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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 5

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- -- ~rL ~ -~ ~-I-- ~veek 0-hM(a, i.Brrbl os r ûiayn ateNort WhitOby. Cuty MiM. Webber, Bomanvile, i. ndMS. oyL. Pwr, spent .isited foraekw ihM.ad isa 'eks vcto îhhis motheýr, §A ANew Type of Insuranice Puoly This policy pays up to $7,500. for e-x- o penses incurred by reason of Poliomiyelitis, f Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Leukaemnia, f Encephalitis or- any type of Meningitis fromi first treatment up to five years. STHE COST IS VERY SIAL Corne in and ge f uli particulrs fi Nel F. Porter INSURANi E AGE T 8 Orono, bntar* Cuard Againsit Pesis This Sumrmer Repe ls osuer MBhck Files, Caatsand Feas. Effectivýe u Wo 6 bours JUSt spray on. A isecond tspray wil fil a l 10room., .Each ... 1A49 Jins'ect Killer spray B crn b A oo eneral purpse Spray Each . SIA$1 9 Math Proofer Spray Each .... $1.35 Coru ish Phone I~'K1 Eddy's -Mr. amli Mr-S.ncFo, n ee Mri. F. L.T blnadBbyo yTr and is, IvisonTamblyn. ELLIOTT-In lvn mnoyof o)ujii mgîlAnntteLouise ,Ellîott tzho dieanted August A13,147. Todafy necaý,ils theMeors 0f desri one gonle to st AUd the ones whbo think (f ber today Are thec ones whio loved hi r best, Sadly t~'piily. miissed by Mother, Dad andi #" UNITED 'IUR1CH Orono Pastoral Reverend ~b '~'John fKitchea1 SUNDA,'Y, AUGUST 16, 1953 ORON-Sericeat il a.m. Pece:Rev. A. W. Lougheed KIRBY-Sunday School at 10.30 No Serv-,ice. Orono United Chuirch-Guest Prea- chrfor Sundays August 2nd, 9th aind I 6th the Bey. A. W. Lougheed, Of Por't HOPe'. No ser-vice for the last 2 Sunidays, les, plkg. for ........25k. Soliurn, SPECLAL, lg. 35('. giant........75e. large PLgI,- ... 3 for ........... 22c. 23e. MaxWe1~~H~e Coffeee, Ib~ bag for Visit our well stUockedc Fruit andVeeal APPLES . .. ARE FEATIURED11i lligh quality Ice Crearn Bricks S0eC. Tr or eas o-a yo11u' agree th,-y are fiops . ....... .... Marketeria Orsvio, uiiAVi Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Wby,.te 'of oronou have purchaised aj bouse at Wýateîdown - and a~re mvn on Monday. Terr Alenson of M\r.'and Mis. Vance Alen hadthe imisforueV break bis zwrm last Thuîsday everning An old time cbi'varee was staged oni Thuîsday night for 4Mr. aId is.r8 Orville Chatterton. c Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham ad Ir.and MVrs. Lawrence B2>eal of Osh-1 awa are tajkii% a motor trip tbîough the Nortbern States. Mijs. Isaac Wiaiter spent iast week: vsitlng relatives taliOshawa .a110 Wlt by. Mfiýss Maîlene Grahamn returned on Sunday trm holidiays ith Mliss Joyi LuooperOsnawa. Mrs. M. Prentice aad son Alan of Montreal sent a few days ith berý sister Mis. Jim Bickaby, Mr.sRickaby und Norim. iss Annia Marie sherwin andj iss scarmon Boyd are holîdaying at Douglas Sherwin is spendiag a couple weeks holidays wvith reLlatives ut WIýinghaaî and Lucknow. I'f. Geo. Wilson was la B3owvnian- vîlle bospital last Friday aigbit after being kaoeked from bis bicycle on Highayp No. 2 at Newcastle by a l'it and rua motorist. _Mr. W\ilson 11-À thr:ee îscracked ýnad iis skullIal Mrs. H. Wýalsh atttended ithe Hiailil fanHý "iiy euil st wek-ed at th hoiIe of Mn. nnd Ms. LEýaî Riseb)or- ou il ,!l Makhmvste it £iead in LeaIdel set ii Hoiaa Mr. a Is. Rb.CaeMs Cbatr ln, 3Mis. Angus asonLes- on yoneSunday guess on r.anad ,,.Amix Watson. 'u WÀ. n sin.,ChacsWood"Miand M in,.E. og asad is. Elliot of St.Joh, ae bolayig t ICe Lek" jr.aa Ms.Alx atonamd Mi nrî~ is. N -lPoter speît Wednles- iandMr. otgannniid M.nd Mis. a umbercof her girl fîends at ai pat'ty on Wednesday ate 'lon ite occasion b&,,ng ber sevenltIlbibîrtbday MIis. P. Rcarsnamd grands9n cf Oshuwa are viting Mi. and Mis0 F'oyd Nicholsoni and family. Mr. and Mis. Glea Wiggn n sýon Gregory of Bramipton ae isit- . ng this week with Mr. and M&rs. M. H. Staples. r.aMM!%oh oretr i? Mi sôn avi spnt lst eekend in bcen Mis, Ewad ea, r.Haold Mrs. Ai'bent West atenfldd the funerna lc he l M, Harry -Austiïn, Tonontto, onMody August lOthl Mirs. Deýan is rem.litýniig wt e sister, Mis. Hanýry Austin, for a few days. Mr. and Mis. Fred Froste, Napanûee i cj lped ing 'i ],e\v weeks witb Mr. .1 A Pterson.-Mr. Fioste is at present acting mngeof Newcastle Bank cf Commuerce. Catherine and Bobby Lynch cf Woodbridge 1bave heen bolidaying with their graadparents, Mn. -andi Mils. W. H. Rosi-e. Mrî.nmd AMis. Harold Hanc"ock and faimily, Belleville visited Mr. aad Mrs. Edgertoa Halicock 'Mi. and DMis. J. E. Collins, Ana and ary Feigus, Ont. visited Mrs. J. J. Mellor and Mn. and Mis. S. B.; Butheifoyd. Mis. Grant, Toronto, is ý-isiing lher sister Mis. W. J. Leamea. MUr. Barlow Sr%, cf Thoîtoni and Mr. Tom aîo f Beardmone visited, Mr. and Mis. H. HI. Bar!lw. Mi-. and Mis. Geo. Arm.stroag aadl family, Timiaiirs lbave been vis'.ting Mi. anid Mis. John Aiinstioag. _Mr. andMis. Chas Walkei and family, Winnipeg, Man. are spending a few' weeks ithMVr. and Mfis. C. V. Cooper, Mi. mm)d Mis. Jack Stapleton and other rltvs M, ndMis. IH. Runnais, Edmon- ton, Altal., Mnv. and Ms F. Bnet Port Hlope, spenit Friday w,ýith Mirs. CL.Powers. Mn.!1;1dMis' J. _M. Morri retuir1neà on lVtonday fromta weeks holiday he le.,vsiedla Quebec City. Port Hlope, who preachied a most, due "BessThis HouLse", wieh was much appreciated. Twvýo beautifýul .": ,eso"I'~ ol wvere plced in, thne churceh by thie famiily- of the laVe 1i.'. A. Reid who passýed atway a year ago, Miss'es olySwain, JanSwain, Fra-nces Moýffat, Beth aily, i(of Toronto, spen 'Moilday Vi thIlMr-s. Donald Stal.-ýes, oni their waýy to thie East Coast. Mi. Andîecw Dunljop, Mr. and Mrs. Geor-ge Dunlop and girlsý, Dorothy and Siriley spent Suinday with the latter-s p ntMi. and Mrs., R. Hlolinigswoîth, Orono it being the oc- casion of tLheir 4Oth wdigAnaiver- saîy. Ail the family and relatives were in attendaace. 2 0111Y Dresses Reg. $18,50 fo ....-y-Dresses, ----e>. $150 2 enly Dresses, Reg. $18.50 for ----- ----$11,-- -- S 0-5 0 5 only Dresses, Reg$1,.50 20 only Dresses, Reg $6.95 to $9.95 for ----------------- .-.- $5.50 ric u rstieà ei For ChI Den isses and adies 2 ony Desss R . $5,0 20resesReg $2.25 for $1.59 for S 2,00 Dres.ses, Reg. $3.25 for $2.35 3 oniy Dresses Reg., $18,50ý 6 Dresses, Reg. $4.50 for $3.2.5 f o r -------------------- ---- --i-- Size 3 - 12 years CHILD'S SUN DRESSES 12 oaly Regý. $1.00 for.-----69e 3 ontly, Reg. $2.35 f'oi -----$1.75 8 oniyý, Reg. $1.95 for ---- $1.45 LADIES -WHITE SHOES AT BARGAIN PRICES WE PR/ces, Sun-Brite inst!a-,r Chcat jar Geins, quarts .... ...... $1.6, pints ........ .....$1.19 Rubber Rings, '2' pkgs.. .1e Royal Instanitpudgs .1e The Swimiming and Water Sft tests, coniducted each year by the Orono Braincb cf the Red Crossý are over. for. another year. M i s. Don Stapleýs and Mr. W. W. Baýgnleli in- structed the childien foi ýeverai weeks and Mis. Phyllis Moody, Osh- ýawa was the qualified Red Cross ex- aminier. The-re wvere 75 enýrolled, many of -wbom were classed as tdpoles and are flot yet eligîble for Red Cross awar-ds. However, there were 8, Beginneis. 120 Juniors, 3 Inter- mediates aad 4 Seniors wbo success- fully passed their tests and a-re Vo be coagratulated on their splendidi effor-ts. Francis Tennant visited f or a week with M\1[. and TMiîs. Bill.Mciiri- son and Suýýan of Ponitypool. Mi-. and Mis. Boy Tennant and family, Mir. and AMis. -Morrison and Susan, Pon>typool, Mis. M. Webber, Bowmianville spent thie week-end at. the old bomestead, PBice Lake, Har-. WOOdI, Ontario. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Middleton visited ovrthe week-end with Mnr. adMis. Steve Nic-holson and daughtei Bôn.. nie cf Cobourg. Mr. and Mis.Ma Rolberts cf ,port Hope were diniier guests of Mr. and Mi-s. I1abln yesteîdaýy (Wedaes- Turabaîl Mi. andMis,(W. u.bul an.Je f Tononto. K 'St N N N N N N N N N. N N N N "'t' N N '-'t -"t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. "t -t N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N "t' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N. 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N -"t N N N N N N 'N N N N N WOMEN TODAV... Thney do most ,fthefamnily buyïig ng, mch oqffaily banking. They find the bank asae handyplace to k.,eep mfoney; they lie to paýy largerbi byv che quee. Going to the bink is often as much a pari oif he shoppil)ng dyas a tnýp to) the local stores. THE BANKS SERVîNG YOUR COMMUNITY Ban'anila s rnp Cooking ApP1,es Home Killed Beef, Veal, Lamnb ani-i Park Fresh Frozen Vegetables, Fish. Juiices, Ohicloens n 1 ýèl" 1 ri - -

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