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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1953, p. 4

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C Forrester i. Ail 42,000,0,00 ýt to keep prices ithout buyers- $12,600,000 on, ket at 30 cents Sto 30 centsit 00. Subsidizing 21; ho consumed SandI storage flflhn4iQ or but- he governm-enit ouflds of canned on hand ai a planni Home almowr fui-d. made by St. Andrev Town Hall, Or 6th, 1953 at 8 the Shilohi Un Admission: Become, a b, or, or typist L'essons 50C. Canadian Coi 1290 Bay Streq Pair A Day lowest price ji Write, Sani - CAF 1937 Chev. Cheap for casi Bowins, Ponty later hall. OUrI' oci a by E 74r9 OtO R. J. TAGGART ýTERINARtY SURGEON 1 lak Street OSITE SKATING RINX Itefresl Thursd, your Chr St. Savio W.A. are Cooking ho served Iat honme -uin- 1Wedng hap- firat, seven at a The consumption '.Jirl 'I&UUl h, vMarçi What could you do with a, thousand ..&.0 Yes, we miean a thousand, crisp Canadian bucks! Count 'em ... Your heart would go pit-a-pat,, ai-d. you couldn't get home fast enough to .spili the good news. At first thought, having a thousand miay sound like a pipe dreami. But is it ? Most everyonie. .. if hie puts his mmnd to it.. can pile uip a thousand dollars, or a sizable sum . .. the Canada Savingls Bonds way. get your b.ond,"- by mionthi, in ar CQLD WEATIL Cornes E. LOGAN IIONE 94 r 16 RN LEGAL Lawrence C. Masolle,-B.A.. Barrister and Solicitor IK9WMAN VILLE, ONT. phlemu: Ob£@.6u o M JACK REID Ormes.'. I M Auctluoe«r m duuatr Spedalize la Parm and Furniture 8S". Consuit me for terme and dates phone 5 r o flve TED JACKSON Auctioneer apnd Vatuat«~ Conuctus Auction Bale. of.&Hadsui andI at reusenabi, ratas1 Coiunwiat. with Mlm et p«q perry. Ontario, or s800 hi. Crk A- 9. Morton, at Oro-ne, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Polcis- Protection and Savings Plana tas Ghildren andI Aduits; Mortg&ge là- surance Plans. F. E. LYCEVF The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 32916 - P.O. Box 622 Port ifope, Ontario M4onuments, -Gravernarkers, STAFFORID BROS Monrnneîital Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundias St. E., Wbitby FINE JALITY MONUM1VENTS ANP M1ARRERS Let us e#'ect a handsome, ug nified monument over the m8t ing place of your loved lune3 It's not expens ive. And aieeing this last tribute will giva you tmdleýts c~or(r. Orono El-ctric Phone 93 r 1 COINTRACTORS FOR FARM and BIOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andI Guaranteed Repair,-- to al makes of EIe,ýtricaj Equipîa.n# and Appliances Such as Motoiu, Water neatture, Radio. Steve.. Troua& F*' R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented, Managed andI Appraised L.ili. A L LISON Real Estatte Broker une 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks lorth of traffic .because y, ou cani monthi ,ver feel. If you had started tucking away 56é a day with the first series Canada Savings Bonds-and had kept at it-yvou'd have your thousand dollars today, and more. Many, ma-ny Canladians have done just this, and wvill continue to do ,,o. The new Sth Series of Canada Savings Bonds wiilt belptpuyo on the thouisand dollar road. t u o l'ou can get themn for cash-or i instalmnents, to suit your convenience. Through your bank, investment dealer, or your own Company's Payroll Savings plan. RADASAV iGS BOND ALWAYS CASHABLE AT 100 CENTS ON Ti4E DOLLAR, PLUS INTEREST, AT ANY BANK. E STARTINO MONDAT - OCTOBER l9th , (8-834W ~ losurance Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by-buy.ng Divi- dend Paying- Policies Quettations on requeat. Leroy Hamiltlon ORONO Î' RING 16 INSURANCE lun -1i ts branches l'ire,- BurgIary, Hospitalization Automobile, Lif e, Accident andI Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock, Rouler, Wind, Po'lio. Real Estate Orono Residence, choice bo- eation near stores, sehool andI chut-ch, solid ' brick, Stone foundation, divided cellar with Cernent fluors, 10 romns, 2 bathrôomis andI pantries, large garden lot. Nowi divided for two famiilies-. Terms and os session arranged. Open fori of- fer: Exclusive _listing. I have avalable funds 'for first miortgage-s on improved i ProPerty in Clarke Township- current interest rates. Plumbon g and Rot Water JCALL U- FOR EST1I1ATE-3 IIARRY E. LYCETT f Phono 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. 1~~ GflO P.- ORONO, Ont. Phone 20 r I "'t/t, =GC==>o=,OC=ZDC

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