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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1955, p. 3

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gram T o COmi Münday,. July 4th, fromn 9 o'clock hmn. iuitil noon will be registration ~day for the Sumniuer Recreational Pro- g-axyne bcing- sponsored by the Or- inateur Athletic Assocation. Aciiiswil take place in the rnoPark, and will serve children ifromn 3 to 13. Supervisor of thie whiole yTrogi7ammi-e will be Marie Lewis, with Merle Stapietion and Madeline Cowan and Ann Best in charge of the Kinder- garten (fromi 3 to 7) and Marie, Jim Gasyand Paul Rutherford o- i P1 Fwi - Swinmning will be hadlied by the Grono Chapter of the Red Cross, and ktional Pro- will be conducted in. th ring$, in conjunction with our programme. ~ 4tk urt her details on this wilI be pro- mence .Juiy t vided by the Red Cross. Please keep ir. mmmd the date of JReg-istration, ~July 4th, and bring ing with the children over 7 years. your children down for enroliment. 'We need you.r co-operation to make The Kindergarten activities are be- thîs programme a linge success. ing considereb1y enilarged over the 11he cildrentýo ,aId fromn the park. past two yearis. Along with gamnes, ~aet are not encouraged to remain swings and 2lides, we will have an with their chIildreni as we feel we extensive prd;grammii-e of hanidcrafts; have a very competent staff. finer-paatngda moelin,1 For the hifldren of seven. and over weaving, coiouring etc. Al activities hr iib aeaiv;ebltn will be co;iduced out-of-doors. There voan bdinon eare lanning will be a charge of one dollar per week to set up a ping-pong table which per child in this group and the par-. should provide an added interest. ents will be responsible for escorting, i charge of one dollar, will cover the full four week pieriod.! per'child in this group, and the dollar IamWagstaff esRaspberry lIc iCGbbys old Medal Pure (Tee Box) manut Fancy Pineapple .39 24e. 48 oz. 2 Butter 16 oz. il dgmb, Paramount Fancy Red Soekeye dam on/2 lb.3f KENDAL M.adMi.RyKaOrillia andClubs TeNecslefo ___Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Jean be in charge of, the music Weaesorry? to Ieax Mr. George Crooked Creek were visitors with Mr.lHeintzmnan Co. is sending a ni Langataffe is not feeling Wall &t andl Mrs. Bert Thomipson on Sunday. to give an ergan recital aftý presnt ad laundr th docori Mrs. }Iattie Martinell is spendingservice. care. We hope lie will soon bie îm- e ek il r n .- Mrs, L. Thorne and Mrs. A. proved. be'- Colain and famnily, Hamilton. brick have returned home ai We are glad to îearn. lMr. Wni. Mr. and Mrs. Ihompson, 'Mr. and short visit, the former witl MHercer la a littie better and able to Mrs. S iHollandf, -Mr. Uobbie Alex- grandson Mr. Wilfred Roug-hi sit up a litfté for a short timie. ander, Mrs. Fletcher and athte r wee1 - Roughley, Oshawa and t! TheKeda yongfoks av f r Betty, all of Toronto, spentth ek ter with lier daughter Mrs. eachir n the K teUnitednChurcli ander, and enjoyed dînner -with 'Mr.,' iCe% IVr. Price and two dauj morýnlii-inteaUnitd vhRuht. Thomias, Orono, on Saturday. G a t. wýas myuch enJoyed. Mrs. Wm i Jackson- The Dedication of the Hammnondl Miss Colleen Falls, Toront( accomipaniied the choir on the Hm Organ ina memiory of the late J. S. nd Mrs. Arthur Falls, Karler mouýd organ. e.MLein -will be held at the Kenfdalt Jerry, Bowmai<nville and Mr. We hear master Kenny Martinefl United Churcij on Sunday, May 29th Fals Starkville calleý1 on Mrs. bastune ot o e a- oo fshr-at 2.45 p.m.ý The soloist will be Miss Fails on Sunday afternoon a ma. e helped to catch somie nice'Helen Spicer o-d Toronto. The mressagel had supper wýitb Mr. and Mr H1aiiowell and family, Shiloh. Heini'zcream of 10 oz. Soup 2 for 25ci COLGATES GIANT DEAL Dental Cream ~REGULAR $1.18 VALUE 2forS9%c2 Ciiiverhouse Choice Strawberries I5oz3c Reeve's Choice Whoiee Mushrooms AuOoz3y9c Libby's Fancy 48 oz. Torrato Juice 31c HERFO1D2fs 12 oz. Corned Beef 41c Farm Roy Calif. SEEI>LESS Raisins 2 lb 43c Red and White INSTANT -'COFFEE 2oz. !59c Red and White JELLY PO %WDERS LIBBY'S SLICED PINEAPPLE 20) oz 33C Campbellrs Varieties 10 oz. ',Chicken Soup 2for 33c Daiton'sRe-d Marasehlno ilerries î6 oz 423c WINDEX Window Spray o z 'lc Hawe's (New Hard Fini4sh) Floor Gltoss Pt 59c aoo. - -~ - i ]Flood Spice ake mm29 mnson's <Furniture Polish) 3ridefn 8oze79c - .. Z ~ - resh Leanmo orik Shoulders 3 . ,neless (Sold Meat> 'ork DButts 49C ,aealed, IVild Cug ,ottage Rolis 4Ic rift's Qrit>Ie (Store Sliced) dM )Ide Bacon d49c vift's Premiuim Brown N' 'Serve iau age' lb 39c ,fts Premiîum Lunchieon a5 4ieats Sliced65 Windex Sprayers Velvet Tip, 4 strîng Brooms 15c $1,21om Ofeofo, - -- - Flerida Water Ige. sîze melon 59e BRot Blouse 2 fer Cucumbejr À29' Sti4kist, Size 252's 21 Oranges Bliie Bonnet YeIIew Quik Margarine Canadian Slices Kraft Cheese 1b 31 'J F -zOZEN FOODS Birdseye Fresh Frozen1 Il oz. p«kgo 39C Tasy eef RIes a O'z 219c RED H. Repairs - Phone 11910 Hfam 1toleS InsuraweSevc Eery lass of I, nsur-. ance rerstdi OI.g ne fth AS ýik ,e', P - ý s , a - . .,i' , ORONP PIIONE IRifi 'REAL ESTATE EeÈ - Fibre-Glass "Ref rigerated Bag With Zîpper Top Carrying Dozen Cokes Reepdriniks cool f rom 8 te 12 hours Complete with Cokes Mr. J. D). Kenny of Port Hoý-pe a visiter on Sunday 'with Mr. Mrs, F. Stokýer. Many friends and relatives 1 Kendl a ttended the funeral ser of the late M.Wmi. Pa)ttersox Thursday lat at the horne of daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mrs. Paul Me,'cer of Gueli son Arthur of McGill Un'iver,- MNotreal and Paul Jr., Veterir College, Guelphi visited Mrs. l!ýerc parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred 'V.V yen recently. LESKARD (Continued fron page 2) Ix, hmve a Strawberry Social and1 aar on JTune 29th. Decoration Sur will be held on the 26th of June. vice at 7:30Y in the evening. The m ing closed with the Benediction a pleasant social hour was apent. licioxs refreshm-enits ~were, served Mrs. A. Tennant and Mr,,; M. Tho son. A vote of thanks was p t-hankinfg Mrst Chapmnan for aîi and to Mrs. Caineron for the us her homne. W _e were plensed to see se xvrn eut to ehurcli Sunday. The Motf Choir was a great succes and would like to hear themnsingr often. Gu est singer, Mrs. Evs I Brovvn, syFriend" ,vithg depith of feeling. Piano was ea-ýpably played by Mrs. James eron. Mrs. A. Lou~cks was Veryý cessfuf in arranging for the mot te sinig. They ail practised very1 and we hope l'or a. contimiati this type of servie.ý Doli't lorget ptw Straw.%bev-ry r ivara-nd Bazuaar on June 29th, Ev body welcorne. Mr. and Mfrs. H. Gillan, Mr. Ay' Joy and Karen, Toronte were SO day visitera with v. and Mrs. L There was a hea'atifulbak fleurers at lutrch in 1oringimer of Mrs. Wilfred Hawk eon Mt daSr, The flourera urere sent by Mr Hawke and Julie and a. feW( friends. They were ta1ken te the etery aftervards and placed on LI grave. ereed's Fur N h N N i N N s N 'N N s N j N -s - s - N s: N N *~ N N 'N s s s 'i s N * N s N N

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