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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1953, p. 2

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",Deat An-e .limst: MNy younig niece, 14, is cuius somne a- xiety. lu mauy ways, she la won- derful. Since she bas found b er first boy fiend, bowever, she thinks she- knows ail theé- sýwer.s. She considerslier par- ents hopeless1y old-fushioned,-. For somne eason abe brings ber 'problemn' te me; I raised a nice daugliter, witiottbavb,ig auy7 trouble. "Mdy niece doesni't lçnow bow te behuave witb aboy. When te get, home fmoma the moVies, she stands outside the house'in the dark for long coniversation s, Hlir inother bus wamned bier hs la nioV proper and lbas asked -e0V brlug hlm lui. lie seldomnter th~e bouse and 1 thik-tit a e fault. lier parentis thinik she's too young for good-uight kisses, aind sýo do I. ýALL-WISE YOWH"f "She thiniks it'a sophisticatedi to alkabout the bey te aniybody wbo vwill listen. I remuind her tl)ey'ïe npot inVeested, but sheý won't believe that. We live lu ýa smnall place, where every!body 'knows eacb otber's business., Her parents are only trying te bringi, lier up properly, se thut she will be well thought et. I remind her ilo~w mucb they love bier. She saysi thecy don't understand lier! Tlie.Y are, as a mnatter of tact, wise ai kind. "And Vey are worrled . ,, ' there any furtbier advice I -ould give lier? WOR.RIED IUNT" You have covered the ground Swell. Onea angle sbould lie emn- *phasized, the importance ofa *girl's rpttoparticuaarly *in a small coîmmuuity where * er evcry m-oveý is observed- *and discuissed. Wbenl she gets *to the point whiere she raie *that ber parents are rying ite *protect her fromn adverse com.- * mlent, she will sceetbey are On liher side; oily theri wîl she *recognize heir-autborrty mere. *willijnly. If they plan get-to- * ethers folr ber frieuds (both *sexes) and -malçe her home tbe p atberiug place for the group, *that will furtber ther desire 'o to ultiply ber good timies andi *iricrease her popularitýV. * She nieeds frequ-entprie She nmust feel 1ber family 'is proud of ber, and comnpliments * will do that. Just now she feels *older thani she is, so it would *Q bwIsto treat ber acco-rding- * y-suiggesting insteDad ofde-~ * madin-toshow liow anxious * tley are to depend 0on ber * judgmnent insofar as Vhiey find * they can). *Let ber chaýtter abothFerý *boy friend; he la hem first, -,;; * be Viksl she must toast. She *must net feel abse canniot talk *aot hlm eny.If she over- ~steps polite hounds, otherswi *put beýr hb ber plaeanid, for *somre youing girls, that is thé- *best way!, to lean rstaiL IV isz adm~irable that she gives *you lier confidence-especially *at ber age. A relative is some- *times cý asier o alk te than *one's Parents. Encourage ber *friendlinesis, and continue to *let ber feel yvou ïStand by. It is nard to m-1anage ax young girl whase f'imt boyv frieud 1hua gone to lier head To, keep lier confidence, yet steer a preper- socialcore is a problemi Aune Hirst under'stands these problemns, se seud yturs to ber. Address ber at Boxý 1, 1293 Eil- teenth iSt., 'New Trnt Ont., Rare Bird Cali -- Pretty Arnette MýcGi-nnisî, 15, is mi these white îungle fowl ond she shouLd be. There of this rare breefi inth U. S, >od cf three Modern Ettiquette eH wriiting a note ofthtaks fPAr a gift r-eceived by bier and anid lier husbanld, Sbould site Siga botl lierfiusband's name and ber üwn?" A. No. She would sigu bier niame onlly, but in the notese m,-ay suy, "George and I1ibV iexpress Our uppreciation, etlc"ý ~.When a dinner guest ias fienlshed eating, should he or sle help the liostess by stacking sempa of the empty dishes? A: HeIpfui or not, hs il not c.,onsidered good form-. Tle dishes sbould emlu nas Liey are vutil emnoved by the m-aid or hiostersa: Q. Wbose duty is it ta c tbat the bride and bride groo's », car la ready and waitinig for tlieni at the wedding reception?, A. This la one of thie duties ofx the 'best mari. Q. Whlen is a guest privîleer to leave a wedding rcpin A. At nny imie he wîsbesz, but net kefore speak-inig Vot-3 bride and bridegroomi. Q. When a wenwan i la iber, stanidîin-' or seatedt, talking wlith a mani, anms sie dr"ps lberha- kerchief, glove, or homle sucli ar- ticle, and the mati dees not no- ice it, should she then pic.k ~ ap? A. No. She (cari calis at)1- tention Vo if. by suying, "I le 0. When ushld 41the bie groomn give his gifts ta is ea mail and Iushers? A, Usually, these gittaar placed ut Vbe meli's places utth -buclielor dinner Q.Wlien passing a sait or pepper shaker at tlie table, sol one place it on the table or bqard it directly te tliepeon A. ItVisla sually 1less wwr Vo put if down on the table andA 'et the other person pick il Up,, l'hanl Vo ry "Vobaurd iV direcýtly Vo hlm. O. WIhat does te atherie tlie bride dolatteýr hli gives1.is i A. He. atepa bckandVks bis place nlex tVo lbs fait the end of thIe first pew ,vOn thelef of th curcli. Q.W fhe iln acomun yvng womian Vo tlie dinner tl,'jý shIold the man iît downeacl li t i!eüsa1-metimie SIe ie es? A. 1No. 1He sbouId draw eut ii chir fil-St, and nûtV sit down- un il imnlj,ýaetey uer' shei- s Seated. Q. lsn'tIV il nriglit tVo miai eut the wdiigannour-ýnceents a day or so befor'- the wedd4ing?' A. Nve"tbey should lie m ole utimdatyafrth A certain M.P-wbo bail b uameess-s a oorator, but, jle neyer m-iud's people Vln Somebody called 4'Or im eu day aurd asked: "la IV true thut, yod yawnled last eveniung at euek- et yocum nspee.c-hes luIn the 1I certainIy dd, le repiedL "Yo soid have heard .theýz sepeech - it wasý terrible!" On another, occasion the MP declred ~IdreamIt h I w ý1niakiuôg aspeeh 11 ii.Vie Ro I woke up w-14 - ',wet Rmemes AMk aî expe.cted ta lie muy mles froin homne before l'i ote aguin*..Aud I certaiuly ws.Betwýeen ltat w-eek-exid and Vh.s I rav7elled about a thoi4sand mle.Fimat stop w.as Deep JRiver,' which wasý tesettiug for, eus' soiswed- dinlg. Tt was juat a amulî affair --noV -more th-uri a (»zen guests- distance and accomnodationi limn- lted the ntumber e ivtaf os It was tee long a 'trip forPrVr withis sStrappeci up -shoulder;, Artbur couWi' get away s Dauighter cmehomne und took' Charge Se) that Icoldiepret'ent the fumiîly'. I wo))n'V mke ui ttmtV deýscribe £ he vwedding-after ail oe u eddiug ila mucli like an- other, iropftîe t izc . Tbere lsa ulways the jiVVery t'dero the outwu,7rdly self - comiposai bride; wedding, pictures, recela- tien, confetti, toss-'ig tebrds bouquet and thle briglit l4ea6 of te yovuing folk to ixnipede and ebua- barras ite bridal couiple on the firat lap of their beuoieymi-oan. Sta I AUl sare you the detuils and. te(t -,OU Somlething et uay trip, Bob, BeLty and 1 leftbhoume at 5 um Fridaiy.liV was durk, warn and smwhtfoggy. I "vas ok- ing forw,Àar-Jte te dawn ta fcast my eyes ,on new sceriery. Actual- ly, un Vil we geV pat Peterborô,- ougl. I>vas a, !iL lappointed,. After that I hud ne complant a. iAlong No. 7 te taveocç,Mdc TE-A wa lke rcîga roller-coastel'. FOr- anyoüne inclined to be car sick it wouldn't be so) funny. But 1 loved it al, eývery inchiof theý w.ay. We passed dozens ot sign- posts pointCing Vo inland lakes-, wret1here were doubtless marly sumrmer cottages, but nect one couIld we see from thie road. 1 woýuld Ioved ,to, have followed someý( of those roa--ds in ',tbroughl the bush. But win a mani la on Is way to his wvedding he doesn't stop fùr sight-see-ers. From Clocynec onwards we passed mn sparllng lakes, in fact theý: far- ther north wue went the mr beauWiul wvas thescnr - 'hrýougih Eganville andon to Pembroke, wliere we stopped for d"inner. I was expecting to see aà iew bush tires but' there wasn't so much ais a puff of smroke-. A Petawawa we did see blackened earth and naked tirees fromn a tire wvhich hiad long snc been extiniguished , Follow.ing ,,the OtLtawýa River we arrived at,]Deep River about 2 o'clock, passing? CI±&k .vr.of ato ifme on unuike any other place 1 haveý seen. ht is a mrodel village amid natural rustic surroundings, ber- deri ng the Ottawa River, and looking over towards the Lauren- tianis. It is cean and tidy. Each bouse, or double hQuse, statids ln its own well-kept grounrds, aid for dwellings witbout agage there is a community garage on each street with six double doors. There is a shopping centre wit- .m walking distance with ten or twelve stores lu a row, complete wiba sbaded sideýwalk, Across the road there Ls a wonderfml indoor 'recreation cenitre, also ia moderti hospital, Spacieus hotel, lovely w7alks and a beach. Sail boats on the- OttaA c ýomplete the picture. Lovely, isn't it? _But dlon't think you can live lthere. Deep River ha c-,ompany towni. YQU can ý' ive there only if youi have a job ,ýat the Chalk River Atomic Plant. You can't eveni get a room over- nîglit at the botel. Our nephew happens ta be a physicist at th(e- Plant so he rates a house-ande, the wedding was from bis horne, the_ ceýremony at the very mnodemi church in the village, But, while only a chosen few, as it. were, cari live at Deep 'Rivet, the place ns AlilDay and Ail NIgLt on Ont filiïng LANINE 1WRST] J-71 N XW i£ý NM W140 THIINK of TOMORiIO PATIE OERTINTOA CqL-- map o m e , M an ï tes I thougt i"Oh, if, 1 could onily hae a hour Or t-wo 4o exploýre-ari ulrywhen w asd"be Arthur met meruToront ibrougl, itmehome, and inextmo- ing took Partner -and ! Dee t the Exhibition, I1sta ehme fef( And then vwhat do yoýu thmkei happened? Next m lrning i l to goý down tolxi C4minJrg bhome i looked toward,,,QUEMonim There it was, lnu aternate sjuo- liglit and shadow. xep h the river was lacking-,, to e üau Mountain was juat ras I-ovey kau ling hudreds of miles I reaklîze4 to my vsatisfaction-that few ,dà7- trcshad lti oet fe t hanrourow lttectty f Falton,

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