21b 37c .4,- ') oz. 23c hint lheiT ise ables il oz. pKga 21. >11 10 oz, pkg. 25 C could be more fun f or ail the f amily ternoon outing on a balmy spring day *end plan a picnic in the country with and don't forget ta stock up your pic. eaf Pear Shape dC 3Ulb ^$149 l5 oz. 21C .2 lU> IpL94 16 oz:119c IGA Aluminlum Foil Wrap IGA Waxed Paper Dr. Ballardl.s' Kibble Dr. Ballards' Meaties 25ft lOOft 29c 2lb 32c 2lb 32c Angelus 160 Marshmellows In Shell, Cello 37c 8 oi. 21c package of eight Dixie Cups 2 for 25c Aylmter Boston Urown 20J oz. Prork-Beans 2 for 39c Gerbera Infant Foods Aylmier Choice COrn Aylmer Choice Tid Bits & Jujnior 5 oz. S2 for 19C Cream Style 2 for 20 oz 31c Pineapple 15 oz« 24c Aylmer Fancy 'Strawberries eom Ottawa By John M. -Ja-mes, M.Pr%.. Senate Vacancies the weeken?1, the death of a' Senator once more focuses m) on the Upper House of nent Ilil. At the momrent, ire 22 vacancies in the 102 seat 1 sev'ei ai having been vacant' )r than thre years. P.M. Siil Sient n Tnany quarters,- persistent e is being exerted on the ,Minister to f ili these seats as sposs,çible. 1e liasIthe fnlsa-y- appointmnent. To date, hie has Lned ab'solute silenice, giving tof bis intentions. Bis Are Critical eis conisiderable criticisn'i 'he- uf this lack of ti. Two Lib- onie in the' Nouse. of Gommiionscl e in, the Senjate, bave -present-1 îvate bis fo)r discussion. The qrs 1fui sugg-ests that Se-nators be retired at age 75. The Sen-1 Ilý wo1ldnrakeit iandatory >for 1 -ie Minister to make new%, ap-1 lents within s-ix ýonths afterý acy occurs. It la doubtfuli f bill will pass, bl-Ut it does showý ýnuine concerni of miembers over'ý eral distaste toward appointing per- sons of high standing who have takea no part in partisan politica. If they haven't been sufficiently interested lit the government of Canada te,, k some active part, why shou1d thep (Co5ntinued, on page 5) Carpenter Orono, Onitario t Phone 6lr2 Cab)inet Maker E Ktehen uba, Trirn tWorà, Repaira ze. Orcno Electric Phone 93 r the unhilappy situation. CONTRACTORS FOR Frankly, 1 have the greateet sy- FARM and HOUSiE pathy for the Prime Minister in hisi predicamient. Senate seats are very WIRING def'initely allocaited by provinces. On- tario has 24, Saskatchewan six, Nova Free Fatimates Scotia 10 and se on. But that isn't APPLIANCE SALES, a11. Traditionally, there are Protes- tant, Irish Catholic and French Cath- Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire olic appointments, anid there would 'o all makes of Electrical Equlpm.u< ebttrcriticisin if this balance and Appliance. jwere upset. cal.a Moters. Wtt.. eatrtk, tWam 'More Opposition SA.. to,@&eu Iv PteF Those outside Liberal circles and,__________________ nddsomne within -would like to see Liberal ranks. This Nvould boister the opposition forces; aboya the pr1esenlt svnaging Coniservatives. Th situ ation arose because the Liberala have ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE bec-n in power for 20 years, during, yine Bok wilich period no opposition appoint-j CyidrBck ments have Ibeen imace. There are neo and Head3 CCF or Social Credit Seniators. 'Wle Many SuggestionsISpcaiigl Msofthe sugg'(estionishv corne A BASE METAL) IN, fr-oni non Liberals. Long service, weASEALU I MEADZN qualfiedLibeals eelORNýAMENTAL RAILINGS quaifed ibral felthey are eni- FRE SCREEMiS etc. titled te first consideration for h Senate anid argue that if the situa- il Ail1 Work Guar auteed - tien were reveirsedl, the Conserv-,ativeOs 1I JIM CAMERON or other parties would certainly net Phone ORONO 1 ring 5 appoint Libea ere is also a gen-. 15 oz. 33c - -o -- - C hips 14 Relish OZ. 12 12z. I French's Prepared 6 oz. " IMustard 2 for 203C I LO.A. Vranks Bt p.g:Rlis S per packge P Per Unit33C Jb 390 Iceberg 3 buaches 250 ju*mbo h.ad 190 v eal Leg ROUSis lb 550 lb 290 Swift Preiumva Cello Package Cooed"am, 6 oz.39 A Chubs Chuhs lb 143c 10 oz. mà 10 oz. 2ve York, Round Spiced Beef 12oz 12 oz* Frontenac a oh Serviettes 70"s 2 for 29c In CiniemaScope With Jeff Chandler, Jack Palance and RitaC "4 GIJNS TO TITE BOR' W'ith Rory Caihoun and CoIleen Miller Next Mon. & Tues. 44MANY Rt VERS TO CROSS" in CinemaScope With Robert Taylor radamao Pre ",RING 'OF FEAR" (Ad ZDE" "HOUSE OF WAX" (Aý This Thurs. & Fri, In Technicolor With Fred Astaire. SIelton and Vera-El tWed. and Thu "*SKY CONMMA',NDO" With Dan Duryea and Francis Gifford Ail-Teçbnicolor Show ,Witli Cornet Wilde anid Constance Snmith -THE LA-%W VERSUS BILLY THE KID" With Scott Brady and Betta St. John I After-Sunday Midnight Horror Show IThe Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" Coming, Next -Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Great Adventure, Filmed in Canada, in Technicolor~ With Alan Ladd and Shelley Winters > 'N~ 49c (20e off Meal) Tide Detergent 53c Lean, (Freshly Gro-und) lý--"