- b7 ORONO it winter cainaot s its bouches ef and recep- )y the choir E~R Dr. Wîimnrses and staff at Bow , Ruyers manville HIospital. a-P sizes of f ~so some AUCTION SALES 150 Stocker, Cattre, Durham, Here- Phone 3- ford, Angus Springer ani Grass cows; Memnber team cif clyde -mares, also farm m11acb. inery to be soid' without reserve at the Durham Countly Sale Arena situ- ated ½ .mile west of the Provincial Forestry Station at Orono, on Mon day, Apr-il l8th, coiineeicig at 1 p7-x. h The propertýy of Ceci Bebee and Sons. Contair Jackç Reid, Auctioneerl. _________________________ more, We wiII be pleased to pick U-p dead r<.B o1r Crippled fam animais for sanitary disposai. Teleplione Collect-, rCbotLrg 26or To)rontto E-M. Ô-3136. GORMON YOUJNG 'IMITED L'et'~s if you w,ýish your DEAD 'FARM Ana -dTOCK remored the fastest way, ParishE thencil us cll -Jowmainville The tinie 269 ealso bu.y live horses. 160c; Chuh MARG ILLFUR PARM TYRONE, ONTARIO'01 GOO uiorlt .At FOR COTTAGES - ABINS JMOTELS -HIOMES Toilets - Basins - Bathltubs Shoivers - Sink-,-Presýsure Systet Stimp Punips -Uôpper & GaIva ized Pipe and Fittings~, Etc. "Yon Pay No Preight" Wi'ite for free~ catalogue PLUMBING SUPPLIES StreetsviIle Phonie 3 OPai Moday, Wedueqs*ay . Friday evenings. Openx ail d; Saturday. EASTi sical ser, by cruesl ONT.. One Colony F~Fi F ---r mO ne E a Y E lE Il pine or witli nalger. I eespreer-Che4! Phioll Orono. 4 to 5 ýx9, , Ifice Phone ) FRID.AY SERVICE: Lt Orono United Churchl. 'ER SER-VICE on Sunidaý eguilar 'worship service a Iin the Eveènig a special rvice by the choir, £Llglll t artists: Mi-. Xleini 1- Durham CeffwUi 1JNMu- ýned COMMENCE -lni March 3I1st a-pe 7:00 P.M. [1, aLLt ~ SundayOE the com-- 0.E. Carson 1 Llmited The PresidE 4L-H H( Ditrh, and à rena on 'n. This sal a-rnie 5t JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 33 Temperance St. Bowmltvill. Phonie 3292 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator, SpecializeiI'arm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phbone 5r 18 -e TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ea of al] Às&A Ae ratea hlm at peu bia CIrk AÀ9 rge sale. TermsI ýid, Auctioneer. -ORM GERRY Orono - Phone 1191 very best" send Pension Plans; Educational P.Iic1e Protection and Savingm Piano tg@ Children aud AduIts; Mortgag. I.ý surance Plans. F. E.LYCET ORONO, Ont. - phono Z0vr ISTAFFORD BROS t CA RDS new and attractive designs .Se. Ue.,6e.,to .~25c. each ,,0.oeo00Ôêe.0o.o.O4 O 'OQ'OO.o.~o.oa~oaeO.eo.QfofO > >.~ > to $210 CIIOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES 111 assorted design, (lai ger items are sprtJybxd Prieed from .15n 20c.to$ 0 a TA,'ýSTY CANDY IN PLASTIf PL2ýAYToy tONSTAINERS 9.25. 50c. to$16 Sheet Metal Work Pluïnbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Fire Extinguishers Repairs ,t us pir il R.E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono), Ont. ADiffîCUIt Job?7 Cali on Us!f WC prepared at Phone Orono The RU(TWR,! CRANITE Dial 3216 -- P.O G ot52 Port Hope, On tarie REAL YESTATEFORS, Properties SALI, Ronted, M)allaged and Appraised ont ch test an EnumereuS notes somne ers iii local y of ppblic assistants, 5outmiaster ppreciation ijllage. The 'e the glht it deat( give ini to