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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1953, p. 8

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:rs. An Mrs. - 1 itss Ci'. S ~tewart on Weanesday iMil Wannan and JRoss isltel undayl Rubes't Alexauder and Mfiss affernooni, July 29th. Mrs. Milton ith Mpr. MA Mrs. Ed. LwoYe1i T-ylo- )Iof Toonto speut Che Tamblyn ofn roowas the guest vert1on. ild with Mr. and Mrs. Blakce ae and she urged the membIers M deie. 1to become mmbes of tbe wider Dis- ,Mr. and Mrs. George 1Léndersonci A. Breretonl of Toronto is trict oman'7s Association. Her pres- wee SUWny quests of Mr, MA Mrs. g a moncath with Mr, and Mrs. nme-eon tis ocasin ws very uchKn.iedesn :ooiîerlu . apprcatadbrti noe.andndluMrs. H 1arold Souch liand md is.IlasonandMm.Ale Mis Sewat ndiMrs Wm MecerfamiyStakvilevisited Suinay with f Toronto spenIt afe a ys we in hageof fthe progmanm and . Jas. W cran and 1Donna stayed us. NeaLile. tehse sfrlnhxeeMs ravst and Dorpie of Oshawa spent :Oentel. As usu the Phovr garden Mr. anid ms.Cooke nPMIfamil 7ith Ms. AraSwarbrîk -hwbi pMm.Neit Stewart takes such ihlin iid ith Mr. 1%and Mrs. W. eti tuode o bSorne ioc rs. CeeuGlass spent WedniesdaIy, y, !ÂthLne, on Augua" t thLgutA Ve' ,,r 'iy) at 2 pin..Adm111isýsion l25c.Il01 -il, b"e under the auspices of ___ __ -dal Woe linstitufe. There Orono, Ont., Aug. 5, 1953 a door prize of a b'mket ot riIb in Ail Me ladies of the com. omdM-am are coially wecomed. 11_ Sky Harbour Air Port-, Golderich, Ont. >wer was given in the Orangel Mrs. Milton Wannan isited With Dear. Dnl~ iFriday niight, July 3lst QorMr".Fred Gahani.Achead eg rie om i Mr. Raýymiond fWoodward. Sevemi froni our commuunityfok ronihoidansd es day %orsin k Staceletnbrouïght the yountjg in Kendal Field Day. just in fin hoie f0 hep usdaynlotrns- to the plafforli ni ad)Mi'ss;jtti Lnet el i iI ca- oyrend fliic addirs, Tbe Miv. Donald 1Headerson spent a few ports of s;heefroick, -rock lath, plaster 'eygiff s were adimed and days with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Henj- and limie. efre shmients -were, served the' derson. OuLr salest'of those niaferiais, wali- the eeigwas enJoyed 'in ad~lw l'he imusicieï hig m m.ad -.l Wad r~nm ,PA boar&ds Fl-,-ods are the liighesIL y, Mrs. Harfweii lLowery and Mïerrilliand M.JopMceve o vr We- 'are now sup)plyix..Il ~'house ujobsl isoni eelusively and th-.' gY N&W Type of Insurance Polic This policy pays uIt) ,00 oe- g penses ineL1curedby re1ason of Poliomyelitis, SmalpoxDipthera, etanus, Leukaemia, EncphaitS raytype of Meningitis i fromfirt t atentup tofive y s Corn-e in am get fit rticularsg INSURANCE AGENT Orono, Ontario er.s in- pali andi numnerous additions and renovMfons. The RAding coal keeps tricllig il, Onle Cr .in, to-day at n route. Tb e deaiUine for suner pric es,5t. 1stedralws cloe ami we atre ejyn besf summier frade erl handled, ïollections 'are hetterAoo,. Moen morme people seem tof0 alize that the;denier mnusf have sh79 carry on. We hwa a ove t pl)n f0 finan b couil or ut. ueae f'or nny<e ith n gooti /creditre cord. Bill W tsou annd Imestnging av derby(-to1e wbo can counit for fthe mos pef md ussecs. Wnuer tks4 thetmpa g awa ias gt rg f42prcr for thie first ten ten fve o e fid rodetsc W eas o navraeof 1.2 3per cenlt hear O m Ger4 y hs a co!t of O'i tets tn -lu onrtCe-n1ey. Ouribeans are thned out thie ima,,ra .ud1,ers 93 h ute1igiietdo in he prenaeofeatos.Thier e Arch ha Is done svmifi up jobs ee ,7,2 cti tested, 12,764 with the new oil truckç sinice hisý re- iprcn, i tuni. We believe tbienow equipmienitrecdoO38prenwi s wilbe busy as the autu--mnChliatai eo h aiu foe draws1on1ad thl-e nes leaks out thtIf of' one per cent ailowed f'or an good sricelighiest quaiity so 0o es .a womlinofCnd' furnace oi t samie prices s ur-ati pp ln -have siit e lai er omptitrs.ceive Itle firsl test. Most of these Love froin Muni and baby Debbyi cattie are i secfions where herds r anýd happy laudijgs froma the old scatter'ed and less mubject f0 infec-1 mian, See Mcae,48r1,urono. tioln than in closely' poptilated dis- Elkay's Acrosol Insect Killer Crfndenth to fi;ý ies,,oquii- Foot Com fort Supplies MARATHON LINMENT - coolîng a ýn4 so3îg . 9,a 1.~ CRESS CORN SALVE . - -a-----------.-------------- .- 59C. DR.SCIOLLS 3NECESSITIES3 - foot sonap, foot poxder ad La7g Ilo otle otblm...xeln oiredt teder andl pres:pirin1g f:eet. ZAmf K OI'1NT-MENT.......................... . Ls .FOTPOWIIIER, copiling aind soothingige fin.....7c FIyToxIneetBonbsR. S--CIILLES MEî,'DICATED INSOLES, madie of' foamed ruhber sml s ......8e. soft as a pîllow, ladies and men's, ail sizes pair for .......... 65c, Try IRefreshimÀ IT'S NEW! CETîE EA i AT Richard H--udnut's "Dry - Stik" L pge 1i1). tin ........59c Eno's Fruit Si t..-------.-.......-69e ,and $1.09A combineti deo-derant cream an-d anti pres- Alka-Seltzer T#blets....... ..4C'and 68e pirant. Broime-Seltzer....... 29c., 55c., 98c., $1.98 Plastic Container ......-......... ........$12 Andrew's LivierSalit -------............45e and 79c Salilpaica.............5e. 8e. ~ODORONO SPRAY DEODERANT ........... 75c. Kodak Cam1era.... ......$3.50 ........... $8.50 ODORONO CREAM -...... ......... ....49c., 75C. and UP Kodak Film,,... fit ail cam~eras - VT EDRN ... 5c,7r LEAVE O'JT FILMS IIEREVEOD DRAT.......5.,7c ~-efeature fast photo service and ;high quality SILQUTE DEODERANT CREA-M, longer lastng, m ork. more effective, large jar..------...........'5e Agent for Jacktman Fiowers for ever'y Occasion CANADIAN ATTLE MOVING TO FREEDOM FROM TtIBElRCUILOSIS (Coutinueti froin page 1) "N likeTLo bsay this * E e,, IJNDER a Libiere vernmenf, Canadians have added every year to the national stregith and national unity of Canada; 'We have hadý the greatest expansion oàf social welfare in our history; ý We ha-ý increased our employment, our production and eut iiational icorne every year; W ae adthe greatest expansion of ouir primnary and sectdndfary ndt ries - truly an industrial revolution; ,Because oýf the outstand-ing contribution of ','e membecrs of our Navy, Army and Air Force, we have been abLe do Our fuIl Sh-are te prevenit and te stop Commiiunist aggressîi; We have redtuced the national debt e-very year, and, in the last two years, reaped the reward in lower fax rates, Do we want ail that te be continued? Do you really think, it's timie for a change? For a change to a Parliamient of regional 'groups -a handful o-f Social Crediters from the Far West, a few Socialists froni the Prairies, a few more Conservatives fromi- Ontario or the -Maritimles and somne so-cnhled Independents from Quebec? In such a Parliamentwithout the leadership and responsibility of a uuited national parfy, how couldte goverment help being weak and insecure? Do we wvant a 7wenk and divided governm-enfte deal with the formidable problenis of the next few years? I.ask you, IS it really tume for a change? WVe believe most Canadians want a government whlch encourages enterprise, promeotes trade anid fosters the exploration and develop- ment of our resources; andi you know if as welI as we do, thar,. requires bailaniceti budgets, pyn off debts in prospcrous finies ndafxstructure wh7jich> while fair fte ii dquteme these demands. For, au Creo'ter Cunudu,,-ý VOTE LIBERAL!I NATIONAL URERAL FEDURATiON 0F CANAOA Tyrrell's Drug Store PIOE8 (Charles B. TrreJJ, PhmB) R N ,O T 0f two restricied aesin New- fund-land, tested ini 19,51, for the first timie, one has. already been declaredi anAccredited Area. 'The other, with S'5-54 cattle (-tetd, had 19,5 reactors or 21e cent-too hghfor taiea ti> be Accredited. buit cnidr heb- lo te erenag suaflyvfounç on thie first testin i easof denscecattie population. (Linseveral tIareas now Ac credited, for- several years, first test sbowed 20 f0 29 per cent reactors). Thercr niae that when th remnaining cUe aebentete anid therecosrm ed a scn tetxiishow t 1he entire counïitry can b~ casse asan AcredtedArea, -1ti1-hepresent deýfinljiin f the- te im. 'Thi *s admater-iy toth reptaton f C~naiancattiend bot lh ntemsi maýrket and SkirtsLai' full circle, re, asso-rted colors szs12 to 16,iEach . . . ...... ý....... ... $2,8 Nigh-tgow-ns, Ladies' rayon, assortedJ styles and colors, sizes medium or large. Each....$1.98' Swveaters, Ladies' Batwing, ail wool, colors black red, grey and tourquois,- sizes small, m-tedium or large. Each ...... ..... ........$2.98 We avepuon Sale a numiber of discontiniued numr- bers to ci ar at attractive prices.. Peddle Pusiiers, sizes 1- to 16, reg. $2.9> for $2.49 Pu1lovers, ýhildren's rayon Tee5',sor lee collai-,-neck, sizes 2 to 6 yrse eg, 69c. f or1-49c, Pulloversi Misses Ra.yon, Spý Shirts, si1zes 8 to 14. Regular 9e.for..........7e Overalis, IBoy'sWhe ac Deimi, sizes 26 to 34. Regular $2.98 nowý elling for the low- price $L98 Tee Shirtý Boy'seàyon, -white, round neck, short sleeves, nmitt eýtype waist band, Re--g. 79e for 59c Grocery Features Libhy's Pork1 and Beans, 5 oz. tins, 3 for........25c. Pas, Stokely's Honey Pod, 10 Oz_. Stins, 2 f or....... ....... 29e, 1~*~Caýmpbell's _Vegetable Soup, 2 reg- 39c. ular tin s. ......25c. Sardines, Brunswick, 3 for.........25c. Welch's Grape Juice, 16 oz, botties .....24c. Pablumn, mixed cereal, 16 oz. boxes......... 43,e. Tat Ant Traps ...............33C. Store closed al day M1onday, August 3rd, Civie j H1olidlay O ROND 5t,ý.TO $1.0O STORE I Qhirntfi~iirr ut' ut1~r~ ..should promnpt yýou to ea3u upon us in 4timie of sorro-w, We stress simple beautiful services thiat prove consoling to the bereaved, LIRARTLEY IH. BARLOW FUNERAL HMME Phone 18 r 7 Oj~'ono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2

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