flRoNo iWBEKLY TIMES S.~... ,. .. ,... N UR M LLINCE IWHIIM NAS BlIEUBASIIC Am$ o. Io ive the bousewlfe more for fier motey- Top qualhty foods cai eveiydaiy 1bw prices ith I.G.A. and ther fast selling items. 2. To rmake shoppineosler for the housewîf.e-. Tlough ipproved stock arrangements, perso'nal attention and faster check-out. 10 ToPresuv.Opportulity fr thé Young mnwt'himiîietfre #0 go into business for ~~eooofoooo ofOnpeqpeoq, Monarch Paestry Clover Leaf Sockeye %>Haif Salmon -Tin 37c' solo Gerbers Dry8 oz. -BABY CERýýEALS ..21c Gerbers 4 oz. 0l TM t oz. glass p1g ,TABLE SYRUP il23 Ajax CLEANSER ....2 r-7 SANI-FLLJSII....H Detergent haif-price deal , FAB......... ... 2 for 59c Dewkist Choice Ungr-adad Peas2' 2ii 5c ,stokely Faney Tomato 2 20Ooz. 2 7c I Almer Fains 15oz. 2~ TIS~ Aii~ie i Sauce 16- oz. Icebox Jar 37c ùOO*O~kO0OOO ,ge*e Report From Ottawa By John M. James, M.P. (er. did a tendybreik go Soil) e Vou to soIIIe of th e Cabinet Mill- g-uiclr-y! '¶ils we ,we are back at itr rteprominrt mmes Otta'vareadtyinig ourýselves for the the pfosition parties. So pjlease .rnn~-trechof ithe ~eodsession of make a 'pint oif ntcigmef Q Ilhe 2ndPaiit f thle Dmno are visiting the Pprilirnent Buildings. ~tiyaad. oec sts sggest that 0jpen, Every Day -he,ýesio will last until July, but Incidently, the buildings are Pf our experience is that once the warm eer-y day for -,isitorS oudn't reed weathei strikes, thne speeches tend -to a pass to get in. You onthem, Lzte,- hec .n sorter and about the end oýf on you'll be able fb see the Mirý , 3ý plities give way to togt which is closed now to vstr~eai ao_.îJsumrer at homne. -We have now.v of ýaltera-tionls. But, there Is the Eigin reiý i n session since early January. Street M<useum- and thre War Muse»nx e Este hlidys av usan p-of intense interest to) the mraiec men~- or unit tol renwgaceusanaoc-sbers of the family. -The Library Qf around the country. our n ertfon beas of fire therea aý fe« is t'at -we couldn't visit moe people montiis ago. It won't be open for in ýIe short timie. Theluhazardous ~about a year, but should b. wel1j hiea ,ed roads were ailso a deterrent worth seeing at that time. Thereý ig SO estuc totholghays nd aso the War Memorial, the Chateau as nmanY ll as possible, but- 110t Laurier Hotel, the Rideau Canal with rrea y enugh.boat trips for a dollar, the tnîp aiong Sussex Street past the French Emi- Bu Ptdget Debate Conijites assy, the Prime Mnister's residenlce e1ha no,, continue the Budige and on to Governmnent House whera delite withopoiion leaders or) our own Governor General Mr. Masý- ing iscussion with their criticisi-.v As they've had 1e4 opeo Annual Tulip Festival kto prUeparv thi sechs The parkways will be a mlaze of ~h ~houd b cone nteestflgad-coilon early in May, The annual Tulip d;e s. Te Buget ebat wilals Fesia is held in- Ottawa from MayI oep 'e- 1by w ýe!I o\er 100 pivate re ers or taling ,about i, :imjan-(Oniudopae5 il)nr'Ô subjcsI si~ fthe open -- -7 ab~ta1~;~s~ nythng. ome ulse it ~ ~teI ofthebeauies nd potenil ite ftheir oýwn Constituleucies. Others piefer to deal with local!p- biemis; the ijnternaitioflallY inded cill miuil over Amýeicaii foreign PolicY and the f a, ,asterîn situation. There seemis to be no en~d t~o fte subjects, isusdon a1 Bu1dgeît debate. It wil last abouit a 1,10110, with legisiation being slipped la i here and there as -we -0g along to lessen the mionotonyan aloto 1>akie(1cetaitýhe commiitteesm comlplete their painistaking eFxamiinaI- tion of the governrnent bis ta be presented. M3aaly Visitors Fromnow until âne, ihe Panlia- menit Buildings,;vilil be vis ited by thovsaa1-ds of adui ts and sehool chIiliren. MWe irecommi(iend such a visit for every child of 12~ or over to show tl hem Canada's beauitïfil Houses of Parlime!it as well as the other linýtS of interest in Ottawa. Once the flow esbloomi it is one of the mos ± trciecities aalYwhere in the wonldj. Beautiful Buildfings The buildings, including the Mem- orial Peace Tlower, should be sýean every Canadlianl. Even we who s e e 1them every, day during the Sessions stili mnarvel tt their stateliess andi takçe pride in showing vstr around. If you should hapipen to corne to0 Ot-. tawai during -tne inét few nronths: [,tactie if YOU have time to Ioo)k arýound. So often, visitons froni Dur- hani telli me after they've returned homle that theY wene in Ottawa and toured the Panliamnent Býuildinjgs but, did't thinik to aisk if I was la. We, aire always delighted to *see somieone froni hOnie, eVen if we've nover met thieni bfreadeven if their poli- ti('-,aPe not, the saine as Ours. We con1sidc'r it an1 honour to be able to shwcostit'uents the points of in- te'rest that usujally are missed on the r eg l r t u . u h s os as the Pr'ess Galeryanda dR enand one otherý plcsrsully, \Výe elso trY to intro- Ken Heron_ Carpenter Orono, Ontario Phone 61r2 Gabi-net Maker Kitezhen Cupboard Trim Wýork, Repaira etc. Orono Electric Plione 93 rL CONTRACTORS Fort FARM aind BO1USE WIRING Free E&tlmates APJLTANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail] aaes of Eleetrical Equipment and Applianees au oters, Water Restera. sfoj~5tvffl ronfit. Pl .1111CAMERON LESKARD,OT. Bleetrie and Acetyiene Weiding Cylinder Blecks and Rends Weided Specializing in ALUMINUM AND ZINC BASE METAL AiU Work Guaranteed Phone Orono I ring 5 Valencia ÙOranges Cuban ineapples California Asparagus Myushrooins 176's 39c 25 c 25e Nue 1 4)e Cello Tube Tomatees' FROZEN FOOD$ BOOTHI tlk loz,& PICTSWEET CUT Green Daeants 10oz* PICTSWEET FORDIIQOK LIma Deans 12 oz. 39c 23c 33c This Thurs. to Sat. ~ i ~ .J g "The Violent Men" ~' "Pirates 0f Tripoly" NEXT MION. TO WED. MATINEE WED at 4-.00 The Wonder Picture of thec Year, WaTt Disney's-m 4420e,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SUA"-. In CinemnaSeope and Technicolor, with Kirk I Douglas, Jaites Nlason and a Great Cast EEVENINGS 75c STIJDENTS 50e <!HILDREiN 25c MATINEE 5Oc STUDENTS 35e CHILDREIN 25e ~tir QnufU~nrr iif ntI~tni to eall upon We streffl nîcees that bereaved. lARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERALIIHOME Family Jar NATIONAL RA3-"'Y WEEK GERBERS BABY "FOOS 3 Orono, Pý-, P',.ý,re 18!-'î l'hone 18r2 2-le