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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 8

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Mrsw Len manvillE, MrIs. Jol Usher 0 Iiexýb M( er returni the dayo ~tonis o Ur (nwee. ist. s. Jol Jerb Merc Parade ii when tho Royal B] ded throi onderryi iorsWHi vere Mr. inddaught( Wmi. Ha *and AMn Gairy and Denniis of- Healey Falis. P'Bid aenot s roddas A udvvisitors "wýere Mr. annd Mrs an le r 17--r d ROBERT AUDREY THELNIA WAGNER - DALTON - RITTER <13 o 1- -~o,~oç JR L L llallQwelilid Jim a nd Mr. anid ' uwr V'Ui-l. on r u 1I ece from other stations is almottsto MsAIf flobson. Mr-. B. Alexander ni' t is of interest to -note that tele- ~ Bukierandand Mrs. Fred Falls called on Mo- vso ls prte nVF.A ydaty and MUiss Marilyn Falls visited snas oeas01VIFAsurr luiPlrtSund4y t y on Tuesdayýý tower sets wvorkç principally onH a w F er fTonovs- Mr. and Mrs. AI. Stevens, JimmI)Iyl h b ercr as wekan Bla vsitd eltieslaToon atenna, wich resemibles a TV ner-y ed~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I lihW t~ uigteweed n aebc ai eiino. factor in estabish-ý e sday. by way toi ii te nîc1iii- ac ! Allergitabs ------- ------ ------ bottle _..-.. $1.001 b\ ,a-ofLindsay \when th1ey vîsi- ing- good communication. In order Rxi itaRxCpuls-- oti f2 Mr a r. ted wvith Mr.. and _Mrs. S. Eni"c(ottl est'ablishi satisfactory operatin - - 4, ý tallation froml the Chiipf Rne rstsPyre'thin Comnpoind Tablets, bottle 1;5 c 1uanta erce> ar-te-cs a t Mde t l-fon he~~I aria fa vroeejydago îea taqatr niwsfud KitnTbes- --------------- --- 59c. and $1.2.5 )1'"1>'hHopicle1- put on by theBsealIeesaytercnduoamim rouh lopialTem ommtta u heOrng Hll 1 tower one hundred and ten feet in Rexali Nose and Throat relief with Ephçdrine n atn o n F ida igteeaisth. The, R th l1 height. This height nmakes it poss- large i --- - --- ----- ----- ----65 c, ~er ttededtheson Orjchestra of Blackstock were theibetcotctwrsafrawy TmeonsRmhCpul - 5.ad$.3 nl Peterboroughi muisicians and Lloyd ýClysdal'e of' fromi Minden as Brýuton innd Mdw-9 usns of memi- 1Newtonville was the cafller off. Ap- -ska Laike. This tower was designed PRIVINE Nose Drops ----------------------- 9c Lck Knighits ofC proximiately $10>6 -,as realized. b anengineerinjg rirm at Malton KLEENEX TISSUES, box-20c. 2 for 39c. u_____ and is the first towver of this par- ughy o the ret This tower is formied by three tubes in~x of te r RADIOCOMNATN This tower is fomed by three tubes SPCA . 168. aoner an done-haif inches in diamieter, Jim Stark> son (Continued frorn page 1) wle together at fourteen inch in- F Ir. Wmii.ilallo- away. The reason VHIF is used is tervals, miaking' the towei- trianglar j ' _er Linda S(apfle- that the-se frequenicies are free fyrn! in shape ýwith ten inch sides. 'It was -lowell . f New- s;tatic during an electr-icil storm-. An-1 eected as a complete unit consisting -Y ere ls AUA O .HnodLittiie other important factor is the fact thef of- eleven teni foot sections b o MABATBOab togethier. A Structurai Engineer from MXD ECA R.SOOB Malton was in charg1e of erectîng- the 36eDCEEA D.fo'otblii tower, which took two days to comi- Large pkg, reg-ular 48e. for --- Complete pIete. It was raiised by means of Smlsireua25.nt 1e ZAM BIJK 0 OLbokadtackle and npwrwic.* LAP.C. F001 luiockpandrOATMEAL - RZICE - BARLEY DR. SCHOLI L'ines wer-e attachecd at the onie hun- sfta -e--- Small size, regular 25c.' Only 19C.sfta - OrenoBasebal ClubAget foijacknaflFlowers TyrI' * [ .. ~(Chares * - ~ 9e -dred, sîxty- and thirty foot lvl to Defence Force op 13 e pr-event bluckling anid\Vas raised atAF.t saoo abutaot at a timie. The total <m used ini F IInnAfI veigh-t of the tower is sihndredi the wrd iYIf~UW~ - ad ixy oundsjý. it is lheicd in pos- portaible vradi IftITWIffl ~ 3MIIIf Vevery twý,enty feet, up) to the hiun- icisud JUlIfILII * I1 ,, w-? 'i * dred foot level. The .anterhna is bol- rai s etu a JOIAN TWYIO ted at- the top of the one hundred and'raio s stnd ten foot esection. figlie',eup _______________________________________The sxyfoot 1lvel of thle toweri5 TIJEDAY- A GUS 17- 1 ~ sed to attachi one end of the hoF- ï TU SDAY AUCU T 17 18 9_nýeonta one hundrýed foot anteina, * wichisused f'or the Model 3 lih SkirsL , ~ requilcyset. This set is used for sizsi1 ric n sMne &thle Lindsay, Nightgowl District communication cnr, hs coflors,s Plsethade ail traffic betweenl Lind-l say and the llend 0f in, Toro. Sweatrs î .!e FL."Hac adtogether with fuil repoor fan rre eaoe I eg contol satin]in thie Provic\ tI o ag -Maple eah ornag were it je re- 'J Iyedby tletpe:lecty totheDe-i Fparltment of Ulnds and Foreet ilthe pO We have- oThere are over one hundne1rd sta- bers to AY- IURD Y UG SI1 -2 ~-tions in this ne(twoýr-k extenidinig from-l Milnaki anld IRed Lake !lathe Kenona PddeP OOKIG FR LVE N TE SADOW! Dstrct o Te idi the South Ens- futr,, part of the Prliov-ince. A était-y1 Pullover-s B UYIN G DREAMS WITH CASUAL KISSES! eteroecst is lecei¶'ed by ea ch olar k' Dstit hihgiesafil relport oný o r jl >-- enthie, end tomperaturs o te Pullovers, 7 folowig twî~t-fou ho.rs,14. Reg AilRado Satons lhe Provnc ar0 i'pdto c,)ommunicite wth Overalîs, > 4p4tmntaicrftIwich operate Reg"ula. * 0on a specÀil frequency. Thease S ta - tios inai astnd u taitie Tee Shirt1 hie iîerat re i la ir anil are slee-ves, tions, weather rýeports ;and any tv ioraonthat is rqie.As "aIr- cra-ft ~r used as ia enas of fine ide-G MtectionEtLe-lare able to îreport dir- MDY GREEN4E < urescnea by mleas of ra- 13 dio The Lands and Forests Comimuai- * 4 (Aduit Enitouaamn>o ations syste aInso used ila clvi- AND 13 han emergen)cy and .,at the present " '~ iins n C uso lan " ~-~ ime is playing .a part la the Air 1 ~ 39c. Conig oo Agut 425-2-7Sardines, là Welchs(G Pablum,r s e e- *~~~'ORO )NO 5c.TO $1.00 STORE TUh. PLLAR SHO!~'W ;(.C"NTRE r j UE~ 4r ufirr of lttitra sh ould p rompt you to cal!iiupon us fin time of sorrow. We stress simple beautifulservices, that- prove consoling to the bereaved, IRARTLEY R. BARLOW' - FTJNE RA HUME STUDENTS SEOUR -NE'W STOCK 0F 3RINGýC Loose Leaf BHinders 'No.i)1 - 3 ring meýdiuie complIete -with set of I index tabs and lined refi. ýNLY ----$2.9 No., 2 - 3 large size rings, waterp)rooýf plastic lii two tone shades, two handy povkets, comib case, indntiicaionpccket, index tabs andr lined re- fi11 -- An ex,ýtra Special Vale---------$4.I39 N.3 - Sali-e equipmlent as binder No. 2 but mnade ai genuine leather. ONLY ...$.9 ot Cm f ort Sup"plies N LINIMVENT - cooling and soothing, --.----- 89c, and $-9 RN SALVE---------.... ...-------jar...........--- ,LES 3 NECESSITIES - foot soap, foot powder, and nu . . .exeLent for tired tender and prespirintg feet. te kit for ------------- ---------------------------- ----------- $ 2 0INTMENT ----,----------------- ----------------- -e TPOWVDER, cooling and soothing Ig-e tin---------5c. ,LEý MIEDICATED INSOLES, made of foamed rubber apillow, ladies and men's, aL sizes pair fo----65c. ~ flurn tore PIIONE 6S s IUb y tâ%e ORZONO, ONT. B. Tyrreil. PhmB) )perated by the R.C, be requisitioned at a mo ents-ntce& -ne of the largest sy- During the Digby T1owniship r in Forestry anywhere in this district last Sprinig, this type of01 radio played a ver- motn 1part oper-ating, fromn a base at Mini- Ett also uses a aal er's Bay. Aircraft were gi-ven iand- (Trans-Receiver) igintuios supplies and eqtuip,» on large fires. This!1ment wvere ordered from, the Chïet at abasecampne1 Toronrto Head Office was kept in- Ispleextra fire forned as to the condition of the ýnt and nircraft can1 fire and suppression prog-ress. idies' fil circle, Pr-intedl, assorted colors Sto 16. Each ........... $2.98 vns, Ladies' rayon, assorted styles and sizes medim or larlge. Eaceh....$198 Ladies' Batwin-g-, ail wo1 colors black ey adtuqos sizes small, miedium i. Ech..................$298 put on Sale a numboer of discontinued numi- ç lear at attractive prices. ushers, sizes 10 to 16, reg. $2.95 for $I2.49 Children's rayon Tee Shlirts, shiort sleeves V-necký, sizes 2 to 6 yrs. Reg. 69e. for 49e, ,Misses Rayon, Sport Shirts, sizes ~8 to g-u1ar 98e. ýfor,..... ...... 7c Boi's WhIitl-e Back Derini, sizes 26 to 34, r $2.98 now selling for the low price$19 ts, BQ-,yl'sý Rayon, t, roundI neck, short ;knittLed type -waist band, Reg, 79C for 59c erocery EFeatures -ibby's Pork and BasSoz, tins, 3 for........ 25e. Peais, Stokely's lloney Pod, 10 oz.. tins, 2 for ,.. . . 2c ~&ŽCampbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 reg- ular tin S......... 5e, ýBruns-wick, 3 for......... 25. irape Juice, 16 oz. bottles. .... 2e mnixed cereal, 16 oz. boxes ......4e Traps............. ... 3. '4H Phone 18 r 2 - 1 Phone 1.8 r mi

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