e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r d-yfnnilassac rmt. a vnn atite sehool room, Wel Uni ~l. Is undstadaleth vlgtofwhchws "oa ahe tAreî iams, paying herry taxes, Jany.Sisg b t oehs tie Siaïul wander where, Mm" noeys iix iy o0!hiNe'rns dyo og.Undeneamp tis er aii eî "alam \cy ,c ej0e. roe ~h t ay in th ln r a ee ~ sh wngth se p"tuey h teMn ein r upe This is a ous l ~o +' i e en to a s fo r ofu s il Meeme s f hA véowe pr nattersteh iis- toyu ep c f M Inhemcounty. !A. Bret wsth FVaiisC ,vers Theë-Mez DONlD 'CONORYVETTE li UGAY MONDY -Y--CTOBERi5- 6 JUNE fHAVER DAN AILEY WEDINESDAY - THIU RpAY -- OCT, BER 7 - 8 RONALD REAGAN RHIONDA FLEMING Three seer PAU CAANAGHJOHYN HUBRiARD j' lji L ~~~1~ oýr the smnall dl at hiaif price Sever A X- ,ton t spunsorecl by the north e Keodnl Women's Assoc- be hed in the Keu~a~ ~bl roo~n on Octuber 16 h - presidents of th~ A~ e past twenty years wilI i e wishing ticke5s, pieuse I north gsoup. drs. H. Hallam and Miss f Toron'o were visitors r.adMrs. F'. Stoker on Sun- Mr1. Eari1 l SmIl of Iurbank, Cali- $ in ,pcursinte Sunday SchÎool 24_A*Sf room on sun vuogwheaj( tue u realosoe in ituIres of Ni 72 DAY ý gara ilstken firom mnyanle. O"HI beuîu bos, someof which xve4 AYý U pen sive. hure were som,ýe gojod picu tures of Sat(ISt.,Jae and ,lOfïthe' in;terest und amuîsemenjt. Mr.. S mithà td sm nuigstonies asthe picture were ldon Ithe sceen nnid mrentioned muany places of int eeii to ,,ee whien taeigt hrogh the Uit,e d Statesi. One reeFtlzed the amounit of tinie, ef0fort n eei which must have bLet en epended iln taigthese pctiebut we havo no L _ do'ubt thait Mr. Sm-ith njoye eer S AR1 mlin ute of til s also would bis ,vife, MranMs.GDuaibdaml whom we ke-beoelier M meadrriagL :d adoL-ml ais Mabel Thopsn.To pîctures o, and M liss J. Camipbell visited Mrs. five past peidnsof the Uniited IlovrGrimsby oa Sunday. Stats ciseledin ranie o th Threilbe a special Annlversary Dakta hciisc-leiwainveranitesn e "ein tLeskard Churcli. Every-ý ndstoodL ouit infinle relief. 'Mr . ýibdy eome. fý! 'r Ni DY. Bell voiced the appredai;on of WeaegatohathtM N- thos " i 9o'he ery1 eaantmanirsowis hme from ilhospitail. and enjtnn eeih hchM %îewsh lm a .ispeedy recovry Smnith had poied r ndMs an Duvaîl visitedI ÉÏ en CleJwl Wd Plactric ,RangrseS495 Sto vej aind Heaters Redueed t' Clear. Sale the ult EffeciŽ plus a torDi' Le e rle IDs e i einuioR1er tre~tIjrnt b inge pro u r Fuittwoq WAT ER- LmTei imý,e ONLY! DNUT"'S UAR a ,ýptY OR' '-I hA $435 I 96 DAYS' StJPPLY I er, sister at Bri on Sun-dayv. Mr. and Mrs. E Camiýïn ad fam ily -with Mr. aindMr.E Green, Well folks you hear that fii Cï around fine. Rlis h1j his, brgejust twinîkle, in his e Farmers please nuo Dytint linen Pillow- pink, 'r' y'-' TITE ONLY TELEVISION ON THE MARKET WICI GIVES YOU A FULL YEAR GUAR- ANTEE ON, ALL PARTS AND TUBES INCLUTDING PICTURE TU-BE AT -NO EXTRA COST Buy Addison 1- Be Satisfied be pleased to 'o' isgetn 3Just as cry roa0,d and th e saucy as Qrer. fiat ini spd e of Removýes dagrmmake-iqp with etaefficiency and scrupulious care in meýre seconds! The large 8 oz. jar, regular -----$2.50 SPECTAL ., ONLY $1350 TrefS Drr g Store tecast on ibis egJim is back wr- igin ithe shoip.. 0f tne 39,111 Canadian conipanies lib~to corporation tax in 1950, mure than 1,0 operat(ed at a bais. ing1o tiniting sil,,- wool, cotton or ange of colors to choose. 2 p'kg-s. 25c. assanforized dlenim and liinlg, 2 side pockets, sidle bos size for ............$3 8 ns, sfoieIniganddem P rfor . .. ... .. .. lewasle>t'-I, absorbs per.spfiration ,1ie for iredaching feet, ail siZes ... . . . . 59c. j beCrChe C otton,1 himeor ecru, adskeins 39c. ColIQred sI. ;ze 301 1 is for. ..... ... 39c. ?uisDaffodils andCrc. sta4-nped, lace edgeot-, sca.Ilopedi, colors reen, gold and nirauve. P ,rfor-$1.96 I roeryFea res Special -j Rose Margarineï1 lb. cartons 29C. Orono Ci eami-ery Butter, 1 f' ..61C. Aylmier weet Corn, creaff style, 2 tins....27e, Special Shrýedded W -lat, 2 pkgs .......... 33c. Heinz Fi"esh Swieet Cfcumber Pickles, 16 oz, 29e. McLare dý1s Nut Cru contains c.ashiews, walnuts and fil berts, 1i p nd jars for ......40c. Handy nî1dy s'tic Pot Cleaners, 2 for ... 25c. Sterling To Soap, 6 assorted cakes....29C. SpeciaI -- Wethey's Apiricot Jamn, 241 oz. jar .. 35c. I Cigarette s, Daily Mail, reg'ular 'pkg. of 20 for 29c. Special - Gainës Dog F7ood, 3 regular tins .. 29c. ORONO 5c..TO $100 -STORE Yt~k? ILLAR SBOP \GC-"JTRE fl Prices start a.t $274,,95 ROLPH HARDWA Phone 43 r 1 ;4 tu!nufibrur tfi t~r - - ...should prompt you to caul upon us intlime of sorrow. We stress simpfll beatiful services that prove consoHigto the bereaved. HARTLEY IH. SARLOW FUINERAL HO1ME )ne 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 '1 '7 </4' '4179@50 start as