do>tire riglit thing, and i hope ,you can telil me what la My wife lias leftnie and gone back t10 lier mother's. W e' vCebeau '0arrieti1 oth adexpect a baby son. Sire is 18, I'ni, 21. "ýTh,ïis la tle second tim, ie sr left. The first was because of a little misi uderstanding ' ai,I mrw- tote er anti strigred thi"g's out. No-w I'Ve Made up my1 md gu andshax't ask lier W ýre- turit if sie doesn't returan of li ovnfreewlI I'm going te sule for divorc,-. "B efore 1i married I .aaCi iots ef fun with girls; I. told rny wife1 1 waS a flirt,sire kuneAvitif.1 colildn't stand beiug home al Vreý time after we married, se I'dêgo eut with somne feiiow just for fuin -not te cliase wý,omen. Butx iy wife said I vias rýt.unIing' arouznti and sire really gotjei "Everybody' kuevis me heùre; Pm )a1ways m~eeting friaýnds-. My wif e says they were 'wy sweet- ,hearfsl W,, quarrel' all tire time. We'ye living with xhy paýrents, by the way, and sire does-.'t like- them. Wliat do yeu think? DISGUSTEFD" 1 think ,if is time you ea- e-dt ybý,aayalike ahubn *inisteati of a bachelor. Many a young liusband ftinis i3i&rriagpe dul at times, but f ew I've kcnown are sc dis- *contented thie first yaar. Wlien Sthiey go places tlieSr take tireir v* 'e alolig, visting ftiends~, meovies, et' dancing., ïov anci *your wife probably didi be-1 - oe yeu imarried, V;h y Sshoudn't you now? il is a f gross insult that yoeu dashi *about town witl> yo-Lr' boy "' rindaanI lav ler at home w ilti your parents, wifh whomr ,;,ou coufess sha is not conga-_ iiniai. 0f course sire rese-nts *sui, negfleet; no otlier wVOmu Y, will blaine lier. E very girl viaufs a -torne of behr ovi hn sire maCrrieý'S.ý SWhen 'h~e must live with lieri *husr)and's people, the least ire *can do la to give har sometiring * leàsant te look forward te * hulie cornes home Giug *out fogtirer is almnost Ltr oi *time you two have alene. Tt is * orduty te suppl y a cbanrge * ef scenie, and somle pleasur-, *for your ,vif e. You have failed, ' You are neo longer a brasfi *youuigster, living for furi You * are a married miai, wîfi rers- *ponsibififies to your wif" and- tire chiltren ayou vvill hav.,e 141iPST] b rngler homie Eplrtliaf *' n0 o w1 y o u u d e r s ta u d h l o w s e f - ~ sir you have beaui, auci faom *today on you intend te be a Sgood liusbanid [telier ud a ~real fatirer te tire baby. * You mnention tirat yout ~mothar la the "ae et est pa- *sou" in tirhe ri 1 ans ur e sh aiecanaiçt gpprove eftirewa y *you are beiraving novMiIalta * ler proud of you, tee, by as- *surniug tire res-pônisibihiias sire, expects of yeu- When a Yourng man marries, he la .expected Late case being a baehalor and bg-hae like a31 man of responisibility, Unlesh does, ha îs apt to wreck, more lves tain e. . If yoi h ava a prob- lem, ask Anne Hfirst's advice. Address her at Box 1, 123Eg- teenth St., New Toronto, Ont. We lbye aaaclied tirec tîme 0f f ail f airs, ef standard time; ef tire firat touai ef autumui coleurs in th-ire apIas au-d sum -is;of ,v,,hite freati the merning; -vairm1 aunl at -non; cuîmulus louida drifting across a bck-greuud ef azure blue .sky anti fially tire rairaculous1y beautiful sunisets tirat are se frequenf at tins tirne, ef the year--sunisetswhirh do nef always bring "the aund ùef a -perfect day" but yet, if oua day iras ben anytiring but perfect tire breatir-taking beauty of an1 autumu suniset cari do imucfir (ù quieten ruffled nerves-if we wvill taka time, aven a f ew mninutas ofioua tîme, "te stand acd stara."' Cerne te tirnk of it, tire verds "te stand and stare," as the peat %W, H. Davis pufs if, lhave a as sound viren taken eu t of tireir ceufext. I like bOtMertire resful werds of Browý,ning- "Where tire quiet-COloUreýi _dd ofe vauig amilas Miles and m'iles .Hewever, a bLeauitiful sunset iy a joy te see neo mateior1ow-, Cor by vliom, if la described Tire ting is te hiave,- eyes tesüeaif, because, as we know, baauty lM lu the eye of tire beirolder, or if mnay be tirat mrore mcun-dane tiings gelbt veau our vision and ire suinset. Tire sam-e te tireuns, only, assoee once said, pasrareli wit about tire sunrisebeuetiy are nef aroud nd teseaif! But tire ffilr CesLe ta u!1's--a1s dC1os iris vile is sire is eut te ea tr ciickeusý. Tire trouble iaagra perceutage oIf arm wivas tirese days, don't go oufAte fad tr chickeus, tirey are u~in ire house preparing breakfast andJ geftiug tire clirldr'eu ready for scirool. Milkiug mrachines aund coolara have 1iassened itire ime raquired for,,- early moru(iug cireas se niy farm--ers hiave tima e '0lekafter Irle Ciiekaus tee--and sps . Frm rissýes tiraHUIt Vat used te coeete ber vitfe inugoratig fsrasrnr in]g airYeukuew li ow if is if yeu haie te go oufi you go and euoy yif.0BU fit îsn'f nc sary for you te go farirer tin Vira back kaiteircu door you just dou't ge-aud tirat's ailtireais ta if. Weil, t vas our local lfaîr last Saturday aud tr ethe ra vas kind aud blesseti us vith a warm, suuuy day. Rai tire niglit bel oa ai-idram tire uighf altar tireavent, butneyer se mu&con a drop dampeued ire spirits of tira large crovd tirat vas scattereti over tire reemy f air grotis. "SALADA' TEA & COFPEE -Q n)ew sehool vardrobe flirslied and ready to put on! Jacket. blouse, jumnper- --1-24 -3 as te mix and miatch a dozen different ways for Meuday te Friday Mvakeý if lu cordurey, Cotton, or vool. Paffarui 4621:ý Child's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Sjze fi jacikt,1¼ ý4 yards 35-inchii ap; jumiper Pi yards; blouse, 1 yard 35-incir. This -,pattern easy te use, sim-r ple to sew, Ia fested for fit Hus completa iliusfrated instruc(tionsi. Se ern d THIRTY -FIVE CENTSè Ç35ý) iu coins ý(stamps canuot be acýcepted> for tis patterii. Print plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, STYLE NUJMBER, Send order to Bog. L .2à Melg- tenth St,, New 7eronto. Ont. ini thee 1vtstoc1ç exhi!bits. aeoien those who hiave nio personal in- terest in ceattie, pigs and slieep like te get aroýun I the show ring --and of course it iS 'a rmaill t- traction for the youngsters - once they have beeu wooed away from itli-pdway. Dairy cattie claimed the greatest numtbe-r of entries- Hoitiis, Guerunseys and Jerseys--b-,it Lhere somle Red Poil- a1 àfew Sliortlioris "A goof beef cattle is more to< ilihig but of course in a mnillk-*iipping district dair'c cattle ïnaturally Npredfominate.' WTIfere was a wvondferfui ieu of fi.rzm ,Tacii-ery and Fas Part- lier ~ anid looked it over we"( wo- dered hbýw mucli capital wowld be necessarY if a f armer were to ïnviest in every type of fhigli- pdwerefl equl ment that',was on display -- a-rti, now consýdered practicaly assential to good farrqnÀg. The trouble is lashions in faim nmachinery vary jttst a.s much7as %womer's ht.For in- stanc~e, xte bouýght a ner three yeaï,e S go with tpl ie eweifkirti of power take-oif. Now that mower is, ouf of dt.Andl so it goes.- However ini he Won1a sec~- tioi we dd not flnd too muchel change-except for tire factIther'e was more baking ,andi less fu woi'k than u-sual. Men~ may like modern machin- ery but wheu it comaes te satis- fying, the inner man they are stil old-fashiened enougli f0 lile hqrnt-e-eookinig. onle.cue explain the trou,Ne that wvomen go to in cultivating the euflinary art-aveu thougli if iu.creases the need for bicarbonate ef sodéa? The uon-competitive display ofý) "lhe various bran-hes of the W, was aiso very good, featurilg Some of the items of a Hlope Chest--rug, quilt, pillowcases' -and so on-as necessary tôdacy a, they were vsedyand wil bie tomorroW. Thern we looked at iiie baby section, and hlere ag-ainthre was neo evidence that "thie ld order changeth". Babies, appar- entlyc stili ueed knitted things- and s1ocked dresses. The only change that 1 noticed was thie use of green or yallow, instead of thre traditionial pink, or blue. -which la rather- a goed idea whien you thirik ef thre motliers-to-be whù hin thcpast have nise<J oï- liaving everything blue, an d and thern found if should 'lav~e been pink! With green or yelJovw yeu.'r-esafe becauise ne oua -lias yet labelled neither colour gis be- lenging fo anY ona ex Fiil iup with Quick Food Energ y THIS ANTI -FREEZE eIvES, EXT'RA* E NGINE PROTECTION I.., t ~ ANTU-FREEZE! "'Pestne ~rndAnt-Frez-th mst ffetie atifrezeever developed for your cr-sfortified wiith a combination JOf Specialingeinst iemr -uhmore-thaqn juLýt free-ze-up Protection. "'Prestone" Anti-Fre-eze gives your car EXTRA poetn gas:Rutanid Corrosion, Acid Contamination, Cloggingý,Seepage, Foamming aýnd Detetioration of metal and r-ubber parts. NO OTHER ANTI-FR£ÈEEZE .CN 1VE YOIJR CAR lTHE SAME ('OMPLETE PROTECTION ~aoe e ur*/ foryo-jt onuyo tircerea v-m-in. oo0 . ........... . ....... ........ . .. m