= j *thel *tihat *him "PDear Anne Hirst: M1.y last boy friend is terribly Jualous. His best frienid oes flirt wvifh mre, buit it's only in fun,. (IPve1 decided I like imbetter, any-1 howý.) But the oth-er night my1 friend and 1 qua"rreed, and 1 fold him we'd better sto dt- ing. H1ethrew an aw usene, andi I was so tupsef. I idn't rýealize fthat he cared. sa iuch. "Whf hail 1 do? Makeup w ithhm? ANXý1i IUs" * Why take thiis boy iac k, *when you adimit ,-ou ný e bis "friend better? Th-at indicates *ouare not seriausly inter- *est ed in hlm-, you knoxý * This is yaur chance v;, drap * hiim, and I expect if is really *whaf you have been waiting *for. Now that yo-uf wo aren't s*-- seen g each other, perîhaps * bisý friend \wiil ask for a1 date *with you. If is wortbhapinig *for, any'how. Whenj you are temi-prLitre- tuember that just be-ingv good payýs best in tihe end. Anne liirst's wisc' counsel bas given many a froubled soul str'engfb fa go on ta peace. Wite be af Box 1, 1231 Eighte-ent Sft., New Toronto Ont. Mo.de -rn Etiquette Q.Is if rpr hc oln withi friends, to deliver your bal at tbe same turnie a persan on ail adjoiing lane is delivcring bý is bail? A, There are ruies of eiqcietîe on the bowlinglc anes, toand anc of the most, strict is tha1 one sbould n-eye-r do anytbuling fadli- tract theI attenition aof a bwler on an ad1joininýg lanie. If he is preparing ta deliver bis bail, thenyiusbjould wifuntl he bas bowledi before you sfart d ownr le ini a nighfclaub, a1ev h al retamwa 580 Lusclouis roses ini two shades ot ricb red wjth sofl green eaves. Beautify s he e ts, pillowcases, tosscarves, spreads anild many other items! Pap'em 1 n the wash-colors stay vivid and glowig. Just iron oni! Jiffy! Waýýshî- able! Pattern 5180 bas 1-4 motifs;: four roses 4 x 44; four roses 111 x 111; six roses uveraging 2%y x 4 inches. Sertd TWE.NTY-FýIVE CEN_ Ts in coins (sfamips cannot be a&, cepted) for' this pattern ta oxo, 1, 123 Eighteenth St., Ncwv Tor- orto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN ýJME ,your NAME and AflDIESS. EXCITING VALUE! Ten, yes TEN popular, new dlesigns to printed right in the Laura Wheeler ]Needllecrft Book, Plus niany more patterns ta send for .-ideas for gifts, bazaar mYorncy- malkcrs, fashions! Send 25 cent, for your Ropy! Q.When a young iman takes a girloutt A dinner, and she hap- pens ta know hie doesu't earn mlach money, sltotld she be veryý inodest in whàt she orders? A. Yes, but she must be tact- fui eiiough loît to overdo it. She muLst realize that the youing mnar would nlot have invited her if hie didni't have -tnougbI money, and he might resent it if he knew, she w'as "h3lding bac'k." Q. May on-, ever lise the folk for eating a double-decker sand- wich?! A. Niot if it is of the Wclsed sadih'vaýriety. It should. be eaten wvith the fingers.. If it is aýn "oüpen" adwc then the fork is used. Q.I tproper ta ilail birth anonemen ts 'ta ail o n e 's friends, even 1ta thosewlo on haýs telephoried thle good. ew5 A. If woffld se rather fooé- îshi f0 mail anun'en ùt those peisrsns ho Juive already-ý b'een tcold the rnews oe h telephione. But f0 ail otheris - wîeter ntown IlOr fa'r awa- maied nnuncm ~l~are irir- dei, Q. I's if proDper for, a salas na tu Say "good-b' tau tcevYs'ep- tlan giýrl he laving the oiliceç of a bu1siness eeuie A. Yes This is not on>y cour- teou, bhuitasotcf. A snali courtesy such as this as offen re- miembered the next tlmýe the salesman calîs. ,9, if a sumanis ý'walkinjg aleng the street with a a oman andshe is earigaa "t a hmi r slioul& he ask ta carry th coat forier A That is not expected. fers us r if dt -- thaf's ome ofc w-as tI.rouglh. L snt . -had ta get two men ta push, shoVe or lift thne rear end of my cýar as Ibackedc gently out. Â lot of u nnecessary work anridl, orrcy because one motorist .was incon- si:derate-. While 1 I wa.s in ton aving mytroubles 1'ai-ter wsat home, having his own sweet tim-e. 'There were yearlling-s in one- pasiture-, heifers in anothier, ail had f0 be brougit ln.to the shel'- ter of the barn. Scrcens in the hen-house haid to be replIaced by wnos also in ftie bath- roomr. Water hiad f0 be drar-ined from the tractor arid, during the cvening chores, hieife2rs had faý be tied up that hadi neyer beecýn stabled before. Any farmner will know whiat haf means tf0 S -mn working alone but unlforiunafcc- lit means nothing at alt f0 th1ose unfamniliar wifh f arru con- dlitions. Even those who have on.e ïIîved on at farm forge', very easlly once fhley are away ýfi'r suchi problemis. That we real- ized wben, by pre -arrangmn Bob anmd Jay came mup )to .take us diown f0' Tq-onfoto seýe or grandýson. Bob was quite sur- prised that the weatther 2had givetn us s50 much cexItawork that to go a-way for three or four bours was ipsibe Sa Partner stil! hasn't seen b is gado.Naturally in a day or imwo he worst will be 'over - cow,ýs quieten down) and heifers nio longer balk1 at bei-ng tCod up. It is suddlen chani!ges tbat rréate the ex:tra Wof k ai'd Wel"you m ligh-t sa. why niot seli out and mnove ta tcawiiT?" Yes, why dloni'f w? To us that wudbe like jumllping- out of the frying, pan- into the' fire. F'arm pr-oblems are more or 'es,, Janmiliar, ones that we s3ome- how manage to nmeef and over- come. Away from the farmn Ths lsn't The Place - At a glance, this eight-pgint deer appears. ta be just anoîhfer hunting trophy bein9 cc'rted home by a harppy hunier. But this is just how Pre ntice Brown, Jr, fourid himn, The animal, trying to cross the highway i the block of the night, crashed'int, andi ruined, the grille of Brown'sautomnobile, bas flot yet been decidpd But, unti the Department iaires up its mmid many farmnersar kept ontntrhk. In onec as the surveyors drove dron stakes right through the imitre of one mans brnThe onwnerlas a Iovely home, i beautifi, sur- roundingy Mf< anmgh away from cities a( ighwys t inake Ht a woiiaerUIplace on, which to retire -- a -Ca., probi- ably not too f ar distant. Naw hie doesn't know -,-what t fu- ture holds in store for hmand bis fail1y. The saneme ucertainý- ty app1ies here. If the survey that goes ffirough onuru~mi C acepted Most of the law ould be needed for a coe-ef Whether the house wouQld ' be left standing wve dn"Vnow - and if it were wehxwe wold ïlike living 5so Gse te, Fa buisy highiway is another prob- lem that wouhl have tf0 be faced. In the meantimne we are flot worryilng -. qt least "lot mnuch. The powers that be at Queen's Park are unrpredictab]e. As, long as they are sitting on the, fence- it is an-yDodly's guess on whichl side they wil eenull anCd, Buit believe mne, we udvtn and ,symnpathize, with the peopfle of the Scarborough d,ïistrict. near Toronto. k lu- crin- ISSUE ils - 1953 [~T UNRTEUROPEI FALL AND WINTER SAIINGSq TO BRITISH PORTS, First clos; from $192 Touris.t Clos$ from $140 At Thrlft-4ouson Rates VESSEL rmMNRA From *c~rvTLh.. I - I t.a lU &L1 DUC. 4 Tues.fliC, S un. DUC. 2< Mon. JAN. CT Pri, JAN. & (M54 FRENCH PORTS, LClasz from $21l 7.50 ýueIst Clasa f rom $155 LlverpQo1~ TO Havre and Southampton Greeinoaç and Liverpool Cobh .and Liyerpool Havre aidSouthamptan Liverpool r.herboturg ani Southampton Cobfr and Liverpool Cherbourg ami Southompton Liverpool Cobh.and Liverpool Havre and Southampton% Cherbourg and Southampton FRST CL4 '"or For ~ h.ucury j seeîng him two weeks, a, enI, ýhe Lnow- d fa the luFEI, L iîhlF