of bath fence poý ytbree ti ted ta; ýde of 3. bal- ýbirch ig and can be aSe ra- ai(, sev ti in,ý-p - iOds of applying woad ves ta enepasts sing chronatedi-zinc the' end diffusýio-n or riethod has bfenr found iTýmîë tretétfor peeled fence posts. For IUts posts shouLldbc ssoan aýs possible af- ig, Treatmneat onsists ithe butt end of the ai approxirnately 10 per, rorna.ted-zinc choiride ntil 75 per cent ofthe as been absorb)e-d.T'le ýuld then bc rev,,erseci nàinder of the soutioxn :onsurned by thie top )re the ppsts are placed ound they should s;tand ist four weeks with- the e.awn to allaw the per- ta mnix with the ros hfe wood. The bark is tipped frarn the posts ar~e 'placed in the~ 'iree-fouLrths of a cï!y is suffi- one culcfoot ôt 'Woad. efficient method witbi preservative - the ald--bath p raoc ess- f soakirng the waaac in ,rvative ir. an o p e n several hounr, the sthbmergfing itircl ve, fr several mare ay be 'accompliCied by ng the\ wood at tho ne froim a bot, tanik ta ne or b draining the ývative 'rorn 9 singl eratiýve, The 3anxie re- ',achieved, althoughi v1,by shutttîng off the e roper timie and a!- ie %od and flot pre- ta cool together. Goodf crepotted witb most fWood whethei it be. dry wben treated by (ncold aroces proessu air ina isornet cooling wood C artial v' liquid in heric pr ;s af tiJ anchesý t he heaýt e w,od ta be torced ýake place, tracts and uai whichi the wood sure The treatment t o res- Calaperm, he acetate vwith th muted shodes of gold, blue or For important young occasin (and skirt 15 given etxra if are system used by 'y corn nercial sir1ns. Whien treating w ith cop pe j aphttianate, posts sbld i bc ýornpletely peeied and air dried luring sumnmer moaitlis then oaked ini the preservàti,ée so- utian frn a few ta P41 baurs, .ependilig on the absarber'y ol Lie wood. Copper naphlfuanate nay a1so lbc naintccl or nm'iyed pusts as tutu soaikýling i Ir ýs th tir irst ,xe'r e ail g deathi; and tilre aeven if vý t[her Natuire daish d grep,-s., nas City Krownl eh, it iý be- ýn inlx'd(.uced tndiar.s 0PI'Qns To DIg GoId On Thê Mlof the but .iust incorparatied te, tIre cou"-,i- ntfitled ta es- is ta met--al, 2rights ta the spjace- ,hch features 'ained monkeys laves were s ýs wterc îundrcudtof ai.Matakazu bent 'cooped up a handful and trinkets. Okiri -eedily; it was rash of is $75,000,000 worth of id here, and a quarter he divers' share. That, ice the shrewd littiec 7had extracted frorn syndicate, headed bDy Griffith, which had dJ ta recaver the great e sea hacl eagulfed lar ithe , San Fernando mred off Santa Lucia. ýscoopeci Up 1andfults ,bloons, then he cýring- screarninff ia horror. 1themi was the giant warnan with hler haîr ~eril-y behin3d. "Queen ar"ran Matakazu's ken mmid, ,rs tugged their life' [alling dîistress ta the ng the pum-ps. SIowly hauled Àla the ropes. n f reely, but the othýer ýomethi-.ng was holding days, signý hiring. AI thiehih Say there iness in thi once was was neye: workers. throughi yaunger r a shift in that bas ilv z'aini-n rs *X glass bottle between the blades and clasing themn briskly upon it as if trying ta cut it off. The smaooth glass ,vill glide the fui] lenigth of the blades, fromi base ta point, and fifteen or twently repetitions is said ta produce a good cutting edge. Q. Hom, can Iniake a, goad and iexpensive cold »çreanu for the face and hands? A. By mixing white- wax, 12 gramns; sperinaceti, 24 grains-, cecaa butter, 24 gramns; ail of swveet almrids, 80 gr-ms. Rub well inito the pares. Q. How canri tcleau i Iiht win- doiw shades? A Try eenn the iight win- dow shades with a flannel cloth which has been dipped into or- dinary flour. Q. IHlwv an 1i dean a eock? A, Saturate a smral!i piece of catton with kerosene and place an the floor of' the dlock, iba cornier, and leave it there %wlth the door closed for three or forai dy.The kerosene fuïmes cause t'he dirt ta loo-sen and drap. Re- peat thistrtm t as often as ne0cessaIry. Q. fUaow Can prevent back strain? A. Do flot try ta lift anty heavy obJec(t wiih ~týe' back bent. AI- wascroucli down and tift with a str-aighit spine, rnalkIng the weigcht corne on the arrns A sprained back can be aoedtitis Wayl. Q. Hw cnIavoi'd ggns in p-Otatüees that hýave bheen steani- ed or beied iti I teShins 0o1? A, 8 y'remov-,inlg tie sk-l]inIme- ditely.Drn the pottoes as soon as thley arc, donc, and dry thern by shakinga the utensýil over th- f larnes. Q. HOw Cal i 1bail eggs SO that the whites wili no)t be toughi? AK To safteook eg-gs, put them into 'a pani of water tliat is boiling hat. Remove the pan froiv the fire and let the egsisand ina it frorn igtot ten minutes. Wben cooked in titis way, the whites of the eggs do flot becorne tough, Q. How ean 1 hasten the work of pressing woolenls? A. When a damp clatir is used for pressing woolenis, be sure to w4ing the ciath out of warm water, not cald. Cold wvater wil only cool thre !iran more quiekly an-d prolong tihe job. ýng des- he trap- il. They 1ta go is com- n t silap4ped. Okia b ad sh-ýiftedl the iedge and toppied ,ater. 'Tihetreasure- below the surface, any diver ina-.those Enlclish synidicate storyo w avy- bl MVal 7treasuire et another or. SHair, tire ;tec maid, whlen the for- Spain at 0 ar- "'Sh-e is aur msct, ie- clared, gallantly. But shewa scarcely)' that; she -nearily caused a, riot ila the galley. Tet other dshngand impetujousý Spaniar-ds feu in love vwlth her, and Dont Escobal had ta guard hierai the time-ic -wýith his sword, if necessar-y. The situation becamne fraught with danger and dif f- culty that lie decided to put in te the Wnwr Islands, butth galley struck a rock and sank la afe minutes, taking ta t'he biottomr the golden hoard and the lucklless oarsrnlen. Don Escabal,. Floaînig Hair ad the twentty wfould-be wooers -ail reached the beach. Do-n Escabal' and his officers a-', en4ed Up in the native coo.kîing pots, but Floating H air was spared, For ge-nerations the natives had cherished a legend that one day a beautiful queen would corne ta them f'rom across the sea, Te hailed her xi-th protestations of lyly Sa Ftoating., Hair reigned aver themn, rried, had èh-ildren and, in due course, dfiedi. But the na- tives preservped the mern-ory of their god[dess queca from across thé seas, thoughi for twa7 hundied and twenty-s-ev 'ei years the San Fernandlo was forgýotten b,- the outside world.L Ita 1824, a -New Y ork cocoa dealer called James Ptillips visi- ted Santa Lucia and heard the strange stary. "You can stil see the wreck from the cliff s," hie was told, casually. He decidedta oraise ithe ',%reck, or portions of it, on ta a huge raft. Natives were persuiaded to swim dow,ýn thtough lhe crystal waters anid make ropes f ast round the rotting timibers. Oni the raft, men~ swung on the .handles of the winch. Nothing movedt at first. Then the rope 1egan to corne up. A lar.ge, black shiape 11ffted, slowly up through the waters, His pulse hamminering, Phillips peered over the side at the strange abject. It carne c1ear tof the green ,vater and Phullips saw ït wtas the gigantic carved figure of a wornan, bier wooden lochsR flaating backwards, The natives struck ouit for the shore. Phillips, a good swim- mner, did., the saine. The natives reached the beach safely. Twenty yards shor~ Phillips screar-necl. flung up his arm-s, aad sank, Or was hc- plucked uinder? Ghost or jinx, Floating, Hair. claimnec another white treasure soek rtiae fifteen years later, an Amrericani called Jackson whûi. wvas drawn.îed whea he( nosedl dýowav intoi the depths ta sec thne treasure ship -for hirnself, "Elaating -Hai-u hlas taiken her reven'ge on another!" said the native's. Alr-nond - e-yed (Dkio, Japanese di in aster, was ber next Victirn., The Sani Fernando'.- m-illions lie ta-day in the green depths off the rocky cliff's o! Santa Lucia stili wýaiting for the man bold enaugh ita wrest it frorni the jealous guard of the Aztec-.s eihe greef c the hot 'N N N N N 's 's s 'N s N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N s N s s N N N N N N N s N N N N N / N .5 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N s N s N N 'N N N N 'N s N N N N N N s N N N N s 's' s s N 'k N s N N 's N N