FHRTj Amei4 M'~~BING MAR4RIED) BVJT DON'T LIKE TUE SAI3E THINGS 1" "'Deanr Anie Hirst,: My fiancee ,says he wi fli 2 x10wyour advice, no matter what .., We have beein engaged for a year, and hope to marry la the LaUl. 1 ara at miy wits' end how to keep hýer happy ai terwa,,rd- "For we o flot enjcyth saine recreations. Sports, th--ethae an d dncn are her pet, indul.. gencenç, These ailbore e stiff. l'lie-e neer Vcul.tiVated an-y-one eof them, An aidà beau of hes as, been taking lier.,Ilik hm,'ad 1 trust thein bath. But ,do youý think thics la fair? "Li every ther way, eare like onie personi.--Belonýg to theý ,ane church, love, concerts and good books, aiad are popular it many friends. We get along swell wi'th each other's familles, to What 1 want te know -ha, w il it be after ~eget mrid "'Don't yau think she hol give Up ihesererainwhc mean nathing ta me? 11.1toe, ihewuever, promise ta do what yOu adylse. coînfus-ed fiance~ COMPftiNfRISES IN ORDER *Comfpromise iÏs the imost e- * during basis et any cOmnp-aniOt- * ship wrhen two peopie like tc, be togethier, whether the,,. are *married or net, I urge you te *weigh thie idea thoughtfully, *chiefly f ir this reasOn:-, ,Suln-Wrap!e est d!resa!Mni mini Irla9a jifIy! Uise miake enewihe- ther wilhaut!- Childen's Si-z, ,2, issue pattlera; cm,- fer. State size. NTY-FIVE CENTS mupa cantbe ac- Print plainly PATTERUN IER ad SIZE; yau-r NM DDRESS. ITING VALUE en e eOpul'ar1,nw desîg'ns to cra- secw, embraider, kait - J rlgbf la the Laurai ,e Nedlecmeftt ae.Plus more patteras t send fan ýs for gifta, bazaer mncye.- s, aes!-iors! Send 25 cents * it l nat Iikely ha tigirl *O yulovep ll urrederith- o ut regrcet thàetherceain *she enjcyS ma.Oc h *novelty et keepîng house wears *off (and believe me, ila a *couple Cf ears that ïla naai *she ii stïilyerate djance, *attend Sports, àand go taC' the ~theatre. As her husband. it à *your place a escort ber, an hil good humeûr. Yiou twea 's till lfni n mutual pleasure la mnusic andraig but 'm *afraid tney alone il fot suf- *fice ta keep her cnetd *Perhaps this ilutato !c * will help yubcth: * Sever-.al er aaafred *ih whnated dancing ana loed- *every kind cf game. They lecvedî *each ather enough to want ta *spend every leire heur ta- *gether. Sa 'befare they marie, *t'hey nnade an agreernment to "pleasa the oher *atieni>,weait tuedanicin'gclse *until he master-ed thie art. She accompeied hlmtac gaîn--s he vr aritea te Watch, and for a *ý w,,hile she taokalang a&aa zinc te rend. Wthi a f ew *mantha s he fcun,-d the contests ~irresistibie; and, as he epan *ed the rules, she ae almost *as enthuisiastic as h.He îneyer *did enjoy Janicinig - but the *point is, he taok hier whvlen she *wanted ta go. *The rcsqult? Thiey neyer hiad 'kPt becaar ules hey cos *10 years, ani s st'îli an isia *tien te thieir frienda. * tlatue thattes w * were. eider tha-n you and your *fiaî'cec. 2But I seýnse ycu bath '~are mare mature than ycur *ages, or yau wôulàid ewer- *ryiag abaut thefuturce, which *she 's la tinkiýng aboîat, tee.Why *shculdn't yau adopt thi idea? *Later o, yeu ay find yeu M cn cnjey a concert or a geod *book alene -at homne,; hl *yeur wlfe gees dancing or te *other places -wlth a grerip et *frie.Thesethinga werk *themisclves o e u i et re *he e mmàgçeemieWt' mk :hu ~ikt open and talk iU * ver. Peoiple who ailluloe ftesn diacover. te) their chagrin, that, they have dish i astea,. Il there la lîove ce.otigh,Othinga emi wiAr(ýk ont, Til-AneHi yonr proiblemas, and kowyen can ltrust her ayrnpathy aitd her judguient. Address hier at Box 1, 123 Elghteenth St,, NwTrne Ont Not HryTua We _knw îwhat has hnppened tahadiratsas rmod"erî meass- produ>ction iadsyril veýr except as hQbbies nnd butels 1c artisticcreativees. But what happeav h rsi h fac A gene r ession sc ins ta be that the radio, phoeagraPh5 have sent the amaturperfoÎnre dowa the sanie road as the home however, la a bnie hiatus durin which peole are ife d ta is,- ten (or wth wtpprýfes- sion1alsrthrthntau"gt l duhe at." Then aesteuret iteget adCi ssa, se it ~ ~ v sebsae-, ae the sighýt cf a pianviruoeonthi Catchy Cçotbh-It Iooaks flke ene f Iishermon rmade a Iucky cth but don't b. fooled, Thai's cirlin Kathy Darlyn gonn h sands with an attractive beach robe of shirnmering fsntmd cf ometallic ithread. television. (perhaps it ij Utte Egbert's and Clarissa's parellts wýho are net a-wed.)ý Anyhcow, mare hopetuis, ycoung and a-id, are tnking plana lessena tadayý than ever betocila histoz.rý At least, se says the Ntilonal Association o! Plane Tupr.erslu, i convention asscmbled. Andý. it credits npot the influience Of one Hiarry,.S. Trumnan, naew free ,taj ciz'culate anlcng bis fellow cid- zens, but teievisi-flcatiy. Are piano tuners theniselves jeinling thie thrang? Appmr'ently not. After yuv been t un)ig 'a haif-dezen planes a day, says ae 1,- themn, you've had -ail the bang. bong-bong yc-u can standý-. Vieknow 1what hie ma The Crs nSci-e e Ïonor. -HRONICLPIS The loag-nawaited amsîei ,Kerea bas tinailly became an9--'ac- complished fact-and I1rnSure wc a 3re ail glv.ing a sîgla cf0!re- lief. The en-agnin, otf-agnin ýne- getiatîons t-hat have pr-evaled during the 1mat fwmanth- fhave been sufficienfly discourggng te make us wenoider whîether theipre would ever bc pence in tkhis warld again. Pee--ce , . , isn'titawnefu word?-a-,nd if there la anyt-,lrialg tired nations need rlght anow, mare- than anything else, i l peace ac e ,.netonly .vtrami war but tramr every kind cfý con- tlict. Peaçe ithin fmle;peace withi in t peacein ari- culture; b DItcs; peace amoa the- wa gementa ofNaue and , aAP Il, pence lac.îr heax ~ ' ce ta ast i Telkeh a agepecehan a far deep ,r mening ithance~ sationcf hoatîlîttes. CanadaiJý, for instance, mray net aow boe act- I'ely engeged fJwaioca attep 1'el_ but as long as there s on ~ ~etweea labour n- mn ,agement; ewe:iotcr and cor îsagr-emIents 'Vihi ilmithiere cen ineyer be pec-ec thti detined as bermnlnous relatiJons among peop --l . wpence of, inin îswhýI1.crave foer naw thngele a it -n d imgi e nany othr pr- ns 1 te anme wy. Bt that k p ce l only psibeif ev J warýye ta acem. Pli t kn r oa j us, t w dr Last ai tw hdanotherdis-. turber ,oft t1cspen-ce -nsharpi thunderatorni,5hn eheard the rein pelting down e hedly k-new whether ta bep-a or aorry. Glad fer the suno-baked" geardens und fielda, or srybe- caýu se of the bmled hay sf-nî aut la the field. W h-adl a bi ield aI ohay baled Jast(,nday nd we expected ta get a lýot of !ît on Saturday but for variaus Yreaisons the help we had exectd dda'Ct show. up so there wmas onfly Part- ner and a nceighbcur te de-al it e)ver-( 700 baies et hay. The boy whe usually drives the tIracer îwaa sick so I volunteered ta ptakke bisý place. Notl cas: wae -' to but because I1 ela' i quîetly by wmcigteran in the fieid ïhoppoing on nnd off th tracter and ha-ndling bales as- wyell The men aiwaya say driv- îng a mode', M. la just lk nv iag a car. Te them maybe if la-but -fat ta mle! The nIoise et the tractor bo-theiýrs e ad arn aliways afraid et doing s?Amething wrang aoriinexpeced th i-ciighti cause an acien.MY teb net ignorance of danger but Y being too ofr e it. Besid--es that 1 don.,'t possesa a paýir et siacka or overafla. !Skirtson sa tracter, especialylaa WULc. are samewhat et a nmeae-anc er- taialy an-,emrberrasamnt! Meybe 1 had better inveat lana air ai J secks--Iunt a cae. Be2tter ta be sefe tan sOrryý. Remember the î t-ime .ciàc- he t an was a acsafe place for, childr2n te speïnd a P.îo0lidmy? Where they could3 evi-nl hclp wit'h the c-horýes or the aîg jus-, se long as theyket awa,y traom beblipe or the horýs' hind teet, or didn't try ikg the bhigh beama a hebea.It isa nsaue placeany Mme. 0hi1- dren have a anfural l>ýv,ove et m- chiinery, boys- and girls ,alike Njothing pic--aSeS teibettex thanl then te ride on the traterwih Daddy - if Dnddy isla I oei enýugh te allow it. Cildîrea are uckta pick up the ecanc ef drivingr but they natWuraliy haen't the toresight twa pprc- date ifspotentietdanger.Ma mot-hers, through Inck etof w lge, ar-e aise sadfly lntckilai this respect. A inoth'r. wbe swould be bomniid iH Johnnyý, climbecte galfetthebull- pen, will ,vatchwifhouf roteat as Johnny lnbs aboarli the- tracteir, or ri-des thie tnu rw ing theý hay-wagoa. Tao rnaniy littie boys are aise la vdte- driv-e f arm mai a-Heca badethe taceraswell as hiïs Dad" la a phrase one heurasal tee alten. One father, juat e- cently, han te m -ea tnJpt(e town and came beome to iis high-powered tractar ,îp -aïnd dw lhc back aces, wjtýh tweï , ineighbur-chiidren, four and tivç- yeam-s aid, riding % wi'-ýth iaim. Ioù sharp naturn aI the we and one b ates tat hjîak whnt mîlgbt- bave happcned toe aIl three cu Theme ls ni1mw te rvrî en people driving c-ars on lac rad, but there la ne ýla,w te n-jprevenrt a child tq rSman aig rce on the tan. That laens rl up týa the parents.,Ri a heres- keep yeung cblldmen away tramnp tractera and ether ehaie faten i achîmae. Accidents cean happern se0easily vand a vyoung lite sînuttfed ouf, t a lirttie bo-dy cnpldf9r i. te. t bcause sameene faldt preit h danger. girl has atayèd btma t was ber hein and there ila etin e the imavies yen hnveniaqtsen,»y don't yen sit home aad figuref- eut hew imeny dîffercat bridgeý hahds ceýn bc eat ta four play,- enrs, If yoA U'dk. te, work it ojut by jurseif dont read MhetE. V. Shepa2d in Auction Bridge xnaga-, zine Says that ~5035960dt fe-rent bande may be eai A 1f the clot'h is washa_-blc soak (the spot inlam Oniaoraà coh!ol, then launder Îit1.Ono- washale~,appiAy a t1iclkpat of lýaunitdry starch. Let dry thor- ouhl y beýfore rsin h paste off.- A few re.peat,,; nayl be necessary before,, the stain la gon. Q. hat is5 the best way ta waha clothesfine that's dirty? A. Coi] it aroulid a washboard or a piece of wood about that size. Stand it in a tub of hot scapy mwaterland scriub t) horough-_ !ywith a. brush. To avoid twist- in à-or tanglJng, let it dryright on the boarld, and put it up aginxheii it's icompleteiy cdry,, Q.low can 1tde a itlghi-Paek 'age for mailing? A. Before\ uising ,tthe sýtrîng, Quick! ewTwo! L4ss than n a aI îewing te- whip up 2 smart 'halters that tep ail yeum shorts, akirta, siLac.ks! For fiattery, take therci an your vagcatioen-for coineas, weer tbemi 'rauad the bouse. You'il love bath stylecs in this a vlue-wiae pattern! Pattera .4641: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: Top halter, size,16 tekes 1,1,qy-ards 35-inch fabnie. Other ver)sioýn: 1%*,, yards 35-inch. This petterni easy ta uesimi- ple ta asew, la tested 1cr fit, Ras compiLete ýillustreted Instructians, Send THiR.TY-FIVE C ÇENTS (35ý,) laInceins (stam~paanatbe eccepted) f'or thias pattera. Pint piliniy SIZE, NAME, ADES STYLE NUMBER. Send erderIta Boýx 15 123 fEigb- teeath St., NwTrrtOt moisen t, hen t dies itwill shrîk an tîgtenup the kca Q. Hw cn Iremove eg and' cat hai r, rm nhltr aâo A, Stroke heiuriace lightly with a da ppiece o adae, or adamparu. rbber sponge. leatheýr vshoas tat have been nout o)f Sýr-viee for a tlng timIe, ox dr3ied aîter a thorouagh wtetting,? A. Rub- thé surface cf' thet leather wîth hait a raw patate bef are the shoes are polishect It'Il1 help them to take' a 'good glass. Q.What ceqn I do ta stiffen a limp Veil A. Pu IT btwetapieces of waxed papr nd ruair a mader- ativ arîm iran aver it, Or, dip it in beecr, shake -it vigorausly, aýnd ýaY ïit on aàatowel ta dry. Q. Hosw can I repair a shoelace wheiýn the metal tip has corne off? A Dip the end of the lace into some calorlesa nail paiish, give itatitand let it dry. I lendi upstiff enough ta poke throughi- the:' ti als Q. ow 1 take the exc-.es eerciyont of a taffeta dresa? A. Hanginlath~ebathrooxny whii you tk a hot shawer. Let t dy cop~eelybefore yenk hadeiDgini. This wil de,- creas thetaffta'sabilýity t agaiýnst a ilk or raya0n slip. Q.How ea1Ireniloveaglu A. Por af9ew drpsatgly - cerie arundth-e top cf the stuk soppr. t my take a few mintes horsor cdays ta Saak thrugh deendng pon haw badIy tuck te Stopper is, but evenitaily i illenable yau t4e withraw he toppr wth ease. 0Q.15,w eau ij add luster té linoeumwitoutwaxing it?, A. Add' a littie, saur miik te theriewae when yau wash it. "I fnd tlevîion eryeucat- ing, verytimesa:mebady turnu it on, go tathe atheIr rocom FARMEARS' FRiENDSHIP BU$ TRAivEI. mo realt uL ake ietIde 697 BAIY ST.,, TORONTO 2 Keep Moving, Miss-Joan AndoraQe, 17, shu he h.couki beat the heat in a park as ertrs scared loto th 0e 90%s. Spottinq 4r lylnig on, the grass near a "no prknasigia wows apeckal policemnan olan*d Ryiun.j who told her eï ~ o.