& i-ILw~,I he big cties the old-, "fail" icieseemei tty much a thin"-g of flic in the smalier places, oodncss, these outings ai- important part, in ather living. ]y picnîe is muchimr Ie for the wmno nývolyed if te"as ort that cain be prcepared ndvance, The folloingii gltbe a helyp ln pre- bih'-el-fï are bound te) h the approval ef ail, )se wihth earis Ys poudapokf remi Ct nde, 1lwei tirnm ad grond 2' handfuls set hradore.mbo faste, Pepper, Mix thoreughly w ith silver furik until p erf ecctl y blended, Moid into, loaf in roasting pan. ,pï-lnkle with bread crumbs anid dQfî' generousl-y with butter or mar ý'garine. Bake covered for onfe heur and ahýIf aC ?75' F. ï bS. marrowfat beans, Z jedium sized onions siiced, iIevei tabiespoon dry muistard, Z teaspoonis sit (test by tasting), Pepper. i~cups ligit brown sugar, th l. Sait pêrkç. Soak beans overiif. In ic mrngbell fliem witli a pintcL LX soda and porf - flicth firsf wafr. ore flan covýr tliem àagain with frcsh wmatcr an-d adci eliringredfients. Cook unrtil beans begin te fenderize, about 20 minutes. Th-e s-Irmsliould break and curi wlien Syoud blewv upôni theru. Peur inte, k. lrge beani crock or into fwe or tlce> smaller ones, Place picce eXf scored Sait perk in center of. -eacbi ene. Bacon acress flic top mybc substtut cd. 13iake in, even af 350'O F. for fotur or fi-ve heurs. As beans ab- sorb liquid, keep adding more u thi liast 45 minutes. Do nef alow flicn te bake entirely -dry i a any time. If you use al flic iiquid they werc cookcd ln, add wae.Tliey wiiibe deliciousiy brwnd -len done. RED CABBAGE i f airiy large soiid head Of red cabbage, 2heaping tabiespoons of buf- ter 'or margarine, cu eps et viniegar, Cie-cp Sugar (more or iess f. faste) , 1 t easpoon Sait (te faste). CufY cabbage fine as for slaw.ý Sauite thoroughly in hot my.eiltcd s,.iortcing. Add vi-negar, salit, and s;ugar, SimMer for one leur or tnfIl tender. This May be stered lii refriger-rater and wil keep fer days or weeks. lif is d(-ciotts hot pr cold. Son-e folks, before goipgi ilarge cup liglit broýwe1 or I arge cap ii buftterto'r imar- i gg, c~ ups fhtdyaleue i easpon vnila iteaspoon cinnarnon,ý Ste-aspoon eloves, Crcîýam ail togethýer and ad 2cups sifted fleur,% i Up chopped walvuf MeajMs. Bake ini 8- by i2-indli p1 an fer 4ý5 minutes at 375 FY RedUce 1he tempratre he last" 15 minutes. Can'te Ymay be frosfed witli1 an cigmadýe by comibi-ning con- mied butter, and lemn jihice. -Xne frocsting is csircd, itry sprinkillig with granuiLlatcd e3,sii'gar b--eforfe baking, This is truly deli- cieus and ~l kccip for many dey-s if tfli bnly doesn't diýco- verj. it, If yu picnic day is cQ 1, tIc beanis, m-eat '19af anid cabflv'ge miay ail be reheated in t 'he samet' oven beforc placing thcm the pîcnic baskets. Mr.Cooper, wh-1o lives ini Ramsate dlangced in on-e momn- enit from a normailihousev ife te th e Most surPrised womnan in EnL-ýand, She h1ad been te the local grocer's and bou-ghit a turnip, Wihen slic 11t homne she , peied if, placed it on a, beard aid slîced if. Then shIc scrcamned! Insie was a fully-g-onspr row, complete with lfeth(-rs Quite dead, of course, but how did it get there? Mrs. Cooper wvas quit e sure there was ne bice ini the outsidceXofliche rnp. heý groce~r vho sold if said if.wa a. goed specimnen, mcasuring abou t cig hiindhes in, diamecter. He c had lianidied if and wý'ould have neticed anry f iaw. A -plant expert xvas clldin te sec if hie could slve the mnys- tcry. He thrcw ý'ip his hands and said if, was impossible. "It is the most ext raerdinary thing jimy whoie experience," lie declarcd. "There is just ne explaiiation." There was an expianation fer the surprise whicli shoek a do- m restic servant 'in Col(-bobete her very core a 'ycar Or se a'ge. She wvas dressing a f fo cr/ master's dinnier at flic time-, As she cut if open, semnething mrovcd(,, and a snakce glided eut. If h-1abeen swa,ýllowcd by flic fe-wl just before if ladl been k:ilied. Mr- W. D, Dunn, a grcengrocer eX Grove Hili, iàd flic biggest s'hock ef lis Iife'onic day when lie unpa.cked sonmp bananas, As lie eut aq quantity, from the filst stalk, tîcre wýas ýa squeak and a fiuirry, and twelvîe baby mon- keys Xciiote fl iôr,'The'y lad travcllcd and ikcpt thcmnselves ialive on banaýnas ail thec way from Central America. Twins Just The Samve-These twins made medical hisforY we thywere born 56 days cipart-in different years--./Mlrs. Aa Gaocdw-,in, of Sydney, Australia, holds her sons-, Denis(ef) whowast on Decemler 16, 1952, and David (ih) h appeored on Fel,. 10, 1953. by HOU ELLIS J Amng ý, fIebrickrbats and bou- qu1ets rccived laztcly is onrie from Mrn Mari. Alv'in, West- on, Ont., who writes: "I sec wleeyo-Li say farmners shouldn't, jgef involvcd in party polifics, I don'f sec wvhy nef. Isn'f if higli f ime they did? Wlicn arceflic farincrs ever going te gef seme sense and jumnp inite poliiis with beth feet. if tliey want te knrow whlat polit ics te jein tliey have enly gofte look at flic record. We nccd securify in our prices just like fhe werkinfg mar i as for lis vwages." Mirs. Alvin dees nef say ,wliefher she wanfs farmers te org-anize in unions ike labeur did and te affiliaf c wifî a po- ifical parfy or wlietlicr f arrers sheuld set up their own pelifical party as tliey lave donc before. - Check 2flic Record 'Looking back ever flic last teni years we flnd fIat farmers have dionc f aîrly weill up te about ten ycars ago whcn if became evideaf that Caniadian f armners ceuid nef do witliout flicBrit- ish mnarkcf s given Up 50 liglit- Sbeartýedly by Messieurs 'Howce an-d Gardiner. Tlie Americans who arc sup- posed te be our "'nafurai mar- iket" are clesing fbcmscivcs off againsfflic imports of Canadian food producfs. Our farmn- sur- pluses are piling up and pie are geing down., There is rai neft mudli te encourage farnîiers te, vote for a continuation et flic presenit agricultural policy. What Alternative-- If flic f armers sliould conme te flic conclusion that thl'lad "a r-aw d eai" tfelhast ceuple of ycars, whaf bave thcy ite choose freni? 0f cfl i hre "pifrprîs making up flic opposition in flic las',FlHouse, tflicConservatives have lopped along wifli fli Lîberals in thos-e questions wicare closest te flic farm- cr's learf. In, March 1952 tliey ýioed te v.of e downl Mr, Coldiwel'*s mo- tion for flic est ablisliment et 'a FederaLý Agriculfural Board te control mieat and dairy, products. li- Decemrber f hcy j oined flic government te defeaf a myotion f'or tcioutieofetaNation- al H1-eifli Insurance Plan. social Credlif isý an u'nknownl facter. Nobody seems te be able te gauge how mudli regimenfa- tien if wouIIld ue te tO UIflcir econnmic ideas intoeieec. Last but nof Leasf That leaves tfIc CC-F and 1IfS littie greup oet gallat mcn wlio bave been tryig liard te put som-e of tfliirprogramr.,lireugli parliament. As direct d-escenid- ants eftflic old Progressives, thcy are mostiy ïma deêup 01 Western farmers wiÎth some sprinkling et 1iabour men amenigst, tiemi. As tliey arc. frcc frein any financial tics fhey represenit fIe interests ef alilthe people. Their speeches rcad very mudi like fIe repor -ts ha tIc late Farmrr's Sun. romthem haveorga. cd practicaliy ail new uidteas in flic last twcnty years. îf farmiers intcnd te take po- lit ical actîbn, tliey wouid have te iink tip witl, labeur whidh forms tfliargest greup eX con- sumers -fer tfelcfarmc-lr's. r ucts. Time'only will shiow wletLer Mrs. Alvin's advice will be liecded. This colum wscme sg gestions, wise or foih and ail criticism, wlicfler constructive or destructive anid wity to answer any question, Addrcss' 'your tetters te Bob Ellis, Bo0x 1, 123 -i8th Stiref, Ncw vToronfe,. -Ont. A Word ef Praise For The Umpire It's hum)an nature foir every- one te believe lie can do flic next fcliew's job Jusf _-'hitiei .better. When the average âë 1 ballfan gets te flicballpark, lc's prcfty sur'e the unipireý's arc ncarusiglfted, prejudiccd, ,,)rejess, and crazy witl flic heat. TIen flic second guesses and. insults corme rearing eut of fstands But the umpire lias his side of fhe stery, teel t's a revelation ne truc spor1.ts fan shouid miss. Firsf witnciss for thc defenise: Babe Pielli, wvho lias umpircd more flan 3,000 National Leagu gamnes, and avtliorcd a i ecent book calicd "Mr. Ump."ý "TIc gag 1that gets flic big1- gest laugli arounxi ttîe icague, says, Babe, "is whcn tîrce um-_ pires çomce ouf on flic field and semeene plays 'Thrce Blind ,Mice.' Wcll, flic fact ils fIat 110 umpîre has lever had te wcar glasses, despite periedie check- ups. Many baliayers do! "Whcn flic fan .thinks we 1eaU1 'one rong, lic yells, 'Oh, you robbc.rj! Yet ne umpire in flic history ef modern base2bail lias ever been indictcd for dis- honcsty. Tliat's more flan ycu can say fer flic playctrs as a -whele. Remember flic Black Sox players' scandial of it918? And IFm sure the Police records wili show any a4verage day'sclî- tien 0f cusfomners at a gaýme 71Q be somnewbat iess flan ahua drcd pier ent in hbecsty. It'S fi oid question eof tlirewing stenes freim glass lieuses." TIc latter queýte brins vý mnd fthc pudgy, Tony Galento- isli ]Yedgcr fan who once climb- cd eut eoflice stands tW taCkieý George Magerkukrth, flic six-foot four-inchi umpire who fhad Just callcd a close play againist Brook- lyn, "Roliber! Creeok!" howicd flhc irate- fan) as lie kreckcd Mage to flic ground, Jumnpcd astridr_, lis chcst, anid fiailcd away wifli bofli fists, Ceps rusbcd. fIe self- riglifteou,'s custonier te fhee near- est police station. There lie iden.. tiflcd himsclf as Frankie Ger- mianoe - vieiating parele on a. larccny seintencee! 1No one, lcast of iflic them- pires tlicmselvcs, eýver djaimn fhem te be perfect. l Ic ti 1ast Werld Series,, ump)ire Art Pas- ~, lacalled Johnny Sain of the yan~kee'; out at firs-t - 01n1y to be proven r) v.ng bym7wirephete eevi- denace pirinted. the next dany in Ail the newspapers. com2mission- er Ford Frick studiied the photo, shrugged hiis shouflders, and re- m-rark<ed, "Se what? In this enel case- the umipire happened te be w,.rong. But e ver al, he's as close te perfectly right in his deci- siens as humanl1y Possible. An tumpire has te make over three hunderd decisions a day, and theý mein we have te do the jeb are t'he m-ost comipetent ,an-d experi- enced enes in the world. Believe mie, ne balîplayer ever has as small. a percentage ef erro.rs as, 'theaVerage tumpire." Charlie Berry-, former Ail- Affieri'ca feetbail player at La- fayette, and nowne of the bul- ofrs ,etii !' rican League umpiring. ý,ïIL _-s several sali- cnt sian ' a average sal- aýry eofle sth.,r $lO1,OOO, we have eo 1 OL,ýèy and abused cx- Th. layer spends.haif his a his 'home' bail- Park, can settie, his fam- ily in ï ,tc!iy for six' months a year. But the um-pire is always on thje go, shifting from tewn tto wwthou set pattern, and mray neti sec hi wif e and chul- dr-en fremn spring training (in lite February) till~ the end ef the Worid Series md-c Though ail the um-ps love base- bail, Berry addis, they da'e rnet m-ingle with the players, Ttcy haýve te ride differenit trains, cat at different restaurants, and stay Pt different hotels from the play- ers. They can't dîscuss ba«sebal with whatever friends they make in differentcii. Like Cacsar's wife, 'the uminp n'ut be "above reproach." A's for the day's ýworF, old- tîme umnpire Tim Hu.Lrst made the classic comrment, "You can't beat tlhc heurs." But what phy, sical and psychological strain is packed inte those few heurs a day! Berry points eut that an umnpire- can't afford te relax for a miomnent, because any single decision may prove toe eh miake or break in a ciub'ý hopes ef reaching the imillion-doilar World Series. As if the responsibility we,.,re net eneugli, thce officiais hae t handile the hot verbal coals hcapcd on themi by heckling players. Babe Pinelli 2lassifl.eS squawking playe.rs in three groups: "Thie chrenic comrpiainer (whe gets a dead ear from me). 1tne alibi miaker (whe is stared dfown), and the sincere beeter (whe gets my attention)." AIl in ail, uimpiring is --. thanàk- less job with modest pay, neo glory, and constant abu.se The essentials are comnmon sense, good eyesight, poise, decisive- rsand a flair for the game. As 4be crowning irony, unrlike. 1ether' sport figures, -the umipire is at his best when yeu notice "Crosby vs Hope"y Long-Lasting Feud- Defyinig th-,e 1lws of st1ander, Beb Hope and Bing Crosby con- tinute te crack away atead other. Says Hope: "Crosby is se. lazy, he makes Rip van Winkle look like pet pet-ua1 motion. Say,,s Crosby;: "Ho,ýpe used t. ceeover and play withnmy kid uti Istopped hlmîn. 1ifounld he wasusinga pairof dice. 1 mýadle him give bac thebicycle hewTo. ý.' 1And se iA gees on. When they make a flmtegether they are at oc partners and rivais. Whcn Hope makes a film by hlm- se-lf, you can be sure that Crosby iwiill turn up at the crucial mom- ent nd spoil cverything. Crosb-y is at rather a disadvan- tage ïin tbisbattie ef wits, LbE- ing a crohcr first, and a cemi'c seco.nd, Hope, on the other band, îs il comiedia-n, Yet the former maniages te get in some very tell- mng shots. "Believe ït or net," says Cros- by, "if takes 'lic combined efforts ef everyone on fthc set te foui his uncontrollable passion te ham up every scene. "You thing 'm ifeeling? Well, ail I know is that he's the only acter in teown wvho has a big sign ove l is lieusýe whicli liglits up, at niglif and says 'Bob Hope, star eX radio and tele vision, films and night clubs, lives here-' Hlope's gags are iargely direct- ed at his rival's age or supposed meanness. Wheni they were both over in England Iast year. Hope said: " Bing hasn't nnonce yet liow he plans te geýct backý, te the States, but hec'Il mike aý înteresting si.ghf standing on h pier at Souitham--pton ilwav, i thumb. arid.e, b1ausc i ro1ke he'li n1eyer xa in time-for theapg seaseon." When Hope clld eb "Kirg ef Gro-aners,"th-' oflierý retaliated by calhing ç_hlm "Býugle Their wideiy-pubiised ven- detta was net planned. If a a sort ef habit they * Xcliri into After the first of their famousý "Road" pictures, flic sc"rpt writers feund if caFsier te write abusive dialogue ta any etheîr Buit nmst of their ggsareim- plrmptu. Crosby feus eX the time one eX their scri writers- visited the set cduing t he Efimi- ing eX "Roadte Rie." FHope yel- ed. te hii: 'If you recogni-se antigyeu've witcsheut paýrted in a huif. Thley are boflJi extremeiy sharp wuits, an-d cani prod-uce aera fý)ut of the blue. Wlicn Hlopewa eyver in England te play in the Britisli Amateur Golf Champion- ship, lie said in an interview:. Crosby Played in the competèi- tien lest year; Pi 'mhere te, apaligise. My handicap? Four. Crosby'*s? Ris age. Is there reaily som-ethîng be-- hiç this fcuid? Show bujsineýss vaI:tnerships often breedvr rc4l bitterness, but in thîs ecase thcy are rcally tht: oe(st et friends. Fope, in mnore serieus- vein, sid recentiy: "In my 'beok Binîg's stili the world's greatest ;sù11ster. "tCliristmas our two f a]r- ilc lways get together for a partyv, and Bing and 1I alwayg Yiuke a point ef teasting each And there you have a hint of the real, sentiments between them. lt's Rtgged-lcve-rgrte Dorobiala demonistrotes the Bell Telephone Co, ikktacktoe imachine which neyer loses. The best you con hope fo>r s o ieW Buttone lighf up the individual squarest with çcsses aind, as sccn as ont la pres.sed, the machine corne-s back w4f h a circe-alwý,ays nt the beéf paCCe. If, you fry ta, cheaf iby pressine, two bu11*sm o rigt rliobt flashesý.