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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1953, p. 8

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Vi A ' ',ad dugtes ay kard after spendng a fcw we1k. ith ~QUcks vistedilith ]Te e iilbe a ervceut L&a tek1 Warý1burton OflChuc Ion uy2t.E rneu is spending a fe0w nts, Mr. and Mrs. WaVs gi-ad to hear thWd f rs Prust i.s home from thehol iaLan xoma Giln, M. fIntki gogodj'eoey and liA IIXE. LY(CETT I'hon Si r12 - ONT. 1AÀ F Why Why Why Linto hikAo! If teLbrlGvrmn has beed as terrible as the Tories say: î do we have U4employment nsurance? is employmen' the highe in history? are our Armed'forces ted the best? Why is aur money the best in the world? -Why is aur standard of living solhigh? Why are 'our industries expaniding anid why are industries coming here f rom. other countries? 7. Wh-y are oui- farmers the most prosperous in the world despite lecent reverses? 8. W.hy aretae goiin' down at thepreSe ime? 9. Why harvee beean able tao reduce r national debt? 10. Why are we thethd trading nati in the world? Il. Why have we ail thé freedoms i Canada? 12. Why have we the bé7st social s curity program i the work¶? 13. Why have we treaèd aur eterans better than, any other coun ry? 14. Why do ather countr es /nvy Canada its good government? do aur Liberal Cabinet Ministers have such influence in International Affairs-? 16. Why 'hcs every year been bette- sinte the __ ~ýLis took office in 1935? TÙESE THINGS DON'T HAF ;N IF IA GOVERtNMENT IS INVý FI- CIËlNT OR -WASTEFUL O EX. TR VGANT THY COM ROM On AugustlOth L-eIect Your memb ï the Goveromnen ide .4 M M M M M M M M M i M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M a M M a M M w t M M M M M M a M M a M M M M M i M M M M M M M M M M M M M .~ M M M M Elkay's Aerosol Inse etïKiller toes and oth Foot Com fiort -Supplies MARATHON LINIMENT - cooling and soothing,. ÇR1,SS, CORN SALVE....................---- jar.......5e Large Il oz, conitainer fo an s pecif:al at . . . ..1.49omeL ZAM 1B1K 0O Fly-Tex Insect Born L.P.C. FOOT si-nlkl ize ..... 1.98e DR. ,SCHIOLIII smal sie......98esoft( as a1 Try Refieýshing CERTIFIED IHEA TIISALTS Large 1I L. tina .... ..-59c Eno's Fruit Sait -----------69c and $1 9 -AIka-Seltzer Tabiets................34c and 68e Rrom------r............2c,55e., 98C.,$1,98 Andre-----Liver-Sait.....-.-..-.---.15c and 79c sal-Hepatica...................4-- 511e3, 85., $1.39l Kodak Camerais...........--.-0...........~ and up Kodak PIlms-----tg fit A>camleras LEAVE YOUR. FILMNS IJERE - -WV eue fasýtphot srvce and ligh quality Algen1t ïfor emnFlowemrs fe'nry&occasion OENAîlT TE U NE te nubrowreneeedn Neib tie wulkidae hara good manyfiserme donot oiiw troug to theit wies. Abotandaprcent of theentie, wic ar h aar fon- womene.v'jj e okin ýi1Two pond wh fieifishfrm Lae S1ie. vc oe hae aiedy wibe ordered" o e'sactv n dard fish testant s o atth ustii e working with te ,same tols. thie Cnail ai hler 1than 'Au'gust I. Pue tadsosuhlumsa cutt anilesncesfuilyhnmie legumes and Arasses. This i bThue egues ae-oigh ilprtein and low requIrled -in the sîLlage pocess.6 pe tait Fer7- mae et ifloing sl Ituge ti onsTe auteofthe crop s m- ortantand frageshoud be ýjeut ifth om teari biom o f i i o h moisture ctbent is als onimprnt cettr eentnt mois7 pe "turat time ,wt Infh ad. h materii-ilntrn)a oze in the hand and fails apart i is too dry. If this mnateriai fora a bail in the hand, slowIy aprings apart and does not ooze nmoisture, the e moisture content is hetween 635 and 75 per cent an-.d the crop is in excellent con- dition for imnmediate ensiling. The foragýe shou1d be \vell spread and packed in t1he silo. Horizontal or trench ilo especialy-" should be weli compacted by mneans of a truck or tractor drigfillingoeain n for a perîiod of four to seven days1 after,1j ES 3 NEÇI',ES'SfTIES - foot .soap, foot pow,ýder, and ii .' , excellent for tired' ten~der and prespiring feet. Lu kt for ---------------------........... ... ... ... ... ... ...-- 2 INTMENT..................50e POW-DER, cooiing and soothing Ige tin......... 75a. LES MEDICATED IN-JIS0LES, miade oîf foamed ruhbber piltow, ladies and m n',ail sizes pir for ........ 65e.- IT'S -NEW! ichard Iludnut's "Dyy - Sýtik"l A comîîbin4ed deo-derant cream anid ailti pres- Plastic Cnt --r.............$12 ODOMRONO SPRAY DEODERAN\T......... .5. ODOMRONO CREAM ........ . .-.--9------7----- VETO DEODERANT.................33c, 7-5e, SILQUE DEODERANTCRAlge atg more efetie arge jar........55a, Ty;rrells Drug Store ýPI10NE 68 ORONO, ONT, Cottage a d Rural H e Owners A TE NIO0N Rid yoursef of that o ensieve Out House Sanitation E unt are installlng the- Septic Toilet w'th or withou{pressure in your district~ For Information and Literature Write To The SANITATION EOIJIPMENT CO., 360 King W, Toronto Plume E-M 6-9407 q ~ ~4 ;~,$ [amiltn s beenl spending a at Oshaw,,a-hy-thie- Bec~k and friends, rtday, with Mr, and * ~ I. L.5. I. I V. I vr$. TL Towels, Tolsowe welsfeatuing ti ekPie IBiefs, Ladfies Nyon aèe trim, color whitel, pnk orchidl, lm or red. A'il szs /i .....9 Lace Crepe Haif Slips, lace. trim, skirt,, al, sizes whte o.y. Price each.........., 19 Sp)ort Shirts, Ladies rayon pullover, assorted colors Sizes sm-all, medium or large. Each ......... 98û PettLicoat Panties, Ckildrens rayon, ýolors hite witJl blue or white with red. Sizes 2 to 6. E h .... 85e Fia ii lghts, pre-focussing, metal, take regular size b atteries. Special each..........45 IFa.shlighit Batteries, standard size modS, 15e Sprin'g for Screen Doors, comiplete th hooks. 10e t1Gold Medail Fin t ult utr pode, anjIll la -r( b. tin 33c NEW Spike Cream-Y Powdcer, f or cr*,,em11ng19cof "ee or tea jst spinle A ï, e aspoo o 0I n surfa'e f tao c-fee4oa...... AymrChilE Sauce, 9 ozý. btl.27 f Sj)ecial! Yta-F loLiquIid Starch 36,Purch'e 2 bottles andc receivýe yrour, t'ai1 mon)rey back. NEW H-Ia nsein nstai icinig, n1>0cooking, just add w-ater, f la vo u rýe colate or miapie 2 pkg. . 35e Freshies, pkg. imakes 2 quarts re-freshing drink. Fiavours orangs, fruit punch, lemon, li me, ojr str~awber-y prie- per pkg.........6 SPECIAL Rose Margarine, onle pou'nd pk)Ig...9 Lyons English Fruit Caramrels, assorted fruit fia- vou'ýs, black currant, cherry, lemon,'taingeýîne 8 oz. pkgs. each...... .....25 ORONO 5c.TO 1$tOOns TO0REF '~ ~ PLLAR SHO" v " CýNTRE 15. Why -.,.~ I t ~ .~ "z-. DR. $CHOLL. -- - --------

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