ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ~uhrzdas ScodClass Mail, PoSt Office Departmnent, Ottawa Advý.eising R'ates on Request.. Subseription $1.i Established January, 1937. ~,-.sr RA Forrester Publisher. R C Forresý AWORTHWHILE PROJECT A roject worthy of note in the village As that of the Ule creat inal rora whichl was in existan1ce every morniing a1t J-1 Orono Cm iyMemnoria1 Pýark. Success was only LIoo e-videntj over eighty children enrol1ed and a daily attenidance of at least six0, ,was usually lpresenit. ' A note of thanks must go to the Orono Amateur Athieti society as ell as tlhosýe who so ably conducted. and supervised th, play periods. The programn is of a constructive nature as sho.wý by the outfitting of a vole-ball area' which was planned an, constructed by the children themselves. Gamnes in and out of wate and tennis are gathering momentum as enthusiasm.s rises in t children. Tht' rogýamcos1t, for the four w-,eeks, bet-ween tw¶ hund(lred and two hundred and fifty dollars or approxim-ately thre( doli-at, per ch'id enriled. This amouait was financed by the Athi letic Society w\,hich is a self sustaining organization of the villagel Funds iii its treasurery have been raised through donations an( Mrley making schemes. Looking to, other comnmunities we find that such programi, are, as a rule, fiaanced through a grant from the municipality~ Such nmoney is w-ell spent as we are seeing to-day ln Orono. For thý operation of the arena and sunftmer activities it will cost the 1ocaý orgniztio aoumid $ý1000.OO for 1953. If this amjounit was sb scrîed thrýough taxation as in other municipalîties, it wvouldt cost ùevr ta-x payer slightly less than two milîs or les.s than two dollars, per e (very thiousand di irsýoýsscssment. ks such a programi, as has been available for every child 'i î;htecommnunity during the inter and summer worth two dollars on1 ievv housand dollars of assessmnent and would it be feasible to roUliet this rooney through taxation? We believe it stands onidei ation. FOR E,-PERT, FAST Shoe R pair V~rvc BNGYOUR Sil ES TO Holbeno' ho Supply Store KINiýG STI WCASTLE Bîst material1 and we'kranship guaranteed Ortmo's Masonie Lor~o Establili'e'd for n' reM.thn 7,, years, the Orono -A F. &A.M,4 Iodge No. 325 today lias a mem- bership topping ].nais rn s iEight ycars ago the ld Pesby- teinchur-chwapucse fo 'j se as, a Masonic Ten2e, Presentý ~mas ter of thie lodge la the s;ûn of a 1lInthe19)5 1-52 sai 2,5 h peits, wvorth about $1.511 each, e expor)ted from anda GIA tCp-kanz Orplins HckeyClubiaýs cp tured onle Junior OHAchmpon hireaced tikefnastwiece and bieenl in thie semii-fin-als thiree timnes as a junior club. List year as ain inereiate club they gùo± mbtc Ithe se-mi-finals. Perey Luna la presidcnt of this self-sponsored club ad h a sbowù wlth otIfer ç1Wl mnibers as sketched by W. il' v I q i i i i 's o 'J o o "fOR ýSALE 0n qatPrest(o Cooker, 's10.00; Onec Lartge, National PrýessaurieCokr $15.110. Býoth ia A-i Condition. uIJsed .111- a sh'ýort tLimle, Phione 52-r-2, Mrs. Ken (Gamsby. FOR SALE 1948 FARGO 3/4ton truck with high racks. Ideai for fre.Too smaIl for our ýwork. In good econdi- tion. Bargain $2.0 See it at the Margwill Fur, Farm- 1 mile north of Tyrone or Phonle owiyaniville 2i379.1 b-c DEAD FARM STOCK, PLCIÇED UP promnptly. Phone colleet Bowmvranville 2679. Also- we buy live horses. Marg- vvw111 Fur F.arm, TyroAe. DEADSTOCK rermoved from yýour farm promptly for sanitary~ disposal. Telephone Collect: Cobouarg 1266 or Toronto Eyr31-636. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Use the Classified Colun O rono T *ishojp Have Your Furu'ace VACUUMED' an d or at New One Beforïe C3411) WEA ILII Cornes R.E.LGAN *Your insuran.ce costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend Paying 'Policies Quotations on request. Leroy Hainilton Phono: ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE In ai its branches Pire, Biirglary, Hospitalization Automuobile, Life, Accident alla Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock, BoilIr, Wind, Polio. Real Estate 1 No. 2 Highway $3,300. East of Newcastle 2 mtiles, new bungalow, Insul- bric, asphalt shingle roof, 4 good sized roomus .nd pantry, aIl decorate&, Hydre,lo O trees, driveway, goo)d water, 165, well fenced, several apple low taxes. $1.000 cash. MORTGAGE FUNDS I 1 have avaiable fund8 for f firsitîmortgages on im-proved property in clarke Township current interest rates. and Heatiîng CALL U- FOR ESTIMÂTES RARRI E. LYCETT J Phiono B4 r 12 J ORONO ONT. A. F. MecKENZIE, M.LD, PHYSICIAN anid SURGEON office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p-ui.; 64t. 8.08 p.m- Sunýdays and We.daesdaye by appointment emly PHONE 47r1 lW E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON< Mîain Street Souti-l Office ifours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.- Sundays and liolildays by PHONE 74.r 19 oRONo DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINAICY SURGEON 1 ark Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHIONE 94 r 16 ORONO LEGALL Lawrence C. blason, BA Barrister and Solicitor ROWMNANVILLE, OINT. Office 688 Hlome 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer andi Valuator, Speklzein Farmi and Furniture sales Consut me fnr ternno TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Vaýluator ndtsAuï,tion Sales of ail ia and atleaoaer8Étes LIFE lD ,-ISURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Polïcle, Protection and Savings Plana tf« C-'hildren and Adults; Mortgge a- surance Plaîis. F. E. LYCE17 ORONO. Ont. - Phone 20 r 1* The RUT¶¶ER GRANITE COMPANY Dia] 3216 .- P.O. Box M2 Prt Ripe, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerm STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works 1Phonle Whithy1;5~2 318 Dundas st. E.,,whitby FINE (tliALITY MONUMENTS ANP 31ARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dsg- nified monument over the mat iug place of your loved *ne&, It's not expensive. And senà this last tribute wAill gve you clescomfon% Orono ilcEl ctr% ,ic Phone 93 r 1 FAMand HOUSEi APPLIANCE SALES P1romnpt and Guaranteed Repaira t. all makes of Electrical Equipm.mtî liueh apm,-otoîrs, Water, ete Ps M.t. qievea tronu& U!tA . . ....... .. .