Regular ealth are visi 's. Wml. Young mgh. inting mnd chul is week with Hall l12th Icents .1 __ Bedspreads and. BPlankets Woven Feit Ranch Style Mats. Priced $4.95 to $19.50 Ail sizes and colors Baby Chenille' Bedspreads large size $12-95 to $14.50 Colons of turquoise, biue and peach Homespun~ Bedspreads, heavy weight. Priced $10-50 1 A t1ractive patterns, will. stand lots of hard wear and washilig. Ideal for ail romns where vivid color and tailored Iines are desired. RAYON BEDSPREADS, large size, pastel shades. Priced at $5.95 Tex-made Flannelette Sheets, size 70x9O. Price $4,25 lbex qaiy (n-tn, cln f billeand green Ail woeI Blankts~, rainbow borderý white, $25.04) "PET efa SWEATER --The Vin lateCNIIBLSl lenayr Kitten lin PulIeivers and coIers afblk and red. $2.50 C'ardIigans. These sweaters can bmatched. Colors m w ýýhe, , ChtlNIIBLSl ay turquoise, flavy, mssreell '1/sPiver andwiet uybcls etar gv la'ck, poýwÙer j and cpe.jSequin CINCH BELTS in bIlaCL or Puloves 6.9, ardg 8.9 ~ whie.Priced at .. 2.50 LEATHER 11EL1TS wthfancuy CrohetANGRA OLL o uckes.Priced at .$2.50 wear on your Pullover-s. Clor wee. Core ;i3 rdse ~ of wfiite onlJy. Priced at. $2.95 Priced rom $l15JWO0 tes$29 .50. New Price on Gold S~al CO~GOLEUM RUGS 6x9 $5.15 7' 2x9 $6~8O 9x9 $7.95 9x10' 2 $9,49 9x12 $1O~99 9x13' 2 $12.50 9x15 $14,25 M on arch 24 Ibs. I FROZEN FOODS FreFruLisr eand Juices. Fish, Ducks, Chickens 1$1.79 il________________ra uits eg tes , Cut Food Costs at Cornis'sIl JuTicy Sweet Grapefruit, Ige. si.ze 100's, Margarine, 'Rose', highest quality, KZernel Corii, choice ~quaity, Wax Beans, eut golden, 15oz. fins Breakfast Bacon, Devon, ri-nd on, 10 for 2pounda 39c. 59C. 2 f or 29c. :3 for 29e. 1-2 lb. pkg. have1 arus 1sont Elliott or aday with ln Ora Gardiner of Gairden Hill with Mr and MUrs. Fred Truil. Joan Black, Oshawa, spent e-end Nwithi Mr. and Mrs. Les Chas. E. Miller has taken aL ii with H. J. Toms, Newcastle. C. S. Mcbaren hias been vîsit- atives at Massey and o)thei ini that vicinity. and Mrs. lis parents Lowery. J L.O.L. Cai time. Mrs. A. inig with1 Jack Hudý Mr. Rol of Wats*) Watson is Mils. N. F. od01 A îeH onAliar y C. Dunran aSted asa1 tar ar Mi, M Il tepiao eeeim viop- eeo n nia Auxiir eatn Thenk Offenimti anp 1Miss LIaV duet and Mis book chapter on Thilanýid. Thie( ,0111t1y, consecral:t Of a eomm)iunityý fii-7st Ciit Asc. The woMde peo-4le ill shinc thie Sunl.- Questior Tamblyn, were an textds by Mr-s. R.; A pleasant sui) sentton to Mdrs. Membershp and to mhich she- greci previeus imeetng~ E. J. Hmmin had Member hy her gi thankedJ the ladties, which mas verya werepse, foli tasty lunch maswesa dng continued. 'Ne left for homie et 1 one had an exciti home quite w-earý to bed. o r S Oroo Eectie0 edn leti y. Phone 93-r-i Orono ~TIE'u NuA ORQNO UNITEI CIIURCII Sun4.y, Noy emiber S3th Dedication of Wîntdolw-ý in the Morning at il i Service o, Rem n*brance at 7.30 Ailex-ervcepers4n1 ite te)juin in a parade to Cburch. "FaU in"ousie f te Oange lil at ý7:00. Bw avleLegion Pipec J'and. La.yig ofwr th COL. LLOY.)D, V.D., OBE jAn invitation to beprsn e-xtend(ed te ILi intrîz1 our Car Safegard ouratobieaant fre~.ig wath& nd lenjsjje a win eriz myurcar now,. Prestone Antifretee i fon a complet O)RONO, OI'ý ANNUAL I rui Sale ,Opens at 2:30 p.m tunie, but came nd readiy te go A Edîtor, Dodie 35c. flear Donal4 Donald MeLaren,J Sky Harbour Air Pori, Dear Donald;- Orno Ot., Novemtber 4À, Goderich, Ontario. geing oi ie pand Ar( carpenters now Arie s for a ii but is reil Light Amber Honey, a real bny, 2 IL tin 4,5c., 4 lb. lLin 85c.. Gold Medal C4oice Pînli -1%1 A I~nb Sunldey .end tellei ils\ad studd1n, çraiters, gý id r4f f enitil irs, even i îl mLicts. Net a heck of a lot in :e e buinss Ayhw e n rhas been fine 1bey-onid preceç ,.nni a làriN îroa uig SU ~ quick Laying Pipe Bal F. P. LI( 14 oz,,;"tîns,