c 0L uMieN om,n?é .ERPlLIMITEDF NTRo ns of thef comt- he scitem-e ap- present legis- sadly lackinlg î'ket, in other, Heyl, 18, WC-avezher opes cf becomng Boston Preses Photo, graphers' queen from tîhis wcven.'bcisket pose. if she wîns the tille -cf "Miýss photoglenic Queen" 'elate in Apnril, Loin Will trovel to Coloradlo tbcompete' hi the 'natikoalphot'o.queent contes,. Unds te power to buyad aiad that existing boarda are oil_ eoitn omt tee. I ws thereforeprooe that, the powçý-(rs be etnldto3 in-clud"eth3e powMers (a), to mpr- ket, (b,) oprcess tepr-oduct, (c tofin prices. To prevent a po.-ssLie abuse o such fer rahn powers,th Union rcmedd th'at a îiumbev -cf members. nt èx c-o-op packînig plants wîlIl b. set pstrategically locate'd aýI I over theprcic Inclsntt Union Brie! urlýged th'Je Ontario governmenct f0 ,)act on the rmotion ofE. D, Fuiteon (PC mem-rber fonr Kamf- loops) mrade in thre Hbuse of Commos on arc-b 9th whï h called for anl immned.iafe ,ivesti- gation o! thie spreadbtwe piroduce,çr prices anid consumner prices of myeat ai possible abuses under the resent sy5- temi of gredling. As the federal Mýliister o!, Agriculture itad refused tf0 holfi an investigation as beîng miorec properly in the~ provincial féild and as the. large paclking hanses h-ave their headquarters ii, On- tario, such ant investigat[ion should be held in Ontara. M results would b. mont helpful Ifor the organisaz.tioný of produccr controlled orderly marketing., The Brief was presenftef by OFU Vice-Presidlept Wal'te-r Mil.- lei, in a spirited rmannier. H. stwood uP intanfully fto . barrage of, questijons cam,-ing fenail sides, We mrissedý oevr proposalior he sabihm of a separate Prtfoio o Cp operaton ta take Catrge o! ail cooperative vntre a arket- in, onsumi-er soe, cei unions, c Titis colun) welcomescit- ismn, suggestions andc questionýs, whiether in the form of brick- ba),ts or bouquets. Addiress mi f0 Eob Von Pilis, Whi l,,nt Thev penuîg in 1ais '..,,uuu s inacomnpetition sporsored b-,a ean ,oIeIy in titis coin- t'ry to mark its b i -(enit enryal In connecti on wvith e at;ing haisït is con fidently -asser-ted that goevernnients will mýake a pulsory. Ail land anfimyais hitherto raised for food ar1e likely to beco)niýe extinet, i eeyavilJable acre ýwill b wanted for other prcojectscus edJ by indlustriel spninand the n-eed to house the raty increased] population. Among other fressare: Comuniatins:The rocketl letter post ýwiIl] make possible Pedestrians wl move quick.- lyaO-ng mnain streets On aut'o- aicspeed wls aeet in maJin streets will beiý-. raied to frtstrylevel tio allow for wide roawaysfor traffic be- lowu:,Pissenýg ers wilI boardi bssfromq the top) deck. Heat, light, power: 'A nl plastic daome will caver every big city. H-ouse lighiting bwib walls. Domea2_tic hetig nd ventilation)' wîll be control1led by coverinig each house a-nd garden with aplsi shi entereid by an aidrlock. IndJust rr: Afd v (e- r t is emen- ï,ts wjlJ b. projected on bta the niigt sky, and space 'Will be sodby refereýn(ceto the posi- tion .o!the r-Stars. MeiiE ypnotismwilb the eccepted m on fbns- îi ng phyvsical eand emiotional pain. Theà treatmrent of wounýds will, have been md easier by uise o! transparent uned ical1 Dog, Saved Lives Every dJay a lttle clog calleýd Benito sits Outside the class- aýoi- f is sinail miaster at 'Cesanz di Campl, nearNal, ýwîting for school to ei. Theni they sciimper hionte together- happily. One day recentL!y, howv,-er, Bellito waited(ý and waited, but his ml-aster did not qPPear. B3en-. ito j'umped up et fte .oor an.d ptislied it Opers, to se. the teacher and the chilfiren slumrip. ed o'ver their desks. There was a b.ad smell of gas in the roomi. l3enito raced upDstairs, hark- inIg, aniattracted the' atten- tion of t.e caretalker, who camne down to se. withat hadhpen ed. He was just lIn time open the windlows and save t.e The doctor wTho wvas cal'lefi to fit. case, said î,the- children and their teacher -undoubtedly o-we their Lives f0to telittl. dog's prompt an(]itllgn action. Naturally, Benitdl is a greater pet than ever. $lis Number Was Two as- a DOOKSi BiOOKS loaned filee of icarge o Theosophy, . comparative eiin Sceience, phulosophiy, c. 'Write the TraveJllingLrra, Toroiito Tlieo aophi4ai soe't'y'. 52 isâbeila St_ Toný- FOR SALE FARM MACJ4INERY Belle City Threshing Machiine 2ý440 o1in ruber, with ahredder and grain thirower, $1000; alsù No. 16 Clipper Fanning Mill with 16 acreena, $100, Crt:ickston ParkFrm Blair, Onat. Phione 4589 finit. REGISTERED TnaieBoars and Gilts, four montha and op, somne bred. Appiy OLENHELEN FARMý, R.R. 2, Maple, Ontario. DELICIOUS, Ecojnomlýcal, H4ealthful! Booaket 35,1. Beani - Recipes.1Box 65,. New Lots St., Brooklyn i, New York, OUR Lacey. Baby Pan-ty Pocket Ker- chief, always good for a laugh, $1,00. No personal eliecks. Jilarbour's Nov- elty Maling Service, Box No, 112, FAIM FOR SALE. $20,000. TERMS, 200 ACRES; 125 WO'RXABLE, BAL- ANCE BRUSH AND PASTURE; GOOD 13UILOINGS; EXCELLENT LANO; TER4 MILES FROPM LINDSAY. FOUPIO REALTY LTD, 143 KENT ST., LINDSAY FARM5-nolcevell imiproved farina in lhe faniuonsý Beaver Valley of the Gýeorgeian Bay Area, Large -nê,ndali acreages, Right now the price is at-, tractive with i imediate possession, Let us; know your requirements. Gar- field Case, Agent, Clani<ksburg, Ontarie. G1ordon, Stoutt Liimited, Realtors. SEDGRAIN FOR t.ALE No. i Reg. Beaver, Clinton, Alaska, Lorainie 5$1,75 bus. No, 1 Certified Osto' $1,65, Ail varieties No. 'L Commiercial. Oas $1,50. No. 1 Reg. Galore, Mont. cýaini Barley $2.50. No. 2 lteRg. Banieyé S2,30. No. i Coin. Bariey $2. No. i Ont. Red. Clover $39. No. J Ont. AI falfpa$8 No. 1 Timothy $14. an' Mlilii Lýited, Exeter, Ontario, 100) acre,12 milles east of Petenbor. ougli, ricli dairy fari.n, $300 onthlJy turnover; atone bouse, ail heat; ail buildings in good condition. Conitact. awiner, J,. Meincirnger, R.R. U, Indian River, Ontario. REGISTERED lHereford Rula Westerni breedinpý 20 nmos, old. Ideai for Ibhis years breedfirg. Doinîo Irain, Box. 127. rantfurd. Ont, tpe Town are rec.ntly two remiove the .r Elsie Cami, iles ouftof sea obe suntk by PROVEN R2-MEDY -EVrRY SUIF- FERER 0F RH EUMTIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DlXON'-$ý REMEQY.ý MUNRO'S ORUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 1.5EXPPESS PREPAID NAMELES Cld Reioley, anlQinîment ti uaI t e~ days, o r oney bacitk, r4cig ra 511.Address: Purity Cc_. Exeter OUnt, P051'S ECZEMA SALVE BNHih. termentoi a dryece esles and weepbng 5kma troub'ce-, PUStÉS iEczeina Salve wl fotdi]p point you. ýtthinig. scaling 510 u n ing ezm~acne, ingwo)rni.pmpe and foot eceenls will respono reLadýýi th uh tain)ess, od(oî!eas îrtnent. gardtessa 'f bow tblonorlÔpl PRICI $2.50 PER jAR SetPost F ree on Rereipt of Price, S8 i>qusanlit. E., cornier of Loan, TOIRON4T O)ppORTUN1T Ifs FOR MEN AND -WOMrEN 'WANTED RalEs-ate Agents, n1OS vw)meîi, to o.eil farins in tuis area o ~omml-srinn basis. -I l] train you, Write for details 0f bow ýto get ùinto tins field to Chas. F. Corcoran Real Estate,, 2434 Keele Str7eet. Toront(o ý15, Oýnt,, 'o, CHl 15880. OE A H.AIRDRESSER JOIS CANADA'S LEADING SH~ Greeat opiortuility. 2.Wasawi, dglS4profestoù, goûe4 wages,. ThjousandïoKi.,sfi Wa' vlgradtlates. A *agGrëateast S.ysterj i)jstrated Catalogue Fre Writeé or Call MAJUVEL HA1BDRIESN. C HOL j58 BRloor st. wý,Toon 44Kïng st., PHeo-iltoný 72 Ridealà St-. Ottawse Patent Att0rn'ey.s, Etabllsbed 1890. son aneni nsnd f uil nfor-mation ýeyît free. The. Ramsay Co, egzisteed Pat PERSONAL 510 RIAL off est. Tet-ledl persoliial requlreinents. Latest t- logue I*ncl"udecid. The Medico Agcýy, Box 124, Teni'mnai "A"0 Yoronte Ont. ethcing Information 'Worth~ $1,400 Yours For O '2-$5! Prosperlty Winfox 10. American Sports Review $200. Wycliffe HJil's Course $100. Little's Personial Metliod $1000. ONE 4$15 or ALL FOURý ONLY $2 Certified check or postal mioney order ny, ANDERSON Antonia Station, P. AuBx 56, New York, N.Y. If YotwreTIRED ALL THEI! lIN! Everybody g<sa abit rea'down now vand Lien, ired-out, heavy-'headed, îand Maybe botheeed by backaches. Perbapa- nothing ZerÏously wrong, juLt 'ateinporary tozic ontoneused by e1rcens add nd *astes. That's thbe lime wt tke Dodd',a Kidney PISl. Dodd'st inutae the Lidney;, ari soa belp restüre theuii ormal aczion .1o seoig exc aid and w4asîes,. Theis you 1lee better, VlepbeI r or betteir. fiel Dodd's Kidney Pilla now, LookfSr tie bMue box witb the. red band ntaP l dmýggiâtta. Yeu carn depend on Dodd'3ý 2 - j ISSU1E14-- 1.95 "j 'N N N s,, y- N N 'N 'N 'N N s N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N. N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N y- N -y -y N N N N N N N N N N N N N k s N N.