to looki ait, Jr. Sglaxnour'l rock!ý abovic a whiril- divine for a 'tFi hsconifese, be dfcutof0co- he s only hiarrning yodher aîdý Like ss crau e he is, Iid inmsF.If t0fher help-hrseif îa, you shoul alythat if e hier agauîn ,Ps toprve '1hafinie young man. Re- him -more thain 1I knew, is hî more th Icanýi "Ticsinýe tenIve beenci ith him, but he says his love fore, is flt the samle. If Lit,. been real lvein th( first place, Pould't ihe forget my1sllýP1y act?ý Wouldnt he MW iveme and * sotmes aune whloves i 'h y hurt by unkîndncss that if *is har f0b conic.Pr b aps ths young matiis afrad Syou wî,llrepeat the offen-se,- ~and he is in nio>inood to risk it. '~ in your plae, 1 sihould not cail] hlm, nor vwrite, ILet hlmr b fnd ontwhietber youar * oeimportant b his hfce * thn h1e thouglit; if you Care, L*? hevi!i sooin be with yoýu. Parent s flnd tat lAine first'sý opinionis adcuslares~s ible ad wcrkaýb1c, She dees s rot expect tcoohuha1 she keeps ber readers' confidence. Wrie lier at Rox .L l"3 Eiglteenth SI., New Toronlo Oný 11e departed thi1f e ast Monf0- da'y a Oite fnsceemsto- som wthot lm vnAc-cord i ig t our ' vet" avirus ifeton had pce te he lverand spleen" and was themanesnwy Tip relused to catWenIod lie exlaime, "ellafter ai , ShtcýoUld you epr? Las'. Thu1rsday i heard .îgeeseý orhd.AtlesIthutI did, but, I a ,Y ure iasI couldnt snecthorn.But the ncxt dayv a neighbour told m ný e h heard geese, too. So 1 gucss I cas rîght, even toigh it doca-, t srin-js'tthat th0odsang And wh ilgubeif i roved, be tuc? ust frth rbord the ed ate n hch 11 1hiavn'tsen or heard a Woin vet, but ithere wvas able aY days, Iii the Itest tbree o be! postud the present owners are refIrLing adyoung er m-en hawie purehased the farms. Which iC ai to the good Vie hope the frend cnius You kniow, armf 0k have a lot, ofadutii n dasand itinfalwayseayAscr- oxie kosSatday uscd tÎo be fthc shoping day fer f armers and their Wamies As recentlýy as ten years ago airnost every small twn was erowded on Sat- vurdays wthcountry folk inýMCte on weekcnd shopping, andi of coursevsitig aM"og thersomVs - ispiccîIyl11 onSâturday nîghts.» The amois of usin'ess peo)pleý woecudomscen in any great number down twn one a Satur day, There was a sort of Uni- wttnlaw thaectthtdyt the farmers. Uli ade if caier for shoppers and shopkeepcrq alîke Incustrial vworkers wvere wvorking Six days a week at that tîmie. Whcn fthey dlidthr shop-. ping I don!t know. But of course there weVre fewerVot fhrn aro.1 asý industrial plants eSC small- Srin sie an Ud numbEr. But the picur ha cangd.They have the inutia ol 'r nd their f~ ~ ~~O amis or rlestke ovrthe saltown entesOn satuirdays. PyenvelIopeos pro- vide the mneans for the house- -wives' sho'Ppping;anda ai Th, otheru wvalked *into pan1yin dn il) at foreigin buying. ondered farmers ~y wer~ mi~hf s a gar~ efore if apis. As ano n af bime, f olk until get- n n4~ ad heard it is being rcflected oka oser look an 'lo0wly b.f r.SmJith slài Scots sodieCan meet p- Dtkring th-e Th~e~ alhLgabout Ce-nad g Co iof Paýintdngs of Canaian iti At the Brazilan reirei; n ôus Cpch Pa1acq and tlien aIthe iMeum of Art, this Seagramr Collectinmas se ythjousands ,àofen-ithsiasî-ý,-ic ciîizen&h ThrouboufLatin Anuic(ýa ad ý uop, h Scagram Collectvion orraeddu vtality or (Cana;da: heur indt! ustrial epason brcultuýral proîgreSS, he-r vision adtalents. boa o a fuIl YeIar, the Sar Coletinhelped biga Lýýasig aprctIon ad a fcller unoderstandirg of Camiada ?-to mî«ýiions f pep Zh 3ou -4of 0' :eaq rcm îN~RAIO'dLTOUR ,1CF mqAG OLETO flWSNJUAN, MAVAN,&,MEX1iCOCITYCARACAÀS, RIO ,DC ANzR, AO PAUL, BIJENOS AIRES, MDNTFVIDE, ROMC, LNON GARQNEVA, SQKOM nHýiE AC;U, mýAORID, AND A VsjiTCTOTHE AADA ARMED FO0RCiS IN SOES, WEST GERMANY. CURRENT CANADIAN TOUgt 0F THÉ SEAGRAM CLITO.CNRACAIOTTWHUA~ ST, jo.JON', SAINTJOHN, ijEEOKE RISRVIFETORONfO, OEE.LOW-DON, INEEOTO* WINDSOR, SASKAiTQoN. REGINA, SWIIGAN FAU, IIHJu, t'he lotpocy 'v LOST & FOUND 0 ek 4?eb