HII~ i~ékaN.F. PORTER SE S newly, delightfully pro-1 pt elear of detail...the ith skirts f alling blade - flow with a silken sheeen wou la rival any bouquet excit- Sonday priug Ilats in Flowered trÎm. $4.95 -- $9.95 Store Ciosed -AUlDay -Menday -. -~ - ~ Taylor- pital 1\1 ndMiss ^Marian lVcKelvev, loroenta were week-euid guests of Mrts,. Fred -speaker at ÇShaw!,Hoeanho Club, Fridavi iiit of last Iwee.H shOw-ed a film on] China. 1 . s c Mlly,- otv ïois; visitipg Ywth MNr. -and lVfr s. Jobn. Patton. 1 The ladies of Oroiro an(d dstric[ haIve contrihutetI oe -$&.for he Bown vlle IMemoial Ilospital. This amiount has heen coilected lfrm card parties -nnd teas.ýLast yeair $300. I as raised andi wpe to do as- well this year, so ~keep up the good work ladies. A niumber of the lde of the Orono United Chiurch gathered in the Sunday SýchooI l Auitoriuri Wed- nesdaiy to make curtains for the windows, aIso to do some quilting. A casserole diminer was serveti at noon. UNITED $11R(U Orono Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, MÂRCIT 13 ORONO Sunday Sehool at 10 Service at il KIRI3Y Sunday School at 2 Ser-vice at î 89%/ of urh housew ives 1prefer Butter- wiA4-ihrs preOI T Naturally yotu pe utr fIt's a natural dai yood, made of rich ( whfoesomne c rean delivered to yu creamery whfe it is coiintry-fresh. Butterfss avor is ail its own... miild, elicate, creamy. For ýpd eating, good living, thiere's nothing like butter! For- a bookiet of grand newdair food recipes, Wvrite Io AMarie Fraiser. PAIRY FOODS -SERVIcI BUREAU A Division of Oairy Farmers of Canada 409 !ÎURN STREET, TORONTO À N Orono, Ont. .Now Serving OR 9N0 And NENVCASTLE vice f ront a family ni insurance to safe'guard We think yoll'Il P your I'rtdeiitial of Ai he's t'alkiag about, whei to chat abo)ut your lif e George, bis wife your~g childrexs, lvel Bownhvild4They ho e p.,ta.,U ýire veryday home E., Oshawa VA 3-4222 todýay? YouT 'llén hma k I Sa L of Spring- he andi Lovely in GentIy lF itted, s N N N N t -~ N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N o Youi Co. Ltd. on Fuel 011 anid Stove 011 1 "k'-