adprocessors, ai-id ont tihing :r another, the farmer xwhose in- carne liargely ,depenis on ilkii pýroduiction b Ias a fairly raugh 1Mfe Sa ehp there might be t he germ (f on ida in what -he're doin--g aven inMinnesota. sWri pt in the Farmn Journal (IPhilade- plia) Ray Anderson hms th folowing ta Say; Peaple have been buying chew- ing gum, cokes, igarettes, and candy ai -oi-n vending machines for yeaur Now lt'smik .About a year and a hall' ago, Lançi ' Lakes Ceaere, ihe big ndesenca-aperativ'eput a t ew Wik vending m~achines up in the sbrs of Mineapolis and Si. Pauî, Mian, 'IX'ese ae' the kind of ma- Pires that pour out a paper cup ai mnilk fan you ta dlrink right an the spot. These machines give you a haitgallon paper pack- nice and cald-1 and ready ta take hom-e an pop into the refrîger- ator Dfo folký lik-e this way of seli- ing m,-ilk? 'Th-ey sure da! Taday Land ' Lakes bas arouhd 39 of these miachines ln operation, and they seli 21% ai al the milk thaýt Land O' Lakes distnibutdes, Land 0' Lakes alsa deJivýers ta homies, seils ilirougli ators, joblibers, tInd creamieries, The vending nmachines Se, 2,500) sel.the n].kfor 2 cents a quart cheýaper tIan iy othet' mie(thad. Méost a these velding ahie are lIocaýtId9ai gas flling statioins, and Lanîrd ' Lakes givesLý tht- <opeators ;j ect iii omissîcon per 'quart. ~Vbn Ms.Aindersaný and i bougbt rik tram onceof0-.- iieat Mîmtneapolis lat srnwe gai a' haitf-gallon Pack for '12' vents, '.' anîig4ty handy wyto Loved His Voice So MarriedHm aid WtIàIl- teclieX lato marny an Arab lawytr wftq ins wooed lier ýLwith gram-fophanl, ecrs She hasnî, rtei hlm -'l persan ye, bubýii s îvolcetwas ýo per- suasive thiat tlhis Junie she io tht- firsi step f6 becomring ,a I\os- lè,At Wio-king Masque sl-e re- peida deelaration a aoef ac ta li-er pew f--aith. Amnd ow ýshr- la a rael2,000 mniles for thtc Petrl as firsi tteidb ber fianceés pliotognapi, butitU was thet record lie sent tat made up lhirmdcampletely, "I kewý lie-,was the an l ntfor n"shie Non la Pâtia'tht fir-SL era ta feu laiilove wvith a valcet, At anInvernes -Cýinemnacse conft 'ssed C'ra, bis voice was tht fir~ thag he naýtieed about hlbm Dneya-id saathing, hcas a-D l veher.Nosauri- i ngc, perbaps, for Edwin 1s a hyp- thteont irl ne can't p teiaa Lokado'iaper acate if ht ale la eam, Twa ye 'ut yunuek.polka «Coi0 sUMnuct dear, why dOn'i you peýt, ni that r buy mIlk, and juc"iing b th wpy it býas cauîght on, l'il bet th-îai[ we seept»oreo fil BeË,ore the inroucio a chemcal ertlizes, arinna niures, guanos, fisb, mea'Ldriedý blood, composts and rlsewàage sldewere Lused gcenrallyuas planajt foods. Wîhen factoryv-made fertilizers appe-tred on the f armr scenie, the-y vwere dubbed ~sn thetic' or "chemical saît -s, Even thougli they weI, dearived 1 tý r atural inaterials,, tIey -were fi-,st, readdby farneyis wt ss picia, prejudice ati èiven co-ýî te m pt Althougb much of this peu diece has died out, some stili. exists a.nd there are farmlerswh haeneyer used ch'emical fnl izer--s despite their proven value ta agriculIture. Wh1eat yle'ds have been more fthan dOubled. Ferfl- ïzed corn crops hâve ptodnced. tremiendous yields. Oaa f houeisqnd bushels of potatoes per acre fro fertilized !and have be recorded whule 500 and 600 bush- els are quite commion. At presente prices of potatoes ht has been eiaedthat for every ola invepsted in chemnical ferilizer-, a net r'eturn Of $15 is rjealiz.ed, Wb'en farni picices, are hig!i, mositanàrners who operatthi farm on a bu)tsiness1likcebasis havei nalhesitancy in ferti1izing their Sacres according Jo recommenda- tions. HIowever, when prices de- cline, there is a tendency ta cut tixed casÈs. Jiistoniçally, xpn dtrson fertilizers decline wt the decline in f arm prîces. Acrigta ecoInornîsis, ti is anl extremely illagiCal practice. The basis of good business is that when ' ,unit selling prices are dnunit Ce0 S ts-of produc- tion n-ust be k ep ti d By r e du cinrig fertilizei p plications andcnuty, re-; duclng yields, the farm-er pushej up bhis unit coat of production., 'L- Lthie face of decli'ning ancl tural prices, the individual far- er should not, let rising unit po duction icosta b.urry hin iore ago twa yaung rnrianslyn- île ToeyadSamluel Janie- son, met for tht finstnt... .tý mas ai their wedding ini tNew Yon.1Tougli terrespectiv"e homes were in Indiana and Tex- astuis was no Cold "maniauge by arneen, u aitero- Ho ta hey gait koec aihle? Bath wi'ere raýdia mter and ba-wd cairried on 'Libeir cduý-ri- slip aven thte short vwaves. Aaloe lng-distanee oac was rn-ioucd wen PrinceTai Atiz ai Saudi Ambla n ecntly-j fie ïG4000 iles ta Sardinia ta ouet23-year-old airiaMars Thone, aaid bden exeanp~ng Anser ht elephone in at man nî ail y ,our liUe Ee gnetedplesaalyfor ih mvay tunn oui to a ie tt ipht ont, A swîehbaad mitake nove andwie iegatilhtsam-!e wroag" Tht scondtinct le heard lien Tak a ipgirs.A book ai etiquete wntten n 183, con mente b"t ari th eatesi dams aiiwaman is Asee say ar bathtreenoly 'Uin-g ortnti yoatt a make a ere's sont advîc for men arltylis inbrc)is viceg qit die e a homan a Aratrdane surenes; a aspysu ey, s whipey ale uualy elng Egginrg Him On-Little Pot Frajnk seemsa right at home I'n ý)of the giant eggs displaye-d recently at the Fair. Pat's brother, Rikky, 1,olds the upper haif of the eg shell. 'i fi your faiily doosf't enjoy Soak cauliflow~er, ihead down.i- eýabhage by itself why flot try 'aot0 iueinlt1wtr combinling it with celery wýhenx Steamr in sm-all amnounit of wavtexc _making it into a scalloped dish? in tightly covered saucepa~n until This miodifies the cabbage faste. just tender, about 20-30 rnirut,s 3CALLOI"EI> ABBAGEcx (or you may break into fIower-_ AND CELERY ets and cook, more quickly), 3table3poons butter Blend saur cream and mî tr 1 cup sliced celery and heat in top of dou~ble boier ,3 cups oreycopdc over hot water. Pour over cui bage flower just before serving. Sprin- 3cup water kie lightly witlx paprika. Serv"es iCul) hot whIite sauce *2-4. 44 cp fine dry brexd crumba * * Meit butter ini saucepan; add Mock Hollandaise sauce adds celery, cover and cook over low ta the Laste of either broccoli or heat 10 minutes. Add cabbage cauliflower and is very e-asy tc ai-d the 14 up wAater; cover and maendsr. cook over Iow heat 10 mnuesMOCK 'HOLLANDAISE Fk'i, ilonger. Turn into 1-quart BROCCOLI greasaed bakigish. Pour hot 1 package crenn cfte Sý white sauce over vegetables. Mix ounce)> genfly with spoon to blend, egg yoiks Spriniçie bread Icrumii-bs over top.1 2 tabl)espoons lemon ýýjv*kgee Bake at 3500F. untîl ïmixture is Dash sait bubbly and crurinbs browun, about Soffen. cream c &ee ,iad add 20-30 mninutes. Serves 6, egg yolks, one ad a timne, bleind- * * *ing thorcughIy after each adtli- flere is a sWceef-sour cabbage . tioml Add leinon iluice and saIt, dishl witht apples that will appeal Place over hot water Just until ta f auis antinig somnethinjg sauce is heated fthrougb. Searve2 new o hi etbe over liot, cooked broccoli. SWEETSOIJRCABBAE Ic eimszeha e r Perhaps you'd. like t try~ ep wvhîte eabbge, shredded zI frying yoc'tr Erussels aprotsfô 2 fb iieso butter (or mar a nwand different dinrwg giletable. Here is a specýil wayIý, of 2 tbèposehopped onn iin hem.-1 1 npcidred iappie, slled BTEADED BRUS-,EtLs thin SPUO ITS i tespo-on si usBrus-sels SproGuis tableposh twîriegg, 1beater- Y,4 cUP 'Chopr eh013, ¾cuip dry. bre'ad 4crumbsl; i1abeponvineg-ar 1I,4 cup grate cee Wa"ýsh and dtrainrededCab- Fat for fryimg bag-e. Met butter or marg-arine Dip the washecIad drine in nucpanove lwhet Add Brusseis sprouts into theban otiion and cook 2 minutes, Add egg and raUj in bread crumfbs, cahg;cover saucepa and Fry in deep-, botfa 0F. cont1inuLe cooking Vý1 ovrtwiia ntî brD-wýn. S p r nl wifl 10 iniutes, sftrring ocsoaî. chccse. Serves 8 Add~ appjie slices, sait dwae and conitinue coolcing 15-20 m-in- M a ahngxwih Vo' utes; or Li.itil cabbage andI- ap- crease, trou,,sers, ský!rls, and slacks, pies re tnder 1~eove rom rm a coat hanger ard a card- liand stir inswet erkins badtuetelen-gth of hangter. and vinegýar.Ser've iîn o. iha ra o pifr, ,ct he ue'e -.hngeU2 r inthe cente,, and bend * * * each end in a haIf "S." ld Ca&!utfowe r servç i ar dhangar ends inta tub!-e ends1 peal to members of your fam-ily who likýe a nwtaste,. in vgt abe.Thi3 is tht wy' Yta 7it 1 smalI ha ~lfoe i n sit 2curé sour reCI mare tia--miembers aofiiîrcon- gregatiaxîis uver fencea bath ia- ferl ai and spiritia1. There wr few enpty pews On the Sna t ollowing a local mieet if Che par- son had managed ta stay wvith the hountds, and farmers ve with t hearsoac in grooin the -reverend getntleman's noua. But not Man.'y clergym-ren cauid afford fa awn raceehorses, sa he a filly called Apology turne-1ou ta be the best of her year (1874), a Recior in a Yorkshire parish., Doctor White, enjoyed the double triumph af packed pews. iafilly was not anly sweepinig every- thîng bei are ber, but bis cn gregation was backing tihehanse ,every firne she3 ra'n, after tnl references taebeîr chances from. the pulIpit. Alas, lteL par-soi\ adîvised hisý flock that Apologly was lamei be- fore the Doncaster meeting and everyonie thaught she would be scratched. Insiead, sýhe ran andi won gallantly, There wvas a hubu- butb fron the pews on tht Sunii- day. Several menbers af tht con- gregationN ijnterrupted the ser- mion, but tLhe parsan was it undism-ayed. "I imake 1na 'polo- g*ces;for Applogy!" ha thunde(lred. LTe '~rdmaethe lame ta walk and-ub 1ye0a i lttitih --He car, iiiake a lainýe horst gallop. RIS OWN F'AULT Godes Design fo)r a Bý Isaiah 42:. 5-9; Mar. John 3' 16-17; Rtveîai = ]'IOOL Warren A BE'1'TER etier World 'k 1: 14-15; Lion 21: i-L Mlemory Slcin eod b tabernacle e odi wt«mn andlihe will dwell wjih ten>aniý they shall be bis people, An-d G4# bin-seif shalh be -with tWhem, aeeY be their God. -RevelatiQn 1;"3 When Gad liad corï-pletýed _Hlmý work ai creatiani e saw vevery- fhing that be hbad madle, andbe liold, it was very good. (Qeneski's Jc31. utar firsi parents ds obeyed the cdmmawndrnenit af God and the picturews an- 2d3. Sin passed upon ail mn Even île gnounid ,was cursed týhat, it should bning forth týhorn-s and ihisiles. But even jin).thaf ou ai darkness there appeared ak shafi ai lighit. God promised EVC iiat ber seed ud bruise the serpenis head. IanduetUrne Jesus was barn ai a virgin. Hetmtaught men by precep i-nd examrple- how fa live. Those' he inied ta lielp crucitieci hini. Bu'tis s notý defeat as îIsemd.By HMs deafth Ht1. opened ta) us tht-ay ai itie, -eternal lÂfe. Ha becamïie dtht great MaTWeiator be ,e Gad ami man. Ha, further de-noasiraýted lus victory by canquering death itstîf. Afier torty da,,-,,, e as- cedcý taheaven fram whence aisa Ht wHii etun. As the teacl- ings ai Jesus Christ have 1been spread thrauglout 5h iwnld and tht pawver emanating froin i s exndâslite lias transformed Ml soulaoai mn, tht world lias nc îpvd.UnIfontunateiy, naf ail ,wli hear t1ht Good News are willlng ta heed il. lience tht world la far iran wbaf.t h souid be, But God la nat deleated va Hiz; iesign for a beLter vworld, "le Shall noi fail nar -be dis- couraged, tilie Htas set judg- mnent intht eartb: and thtelaie shall walt for His law." (Isaiabî 42:4), John sa'aw aCInew be-aven andt a new earth. Gad's final dwec-llig placefan bis people will know nc Sia oir sorraw. liow imr-portanY't then to !ive ia His wiII nowv, We can do zbis if we accepi H-is Sax- vation so fÉeely oftered au, tbraugh Ilis Son Jesus Chrï,i Dr. J. R. Sizoo says, ihaf aiwaye and everywhert tht Bible ra orda an plainly implita ihat shand.. awa and dan-katas and storns do- not, lasi. "Danlitness never speak-4 the lasi word,- _Tht Bôok ap- proacheas conclusion wUh t-îhq vicanilushabot, 'Tbene shah hoý>c nw nighithee. s N N 'N s s s 'N N N -'3 s N s ~1 N N N N s s N s N N N