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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 1

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rr - - - w- ORONO WEEKRLI Vol. 17 NO 30 OOO N. HRDY U.i 9 Oirono Bail Team Takes Fi-rst il. Hormer Reininds Parents ý 12 Çsirntries To Seeà f, à- il Game 0f Playdown8l Thle Orono- Basebail Club IrareiledGardeurs hould Stait ,Welc-ome on Tuesday evu1,Ag eist 11th whlen they opened' their Pansies And Violas Newi ptaydown series with the entry fruii Wolcome. This first gamie went toi !Orono on a five to three score andi gives the local team- the firat game ,ïr the best two out of three. Keith West heid the miound forl O-mono glving up six hits, one waik ianad gaining five- strike out, Choii- -e.re for Weicomle gave Urp six hlits, Ifive scatte-med -waiks and held fiveý ~tieouts. Wcoeopened the scoring. with iYVwo runs in the first of th~e first in- sdkng on three hits given nip by West, ~ai-anero. byCenish, however ioni ~the seventh batter the side was re- itired. In the second Weicomne camie up. for their third count when Bebee .Obtained a bit and Was advanced to £eeond by Poster receiving a wall<. Iflehee advanced to home on errors: 1by K. West and Shetler. Holmnan hiti ito a double Play when D. Weetl thirew to second and Conish reiayedi th all te first te coiplete the playl avd retlire the azide. Orono's firnt tally camre Jlu the faecond frim ben Shetier placed a hit for a single and advanced on a lit hy lRobinson and a waik to Cor- muib. K. west flew out tuo right fieldl inh l turu played the bail homie tol catch Roinýson for the third -out. Fol. ~low,ýing in tha, third inning Oronol ;agaili camei up with a single tally be- -ing scored by Raye West on a single. Sshit was followed. by a hit by lerceir and au eraror hy Bebee to 'Dadvanoe J-Raye homoe. Throunghl the fourth, fifth and sixth Orono re- -eIved noc bits ais did MWelcomne and at _this point Welcem ea ih n ..i, margin in a mI3 te 2 coîunt. In the fimt of the sorenth the firstý eloeba'tte-m flew out te, Robinsen1 nii centre fieldi. Bebee receîved hiaý -aeco: d s'ingle cf he nighitbuwaet :0,1 sIconId 0onastei when ý Shellerý oiIII -tbrnew jhim ni t. The third btter, ToSte U tue -k 0o)t, Orono' a ýtisIChance cam-e lfith iserentia andi on two bits, a waik, andCI anerrer the gaIne -was Put Iluaf 3<eigfor the local club. R. We,_1 first to bat, strisck ouI, _Mercer lind-. aiat fi't on-an errer auid oe! ~acnAmstr(ong obta-ined 'a' bit wes Wetu w'aIk aud this was foilowed' bySbet1er"ýs condlbilt. On the p11ay Ornosord hoemuste gire themP ,he lead Ilu a 5 te 8 core. Roýb i nso0nr undComiabcompleted the Iinn.ings Mhea b(ath- wý-e ro rwu eut by Wei-, Shetler proved the best b'litter for: O ono iih tw,ýo bits, D. Lord and F.l Bebee obtaied siilar honora fori ecmE. ay West, -Merer, Arm- lrganid Robinson rcelred euee The seecond gamie of Ibis seriets w"ill uhe is-yod i-n the Orono Park ou Mvon- ehay evening aI 6:30, wlth the third, ganif 1nieessary, on Thursday. Duringe the summler and early falli monthsý, parents read and hiear of! cases of poliomlyelitis jccurring ini varions 1parts of Ontario and Canada, and naturalyv becomie concerned about the dang-ers of thins disease, This ct 12 counI-trieS sion' of a ' in ail probi granddaddy fromi dlay tc Dr'. Charlotte M. Hornier, Mledical 'lie first1 For shady places in the garden, Duicrha f Health U, sttetha t be- he ch whbere the soit is porous and wveil DranHzlhUisae ---b feca dmined, there is no flower more re- caýuse of the wide publicïty given to knownl as t wvarding ln garden color and 4,ut poliornyeiitis and its after effects, b wre blooms than the pansy. Beginnors few, persons realîze that statisticS ing amprd( who want experience lu growing bi- so that over twice as maiy chi'- ine' la( ennia!l fowers should start with the dren die from who!,oping cough ,iniuberland xyhih l tretedas bienia Caada as from poliomelitis,an hteaCoo pansy, îthernumberaofaaccidentadth ar uctou i and usually sown lan lute summer, h iie facdna etsfr nto i exceeds the death rate for these two Association Fui a"fiat witha mixure ~ diseases. It has beeni estimiated tliatnaialM sharp1 sand and your best top soil,dungasvr eiemchrei sifted. Sctter a packet of seed even - onfly one chance in 15OU of developing . J. A. Car ;y over the surface and cover it light-poloiomeliti-s, one in 7500 of being Of the Wor IN with sifted ssi. Keeiy nioist and i n aii 1(1ndone in 30,000Of dig nOgn the shade iuntil the seed. sprout, then of the (diseasýe. tat ht' i place in a protected location -where Progress is being miade and B_1 Itrelgiu etis in thie plants will have a few hours of search worh týo find a vaccine that coun11ties TI snshine daiiy, and be watered asl i'Igie protection against the nin you do other plantsutvruethtcsepioyius. The tropf When the seedlings are large' Gammia globuini is available la very pion is bein enough-I to handie, they can be trans-! limited quantities and therefore ffili nual comipet planted to other flats spaced two be aliocated byi the National Depat~- CanVada anC luc-hes apart each way; but they do nt in Ottawýýa for special cases. panies over, not insist upon this. Let themi alone However, gammam globulin onfly gives ned, nd is1 if you wish, and when freezing wea- teoay.,Ie~onad work jýi smsïiths and ther comes the fiat will be crowded thlerefore continiuing. towards5 de. London, tht- -withi vigorous plants. Place ini a cold ý eloping a vaccine hhW'11 give Of PBritish fraio- i 1rtetdcrnrna more lasting resulîs. dîtioned thc -aile orin . proecte corer 1earcoronation.1 the house foundation, where there is Dr. Hlorner reminds parents of the enough sun to keep down mildew,' precautions that should bc takea The Worl spect it occaioaialiy to be sure it Is litus cases may occur. shouid be S> not toc dry, but let the sno-w dorer it 1 1 ancient art. without worrying. . Childi'on should not bocomo ocver- 1 low selecte Ir, the ýspln1gyour pansy planit shoilook1-c much )s they did iu thel faîl, wvitjh dark leaves unfaded ho-1 noeath the blanket of beaves. lun cold frame they can ho flowe ring by tuiliip tinile, but a loniger gardon diis- play wiiI be, obtajined Uf the plants ar-e kepti the ipn nd transphq1(,Iated t tli chose1l plac-e as-soonas the soil- is orkLIble. Tu elidranedsoul with only aý fwheurs sun pansies w,,Il blccmail sme.The mio-me blos-soins yen cut for- indelor use, the 2m1ore th e pLlints wilbear.. If iii midsumm er the feenbeceme fewer, cut back thýe top) grewth severely andm a new ro icias aretrae just like thel pansies, tho irne betweeni them-i beinig chi(,fly a -malter o-f size,ad colr iiakigs, Violas have the tutlf-ý ted grocwth .of violets, and ne cleo1r bletcýhes, or "ae. When vciastre giron fa protoctivel mulch they wlll eoften li-ere orlv or-al years, but thei best pmactico is tei start. a flat cf ne-w seedlin1gs every! somimer. It is remlarkable lhow littie time it takes, and how undenýding aire the panisy and -viola plants. 'la selecting aIrains for the gardon,i manyna d varieties cf hoth panisios andl violas are availabie ,as well as muixtures whieh provide il colo-ms in the rem-rkable range whIicb these! fiowvern poasess. Roda of -a single! color are beautiful, but m1oat ama- teurs will find a maixture of rcolors1 mnoat interestiug. l of bs-mess 1eut ries of Doctor Direct, owvned byl >po Raceway Harold fHooey; Happy Houer, ownd August 1.5th,ý by L. Hooey sad Wmy. Arnmstrong- feel -assumred sud Royal Beulah, owned hy Dr.1 1besst the Cowie of Bowananville. These t-hre et lu yesrs. hre have been training aI Omonot entered st Ibis smier. Mm. Jack Rleidi wili also apleted theirl have an entry or Iwo from bhis mracing ?Thiomu-ciffe stable wvhich foliow,,ing the me11et WiIl Loses are lu tmavel to Moatreal. utü exisî t Cecilia Councel and Vole Van, bctbl ;et hy Cecilia ownod by the Hon. Earl Rewe are yen by tho ontered liih1feimeet .with, the formI-eri tember 19,52. deeihem tmack' record. OtihLr1 cured, wltb herses cf inote are NoisyCGuy, Mýiss moen herses Doris Van, Miss, Mary \Van sadThori iowni te ithe Gatan1. Enterýed freinOsh1awVaar ,0~ hese Hlireat Adam of Sha)rpe Moto-ms sad id eth'er dis-! Dwight Dillon cf Shepherd's Meutl 1 Oreloofo-Market.1 Bine Bonn-et 1 anal Ihere s--moton heats wit ws-gering prýiieges onDr, ery ee stlisbuF,0or those "interested i h Soto mI bs ben ings" Saturday sbouid -provea e with the grand outinglý. esIl imne 2:00 plmi. tirod. Avoid over-fatigue caused byl too active play or exercuso. 2. Avo-id cod and places where close contact w"ith otheF persons is iiely. 1. De not bathe or swim in poiiuted waters. 4. Aýjoid suddlenilin 5. Be sure you fooýd lipoece i or)fffr. rt -ave youir c ý]e c- bpleoysceened anadkiWIAil flies 6. Do net eat raw, fruit or veget- ables until thney are toegl washed (or peeled.. 1. Ke)pycur garbago covered te preLvont the breedlng of f'iios. S. If you bave anotsidetoilet, mahe sure it is flyproof and use' pleuty cf chiloride of limie. 9. Do niot use unsafe lkor wtr 10,Ay ino-jr ilînoaSSor fev7er O(c- curingdurngthe poliolim1yolitiLýS a- son shoufld be treated bvy bed rest andj isola1tion1 peninifg diagnosis, if it is p-oliom1eiis- it might hbo nmade morýe severeby orcing eeefto carry on the usuai activities. Mlelody Fair Te Take t Place la C.N.E. Sho0w Laitest phienemenon of show busi- ness in, Canaî.da is "Meiody PaZir"' the theatre-ia-te-rouni setuP thati was so successfufl in ïts second ses-- son last yes-r, that it -%as lnvited te mnove, and becoeau perma-,nentetn- year summner season attraction, ho)thý beore, afler and during the Canadian National Exhibition. i a Inls poiicy of presenting only thel top musical hits of the -Broadway stage, with the miosî prominont of, New York and Hollywooýd stars, "Melody Pair" is paresening "Car-1 oue"for the fortnigbt's rua of the Canadian National Exhibition, Aijg- ust 281h to Septem-ber 12th. This 18 Rodgers and Hainnersteip's gros-t- est Broadway' musical success and has heen selected by popular poli of' Ontario theatre-geers as the mnusicali romiance they most want to see. Sing- igthele-ading -oles will ho Walteri Caussel and Gail Mannors, the twol top stars of the New York City Op- e-ma Company. "Meiody Pair", largest theatre-in the-round installation la North ,ain erica, bas been etuistciyhall- ed by the international pross and -na- tional magazines. It is a, 100 percentý Canadian financed and operated com-. pany, backed by a group of Toronto businessmen. The executive producer is -Leightoa K. Bruii, produçItioni che£or the Past twenty yeaiss withi Oscar HTammerstein. Tho generall manager of Feod air" la0Bon Kamisier, Broadway nd Holiywood's youti,-est producer. "Carousel", Rodgea's and Hammyer-1 stin's riýýist rmeunorable musical, waS origially produee.d by the farrid It is beleir ed though somi te thl tHI. tober crack plowmiien fromn es -will be vy;ing for possesý- goldený model of what is, )ity the gr-eat-gr.eat-g-reat-ý [y of the piow' they use, ;o day. The winnier wiill be plowing- champion of thei nnpionship and the troDhv.l dIc Chamipionship Plowing )n decided its trophy ýlmboIiCof piewingias lan .The original of the Odas a madol is ,in the ngland) Science Museum. id to date fomabout 1721 ie of its features go back Cenltury. Called thle Nor- folk plow, it ws one of the pioneer liight fpiowS LInEngland and Idthe con- iniental coruntries, and the, forerun- ner of n-eartly ail mïodiem los With apai .of husky 'horseýs ada qa ris ky British yeomahi behind it, it! vwas capable of tuming o-ver about an cr a day-about onre quar-ter as much a a modem tn ractor plwm:an wiith a oae-furrow piow could ac- Thefiisedtrophy wllbemon ted on1 maIhogany basetwo -fee't onpoe foot wide anid seven incesl hihFrom the top~ of the plow toi bottom of thie base it wiII stand 161 inches higli. The man rohy vwil lobel edby the nati*oni1 plowing asso-1 ciation of the winning: plow-man. Thel world chaýmpion will reýceive a copy about one third the size. WVord of U. S. entry into Ith.e vworld, matcýh waseceived by ?Mr. Carroil1 fromi Alfred Larson, vc-rsdn o! National Assoc-xiationI of Soiu con- sýervation)i Districts. This Assocýiationrî sponsors sta-,ete ndl area plowingi matchecimaxed each year ith ai naitionalmaftch. The U, S. woýrI com-ý petitors ill be chosen ant Augusta,! WsSeptember 17-18. Confirma- tion of the Belgian and Danish en- tries was receavýed from Alre 1all, W.C.P.O. secretar-y ini England. Other nations competing a-,e Great Britain, N-'orthern Ireiand, RepubIiic of Treland,Noay Sweden, Finland,1 Hokland, West Germany and Canada. Thes-Ire Guild ofNe York. Based on Poreac Molnar's tender "Liiioma", this musical roi-ance rau thireeý years oni Broadway. The musical mi- gic cf the Rodgers-Hammerstein duo is indics-tedl in such song bits as "*June is Bustia' Ont Ail Over", "If 1 Loved Yotu', "You'l1 Nover Walk Altoue" asnd "Wben I Marry Mr. 0Snow . What makes "Careusel" se aitrigu- ing- is ils Maritimes setting, cmlt Wtb adapîed f olk songs and local lere, Ibis al bei-ghteined for drama- tic im1pact. Becs-use of popular demn-d,"Cr ousel" will ho presented at "MLýelodyl Paii" daily, 29.00 p.m. shiarp miati- nee.s, during the two weeks cf tIre CanadianNtonlExhibition, plus ilightly perfornmnces i 8' O()P.m-ý. s harý, 1- Audienice jantiicipation f'Lor 'Carousel' is so en-th-nsiastic it, weuld ho wise te mnail lu immediate reqluesîs for sont reserrat'ins te '%ÏMlodIY Pair" st the Canadian Na- tiouai Exhibitioii, T-r'onte. Pricos scaled for eveniagsa st $1.5q1, $2.2-5, $2.85, sad $3.40 - m--atineos $1.15, $1.70ý, abildren 75c. The big bine ,ind os-migote-p of "Meindy Fair" us.con-, veniently oca-ted just west of the _Automrotive Building. The Liberal Party in Canadai scored a4other decisive victor-y on Monda1(ly, August lth, when the voters of the Dominion gave this par-' ty an ovehwhehning majority of seats in the House of Comm-,ons. The Liberais lost some seats white the -Conservatives, C.C.P., Social Credit and Independent Liberais tallied LEADS VICTOIZTOUS PA I "Y The Rt. Hlon. St. Laurent ganins. Ail Cabinet M\embers Nvoro m'e- turned as were ail party leadrs The following box score --ives theý resuits for the i-ecent election coilà- pared to Ihat of 1949. 'Elected Lîb.. ....-.......... ..171 PC ------------------------ 50 CCP........--- ....... .. 23 SC------ --- - --------- 15 Ild ------------------ ------ - L-Lb......... ...... Totais -------- ---------- 21 3 1949 193 41 1. Radio Commuonication Used In Pire Watch byste This week -we have an initerestir article on- the Departmient of Lanq aïnd Forests Radio Commnuicati, Syste-m Opemating within this dis rict Lis prepared by Oscar Yarnol ourI Opera borat'Mne. Radio Communication: During the Pire Seasôn, A.prl L to) October 3lst, our Pire Towei are manned by observera or tOwerme w hose d1utios arLe to report tO the Chbief Rantger -an)y smlokes or fix' thant are sighted from the tower. . many cases, thlese reports are sent 1 radio op)e.ating on Voiry High FrI quency (VHFV), weeti-ey areplol ted on a special map) at Chief Rang-( Headqua-rters. 'rheýe VHP trami receivers were designied and built b the Lands and Porosts tLechaical stal at Toronto and have a workçiing d ance of atppr'oximatul1y forty zhileb HoLwev-erý,on occasion, stationsa hav been contactod sixty to eîghty mile (Cenltinned on ýllpage 8) ceived as flos Darlington.... Clarke -------------- Newcast le M1any fom nthie vil] thie Liber-i Commiitte mainville on ;Ondza joned inu1the eebrip a'se p -sent wa,1s , Ba id(. ; Onit he local front, el(ectionugh \was eune of doubt as liater thian usuail rectuius wr en receivoil showinig that Durbaini counity wsgoing te -be a lose-battie between the Liberal amd Couiservatîv-e Candidates. Not un- til shorîtly aýfter ton ila Orono wais wor-d received that John James was victoriens. The nmajerity for ii Jams ver Mm. ,Stevenson), the con- sorraitive Candidate, was 1,58 vonues lul 194-9 John .1Jamej(s heid a /442 -Vote mnargin over Stevenson. The total vote luDuramriding onýi Mdy,14,38,5, feiu sh1ort 'Dy 314 of the 19491( n, 14, 698). The lantest Liberal ,65,Steývensoni,Cosva ti,16,80, annd Armistrong",CC., 1,6.Thie1949 figures garve Jami-es C.C.P., 1,320. Afe figures availahie wore me- Jonar ~mes Children Have Invit.ïng r At The Orono The Orono Pair being held Sep- six local ui s tomber Il and 12 provides some u)Ie lu etb1n classes of exhîbits of wr ycb-fouVeen dUloe dren cf Durhanm County under th-e fi-cm Bran 1Mu -le of eigoýxteum vuars Pî',11-- 1 v lor a 4eonvabýtesýe eaý,tinig .s of iag up )1moue0 F g n Largest Field 0f Herses Com- ing Toi Orono On Saturday, 0Ihe as-I

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