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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Feb 1955, p. 7

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anadas me_____woprtu__1 o,- ALJ1~ IIIO U1 LWU , orld hava cer Iooked like do- treeecfie en te rpiier alelt, 7N. 53 tet Iwoe Oaadspllar $PSiof wc bpo » its ndiai River CmeeArborAcres WIscens1n. in i n the _- tbree-qu-arter c _________________7__ Part 1: it-mW s e t e.nuichol N w Campe.: inlrlrpi àmee HOW C13ULINI CAS~IE TUCANADA a century the(gama has been î~.mnifcssaeat omrktmr et AMRe eympebsacoe ff i1h n f wtee ek tamsny grue- makerWrie 5,orf11pawcars Bus.. tut1e<a rg sorsfa;played. They are EneX erg iattast lt5Çees iwleHatcb- Modern eapmaraMd -na cessorlgsel 0 If operationthewavkrafesportefan-cresddo.nt rdon "What ls Ganffla's mcst popalar VJinet, ilh-i, Casiadass Gorge e - Sttiop bellr b d-sýFf f cIt -i0.% ananouiXnt sport?", he uidoubiedIy would repy: stir and NewZeabatd's~ lark ti.oIl -plemIe tr eemtte As "1Hùckey,11 On tPebas ofe paffiipant aýttýVity, lie olbeMapw hvaUx-q FA i ced-i40 LsengSeOja vmè n tn he. ,Malte a <teady brom, 'lin s olI oI f P rbano 50POO boys $nîflCanaduay hockey i n y ger t j.î TWED»LR CHAceX ïst cHtR1ES É= "or SmmtpeAf uil s. StylW frro oteBut 200,000 mni, Aninand child vii are Davis t al. ii e " esc________s__------- ___ cur[ing Pd4lis. R ile questionable, indeed, watýher ry othepr "to' bring tou bçome tey pa-'.~yt5~0XOI'&pc dClct i;li fce oe rinne eled attýracés so raany ardent "ié usfor he îast, ý ad cy. Telaeete MW am e odcF et7tY- SiceDept O- I 22Ba«SM.TotO partieipan-t sport i North Aineria at aray fe c1snd ! His teRoli o a ea entury ago that tle Royal 1M1ontreLalCA wOran&W ,iW CurigClb thegau to issue franchises f0 members ttas- - i 1d c -atrin. e trsS Ocan feT.ed tc'. iff,2rebt parts of Cncl.The aaciexi cubwn-sglyte tt egesen.unemt.-,uma tI l.ctixtg as hya gmends of thre Royal CSaedonia i Canada. Prl£frgbti-soi &s'jocs btbgon.Ssa scd E A H',DE;SE -- Stocké. H ùiii'R- I Crsomsil 4 ew 4~ CameXO550e nobrde.Wriel-fo' rCANDA li riDeO CIfUL allr*e then othr pro çries have set up their own c-,urlin caeroohr onr s- headqarters altbough hi'ontreal tire easterîn part cof Ontaria eludd thisiilliantc dist a-ho çe 'drTeC%,. and- Quebett generally are still pa3rt ani pares of tire Scottsitstaode the gaina lke aColos- Oe odse,'-y-tme.S organization, mwh iII.took the ""' SSg 1-e--F - ,,araes 'reusnd f8ucesee1Marel su dOmnfnat it 'e BObby SM U TH0Ný" Fr yung ECI o uce ifM- ou gret et gaWa Queen Victorip visHed Sctland, and atended a curling Jnsdid golf and Paa o Nur tscte aaou contest ~ " blicks le adire on thP eo se - br odeo -fore or teg er- eGraee Ssec dî,d athlet-îcs. Yçu oaagauge his ee 1la pp- îotr akna be WiteorCaic Ma-,aj clubs laCandacon boast 0 Avigaciriý evedt uehrt rtI'ele Lin SU h srig ôy' ti 4sm b 'n- têe-wu e igtfr sv Ml t tIUE'SN IO ripe o-d ageeto- 100 yearsqor more. A popular tradition is of 575 eentury breaks. No other y-9, Iïht,' beige wocel ct vîht piltsCOmpr, t, u soia a- ,!erStWT et that m.emrbers of a Scottish regîmen* îtstatîoed at Queec player, professionial or amateur, uckskîns«p dcksng and col ehn .:E-SrdSlve t' --41 Stmg -'St.,ý, tamî introduced thre game ic; Canada, using canon balis eut in Iras yet madie 100 hundreds Ris ici edging. li's being shown i E m tc.iod t7ad2NI wlm e -JO S OeSA 1ral te~ppalog tre ce urfcesworld chmpionshipreignm fol- ' Paris Fr'ance. - --- 99m e-meset e ga han OBS'anyEA Faattually ài te known that the M ýonrl.-a;Cturling Club low.ed since by an arn(-st non- _________________ rDrb-ds ul s ky CNU nijes eun 'd was founideo-in 1807, and records indicae that thre irt inter-stop- run of victries aant- pui.-Ctlge ceneetadofc r en clty curling wmh was payed iài183f, between tearre repre- calenerloeahadcandsi, ___________________ ris nattS.. alAnd $51orpao sýenting Montreal ana Que-bec City, sa utie xarleoilspe-r1bly hedoeq il! c'riesa'nCOD.Dnad-ikon, Iri proverbially ScottitsternNova Scoia, pric-prem-iay. * *Nmeos tî0I aeFR SALE Ascso.26EySro.Tcoo lar'ly in. Pictouucounty>curlig caume into beng more thauna watched hlm do thie imposible. LL- -E* a--- -e 4-7411. century ago. Scots who settied at Albion Mîines s'on afler ce&s snooker pre-emine)ce Fil. trick chats never cease te esdtIai, arir, BsieS a om er PATENSTSN 1.827 ivere ,.first tc, play tire gamje l-ujtiat country, a- mnue.àpmja.un runlga b- aae a e a ae al prprieAltye.sie nnvrcs i'TieSOsAUti&Cenay ot thre Bluenose EChnb la New Gîagwow date back to 1853, liards, tIre 3-baIl precisiori gamre rest on a postage stamp- alter noWiteJ. ODEsoKensie eors.712 Ptn tonY salse 55 1%se Hainlou TMle Club is i01years old. EforethW whicli tSe ?-balI bigirt and tra,ýehng s ýtunes rouind thre 5 Sce e2tile naiPon 4 'Ae.Treee Ptns club was founcIed, there was sorne ecattered curling in the J breezy saooker ouý,sted; froi, thre table and smtmsofof î,-it DLN'Satmti okcotmn A F0tS eeer eeto-Ii diWsttAs far baek as 1838, Iamiton eurlers wee at a lase tables. Back in' bs boyh9od Joe lHe makes it ail lok so simiple, M5cc scret Maurrkstiofefr netos u ulInomtM sn r8 Jiow ho get stones. A woodwvorker i»ab egemd was a inemrberf of tbe loal1 especialiy that Iitvorite of V Msnylj it. l150 01 sa lre ThFmsyCe. tçitce een t set of "Stones"~ froi curly maPle, and these were used for c-huirch institute alt Gh'stüiÎîehd, we he reasuires up with bis Wi1ee Magie, i Ediil veýnue. rcne euyii£n tet tae yearn lit boasted a billiards table aad. eye, poîses is cue on tIre hal, PCTE 3n o n Lqerdvr.~~RSO>NA], Next week; Par' Il - Curing's Modern rothevery sIlare minul.te yei;ng Joe turns ta engage ini cnversation Jsend sifor Il botle. opald. Fiao, 15TILoe.Tet-iedtx liad uas devoted te tire atudy on and "pots" thre bail whUle loo- pwoMcM,5$Aibeci Street. Wnis. pree ,tiiefpl5Lte aaoiO f ob al] contrQi», ia was neyer ing away. Alvways iîts a ne.TemniA. TOceANos àori Your commnsngeonnsfr hscounwiflbêwlcm satislied with isthxaur six, hours Aad so %vasiris 1471 IflA WANTMI ioy Eme eruoc/pCéerf Heue., 431 Yonge f, Torno, praçtice a day ant i wenPDavis I'. ....T. ..REULS PERjoe O- WATE senior was noavînced that luniorTAKiI'G DEXON'S REMEDY FOR Altypsu noemrbnie o realy -st onbilliards. a cue W y =km s ~REMTCPAN , ERTS As. SURPLUS .JOISIEIiS WM - N C a1~ t DITILE S LMIEDwas purchased et asecond->ahd ___________________ tz, MINRO'S DRUG STORE, AMHaSTBUG. NTARO .prized possession and if i what $15 E"prs Pr"pId'lrator ana iwmelemuctaee , 1 eused the other day for ther e n 1 lookedout of p m tn p ,1îs.Ovü toflotons.stal 147kta.one i isMy eyes vmet a TNAMELESS c Nldrý0 - Aiter beconiiag Engtisit ui- drgd world; a soft lyer of SiMs StyfvercandOMMd, pui sy, aweWS Ism, ~~ ~ - trrow cova-eedvafiiey amimon- Or mner bacit. Corv.ecistTrIas Use _ pion joa'flt the a o p w pî eOr - ýý:rs s tài (ý( Een Ases on-îe.Eetr Otrl.£~,l 00 extra ,non¶ey. SWke $5 pev 01f-came tAJ Lwadon -and chc11lirged -'méa efc sbi!çaýSÎinIrS ~DCTER 0-î; c~ rders for WWclFosstoe- for tire sen-or tle. Re vreeled Snow! Ail tNe womnen udd iy EELIEVED witb ti sthtE Cn Farceuor Whiîe ALegbrs a i -seenatarg !on-ie gths ru r ks n ir W"; env avallabUmm.- Canada, -Aplrx 124, N regin errpir~ an e- making winer codtes, Every-' ,eia .bms 14Rn ta-.le!~henhSret, man, and went -home for îmoife s ge persoan rwst be fitted-1uf anilteOnt, t4WTrn Ï practice. Four ycars later Joe a--wfo edt fo.Mcr --EZM AV tm>was pack again and so mnarked of tiheWÇr d iihdne BISEh omn(fdc cem w7éas tIre iprneh i oveme thaýt e- bfr the rea ly coid cdïayýs roisd weing ei r lT.Pe' w.- -'c 1ElcamsSalve MUinet dimint uo man was nearly wtpp l ire came, so if WOuld have beaese- chnsaisIbunnezm, hardly pick uar ae tire Autralan, woiet tu - mis-tfo t-r en ake POSTnl,'S nrEMEýdES-eilrtaonctirl omo redjy I, %My Mmd-se cak sgtfeans. f,0 jnp, i b papewr niitut ee1g heaidiluesprcaun that souieboy had Witer 'Lindrum, ia 1933, Wrntdr clothes tiHisriow lien o-n Sn oWyess e<ep e re etS cmnebal, ufrj set a 'peu ma4k ferrnnhig, jipn,îscn b alorsm iegroiund, si Qvnst. E4 one F oga' Noim loke POLa Tire men. wereucchtetuhave ORNT ach. Arti yet unli %V(e Ioelkee d b iee came-af au! plces!.-ofMenfmesnokr' po A___anorak,_________ ________the_____Y__cî Ue CrcinSinc oie-veare wuaa-~re af w!uai was game said fa have bee:hniveted a ue ark i ieh by ritsi sualtra laInda, ouie, prefeablv of ealt or look forward fA if without tr ausui!a filrmottof ai. delybgrIGfidfa,,r heifer s0km. A white strp also sg tf ear 0f cold. If A, 5wÊ'ls Figui7e it this vw-zy,The niaiber of thnse wlro have, dretnred su1nybgn 0fn ao runs rounid tire leeves and stomins ucorne on suddenpy, ey I affer hieing scrnmd by the staid-E EE ailout breakiug four attentei fer ti r mie %wau n iotohie like ictorian and Edwsanaa ag tIre lower edge of tile MomeimesCie dwi-s aAtir sno vhousands--aud thre camene tr tie ta-nileeights!ltng and .,0 English Tire ctera-i abf- rk -eaoae .n o osep1.ï,ýsAfhv ha lp od n - forth, But-1 eraIiy 'n$1iüne aofidoor ahee have visio1ned miosphere prevailiag for billiads wh wolverin ski-îeeyw r1 eyer had warer and ore trr BbnIje t 1 rlý~ theytseiv'e s soring a c'J I" ueokrpool-a 'breýaki of 141. ply was not a bit aecsay tde thicke t beg on tire boou, practical clhelatrporre pIatnmae And yet, Os4iljmU r'eeeuly4 not a cing0 lie edo h ' ade wjihsnooker andftire %younger v-hich fouls dwnciosely over jgioris.- Froiri "Nunairit: Aaroag Ilrluneplstt.Lemr Mau.u W - aum- th ae hrc1-c n i -" !,-a nad EM o " h piateE la a-tsar ne peoer or paste tced lie. Evea c fi. There -uan %ryho ~em~lb4it r iac~e DviAnd Mr,. ais ~players fel-l for it. Profe-,ssîoals, fc.ou cme ninr Aakastln sios"h eeroito ur ils, ii.iat goSrOts OsL has hissatfaç-1ciý Snne ayDavs ad Lidrui aoclgrhe-nmenothe tu e rer oronger. YQlJ CAN UAl lis bi e~lsari4-n ouseda4 aewer, oneud wilun ensing tIresinfried sokr breechos SUso are of caribou _________-ý dobelOgatRgrBxiitrs"ne-mile recad. -LThe sanie goes as a fluer-m at tire end Of se- 1oso iculeeoepper or hegef Bite, 1. R for aleaulnrOMM% De-mnse thevchange tseMe s of thse ame stvio - h, ýi-lrî ý TSe Womener a 1onig, dosaIt-TNEEV ABL.E m),apereeir.Reur otes. 11ele0Qdeef wN -Il tie nod. when' we- - o -f0 bcd -at night5 Ut lay KamkstIre fow arch ad he-n fie heats MEwhen w nseuetl, i nîstb0the knee.Thre soles arec e 1~ t iemona. ~s ha b-> of tdckskia front a bullCai "And what' doûodhaet-o say -eiy aCa- hu wJithtfile flairclippeti short for yourself?' asked fhe iudge, qto 'pockets and furned inwaid. . . . Socks trnn f0iehuan. -- bail CuWithn o e uý1n, îe billiards and nrtena also are of caribou "Listen yo r'Hdar, said tire crilea but sknan have thre hair on11thre rmani, "iow catiycubeliv merciy an- iniside. Somietimes tire ski of w orésire says? TIre xawomn< îlayig hi' thre mountain sheep is u7sed.- -. pni~rn! - T17-i-e Nunam-iuit wvýoeii Iareex-____ pert at fanniag; he skias be-u corne so Soit and wh-iteathat ifÏ ï,s a ple:asure Vto see, thein, They M RY M N GRE- are equally good at cuuing ouf i and sewýing. They have a sr eye for an exactfit, anAtre c of anoraks and cloaks is as- good - -o -a -s- N -t", t- N N N N N 'c 4-c JSSUR I - 1955

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