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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 2

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r r' r r' r' r' z r' z r' r' r' r' r' z z r z r' r' r' r.. r' r' r' r' f z r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' A' r' z r'. teocean, look iqngfingye mens fatuiugfish-, as oast et mcLoiforthc-sort of0 ure el iii-iiost imossblelegelý usdeof tihe lar'ger cle-lb strùysler adSe forth. are deliceesiiug .. provided For leM fAver and teure, atler tcfial are scaed endi clened and jual before cookin,, r-ub îinside aend eut will sýa u hait a lenoni. Totau vBleu la aPwel-kuo Frnhrecipe. TLi s C anadia(nî- vrinis jusI asdeiiu - geed for basa, tee Trouf Au Bleu ~ rmand Split down1 ..ck ....... 6 hi-ut 0or bs *Comrrbine in, fr-yin-,g pan.......i/ e.mild vinegarm - / c hieken brofli QMake cbcken brolb wilh eiknbouilien cubead kc « Add..Il bey kea * Simercovered, forC10omn uIes- BAdfiaI te-, b sud simuernr là5Yinutes, or unlil tenider. Re- i-ov fsh te piter sud sr-ve w it h- Caper Sauce: * uie t /i almon C-pbaked basa, served w,,iil bao srips and tomato wedgca, gelmýs a bigh raling. BaktO Bass with Bacon and! Toma-nito toCu in serving soue pieces ....p.6basa f(jogether '1 C. core me;A i1/stsp, sali, i'z sp, paprika *Dip fiihin coi-n meai mrixture. 6) Plaecein.greesed bakiuig cisl. « -3ake in bot oven (4250) 20 wranues e) Remove fr-oin oven sud plece 1 oudfi s . ..6fibacon strips 3 fomatoes, eut ïn wedges * ro 5lches frôm lbest fer 6 One wîe vy t10usce,le smellest hIfe Catch la te Cook them ,wilh vegetables eud tSeasonihngs for a 4ueirsoup: savory Fisth Sou * Cornlncrl kette......tu 8fs iqt. water 5 sp-rigas parsiey 2 suxali carrois 3StAikS eely . Ziluodism ornons .lemon suices i1 bsp. sait Vs sp. black pep- per COrns B Lmuerfori 1 to2 heurs. platter and let stand untlcvool. *Sotten 1 en)velepe gelatin i c > ~ coid water,,Addîte lot broth in pani; stir until di-ssoived. * Chili gelain until partialljy e Spoon hait of geljatn ov fish and chili until firm,ï *Ginatfish with lemcon aind olifve scesa ndà then spcorn ov-%er rem-aining gelaýtin and ch bili Serve with - itsp grated onIion c-hopped parsIey üLc.eopped o(u- juice (dfj",leMîOn A -nippyý stuffing ike the eue described here m-iakes a real treat out f efsummrrer squash.. It's- equall'y good in Zucchini, Scal-- lopa (Patty Pans), or Crook.ý- necks. The spiashes of red and g.i-crn i the 1ll-inrg c addeye ap- p eal, ýServe aquesnshase-pcraiy or' together in- Squash MedlIey *Parboil ... ý aquashes (,1ucehini lake about q rinutes; yeiIow Cr-ookniecks, 5 minutes; andwit Scailopa, 15 10, 20 - depending- on size.) e Cut Zucchini and Crooknecks in hait: anid ecul the top eut, of the Scallopa. *Scoop out seedsïend sýpooI n l *Top each wiJth fine dry breadt crmaand a dab of butter. *Bake l- a40'even 20 mi- *Chop.i arge re"d Or genpepjper 3 s1eùes bacont Vsl.Canadie precess cheese *Mxweillî p. sait and add. tsï P. pper -. EXl~goers ili" b susdt b:is cigar as te is o aeu rne.slcheandsioucig walk Butteoo' seGocoe his beast, wilich is in an uie hearsed baille of wrs It was bis mother who puvýshed him Land fhis four brothers -teuc cess, His first stage apaac wes made aIthej age -of tive, He nleyer had time to go te a chool, for, bis thrwas re!,îinti.essljy touinïg flemr Lound the taas 1t would be an xgerto te, say the Marx Brothers wrea ieton the stage. fi. wasi't until Grouclio iurven)ted fris "Napoleon"ýý sk1etch that the act. caught on. Io tlhis Gr-c'ucbo, as Napoleoni, seys goodbye te the Empress Jose.- phine as lie sets off for the wars. Asý she emibraces ver-loua lovera he charges back,- laving foi-gel- ten bis bel and sword. Tlere la ablare of mutsic from backstage. ."Ah, the mayonnaise!" he cries, ciaspiug Josephine. "I arn off. Beyond tle AlIps lies more Alps, ai-id the Lord alpstos woalp them-selves." In thie movies the Marxes fer- ed beter. Their pictures were inoderate suiccesses et the trne, but, todeay tbey are m3uch moere. The Marx Brothers have becomec thie clowns for connoisseurs. Four years ago, by mnutuel arrangement, the team a plit up and went their separate ways. Lest year the iumrates of San 'Quentin prison voted hi-m their favouirite entertainer. Groucho -wzote to týhe warden: -1 note lIat 1 received 1,573 votes eut of 1,6310. I fel it ouly rigît te advise you that if my brother H arpo was where hie beionged, 1 would have pelled 1,574." ýNot even bis tarifly is sae from tewrl'ïnsultinjgest Seigai-,unpopular ector at a Hollywood cocktail party, Joanr Crawýford recalied: "Why, peopile irsed te give parties just not to, have hl.. Fein-g ýinquisitivebyntr anyd awy prepared to stick Our neùse ie other peopies' business we camneailUlte way uip here te learu how eý strike is beiug i-un. Drîvinig over a big h.ump we nojticed a sign et thre side ot the reed seying fihat f romi here on aIl waler w:ýas fiowing ie the Ar.jctic Oceanwicl mnade us Sfeel chiliy enougli to close lIe win'dow. We also rnpliced thal ithe clear Cool air of the Norlh the car wuas picking up speed on those l.ong, long strethes of pavemnent wîlhout our pushiug the ges. TneHoiioured Manner Tunisis a quiet litle place ando people look peacetul encid coniented, As a myatltertotc tact il struck uis lIat ihey ail seerb to wear ea gay lutile samile behindi their wb,,iskers like the proe- biajl caltnteblas eaten the cen- They, are liappy and lhey tel yocuwh as soýon as you coreeil lIte dloor Everybodly is tal'king aýbout Operatien "Cleaný-UTp" of lest wveek, when the striking miesof Broulen -Reet raided the minne te deel wilh the scabs, b.rougi in by the moanager, lu, "eliehonoured rmanner. The whIole thinig was carrîed eut witfh te methodical preci- sinof the Commyando rai-ds the boys were laugbf te1, use in tle lasI er 30mlen ,were rmilliug arou"nd tue policecars talkiug toeth Proviniýcls hile- 13 cars, park- ed siong the road, quieily and, unobst-usively filled up wilh fiévenmen eacb. At ez given signal tiey ail sped oiff rýîg1ht through ilie mine gale up te the chanrge bouse wrhere the sîrike brenkei- mwere clean- dng up. il did nottake 1cm!ong,,let finish the job allbough tbey did it witb their 1barci-fiats and net, as the pi-csieportedî, witl stickos anid bats. Tbe saebs lad ithose as itiey hadt been expect- ing someütbiug oethîe sort. Ten of the strike breakers iwaere dragged a.ong, packed in the cars tu be diumped oui tbé biglway il-ce miles way.The' minutes7 TIc mne maager red thi-e sbots at the ls craud lit tire. l was thc only car in tlit ceole cevo.y witb sýelfseaing lires and therefore could dà-vè4 ou. ,AS euene ft t.e mn aidate wa-rds: "Qod mut bve been Sotute Maim.à T mnsis a mnining to nsd aý uniion boUwu nd nC otlhiuigin- leresîs tire people as nmucb as, ningand iunion bsns.T~ reelize That tIc comipanies are out to break the union sud tbey are nol geiug Vo base it The mianager of Broulan-Reef bas amed he strke-breakers lef t in the iiinad ,giverj 11mr teordler: "Shootte r1unai. He bs irefused te ollowIhein- vitatin o~Ivi-.Dlynnal Toronto an- dcouýsuli-wllhi and union representatiJves, He is aIse, reperled to hvesaid la be w7ould bag p on Leslie Fi-est himacîf if "bcewerc-otca1 hlm o.rp. Wle lad the oppor uonity bo vis- il tle picket huiies wt our old triend BiE Guî nieUCCF miember for CdeeSejut I l tlw Ontario eiiaue The boys ai-e of good .clee-r, but they are wneigwhelher the lim-es arec ceîng back when workecrs were aloi etbecause tbey wsttcd teorgns.Tbhey aie~, hewlever, resolved te jstiand bytîci- rights aïld to defend thieir unrion. Fermaera oft On-te-rcri- ïigîtf learu tr0m- tle inéers ofTIn mina lhow Vo beutIleScabs, trie niext limie tt-ifyoil ayrilkstiike or are iocked etni-, y the fruit and vegetablecenig c pa fliîes gestions, wtise o olsai-d ai] critiicismi-, %wheiher 'onstruive or detutieac wj iy le au)swer eny question. AfdeSss your letters 10 BbEliBon 1L 123 - '18th S-eNwTrno ont. A contesteni" n bis llvso show bold Gruco arie was an exporter, "I'mr an exm-perler, ioo," seid Groucho, "Tbe eiwa fired me wlcn I LeIst rny grip. But I'Yve gela a aa'iï,"Cïýýnal 11cm A telephoe eao r bldhlmc She wývss unmrr-ied, "Wbat!" ex- claimred Groucho, "A Iclephone girl. without a rinýg, '-il h-ave t put in a plug foryu. hixu in e cornihueus tlow, EC la a master of the Play onl words, and the ipopugag. Tesday, et 62,lhe la in tc$i0,000-e-week clas anad on top et both filmns and TV, But most et ifbs cracks ai-e et sonebedy'a xpue;îht perbeapa, la wly ]le is kew a "tc orld's Insultingeal au2 One quis entrnt tolil Groucho be wvas British, andadded: "1 bave a ca W; iSceila"Ihat ees b.ck te ltj-e ffenh.c "Tbet's ail righ-L," said Groua- ch."I bave a homIre iha gýýees biack te theIc, oualrgasoitn, puuy mancullcrlehi gymuas"ium, end eme;.rge a yeer later wiilaprfc iurSi Groucho: "That's nlinLest nigbt 1I wenlt. toa rburlesque ýcshow and camne eut wýiha pretfg ure lu fifleen mints," Anl air-hioste!sa ai hae we1'S 'You mean ÏI ca't mke you don't anny he lady pSsen I Howle man 'Baggged' A èMarket BiY EDNAILESi taks ork n ithe îform of casul obervaceof beach get- cps leadas to the suspicion that ,~: evety-iveper cent 4if ail wom.- ent dth-e beach hlave neyer so -Ymueh as glanced aýý themiselves in the m-pirrorý beflore theyv left thec Fli length appraîsal la es- seta.The swim Suit to cut dow.n figure faiults has been on the mar-ket for sometime now end is no rarlty. The sand or ~itn utthat perfforma-i simi- arly la de-sîgned te be kind tc, too>-hevythighs, upper arma and bust, A good rnany womnen continue S to cram themselves into thpt harde-st of ail suits te weai- S0/White.,This demands the absoluite la .... ï figuire perfection. Or, womnen asai wlth large derrier-es b o un cez In ray ft! about ln bloomner suits wltb ruffles qcioss the back, They- also are fond of pink which 1is defi- You're in nlftely enlarging. beach so Another failing la that of Sleekt 'wearlng out" old housedresses -shorts ls ts or akirta tg or just plain old clothes nt the mroled p~ > p4"Cý Thi beach. Trhiss l ooling yourself, white wl gn 1 s 9,emi fofr ju t like eating theit lest plece of black bu ïSne eveninga. pie "to keep from wasting If.'e -krt for Kiss of Happiness - These two PoIish pilots, \who flew Soviet MIGS from behind the Iron Cur- toin, greet each other Ioyfully at ldlewild airport where they were reunited, They are Fran- ciszek Jarew/ski, left, 21, first Polish-flier te, make the flight, and. Zdzkilaw J, azwinskî, 22, the seccond te do se0., niesreceives congqratulat ions fromr acter Jf hnir h omy be seeing more of each oihe î.-n the future, asone o Crtiespriz.es is a contrcar nvre-nerainlsuis ~hieChan.0cler5la aisendercnra. ti, you have imne ,to doa lot îo Anbtat's when 1P,;,ulip rBagley,' CumbelandCounity, threatened. with lindesatbouht hmself rgitot a b.tgger ai-id better ma,-rket 'han ever for bhs gardenr prOýduce. Phlwas worid bouthî eýyes, but 1he also ftretted a-boutà t(6 , tofus ttue badsus bactk hJ-ome, that was aboutt te pilon a slow market. He suiggested to bis wf that thàe squash mighit Sell if it wce aube i-ad packaged, in oe poun 1d Plastic (poly-ethylne Mris , agley asked \wholesaie- groî,(cers about îil. We dôtûË ko;can't tel! until we- try if," thytold her. Necigb-bors helIped.slice and beg ýthec squash, and the tria un was c'rn' Today, Phil (wvith sight pairt- ialiy returned in one eye) liasý foiurwhlse oulets, anid others arýe waiting. Laýst suI:mmer lie buLt a28Wx36 storiUy-aznd- a-half wvashing and soaeshed that lias a; full base- mýj'en't He has a Cari of six: Phil says that by 'ýcuibing and packaging his crop hie nets about double the orinj-ary w holesale pôrice- 'When squash sold at $35 ato wliýhoiesile, Phil grossed eround $200 a ton, and netted $65 afleýr _jabor, shiinkage, and spoilage. G'oing et f ull speed, lis planit ceni-lui-n out 2,000 one-pound packages of squash dlaily. Phil ia owstarting to pack carrots, tbe. "'While I iay there tin the hos- pitli1I decided thatthe reason city folks wouldn't buy squash wvas because the aqua-shes were toio largue," lie saïcd, "I figlured t'hat one-pound packages would be about right. Look>- like I bit it right on the nose." I..Plain Horse Sense.. __________ y 9B B LLIS ~

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