refigeralox unitil serving time, Serve with a, custard sauce, tisihg the yolks of thre two eggs. Six servings. As- Prcetty as Ït is delicious! WANT TO BET? Th(-,odds are eveni you will lose onc key this comning year. Tic odd1ýs are- even you carry '3lklye with you.If you are thie (ook cf the houschold we !ay even odds youA buru somnething-, once every 10 meals. You will f ail twice this1 coming year in your home and tire odIds are 40 to l aginst eitirer one of these f ails bcing injuiriouc. You.wîll have an ave- rage 'of 3 visitors each week ta your homne but the oddis are 2-1/ ta 't against your having cm pany for dinner anytimýe during onie montIir. Even are tire odds you spcnd l irours a day in youir home, and if you are tire average housewife you rea.-jrrnge your furniture just once cacir ycar, Tire chances are a3bout 4 ta î youI are nôt complctely happy with your- homre wiricir, if it is an average2'l'ome, you paint ronce evr 2 eafs. os se--s iïon 2.Pilike fiel,ï 4 One wIo 31 roplortion as -eer ts 3. 1B r 's b ea k 8.~ ~ ~~f, Geketr om of a süIvî 6.Part of a9 2uS. lYamr, od ehur cl, -utting tool 7. egLtiheE 5 lai a J. ad beings 4. Pay backt 9.Total 45, ntý o dlestruction P 4q6. Lrebni 1.Erred 4. dbi ubep 1.Dispateh 5.Mvn i .Moopiur 2 0. MWander crf M3 Hvlrried 35. oLeir 24 Chafe 5. oe ut Ancint rt xhibtio-Atthe spinning wheei cf thie PenlAnrd School cf Handicrafts shoys eramton an cart that is centuries aid, She aisý the yarn with vegetcuble ol, s. Emmna Conley ne youniger gen- cairds artnd dyes The-y RealIy Bunigled THIS Coronation Tire cooaion ofY o u n g GereIliIwas remarkablc for Loýrd HowTard of Effingir, was oredèred by tire Court ta spare po paijns ta put on a gioriaus sho. ýYct iris "worries" quite ovcrpowered him., Abbcy work- ers wcnt ou, strike, refusing ta ercct stan)ds unlcss their wvages wcrc raised]. Sedan-cirair men ~'cme ut"witir ticmn. Evýen tic Dean and Chaptcr of Westm1inster joincd with otirer prýopcrtLy ownecrs in tic Abbey's ncigirobouirood by placing exar- biatprîces oin tireir Vwindow seats, as mutcir as twenty golden soverigns, worth about £200 by toý-day's values, for a singl' 'iren tic secret cererony tire Consecration toak place, ai) î rritated monarcir listcured in turn ta echoing. crics and whispers for li be of tic, Kights of thre JBath, tire, Royal Cauoel>y and tirei Sword ot State. AI]il iems wcre ir 'î,. Amid angry -muirmyurs from mn"ercirat princes, jealoucýsof tic City of Landon's fiercely wonùI ftreedlomïs, tire Lord Mayor liad to~ lend liri-scword for tie comple- tioin of tirecrmoy Scene of onus worse-, when tire Archbishrop_ oýf Caterbuiry- poised tire glit-, tering State Crownvi abov tire KiIg's anainted head, a dia- moud broke baose froni its sock- et and ral own tire royal noce, Fuilicf confusion, tire unirappy Eiarl Marshiali stamrmered afe- wards: "'My f ault, Sir, ,were mnanty, býut I can assuire your Mai cstyýtirat tic- next corona- tion siral be regulated i n tire exactest mauner possible!" Cold cofot,îdeed, fo.r a reignuing Thec- fir st English aoain accmpaiedby n royal pasýsage tirouirLodoui's streets, ewas tia-t ofRichard Il in July l1337. No-t only were L'ýoncdort',,pave- ment.s profuise wlirta pestryý andgaraud,"but marked at Aà gauîdily, painted cauivas castie w as erec ted in Cireapside, wvith four trirects, cacir occupied bY 1-,eai îful 1 m aid en clo0t hed Iin irt.As the, royal coaci a&p- pro-acired, sire tirrew Vimitation, gold florins ou ta i-te iroses ad bicw _leaves oaI gold it tire King'ýs face., Wireuire iraitedi, tiremaen scapeedforýth, bearing gold cIlsfilled vwitir wîue and press- cd tireir offering ilu turnta is lips. Ontirat day tire cityv's gut- tr, uanrmall.y coursing w'vith watcr, flowcd for tirxee irours1 witir redi and .wirite wine. To- warde tire drows-y iafferuoon's end, -mauy a Londoner leay "ilçc"beside tiresewexrst h'ideous. blood CiSIe d ooe -turhe onta of Richard I. Laivisir free distributions' a ýiwiue unleashed lice3tious spirits.And wi,1tj h ýthetacit aippro-,aýl uf tire Ring hmelitÀwas said, dik forh a asace tËire Jewys aI tire Cit-y of Lan3dau.- Tirey began tis foi.4wgOrk first in Westminister Hall1. S(Oon aftcrwardis, anc iundred JeIWS weýre draggedin cirains tirroughir tire streets and chiaged witirý chid-urdrit was a false charg-e. But so fierce was tir pcopfle's temper tirat -the Kiýng's, judges straigitway setnc cigiteen ta. be irangcd and theI rest ta rpot in dungecons. Until that of William liV-wi-,o disli'kcd carousals-cacir corona- tion was accampauied by a sumptu-ous state banquet mn We- minstcr Hall. James li's barique provideci for thirty-tLwe differernt 4ishes to ire scrvect 4t oaci of tire thre courses. Rosterers delvecd into mnarrow patties, cocks' combs, "petty tocs,"' colaps, msroi in eggs, oyster pies, asparagus puddin'Igs, bacon ctews, gamin a-nd spinaci tfarts, Thos;e who-i prefcrrcd thelir savouries cold smacklcd thieir lips over Bln sausages ,crayfish, "Dutch beef," ch-eese cakes, Salmion, crab, caw' udders osclampreys and Cauada's pctroleum hindustry last year accountcd for almost 10 perê cnioftire total 0f ail ]'plin Horse Sense... I Il_______by ID ELLIS ____ Weareïettngsck andtre ever, whether aufcresa of boastful saeet oig processors -wi)l epermittedb from presidenits cand board har. contiýnue in tire same w-ay the, menr of large corporatios a bouî have been doing these last yeav theo wonderful state of af airs Tis is another question w-,hic and the ,great benefits ticre ation holdbeiskd'Y thre farmef wilP derive from the 4temeýndous from alpar-ties. profits "plowedi back" into týheiîr buisinesse-s. Thiscouwecms sug WhDen we iead at the- saime gestions, wvise or- foolish, and È timrfe that oer400 en had to'(C ticimwhther -constructiv be laid off' by tire f arm 'imple or destructive aqnd wifl tryî m)ent manuifacturers on accOunft answer ,any rsion dr of reduced sales., we cann-cot un- your letters to Bob Ellis, Box d1erstandýwirere these bneit 913 -18tbuStee ew Toroi are supposed t o be comnin-g from Ont7 big profits, whethler they areïc pIowed back or, not. - Prices toc P ýiïug Qu;e o0fla -trreasonis OffecýCd by tire campanies for ýtirerdutn of operationc s i 4ebacklog (4 instalments due wirich farmers owe an were not able to pay. STireyý are caught between tire ricing Coct Of production ;anrd tir lowered ret'ùrn for tireir prod- ilcts. For botfi r.ti'c-se factors tire pjrice policy of tiremauctr ing anad proccsslng indujstry a-re largely responsible. ini 1951 tirrec companes manu- facturcd over 88% 0f tire Canadi- anl myade agriculturali mplement. Tlhie statistics publishcd' on tirese th.rce conipanies therefore can be considcred representativ~e Cftire industry. ro 195 ta 1951 tire GrCoSS sellinîg Nvaluie of agiculturwal im- plem.Yents at tirec plants incrcased, by .265 per cent. In tire samre peidper capita wages a n d~ salaries increa7sed by 78 per cent, but tire net profits per dcfllar of, irare, capital increased 455 per in 1951 tirê net returufor every doll1ar of share capital was 50.5 cents, O)ver 50ý cents4 per dol- lar ccapita! scems to be a fairly generous returu. Wc wondcr io 7many farmers have a net incone of 50 cents fllr cvery dollar mn- vested in tireir land. bildings, stock and imple.meuts. Sucir is tire situation in ire main industry selling ta tire f ar- mer. Itit lsimilar at, tire othi ~end,i tire indtistry buyiug froôm the fariner. Two oftire three 1largcst firmin tire nmeat p ackl ing buýsiness irad a ratio of comibiued inet pro - fits to shiare capital of 50.8 erý cent in 1945, of 116.9 per cent in 1950 and of 63.8 per cent in. 1951, Iti, s not surprising tien t'irat farmers d2o-not know wirere ta take tire money from ta meet tireir payments dlue for commnit- ments made at times tira-t looked rosier than t1irey turned out ta be. In tire 'ulection campaigu unw becing waged from coast ta coast many brave speeches have been made abouittire importance of n griculture ac- s tire basic industry. Noh giras been caid, hôw- to ive 1-1w anI Q. ow can I keep mothsemeu Id a ipiao? A. Rub turpentine occasion.- ally over the wuýoodwýýork on tbt; ixiside of tihe piano, Moths wMU not trouble it, even if unused for,_ a long time. A small. bag of gum camphor put inside a piano r4. each endl proteets the feit. Q. How can 1 make 1umpyi gravy smoethý? .A. Beat it wt an eggbeater-ý uxjfil the luamps isappear. Whený the gravy does nôt brown as it should, add to it a tablespoon of stroïlg coffee. Thre addition 01 tablespoon of cream te rw gravy makes it delicious. Q.What Cal i do10to furniture ththas becerne sa drled that4 Irefuses te take a pollsh? A. Apply with a soft clotha solIution mfade of three parts liný- seed oil to one part turpentine., After tis, wipe with a clOth, which has bceen dampened wt alcohol, and let stand for a fewÇ minutes before polishin. Q. ow can I prepare a rnoide d salad if -I bave rionlQlds? A. The nmuffin tins often prove, ideal for preparing mrolded sal- ads. They miake jusk thre size re- quired for a Small servirg an&a take up less reýi n thereig erator t har)n individual mwold3. They pr-ove particularly handy when serving a large number cd guests> as one seldomr has a vr great many molds on hand. Uipsiîd e don to Prevent PPeing À V0 A A Qà ' -L l N 3 ild 3 L J. w à à àVJ XYï y ki I wV l' N5 k 9 S <,tuc~46B~C-A~fl'(s) THJE "0 Us E0 E ,V llu PN ibCS o.llVfýVfM(ýAG lýàEýýl1) ,R ATlt% ~Jat\c. Ar~dv' lisewherc on s'elliiý'f'