THEF SHlAiJGfNESS)Y STORY - e Part 2 ~ lredas manager Of 3Montreal Royals lin- d ise nternatîiasea i League in 119,36- it could, in ia sense, be -written d(own as tise1most fortunate thing tat ever hiip)- Penied Jin sport to tis s oier et atldic fortune, it was c(3rtitly trtntefr t'lea eAfe:,nh laqter hle was linmed Presidcent et thdat body Andt, ash t veiopedi, on1y the iron -,ii] and re!se)uîce of hagesy h1 the second-oldest basebal leguMR the woidtoether ia e-ighit-club dgnlaio orîthe statof il,-; d amaint'lis As told in. the is e hsetotabloid slketches, ,twor,ýaj 'pîlars of-- the International, Ne -rk 1ndJersey City, suddcleijly, collapsed in 1Rý50 ad15,rsetvl.Otw and Spru1ýg- field re-placed t'hese and se, uîll 19lu53, the Leag-ue remniid mntact. Then stormi-clouds ga,[tred again-î Chic-ago Ci ib S l the JNational League wthdrew fAMeir support fi omthesprin-lg- field venture, alîorwhicb hdben n adout id t-e International 9almost ft'om its iceptio, hd ua chance to 4e,- tu--rn ta thie 1majors.Shagnsyws e ihSix eclubs. This was à risis. Sources had seeming,-1ýybýeenta)pýcI dry. There was iiothing left trom -wie tlit draw. t la U that's, the wvay t rÏ$ked toeeryoy-e;,cept teSauhesy The big Irishàman's- vision rngedsoutri, far , beyond t peison]ous bounids ef television. Il rn ~udtake Ri- nlond, he imused, so cotld SagnsySe Shautghnes,ýsy te k Richmond, ivildthatciy'ite t Ite rnlat'ionalLeg But hie sili haid a va-cancy i i op eeafvr Fate stepped in te aidj the h-arried lae.A etrfroil Hafývana, souight conitionsfra nentoaiggi r î'se. Ai-d s,, n Deceimber, a solidi-1noking Bavanaciie 11:1med Bobby MVaduro appeared at a mein nMnteland offered lte pay the freighlt for al eamtravllngte H1avanar south ef RichmonidHavania clorf caitl tCuba, -,as welcomed with open armns. 'Jhe Itenaio a was eight (club again. And se t starts thse1955,camaigu. Attieelmn, thse tu old guy wbvo rehnsed te aceit defeat, whi) hadî kept ti-e League fnancially alive wth thse Play-off plan, and a. ls AAA ürga- nization, by bis ability te find nwtrioy Bet Si-Hagril etler 0f Ail Tie Thi genaratien probably bas nomver iseard? of Frank MecGea. -Out, te mnyoldtimars, ha is tie rats hockey sick-handleýr who evar carriad a peick down tie ice. Ad is story is a granid onse. Frank McGee çýcame c-froro aj n MIustrious anidwa.byCada Xà1mily daeply steepad in ireds, tin.Ha\,was a wild kid, gmy,ý mrnd carefrea. iHa pIFpyad hockey agminst iis famrniy's wisbes£, md playad t with reckless and dvl may-cara abandon, binigas a student ai the (Universiiy et oi Ottawma nd cantinuing as a pro- lessional star. fou gols nasistdin C64':sec- onds! Andi n 1905, handîicapped by a steelbraced broken wrist, ha scoed tis tyig and winnig gOaîls for Otawain the tne Cup! 1?hea camaethE niht that Frankie McGee's paqis again cosdthat et' Pokey Leahy. Tisey faced aach other several years attar the tragic accident that had cosi the "Ottawa Corn- et bis eye. As She gamre wwa- about te stanL, Frankie gided over ta Pokey and softly said, "Pokey, I'npayýing an old daebt ton-igii. Ani)-l'rn ioing ,te do t on >sur auwn de and befora your owncrw" %and M'i knock your otiser eya eut!" Tie game was but a faw sc onj,-ds old whe Mca tame roar ing denowards pôkey Leahy, Thecre wa,-s a terrjifiacrsh Pokey weAt downi, Teybedte carry hîirn off the ice. And neyeragn did ha lace on sktes10 pla&y hokey! car-ne, Frakia cG-ea got inte tile arrn, by .4aing -a friand a- lisiforhlmunder ý issnaa A nd(I inspite ebing partialiy blind, Frank etet up iRntise r-ankýs frorni buck pivate te Cap- tajin. On--Ia iragic night during tise wînrter ,et 1916, an anemiy shel wrote finis te tueIf-tr et Prank î,MeCGea. H die Iad aslha bad !Svedp a here, 7o Port ra y 'Lt>fe Eagle' on Screen Sow-talking Jimrmy Stewart, lefi, wll pe,ýrtray Charvleï tind- bergh, right, ini the film production ,cf "The Spirit uf StL.l/ Stewairt, an Air Force colonel and pitot durig WordWa>cVýr I, W.; dramaitize Lindbergh's 1927 clofliqht acroes the Allcaiic About Sport Ha waý;s a ste)Ck'ey lee-. anoi ]ow reamîng the profwelsona eho baskeýtball courts sornetwny- fie ar go. inan mmazing shjot, Anoh a exelnt Èeorma'n and, a -'nc wor fine al-aroundplayer. Whleha la isM C played witis a ysapra baske et-ranknoul bail team nNe Jersey, his b(aanthro narne was FacsCiii.As a býaskaiball playar, ha as a very W. C. se.nieus youLIng jman. Ha cými gisJ-,t mIna Je have had a graat future i n t c ka gebut ha -want, on tha stage 'as mi( iast. Tod1ay ha'iise r M-la$, wol f anmiounscornainoet sage, wS hbwca acreen adraithe ,evabàe biliard cliowný ,Lon Costell"o. wa S able Fred Astaireanus nacte nd tamous dmncerý was gooid enugs s bailplayer te plany wtha em- t al pro iemm. booming * ~ 'Now ha As over as Aa yong girlsh wn'e te bcome 'a proftessionaù biycl rider. Une day she rans Rte a T h e's trea and wms immdly injurad. S&e Garbo migist have -bcome ýýan invaýàiidswrn for lite but shbe wmsisirdb R a th,,e ,-iserc ceineback s -)ft mb!tyi Presdant F ran klIi n Du!ae s a me Rooseveit. She learnad te swimn, ta u raga-1Ined use et bher Rjrdtha t brei bdc!y, wvon a g.irls' swimm.iîng herfabu, chmmponiip, Today sisa is ise loalnoviastrJuýne llso. This h 44 5 manwas Ayouaigsýier, who was a good boing t enougis iver nd swiîner tA picgarni ha onideedasOlyp nem- sconr taria, gava up tha sport whnen tise Seul ha wa;s injure(ldudeng a diving Guinwei exh1ibit'ion, anud want on te b2- Gïe More the tugis guy o et'tia keap ord meicvies, Alan Ladd.tia at * * . fisbig c Tisera was Dan ateýur fiïghîter pany hbu clevcnd or-le. /earý3 n'fc througish Rn Cavalnd ema earsmgo tiecd wlis inarned Packey East. Hae int ts kp lest long R isa ring. As a f jgiht- imt ar ha was aoa, 'bu b1today !ise's te cl aý *Yin oet mmnry 'jokes, tise ïharbacljn wýor1j's nest fanous comtea Bob ebm bee Gene Kelly vwas a prenilsiflg F raddi, boxer before handacded te be- veight corne a dancer. bas puni At Goazaga Collage-, 1ha11aS aU inrea basketball star and a swiming elua champ. Laýtar,. ha maaïgdý a gIrls soRettsl taorn apd a prize- $ fight. Tedaya ,, i-s an xelatU golfar and ïa. notad turfspr- rîis h-obbyý is racing spaad- St Etie iboats, but his trda is te maka France, h tise sweetasi musc tiis sde etfcard. A' Heavan. Tbat's GyLmad. tbink ,wh S S *gianced Tise beautitulJix Flkanbeg wa ia champion, et Chue, aitisaeaga The card is playar îtagivýe tishf e has wo- t ia a S enplayers Rnl-.,tisawold a This d Y ne AnOther fine tennsplayer 3S birthday utile Mickey fuRone, owa 1 aast good enougb as a', bojy te win bounîng' ajunior tennlis eý'hamypîisbip.ilperson t e a *been de Humphey WBgart,' h; ad I Bol the movies, wa"s once scue ennis pro who ked at a sumnmrsort îtskihls is today tar bet- a, as the motion pictûre bi) Van 0JohnIsen. mr was se experta iiliards; player that h-& thad with Ralph Green- Drd*s chamfpion. An)d it, uose et is- amtazing trick shOts fthat W. C. Fed teý m aka bis fist sage [ce Pn his nowi world"- rubbcr nceat. c, ha was famesAfr hisý, KickS againlst Harv"ardJ. is famou-s the world cle he-mon hero etftie a eggnd thatGret w as once a chnampion R n Sweden, anid t-hat thrÔugh ber swimiming bat she got her Neirt jb del, Rtwas sc a nidel attýiraceed Ptie a[tent1ion mght ber eventully t usesraen career handsoma young îrisc- sa matir)be-r et thr'Irs team in the 1928 Olymn- wsu Tisen, Wita smal ýha carriad goods te ;i Seas iiitil isý boat cked, Hal went te New foi- gold anid sta-yed teý er, with hîis fists among vas. Whila out peari.- one day. a mevie cern- red his boat fer a trip tise islanids. Thay ne-. lt a finle handsoma chap p er was. Se they hired play tisele"ad Rin a Pic- aed Capta-inr Blood. And me uia sensation that i in-- tbe films ever since 4. St(ele, fermermdd- champion et thea wor1d, iced on]t for hhrslyselt a ar as ai brilliantmto actor, :inY (!) MAIL h-aïied Madame An-. hoir ivas Rn the, 1town of inne, Rn east-ceutra_1 has just received a post- t.1 first, sisa çould net, he had sent if. Theni she at tisa date stamp anid Dbergasted ta see it haýd ûstad 36 years btr'e! -d wos from a long-for- friend who lhd w ,ritten so1l!iers' baýntaecl. Lelay nl'postaj de1iver:y m:rians a record. Aarhuis, 3nak a 7card teak near2y 4) n arriv, iin the naighi- cýitiy of Oraxas. The to whï3y. it was sexit had nad 20 yeae'. tin eetheftre arese- CLASSIFIEO ADVERTUSING '[H BOKSianýed fea 0f 1charge on0 T ,esepy, ComparatiV'e Religion, ScendPbeapbetc. Wr-ite the T'ravelling i.irrian, Toroatýo Theo FOR SALE ,iY -nym, DougailPrsue um Comnpl-te, itb 2 tH.P.25-60/3/550 Mlotor. Capacity !600 gala. per hr., 50 Ibs. pressure, Pressu-re Tank wit valv-es andi pressure ich iv nyDure Mechical ýFilter Ne. 30c cemplete. T i lter has bcea use(j pumup. 1 ony Chysie-r 6CynerIdsra Pow-er E7ngýine2 Unit, 40 il., 1800 Ri.P.M. reduacedte10 200 R.P.M.Ceir- piete reaidy te run, new, WiliIaccept aly reasonablie dfer fer any of the above equipuient. Apply te. i*abur IritBoot Company. Lt(,d., New Hamburg, ont. DELI1CIOtISý >,10coneil, Heaithfbui! Belit 5l eau Rees. Box 60, New Lots S a., BrookyîP8New Tok VENUER LAT14E AND CLIPPER F0,saeThe Capital lathe and Cipper, are 88 îinches long, Ft>r frhrpar-tiCUlarS appÎy ke J. R. Kenntedy, 584 WiliaFm Sc. REGISTERELU Heraferd Hifla Western braadlng 20 mesod. Idrea] fori, tis oeri beedng EDomine aran.Bex M27Br,-,n tford'c. Ont. tal delay. Twe., picture post- 1cards, one sent from LÎierpeol, the 0othne r tram0U1rton tanjcs., werue eïach posted on the saine day n 1905 and delivered 42 years later. A letter pested o Jnei, of thle same yea, tfram balas fiirm Rn TiLondon, teok 49 years, te re a ch the West A.,hf ordc, Sent, Ceuncil. In 1944, Fa posîcard wî'itten te a M.D. T. Starke, a London probaticn. officer, on August th, 1890, reached its destinaEtioni af- ter ai delay o0f 54 years. Thre card bor-e a ,icteorian hbalfp)eni-y Last Octolber., Mrs . M Sih 0fJ- Whitby/, Yorklshîre, received a postcard wvrittesi by hler moth- et and peste-ciRn B1arry, Gia- moirgan, Rn 1903, when MrS. j Smtith wýas tw,,o years ai.d. So far, howavver, nothing b-as out- stripped the amazing record 0 a latter sent te the Major of O)kehampton, Davencion May 3rd, 1850, requastîng this lcal ifficial to ctinvene 'apublicmet ing in cennection with the grueat exhiibition te ba lheld Rn Londe--n iS 1851; the later took 85 years 1te arrive at the a mayorail par- leur! WE HAE so o£cf he beat týurkey pouits that money wilbuy7, aPi rin ntie App)rove pullormum -,tetd stock. Brod Breasted Bïronze, Thomp- son. Large and medirn 1Whir, ,O ýSmitb Broad WI.ites,Wie olad Emipire Whts Waen Whe, IBeitsviUle, Inon.-seed, estos 19.55 CatalIogue. TWEDýDbLE CHICK H TATOIIEIES mimiTE, FER'Gus,OTAQ YIOU'LIL want yopLr pullets laylnig when eggs are in Short uplwhich) is our precdictiol fcr Inter in yvear. Wve Iave puliets, dayold, started. A1so nIr-xedcl hicks, cocierels. Ask , for prices. BItAT HATCHEEýy, 120 John N., Hamditont, HA'VFI yen trided cicks fen ouIr R.O.P. sired as eahrigBarred Rock's? if rnet, order now, lanieai approved cl fockýs uand atchery pllru tested breederS, ne reactors. Tope quaity loestprices. Peleta$22.00. Mixd $l.0, ockciees $5.00, Writeý for lnterestiflg ilterattire. Sati5actioi guaraneed, arocqe PoutryBreed ing, Farmi, North Lnatr Ont. WR ARIE riet hatching chickens with four druinstck yet, b ut we do hatc) three speclal br'ïeedjs for maýximumI egg production, three special br-eeds for niaximum broiler prof'its nd lfouîr special due] -purpàa.,e breeds: aise special breeds. oftuky or heavy roses iium roasters, turkey breilers. Send or 1955 catalogue, Ut explainas fuliy these special breecis. TWREDLE CICI HATCHIERIES LIMITED, FEEGUS, ONTARIO GO VERNMENTI A p p r û v e ci Bb feed ýceo,my tjy LhicolnWbt Leg horns. Aise hiatclning moit pepuLnar, crosse-s. Startedl Chicks a)nci Capons always avaîlable. Try eut dependable service. Lincoifl atchery, Race Sre St.CatariesOctne.Ploi,neMt'uaý ORDEP your poulut ow frein; Ve-spra Tu yFa!7rms. Teny-xyars 0f raising, bedigand h atchinstr the best poults reurbl. read Breasteci roze, ery maturing, heavy ment yîid lw fcec cets, Cn stiute s.f iveostinenýjt Write for prceiit. A O Pttrsn Br ~A . FOR SALE REGISTERD No.- 1 Barbel 2 brley. SimicecAbegw eitc, Beavertino îInd Larei as FiambeattByBas All seed bigli quality andà PanGeen treated, Ceresmer e Faria, Garnet B. Rickard, Bownmîanývihe, Ont. ,-ARMf FOR SALE $8,00-$3i0 Dewa 100ocres; 7 werykable. jNear »u-rham, solid brick ïbouse, h1ydre, 40.,k60 bank ba!in gond stables, lit er ýcarrIer' , yaer round1 ,3trear., $9,00-Tems.100 acres; 95 Wori.çable, good locat1in, close2 te schol înd church, buildings goodi, hydreý fur- nac, ater systeil. M. HIENDUT D1undak, ýont. W , Kelly Re-al sae ArM OR SALE; $21,001 . tERMS, 200 ACRES; 125 WOKB R AL- ANCE EUSIA AND PASTURE; GOOD BUILDiNGS; FXCELL'ENT LANO; TEï'fi MILES FROM -INOSAY, FOUNO REAPLTY L . 143 KENT S T., LINDSýAy 100 ces 2 ailles ecat er Pterber0k eugish, rien dairy farm. 30notl turnever; sen ouse, oit hlai;al buiildingýs hi goodcodtn Cott eweJ MelncingeTr, R.R. .Iue R-iver. Ontanio. F.ý,AM for sale, 100o crsgod an sud buildfings, hydIre, water jansr systein, lnliiing mahn;cn b boutght wvith orwihu ste n machinmery; oeagoedbos rsa, cen tbe remeved. Manin asm n 3, PRuaIse il, Ont. .MEDiCAL HGHLY RCMENS v kRT SUFFERER 0F RHEUM",ATIC Ai,~ OR NEURiTIS fSHOUO TR'P 0 .lNS REME DY. MUNROis DprVG STfoRE 335 ELGIN O0 .- A $1m25EXPRCSS PREPAID POST'S ECZEMA SAtVE fANISH thetermevnif e t r-I ete ransha sud we àp ,aSIn , 'i . Pot' Ezema Salve ,]wioI nl.ia lnfg czep1a, acripegwerm vmple Gtud feot ezm ilrespeno eail tiesc. Sent Poat FroC on Rece«ip1 )fPic ff89 Queen S5t. E,, Corner 'if Loqan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR -MEN AINO WOMEN BOOSE Miik Ca,ýse Manufactirarenild Repaira, Midlandi Avenue, Agincourt, OIntarie $t Per case -r.epelirs veur c!aseýs. $1U5 ecutdlown. Write fer pIces on inew cases. MA0,;;wne ma-def"or yens ol',I cases . Learn erresn Piesaint, idgnifieci profession. ýeed wage. Thuse¶hs t sccesfulMar, W7irite or cal" 158 Slorir St. W.. Tr)oonte 44 ;King St,, Hanhiten 72 Rideau St. awa1"ý PATENTS ÏIETHRSTONHAUGH & Com-pa,r? Platent Aittereya. Estabhhsbèd 1890 80G Uniïverlty Ave.. Toontr Pl ntal ANOTE e very Inventerisîo Inîventions sud fuil infeýrmntten sent fr4oc The fRaràsay ýCe. Regtered Pst. cntAttrucs,2123 Bani St fitawa. %1.00 ITRIALOeFc fet. tntyý6e dleitx p.ersoisi rpquirements. Lateat cata- logne lnndi. h e ldïce Agýencv, Box 124, Ter-minal A"T0yron0 to Ot. WANUDt WANTED, 'vrgn id growth bardi mapewooed lot, 20 acres or langýer, 'or fracontainling aucb wîoodL1ts cash. Boy 78, 'Exeter. jOBS UP TO $1500 MONTHLY Ferelgui, U.S.A. Its psesIn.Skilledt aynd unskilled ishor rneedeci now, iplus ail professions. Men andi women. Nu enmpioymtent fees, not an emiploinm agency. Coruxtries lsted are, Alas1ka, Austraiis, Canada, Paama, gapan, Honduraes, vaious Pacifie Islands,. Ar- gentine, Brazil, Hawvaii, No employ- mrent fees, for f ul inforInatiail and instr.uctions, aend 51OO. WO0 L INFORMATION SERVICE, 2961 SA.W, Sstreet, JMiami, Fieride. Il MKAY BE TOUÉUR LIVER 9 Wlie'ýe ot Worth ULinig ii ufayb. ytiveri 9iaa acîe1 k p U w #opit c elýJy,. y5ur hiver bliwL n. Çcffo 5àgfr eq h Ils. isend opar'kle go eut c f fe. Tilit'e wbopý e0t d A fet1c Carter'. Uittle eti~Ite b.fle ~ hver b e n yzàe dietoseartfnethenini peoperlr .ad "ïyen te1.eltbatba11 lpyday. jre !bere, ýAisn e' enta Aues ep caer', -wUtlq on PI, ubAudî. 37î ivous drusel. r ROLL YO'JR OWN BIER CIGARETES wIrtI s N N s N N N N. N N N N N N N. N N N., N N N N N N N N N N N N N '.4 -.4' --i N N. N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N "1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4. 4.4 4,..