ek, fe ýserve. Jack Reid 3- 17 id StallIon E/4GAR !Z'BUCHANAN HlURUSIAY OCTOBER 21- 22 s 'p T Y Phone 68 9we j 4 wonderful days Wednesday, Thursdasy, Fridaîy & 5atyrdcy., The plan: Buy one item eit the regul.r price, add i c und take two, of the same hin. You sVaimchost 50%.' The Store is open every eveniug until 9 p.in. SPECIAL -- Canadian Wheeiing Yarn, 1/,4 lb. skeins, black onIy ... 25c. 0 -4 Neyer before crsia Army career offered sa many advantaiges ta ý,ung men. Army lfe is for men who want ta 1he P 1ard Cûnada's freedom. It is flot an easy life - but4tfis ai rewarding one. You aind Cainada profit by thie/ many opportunities oand benefits of mlitaryj serviqe. Here's how you gain when you serve Canada in t ýe Arm.y: good pay, finianciol security and pension;-30 days aînnual lecive witis pay; oppor-tunities for sp iail training, promotion, adventure. For . cda, you wi]t represent anothier trained soldier ta yau must be 7ta 40 years of age, skilled - When applyinýg bring birth rifot or otlier proof of Gge. wviII give you wider ce and interestE. re many chances el in Cainada and l. You see and re in the Army fo. n ever b' efore. Apply righi away - For full information Write or vif the Àrmny Reritin-g Centre neatrest yorhomne. No0 13 Personnel Depat, Walls Hous, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bogoi St., Kingston, Ont. Canadlian Armny Recruiting Centre, 90 Rlimond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel IDepot, Wolseley Barrack,, Oxford & Ellzabet.h Sts., L'ondon, Ont, Arnny eruifing Centre, 230 Main St. W., North Boy, Ont. Armry Recruting Centre, jaimes treet Armoury, 200 Jalmes St. îNorth, Hm0to,1Ot. A163ew.o rOugtily rinit ")l "But gig-anti( continu( lie ofe in the i nto th( paLper. cent the IjtboUg ainly C, are stil] cýraete tional h that exi .. bestos Mats, 7 inc Diamond SM Eveready He4 size. Each i 4gu'ar 2 ceil, only..... atteries, standard size. Èach ývy Duty, leakproof, st ndlard for. ......... .... 45e, 15c. 20C. Grocery FeatUres SPECIAL -- Iýescafe, save 25C,, oz07 botules, reg- price $1.89 n wv for only /......., 16 Krýaft Cheese, '2 lb. Snack BaîY',.. 28c. Fry's Cocoa, '/2 1 . package..........39C. SP ECIAL -- Nabi ko Rice qakes, Save 10,., 2 reg- u1àr packages fofi .............27c. Red Raspberries, e o i alihty 15 o z. ti n s 32c. Daily Mail Cigarettes, regular pkg of 20 fr. 29c. Welch's Grape Jelly, 12 ounce bottle.....26c. Spring Cothes Pins, package of 36 for....25c> Robinhooci Oats, Quick, 36 oz. pkýg......, 21c. S'helled Walnuts, pieces, 3 ounce pack.age .. 19c, F~i.J. 5c-.TO $1.00 STORE I PL. LAR SllO!ý GC~NR ttrr oif ittý?rf 17 should, prompt you to cail upon -us in tfime of sorrow, We stress simp(le beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. RARTLEY IR. DARLOW FUVNERAI, HOME Phonie 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 /2-s BEN FORCED1 (Continued f M a., a A&IMMURSUMMM La.,