-ed Grahaim and saI)be th M.and Ms ýevweastle.N p in mind the W. Sel ce o ed- ilamton ilte ithde we 1 Toronto, spent, her sistepr, Miss called ls aturday ia Thiompson in the vl EIeple R 6- 7 3azatar will be hl ere by, the >me things for. Christmlas pres- LESKARD [ T AM1 of ouir complete stock at LOWEST PRICES SeceNotionPîcure of .25 I Sound at the Ma»NO UNITED CHURCII .15 Monday, No vemher 9th .75 nt 8:00 p.m. Od SÉVERA-L EXCELLER7 PICTURES INCLUIDENG- T9"jhis Is The Chlaleiige" - The story of the Uniitedj Natiois. "ýýroha" - Thle storf of New Zealand. "ýIIOrizGn of Quebec and "1 WesternWha. 7 Ths program i$spnoe by Tyrrell's Drug Store as a commun- ity sc- e ri adite gross recepts are insppr of Orono Ju ~United CÇhurdh LBuilding Funid. 25 Sive ollection Ped atnt Salon Tested, New douible a ma n equick, double saf e Refills for $1.75 Drug tore Oro no, Onit. Phone 6 th Mr. L. D. Bell andi Tne Orono oens Isttt membes jorneyd toTor.cioto y ils and elhildren of jbuIs Thurl sday,ý- Noveîýniber 5 to attendc krthur FaIls, Marleen a convention il, thatI city. aanville, Mr. Norman ýnto and Mr. J. H. itos o Sudaywith Mr. and Mrs, ToLn FaLîs. ted colors ànd ......................................23c. eiette, long sieeves, 'e. .. . .... ý.$2.49 ans, assorted for,. ..ý...... $4.9â kg., ne.w style $L.69 rnp set) round neck ler-, four buItton il - 12 SSorry to-) hear that lllyAlhvh Mr. and lMrs. A. Djewell and Larry, B,>owmIýanvýille, Mr. and Mrs. George Thorton and SliSask. wuithbMr and Mr. arry Davey and MArs. Davî,ey, Sr'. Chef Hepri rreifag C-oteu Leurien Hotet A Q6.diiin Nati.,,al Rail-,iys Hôtel If ever you have dined jant Ottawa',S fumons chat Laurier, youi'll ge Chef Freitag knows whiereof he cooks! In cl is tempting dishes, he uses only butter. No substitute could possibly give the delicate flavou -, the smooth, goldenr. kcb of fresh crearnery butte4 yor pan, Lutter Pour aucten I'alf hc the ev~ sweet Mr. onto sj summe] Stoker. M. ,No1rman sunmmer home c M.and Mm. JTohnr Taylor o few da(ýyS w 1t and Mrs. Ilarc chilçlren of PetE day with lier. 'Miss Betty H(- j 80t 14l. Each for........... $3,98 atsTooth Paste, r gýular 3c PRICE 2 for Onfly ............ 49c. acUk of Cars; saisikes etc, pkg. 54ec. Rose Margarene, fr-esh stock. lb. 30c. -2 fcr 59ir. - :rï -pefritl2s 7 f or onfly ....... 25c. S,anii-Flush 1fragrant toilet bowl cleanier, 0Plýl harmnless to septic tank sýystem-s, ti'n...... 29c. 1- pouind 50e. 7 lb. bag f or .... 5.4c. Sugar Bags,~ bleache l, goodj quality cottôn, prieed at25c. eachi or 3 for .............$.0 Golden Whole X-ýel Corn,' choice quality, regulair 14 ounce tins, 2 for. .................... 29c. Wax Beans, Country Kist, standard quality 15 ounce tins, 2 for ,.... ........ ........ 19C. Bisto for- gravy, m-anufactured in En-gland, 2 01ounce tins for 1oc. 4 ounce tins. . 16c. C'ampbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 re-guar tins f or . 25c. 1YJ uîOONO 5c.TO $100 STORE YOUR FRIENDLY SHIOIPPING CENTRE irtua oxf iittpri - .should Prompt you to cail upon us in time of sorrow. We stress simpTe beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. 'RARTLEY He BARLOW FIJNERAI 110-ME ione 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 j -m2