Was He A Pirate I Or A Gentleman? -i ",T)e ar Anne Hlirst: : years ago %Our son marri older girl She has alway so jealous she doesn't all< ta visit his family. She ha attended church or lot he dteni go to Suonday sehoi 'those childroni don't no ,grandIparent s except oni * mother's side. "She seems only to wvi rnon's Money, Shie doesn> aknything for hlmn. Shei ways -one to his offce to hi,; eheck; he has had good positions, but change? Glamour COU, a a ~¶ 4111 a a 4 a a a A a a a a a -o a aS a 'a a a c- a a a a a a a a a a, a a a f a a a Fiffeen of ton because ho grew ashamed led an of her behavior.- She watches s been hlm so closely that if she doesn't ow hlmn know where he is, hiour by hour, snover she calîs the police! Cr chul- We have helped ber an so el, and many ways, and got no itanks wr their for if,.. She finaily wrote me ithei a letter aking us f0 stay away fromf her bouse; w have, and aïit our shall continue ft. But I ans s 't cars worried about whaf wi bappen bas ai- te our boy, living under such a iollect strain! Everyono that knows hlm Several loves hlm. d them 'Cour column is te very frst thing Il turn fe when m-y paper cones.ý God ,bless you 'n your Ofl wok!Have you anmy iacbnce for os? -A Würried MVothier." His Pro0b1ýem '1The girl your son miarried h as itera.Ily taklen hlmin away *frem -ýhis ownpeoople. Hoe hold *on hlmr is apparently fy ou o ver- *wh-elinig for hîm f0o protest, À- or ho .vould have had-- the *gmptinlong '10gof0asr *his indepenidence. Ho wvouici see hils parents wihen ho *ploases, ho would taccw his- *children f0 chuirch, coLlect fus *owrî paycheck, and othetrwiso *get the (upper hand. WhVfat *throats she makes f0 , ompel o * is ubsrvieceyoucannot *knowý; but ho is srlunder ~ *lher thum-b. * His marria-1ge vwa-s o os q a mistake. He must have been fiher chaîrm -î neither otf ih 1 xet can move hénunw *Perhaps ho is staying iher *only -o- his children cari beli * hey have a father, ho-wevor *little au.thority h-lecarnes *Ail th-is is heartbrea ttn f v ou and yor usa.Yet *any move yeu rmight aketD *advise hlm *'would(, througi, *loyalty f0 his wife, ho ros;ent- *ed . You two (like 50 mn-,anr.y *other lonely parenits) cýan only *stand sillently by, gioving. - *And praying that one day hoe Ewilfind a way f0 end hîs so- *vitudie, ai-id once aanko 20 * the parents ho stililoves and *and misses. 1 Imighit suggest Mta your * husbanid try tlu1-nch wthhis of your * boy nwand thon-, IF the ladc ure-fit- * ill consent. Tht, 00,ay beý thas aex a questionablo geture Ask lurt tuat 'yourhusbnd's opon, ho bon yus nmay have a btter ideat dltin- * For your own sake ani your Dros i *busandstry onot to deltOoi PUlY. * log nor oMen On yowusn s izes 12, ' troubles. Grieving alonf onl res 3½ E' eaknsone's hope an[taîh. se, sî- E' wolesonie living: Wor fit HaUs yorchurch aiid. ol corn- motions. * unit y and h atie r'ityeuri CENTS hsadin -varicous davrs nnfbc, E Rbuid our f a«î1 ith tOog n. rin *praiyer and 1medifation, and S DI.SS. *strengthen your bellot that Eyour son wîli findi the v1sdor, 23 gh- E' and coura0 f0 btter fis mis Ont,,'aeabe îfe. Thle rvvloË theodridle a f0 thechrce of Captain Kidd reveals ra common mî11suinderý- genit? buvt seldom thinkthr may hoe a thîrd alterniative The real question is Waslho a bulccaneer? For bcaer were nof pirates, thouh ofen they behaved as cruelly. They were rmostly sailjors -",ho had settlod ion the oqut Coast, had beenl driveni off 'Iy th- -Spniish, and had thus drifte into xgigsea waïr onfhm William ,.Kidd w ,as born in Dunidee, the son of a parson. B the timo ho was 35 ho ae cizenlof the icolony of Ne York, asucsflsioofgd character, About tis tmethe Earl cof Bellam-onit was sent out to,'iNewý Yor~k by William Ill tO Put dw the piraicy -which lhad becorne scandlai. Kidd wsin so highsýtaninfig that howasdeputedtccomn the traffic downi. 11n this shi-ýp of 30 gnsKAdd sailed with authorîsaion 1to aýcf against ships 0f, a namÀed enmy anid a general commjiissionr.-fo pursue and destroy il Frencih For f-wo years lK1idd saiied about the West Inidies, ind, bit by bit, strange tales b0egýn Lfa leak through. It was said tha;, hiaving been sent to c-atch irts hoe had become one h~slWhaf caused the rumpus -was is a :ction against a British ship. Kidd had sighted ai strnger flying the French tfliag,.1-Ho boarded fher 1and wstold by fthe captain that hoe was really British, buit had run up thbe Frenich fia-)g in, sel f-proteci on. Despite the f act that ho sho"ýW- ed Kidîd his papers. hoe claîmoýid thait Kidd took pr of his gold and cargo and thuis playedi pirate to oneo"0h0m1 hoewaIs Commision ed f0 respect. Wh'ile Kidd, oblivious of the stormi bredving, in Englandi, saailed the soas, his nam bae ini, famous a.s one littie te than a traitor. Wihat roaî-ly happýened? Kidsship becanme Ilcurvy- ridden. and his moen mu tinied and caýst hlinnto- his own sae roo'. Thýey relea-sed hlm tw eeks laferý, anid, at the point of a pistol, conmmanded hîimîto lead themn aista Dutchshp Kidd resisted, sayngstuly that his commission wýas agaiinast the French andi the French nony. In th1e end Kiddwo his wy but ho madffe a cdangerous, and deadily enmy of the men's lead- er, the notoriouis GumnnerMoore. Next dany the captain an-d the guniner came into cnic.Thon Kýidd, with charactorisfid1 cour- a>geý, tacklod flhe rin-gleader an-,d kilied hlm w ithastee-hoo-pod bucket. Affer that, urngthe long voyvageKid c ortai-nly fv ook prizes, but the'y were net awy French prizes, andsoeisfle kegs of gold that came aboard hig ship Avnr"wsEnih Aftor tw,,o years jf tis, Kidd made for porti. There olere that ara ntfor h!is arrost Hoe assotto Egadand put on U1,,s frial-a.t tho-- Old Ba.iley.N for thie mlurder ofGunrMoe HowwasKidd tiod? .ýThe hi datfor whe eh ws guiltv of prayon th hih sc or inn1cen1t waýsnvrpir' 1, oewyor tho oher Kidwsforced to stad ls tria witout efening ounsel and- prevPrhted fo gting is docuimentary evidlence. Thejuy brwbatnby Chejdg.eun- ed avritof guilty.w,-thiout heîtton, andpooýr Kîd-for ho iis to bo itedwhatevor his crespasedto a ileand ghiastlysetece Ho ws hagednot aïohe mon vwe-re hanged, but wthna head cae ofir-on, his imbs k9p igdby ir-on hoop. HR ON ICllEàS 'Y th eggs _-se lIngah8cet a dozen theonCy'ood1Mtcupie- WhYlite -,wî'l1look ýt tih e se îas a, beaten, rwegg!Hooer ià isnà't asexrvgn asi sonsbecausýe, in everv d ay S taee eis uuly tast onAe eg ha s ery s afl, crce r misshappoýn, so iche i ablo t to enijoy, his cnaecn tle.The rmower-ct-eg s heal,- ing boautif<ully -ad ithi Lhegcnning to t'eel miore Iiçe a ctagain. flis 'cmain worry no is th-at he stil1 can't use 4isrgt foot to scratch ý his rig.ht ,ear DurIng the daýy lne hidesuamong the rose bushe,,ýs or seesunder the shrubs; at nigh-.(t ho sl;eeps or- a corner I.of tecetefed0ver mWhhisspead an obd folded1 shoot. Hi e noverimo-ves ail night, Today ýho almost lostiaother life, A car came up ïthe lano, Mitchie, crossingth odwy stood petrified. Forlunatelyth driver saw the cat and gave hlm- tilnte to lii-ip his wîay home-ý-. Oh dear, hasn't it beein ho-c and how baci1y we neect ram After ail the ra ehdafw w"eeks ago it doesnI't em os ible we shoj(uldhosufein fr drought alreadiy. PBut ýSoCiÏis Frmthe appearanmce 'fan !qand c gardens now you wý,ouiild an]y raim. My.,po-or gaurdo en!I have finally corne o th con clusion lthýt 1I mullst go ynack f0t perennials or go véthotut a gar- don at aIl --except for sh-lrubs and 'ýspring foescAn4sandý I doDn't seem bo get aogtoo el.Three dznsweýetalsu plants thaf 1 set ouf Sý_hope.- f ully in tho sprînig hvecorn- pIetely disappeare.d. Bugs ate up heasters; snapdiragons gewtai and spind,'!y anci the zinnias bs e- caebrownanshveecafe 1 spînkledtemwt bg dah Howe,-ver, nsutusaasie lants, alsoe begonias, i doîng fine-so wne have a fes, innuas anyway -to brigý,hton out -srt- gardon. There are aise about a dozen thrfy geraniuma gaiy IbloomIinýg at thlebak vth house. Those gevraim_ egie ta me last srnaraypte but molow nduna Kas to varietyý. Aogthe more or- dinary kind theure isnew-c 1 believe, is a litie uncý-iiomon The snaill, double blo 's like a, ros,ýe, white iin the centre, er. Cng to pink. It is the prettiest, dlaintiest one of thenaiIlouf you have to ho close to Êt to appre- diate its beauty r - if is n't a showy, freblomer like the deep pink ivy geranitum The friend whtaem hese geraniums, gives away do Oof un identifited slips eaP.ch Spr-ing, This year affer her owri plants came -into bloom she disco)veredI that not jOflO of them was the ISSIUE32-13 littie double rose variefy vwhichi I h.-ave just mentionod, and which she specially lîked. So now, my ros,-e geranîum i s, par- ficuflarly valuiablo as A ifwll pro- v7ide slips for ifs genierous ori- ginal donor. 1 offen fhink that giving roots arri slips away is like spreading hr'aipon the watiers. Thyc- are given ,without any thought of re- furn and yet so often tLhe prn stoc-k dies -- if may geýt rOSt- bitten or ringed býyrabs- and thon thl oss -is of ton re- placed by somleono f0 Àhojma slip or root hiad been given wheni th,- plant or shrub was ru good health. Amuateur gardonis yre ,the mnost genenous poopleý; alwiay-s ready,,f0 share whatthy av V;i th ther fiowr -lo ving on- thusiasts, bt f hey also n.ke fo follow the progress ofwathe giveawy just as a benlefactor likes f0 follow the\ careex of a promising profogee.Soeio the result is dsponlg whidih generalJy happons ifion fidence bas been mslcd Tin the case of foes h genu ine fiow or-loves cnno imagfine her friends fo bý-e les-, e-nthuIsiastic than herse fso, when 'Lizzie Likeit come aog exclaims with delight, "Oh., your beautiful begonia,!" bier fiendr. ime 1tl sa-ys, "Do you lk if? I have anot ber- like thaf, you can have if if you wanf ,if.' So Lî.zzie goes home wîth a nie, healthy begonia, just -ominL7gi- f0 bloomn, which she puts ;,:ivth front room, and thoen Orîly ne- mrembers if when if beMins f0t droop. The plant gets toc hý ittie sun and wilts for üako wtr Asked a few weeks later howth answer carePssly - '0h,'t -it ju St.wuld'tgro fr me and gradually d ied. I 1threw it out Iast we. Poor Ms Flower-lover feels as hurt- and grieved as'if sle had los a ried -as indeed snxe had. elwe, have young- Betty back wît usagain - lhù time wihuthricatm in a îca', The operation on her shoulde'r was apparentl a success . i thîs minute she is busy washing dishes - she is already finding out that having one's arm re- lieved, of its cast has its disad- vantaiges ... but, of course the armned exercise - and whai better excerciso could it have than washing dishes? Oniy she doesn't always see it that way. Yesterday, for instance, there wereafe supper dishes for seven, bout Betty disppeared with.a boy-friend - perhaps for adfeetkind of arm oeorcisee An--yway Daughter endma aged very wll a voabuaryof twventy rocogniz- fowreog, for MJr. Lucky isa Bo0ston terrier fnfom Mdae ince speech expoprts Dand vots. According ta 'els rniStross, hol( wil sgh"Oh, tear!" when left ai1 o n e- .in the house. The- first phrase ho mouthod, at ton rnonths, was "Aw, comieort on hom n:ow," Today he o omos ouft iý ýsuch remnark-s as ý'Let's go for a ride,""]. 1l,"' oIwon't," and -Maybp," aýccordîing fo the cir- cumnstances. Hfollywvýood plans f0 star Mrx Lu cky in àa documrentany picture. Signor Gino dol IMar, of Milan, has also found dogs f0 ho apt pupils. Ho taught a Scotch ter- rier namied Bonnie a repertoire 0f somie 650 words, and when an accident eut short the career of thne canine prodigy ho starfed afresh wvith Dana, a black poodie.ý As yet Dana doesn't talk, but- she -can speîî ouf wQf'oýds, distin- guîsh icolours, add, subtract and divide, Rjiley Hickm-ott, a cckrspan- iel of Kaaaois lse in the local telephono edirectory, ihlle- Lady, sIlFeepdcg pet of M\r. and Mr3. Fredi hels of Goodlanl, Kanss,-ino in an exact replicaý of her ewer' ome. This "kencro- n.el" costa 1000 d,'ollars te build, Dogs ýare also comring in~ for their share of rnankind's woes. From Ireland cornes the stery if setter and a spaniel put on guard ovel rîn iegal whisky sf111, Instead of d-'oinig iheir duty while the ownors ere away, the dlogs sampled thffe contents of a twvepty- oýne gallon barrel. Police arrîve àlrnd found them in3 a sorry plight., The sette-r was una'ble to stand, and the spaniel was in ai state of alcoholic stupor. In Los Angeles if i's plarnned te to give psyvChosis freamien.t t& 250,000 neurotic d-'ogs, noairly at thîrd of the city's caniine popu- lation. Part of the cure consistâ in making so much noise that condif ions wil eem relatively peaceful when tedog, refurns ho-me. A Gcil's Best Frlenèd--Diamon'ds, basebali diamonciý-s, -that la, are pretty Joan Crosby's soDurce of jay and support. In ber N' York office, she wîite-s the biograiphies that appear on the fab4ýous balIlkye-r cord;s tucked inside bubb!e-gum wrappers. Here she checks safistics -sa as not ta mnliea.d hon rabid readers. Drainatic waýjy te show. f s;ummer fan-sow this fig' tering halter dress thlat wedding-ring waist, ask itikes a prefty spin wl' turn! Smnart for sunin,c idd the jacket -for town.E back--zippe-d te fit beautil, - Pattern 4633: MiSesi 14, 16, 18, '0. Sizo 16 dr, yards 35-inch: jacket 1l'A This pattern easy f0 ul ~IOj f0 sew, is fesfed lfor 'complote. illustrafed inisti Send TLRYFV (3~)in coins (stamps cul accepted) for tbis patteýr plainly SIZE, NAME, AU] STYLE NUMBER . Send order f0 Box 1, 1: teentrh St., N1-ew Toronto, '7o SIepi Prhnç oDeam , .'>lichLPIte Worna i dJreamnPhg of by0iabdireQtfit lkethis, there'sda lio perchance of Pappy etin any slIeep wbven thse biHcone The macgnificent nih ne bky Itaia,ýn designer Cerrn,ws modelled 4in Rae by Princess Zinc Rachewsky, Rsinbr aciress. The qar-eedgw and robe are of whfitegeret andj Valenciennes lace.